View Full Version : teams

02-07-2005, 19:29

02-07-2005, 19:51
i prefer maokis's bunch but the saskias group are normal and like craig knows if u ha ng wiuth them u will stay for longer

god i hate criag the little brown noser!


02-07-2005, 20:06
def team saskia, can't stand the rest of them!!!

02-07-2005, 20:30
Kemal and makosi are the best!!

02-07-2005, 20:37
Oooo wonder which one I chose!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well here's a hint.

I chose the team that contains people who are themselves warts and all.
The team where they are not all firmly rammed up one anothers a***es.
The team who are genuine to one another and who do not go round bad mouthing team mates to anyone else.
The team who are actually trying to keep themselves entertained rather than thinking that a loft bitching session is entertaining when it's for the 50th time that day!!!!!!!

Hmm wonder which team I would prefer to be on......

03-07-2005, 08:32
sorry this is going to sound really dumb
but i dont really know
i tink it might be saskias

03-07-2005, 11:16
i would want to be in team saskia cos the rest are just drama queens

03-07-2005, 14:59
Last night's shenaigans succeeded in showing one person in a good light. While Makosi and Kemal and Oral have tried to make Maxwell look bad all along.. last night succeeded in showing him as the most respectable and moralistic of that bunch. His liaisons with Saskia have been undercover maintaining some decency... unlike Makosi... Orla....Anthony etc............

If anyone condones their actions then they are hypocritical... if anyone feels sympathy for them yet not for max and saskia they are hypocritical.
Makosi and Oral have boyfriends on the outside... they were being digusting last night... there is a difference between two people with genuine feelings that in time led to 'fumblings' and between two or more people getting up to all sorts with people they dont even like just for the cameras and the attention... also setting out with a game plan to snare maxwell even though they dont like him........ THAT IS PROSTITUTING themselves.....

Also Makosi might have bitten off her nose to spite her face by going after Maxwell when she knows full well that Vanessa actually has stated on a few occasions that she likes Maxwell.......hmmm nice way for a 'friend' to treat a 'friend' hope Vanessa now sees Makosi for what she is.... Kemal also knows how vanessa feels and he should take Makosi to task over it too... but no doubt he won't cos he is chicken liver!

03-07-2005, 15:47
Last night's shenaigans succeeded in showing one person in a good light. While Makosi and Kemal and Oral have tried to make Maxwell look bad all along.. last night succeeded in showing him as the most respectable and moralistic of that bunch. His liaisons with Saskia have been undercover maintaining some decency... unlike Makosi... Orla....Anthony etc............

If anyone condones their actions then they are hypocritical... if anyone feels sympathy for them yet not for max and saskia they are hypocritical.
Makosi and Oral have boyfriends on the outside... they were being digusting last night... there is a difference between two people with genuine feelings that in time led to 'fumblings' and between two or more people getting up to all sorts with people they dont even like just for the cameras and the attention... also setting out with a game plan to snare maxwell even though they dont like him........ THAT IS PROSTITUTING themselves.....

Also Makosi might have bitten off her nose to spite her face by going after Maxwell when she knows full well that Vanessa actually has stated on a few occasions that she likes Maxwell.......hmmm nice way for a 'friend' to treat a 'friend' hope Vanessa now sees Makosi for what she is.... Kemal also knows how vanessa feels and he should take Makosi to task over it too... but no doubt he won't cos he is chicken liver!

i could have not put it better myself!!! :cheer:

by the way did you call orla oral by mistake or on purpose?? :searchme: