View Full Version : This Charming Man

03-07-2005, 21:08
Vanessa's prediction of romance between Orlaith and Maxwell might have some legs. Maxwell has been trying the same method he used on Saskia - disgust the girl you fancy and she will be yours.

"I'm going to leave you with a nice trump," he said as he prepared to leave the loft. "It'll take a couple of minutes."

"Please don't," said Orlaith.

Orlaith upbraided Maxwell for his "dirty habits", to his great surprise.

"Like what?" he protested.

Orlaith quoted the geezer saying he was "warming up a nice one for you". But rather than justify his bowel obsessions, he launched into a monologue on them

I've been baking one all day. I've sat on the pan twice. Usually it comes flying out," not taking into account his audience's disgust and disinterest.

Orlaith called him a "typical bloke".

"All blokes are like it," he reckoned.

"Not the older, mature ones," Orlaith said.

"Boring ones, you mean," said Maxwell.

"Sexy ones," insisted Orlaith.

They would have to agree to differ. Clearly they like different types of men. Orlaith likes sexy, mature men, and Maxwell, young blokes in touch with their evacuations.

How will they ever get together

03-07-2005, 22:30
Total and utter crap.

Max and Saskia's relationship was based on them having things in common. Saskia liked football and that drew her straight away to Maxwell.

Also her ideal man drawing that she did before going in is the spitting image of Maxwell... it was amazing.

Maxwell is not thick and I truly believe that he will see through all Makosi and Orla's plans to get it on with him. They are tryign to prove something and to piss off Saskia... all they have so far ended up doing is making themselves look like whores and desperate.

Also if you hear Maxwel and Orla talking it is slagging off and maxwell is loving it.. he never slagged off Saskia. It seems to me that he doesn't like Orla one bit and as for Makosi... if he went with her I would eat my hat.....

Maxwell is for once getting the genuine editing and makosi and orla are being shown for what they really are.

Loved the way that Maxwell is being all paternal with Craig... true friendship... besides.. he knows what Craig feels about Anthony and is the only person in there who knows and he hasn't blabbed it to anyone else. That is a respectful friend. Team Makosi are still slagging each other off and for pity's sakes... Saskia has gone... why still bitch about her.. yawn yawn

04-07-2005, 09:00
There is no way Max is gonna ruin what he has with Saskia for a little fumble with Orlaith, plus he knows that she waiting for him! :D

04-07-2005, 09:04
Yeah gbut is she waiting on him? Will she be there for him coming out of the house? I dont think so

04-07-2005, 12:50
He's just trying to get himself in the papers again though, dont ya think?

phils little sister
04-07-2005, 12:53
As Kemal said they have their magazine deal!

04-07-2005, 18:35
What a bunch of hardened cynics... I have never taken a word Kemal or Makosi say as accurate as they spend far too much time lying and exaggerating.

Who says that she is not going to wait for him?????????

Who says they are doing it all for a magazine deal?

Whatever people think my honest opinion is that the lad is smitten with her and I don't think he will be interested in any of the other girls in there. Besides.... Orla does not come across like Max's type he would go for.. I just think he enjoys winding her up to see her bite.... which she always does. His connection with saskia (romance aside) was genuine in that they had a friendship and found one another funny.... Orla does not have a funny bone in her body.. though I am sure she could get one surgically implanted..and probably will.

I mean.. like Dermot said tonight... 'they are her boobs...not some apples she is holding... most decent women would not constantly draw attention to them in the most overt manner as if they are toys... .. what a ho!'