View Full Version : Pool Party- SHOCKING revelation!!

05-07-2005, 18:10
Makosi has sensationally suggested that her steamy session with Anthony in the pool was more than just heavy petting.

The truth about Saturday night is still vague, but Makosi implied to Team Diva that her fumble with Anthony went the whole way. Blimey!

In a breathtaking tete-a-tete-a-tete in the Loft, Makosi declared to Vanessa and Kemal that she reached unimaginable heights of excitement, leaving the amazed listeners resembling Guppy fish at feeding time.

"I need you guys to promise not to talk about it to anybody," she urged, as her confidents drew her in for comforting hugs.

"I don't want Anthony to know," she mysteriously urged, as conversation turned to possible repercussions of the brief encounter.

Following a collection of astonished gasps and promises of secrecy, Makosi disappeared to the Diary Room to discuss the situation with Big Brother.

Well, well - what would Anthony say? If only he knew...

05-07-2005, 18:27
She has even said she 'could be pregnant' the sad attention seeking b***h

She makes me want to heave.

05-07-2005, 18:28
Did she really say that!! :eek:

05-07-2005, 18:36
Yep she did... yet again attention me me mekosi!!!!!!!!!!! How pathetic!!

05-07-2005, 18:43
Well if she is telling the truth about being a virgin (yeah right and im Britney Spears) then its hardly a great way of losing your virginity on National tv is it! God that girl seriously gets on my nerves! She needs to be put in her place!
People thought Sam was a s**g pft shes nowt compared to that afro b***h
Id laugh my head off if it turned out she was pregnant

05-07-2005, 19:07
What would Big Brother do then, eh?!

05-07-2005, 19:11
Makosi has sensationally suggested that her steamy session with Anthony in the pool was more than just heavy petting.

"I don't want Anthony to know," she mysteriously urged, as conversation turned to possible repercussions of the brief encounter.

Following a collection of astonished gasps and promises of secrecy, Makosi disappeared to the Diary Room to discuss the situation with Big Brother.

Well, well - what would Anthony say? If only he knew...

just wondering, how would anthony not know?????

is that not know that she has told the others??

05-07-2005, 19:32
Antony was so drunk that he doesn't even remember kissing anyone, let alone doing anything else.

05-07-2005, 19:38
oh dear!!!

05-07-2005, 19:41
I cant wait untill his interview with Davina whenever he gets evicted.... he is gonna get SUCH a shock!

He he he

05-07-2005, 19:44
he he!!! cringe alert!!!! when he sees the play back!!!! ha ha

05-07-2005, 19:46
If him or makosi got to the very end, and the other is there watching the interview, like they normally do on the final, would make it even more classic!

05-07-2005, 19:48

i can't wait!!!!

05-07-2005, 19:51
End of the day Makosi didn't maintain the interest of everyone after the pool thing so she has to fabricate more to get attention back on her. SUCH A TRANSPARENT PERSON.

Also does she not have a boyfriend on the outside... YES
Does Oral not have a boyfriend on the outside - YES
Does Anthony have a woman on the outside - APPARENTLY NOT

So who is at fault there!

They were quick to call Saskia for having relations with Max and saying she was with someone but from all accounts it wasn't a true love thing anyway. And gosh isn't her ex (saskias) milking it for everything he can get... she is well shot of him. Good luck to her I reckon.

05-07-2005, 19:52

He's gonna get the shock of his life when he is evicted, especially if Makosi does keep what actually happened secret from him. He is gonna hate her for doing that... histerical :lol:

05-07-2005, 20:13
i heard her say that she 'might be pregnant'! oh my gosh i cant believe this! when i was watching it live on that night it looked like they went the whole way, i could tell by her face that they did have sex lol. what if she is really pregnant?! oh no! what would BB do?!

05-07-2005, 20:15
They couldn't exactly evict her or anything, because it's not like they didn't want them to do what they did is it

05-07-2005, 20:16
Remember Anthony was involved in all this.

How can she think she might be pregant after a few days??? (correct me if i'm wrong but didnt think you would know after a few days) IMO she is attention seaking

05-07-2005, 20:19
She probably is just attention seeking, maybe even lying, but it would be quite interesting to see what Big Brother would do if she was pregnant

05-07-2005, 20:24
no she only said she might be pregnant as another way of saying 'me and anthony had sex' so basically she is saying there is a chance she could be but she doesnt actually know she is or thinks she is she just means there is a possibility she might be.

05-07-2005, 20:26
I wonder if she's still insisting shes a virgin then :rotfl:

05-07-2005, 21:09
I think that they did go the whole way..Anthony is obviously regretting it so that's why he's denying everything and saying he cant remember etc ..yeah right darlin' we believe ya

05-07-2005, 21:11
she is such an attention seeking cow!!! i really don't like her!!! yes it did take two people to do what they apparently did, but if anthony was really that drunk to not remember he should be told what happened, it might jog his memory.
has bb offered any emergency contraception? as she may just be saying it to get attention but if they did go all the way it is a possibility

05-07-2005, 21:19
the others are so up her ass as well,its being edited for her to win,if she doesnt id be amazed cus if the votes dont go her way im sure they will fix it to have a black winner this year,no im not racist before anyone starts ranting. :)

05-07-2005, 21:22
the others are so up her ass as well,its being edited for her to win,if she doesnt id be amazed cus if the votes dont go her way im sure they will fix it to have a black winner this year,no im not racist before anyone starts ranting. :)

totally aggree, and i am not a racist either

05-07-2005, 21:52
also isnt it a little bit odd that shes the one always having to do things like secret missions etc,like when she first came in and then with the secret housemates among other things and the task eugene did today had her in it too,coincidence? i think not.

05-07-2005, 21:54
a couple of things can be a conincidence there is just too much!!! can i be the first to say MOLE??????

05-07-2005, 21:55
maybe not but you know what i mean

05-07-2005, 21:57
yeah its all a bit suss if you ask me

05-07-2005, 22:23
I didn't watch it on *that* night so im not sure if they did do it , but she's suggesting she's pregnant ? imagine if she was and she kept the baby ? oh my god , that is horrible imagine it , seen being conceived on LIVE tv? wrong.

05-07-2005, 22:26
also why is she always at the beginning of the conga? why is the camera always going on her more then the others? note she nominated orlaith just because shes jelous of her simple as that.oh and maxwell cus he knocked her back.

05-07-2005, 22:30
i did like her , now she is just an attention seeker , i suppose the camera is on her because she shows off , which ma be entertaining(?) x

05-07-2005, 22:38
are kemal and vanessa that dumb that they are going to believe her? im sure anthony would remember if he had sex with her as he hadnt had that much to drink as we know in the bb house theres never much alcohol plus he was beggin craig for some that night and they were sharing a glass.
i cant believe she said i could be pregnant,im 90 - 100% sure.does she know it can take more then once to get pregnant? why didnt she ask for the morning after pill? shes just a attention seeker,she said sorry to her mum after what she did the other night but im sure her mum would be more ashamed about what shes saying/doing now.

05-07-2005, 22:38
i liked her too at one point but definitely not now, she is really a drama queen no wonder her and kemal get on so well

05-07-2005, 22:53
also how can she possibly think she is 100% pregnant the day after?