View Full Version : Battle of the Wills

04-07-2005, 19:23
Maxwell and Orlaith had a kiddy water fight in the garden, and ended up with a battle of wills over her Rep's role.

Maxwell chased Orlaith around the garden with the hose, laughing as she screamed, "Noooo!"

"He's such a wee *******," she muttered under her breath as she tried to hold up a sun lounger to protect herself from her chuckling tormentor.

Orlaith repaired to the safety of the loft, where Kemal and Makosi were chilling. As she relaxed Maxwell crept up the steps with a glass of water, leant through the window and dumped the water on Orlaith, who screamed with shock.

"Orlaith, get out and give that boy some what for!" said Kemal. "Go and hit him over the head with your stiletto."

Orlaith was understandably cross. Her Rep's uniform was soaked and she will fail the task if she doesn't wear it. Her natural instinct to disrobe is being stymied.

He is so bad. Why, why?" she asked no one in particular.

When Makosi asked why he did it though, Orlaith told her it was because she had wrecked Maxwell and Anthony's sandcastle.

When they next met, without water weaponry, Maxwell again tried to impose some dominance over Orlaith.

"Go request some booze for tonight," he ordered. Orlaith refused, much to Maxwell's annoyance.

"I'm not your slave," Orlaith told him sternly.

Maxwell flimsily suggested he meant she should request alcohol for herself. And him.

"I don't want any alcohol," she replied.

"Well I ********** do!" he barked back. "You're supposed to do everything for us."

Orlaith told him the Reps were supposed to cook and clean for them, prompting Maxwell to demand toast.

Sadly, Orlaith informed him, the restaurant was closed, leaving one unhappy punter. Shame.