View Full Version : Neighbours Spoilers 7th- 11th August

22-07-2017, 01:10

After Terese confides in him, Paul does his best to stop Nick from being granted parole.

Meanwhile, a hallucination makes Steph worry that her mental health problems may be returning. She confides in Mark, whose loyalties are divided between her and Paige.

Elsewhere, Mishti takes drastic action to bring her family together.


When Paul and Gary argue over her new treatment, Gary is shattered to learn from Terese that she told Paul about her cancer before him.

Meanwhile, taking Mark's advice, Steph confesses her mental health problems to Jack, but will it derail her new romance?

Elsewhere, Elly finds Mark babysitting Gabe at Paige's and can't resist the opportunity to flirt with him.


Gary's confidence in Terese is shattered, but Piper and Xanthe intervene to reunite the two.

Meanwhile, a nasty prank by Tia and Kirsha leaves Elly underdressed for an important pitch to the education department.

Elsewhere, Karl and Susan return from Thailand, but what did Karl do over there to incur Susan's annoyance?


Sonya suspects Amy has a crush on Toadie.

Meanwhile, Yashvi learns who was behind the prank on Elly and takes the rap.

Elsewhere, Elly realises Susan is disappointed in her, but matters improve when Mark encourages Elly to stand up for herself – and asks her out on a date.

Also today, Sheila decides to take on Karl for leadership role on the Liveability Committee.


After Toadie makes it clear to Amy that he only regards her as a friend, Sonya raises his hopes of a reconciliation with her.

Meanwhile, Karl's misdemeanour in Thailand is revealed and he withdraws his candidacy for leadership of the Liveability Committee.

Elsewhere, Steph is hurt that Paige does not want her near Gabe.

And coming soon...

Sonya and Toadie resume their marriage guidance sessions.
Amy's flirtation with a handsome stranger leads to trouble.
The Brennan brothers receive some shocking news.
Sheila becomes the reluctant keeper of a secret.
Paige suppresses her feelings as Mark and Elly get closer.

Digital Spy

30-07-2017, 23:29
TV Week has this plot teaser for the week 7th - 11th August:

'Hello Anyone?'

Elly Is Humiliated When She's The Victim Of A Cruel Prank.

We've all had bad days at work, but getting stuck in the nude? That's rough!

Elly (Jodi Anasta) has faced her share of scandals since arriving at Erinsborough High. There was the flirtation with a student, and she was almost discredited by her nasty ex Finn (Rob Mills).

But this is a new low for poor Miss Conway.

Desperate to make the school spick-and-span for the education department, Elly polices the uniforms. She quickly makes an enemy of student Tia (Erica Brown).

When Yashvi (Olivia Junkeer) spills serum on Elly, the teacher has no choice but to have a quick shower at school.

It's them that Tia exacts revenge, forcing meek Kirsha (Vani Dhir) to steal Elly's clothes.

Naked and far from help, will Elly escape unseen?

(Emergency nudie runs weren't in the job description!)

31-07-2017, 00:55
And the Digital Spy article on Elly's 'nudie run'

Neighbours nude shock for Elly Conway after she makes an enemy at school

Will this destroy her plans to pitch to the Department?


Elly Conway faces a humiliating experience on Neighbours next week as her clothes are stolen in a nasty prank at school.

The temporary headteacher gets targeted at the worst possible time, as she's preparing to pitch to the Department for more funding at Erinsborough High and needs the day to go smoothly.

Elly (Jodi Anasta) is confident this is her big chance to prove herself to her aunt Susan Kennedy, but she comes down hard on the students by enforcing strict uniform rules so they can impress their important visitor.

The new rules mean that Elly makes an enemy of popular girl Tia, but it's her own outfit that soon becomes the problem when Yashvi Rebecchi accidentally squirts moisturising serum all over her in the school corridor.


As a panicking Elly rushes off for a shower, Tia encourages Kirsha to get revenge on her behalf by stealing her clothes from the shower room.

Kirsha is so intimidated by Tia that she reluctantly follows her instructions, leaving poor Elly in the nude and utterly helpless.

After grabbing a nearby banner from the wall, Elly rushes off to her office and begs Ben Kirk to bring her some clothes from lost property – but it's already too late when the chaotic situation gets witnessed by Susan and Lane Kline from the Department.

Susan is furious with Elly for messing up so badly, but will the true culprit behind the day's events be caught out?


Neighbours airs these scenes on Wednesday, August 9 at 1.45pm and 5.30pm on Channel 5.

01-08-2017, 00:07
Radiotimes.com article:

Neighbours: Karl and Sheila do battle - but what's Dr K hiding?

It's not very neighbourly in Ramsay Street next week...

http://images.radiotimes.com/namedimage/Neighbours__Karl_and_Sheila_do_battle___but_what_s _Dr_K_hiding_.jpg?quality=85&mode=crop&width=620&height=374&404=tv&url=/uploads/images/original/144292.12858862-393c-4c6b-8796-dcdfe60b1c30.jpg

Community spirit is notably lacking in Neighbours next week when Karl Kennedy and Sheila Canning go head-to-head to lead the Liveability committee - and things get very dirty.

As the Kennedys return from their trip to Thailand, there's tension between the couple - but why? As rumours become have among the Ramsay Street residents as to what really happened on their holiday, Karl confides in Shane Rebecchi that he committed a 'shameful act' while they were away - and he's in the doghouse with Susan. But that's all the details he's prepared to divulge for now...

With Sonya's Liveability initiative needing a figurehead, Karl and Sheila bicker about who's best for the job, so Son arranges for the locals to vote on the matter.


Sheila clocks Susan isn't at the voting to support her husband she challenges her opponent as to why - and edgy Karl thinks his nosy neighbour knows all about his mysterious Thailand secret... Bluffing that she knows everything, ashamed Karl withdraws from the race and Sheila is declared victorious.

Assuming that Karl must've cheated on his missus on their trip (it's not like he hasn't got form on the wandering eye front), Sheila and Dipi Rebecchi rush over to Susan to offer their support.


Meanwhile, Karl finally reveals the shocking truth to Shane - so what did he really do? Has he betrayed Susan again? Or is there a more innocent - or embarrassing - explanation? And will Sheila ever let Karl live down his defeat?

Neighbours airs these scenes on Friday 11 August on Channel 5 at 1.45pm and 5.30pm.