View Full Version : dismal dress

01-07-2005, 22:54
To mark the eviction of either Maxwell or Saskia tonight, mischievous Team Diva are planning to wear black.

Kemal, Makosi, Vanessa and possibly Orlaith are toying with the idea of wearing black to show they won't be sorry to see the back of one or other of the lovebirds.

We're sure Mary would approve of this dress code, but it's not one of the nicest eviction night gestures we've seen, especially not for whoever leaves.

There was a tense moment when Saskia asked Vanessa what she would be wearing for the eviction night. "A black top, and my pink jacket cos I'm in a good mood," Vanessa said sweetly.

"I'm definitely going to wear a black top," she added, as Saskia and Maxwell remained unaware of Team Diva's dastardly dressing up plot.

We think Team Diva should lighten up.