View Full Version : Scoobies

01-07-2005, 20:41
You know them weird stringy things, lol well does anyone know of any websites which have step to step pictures on how you do them darn things, all the lil kids seem to know how to do them but me and my friend are serioulsy confused as to how to do them, her kiddies want some and were trying to figure out how the hell you work them, lol

samantha nixon
01-07-2005, 20:56
i dont no where you can find out how to make them but you can buy a book from the entertainer and there are instructions on some of the packs

01-07-2005, 21:01
they are a nightmare i can't do the flippin' things!!!!

samantha nixon
01-07-2005, 21:03
i can do them its just hard to explain but my mate can do names and everything in them

01-07-2005, 21:05
my son has them, but i try and get totally stressed out doing them!! i have been shown step by step how to do them and i still can't!!

samantha nixon
01-07-2005, 21:08
i no i can do the basic one and thats it

01-07-2005, 21:10
i think maybe i am just too old to learn somthing new!!!

samantha nixon
01-07-2005, 21:14
Did U Not Have Them When U Wa Younger As My Mum Is Similar Age And She Used To Do Them

01-07-2005, 21:18
nope, i had never heard of them until my son started asking for them!! how old is your mum?

samantha nixon
01-07-2005, 21:19
37 so its a bit of a gap but phases usually last a while dont though

01-07-2005, 21:21
i am only 28, soit must have phased out by the time it got to me!! when i was younger we played elastics, do they still play that now???

samantha nixon
01-07-2005, 21:24
what is it as it could have a different name

01-07-2005, 21:28
i will have a think back and let you know, i will speak to my sis later and ask her

01-07-2005, 21:31
Bugger that, im not gonna buy a book lol i'll have to ask one of the kiddies up the stables

01-07-2005, 21:56
i have loads they are really easy to do and if your bored are great fun
took me bout 2 hours to master though

01-07-2005, 22:55
aaah my mates little girl made some for us. she made a helicopter for my little boy!! i was looking at the trying to figure out how they were made

samantha nixon
02-07-2005, 10:07
my sister knows how to make the helicopters i think there ace i just cant do them i can only do the boring ones

02-07-2005, 10:17
me too

samantha nixon
02-07-2005, 10:19
sorry to change the subject but how did you get so many post in a couple of months i wanna get a 1000 so i can have an avator

di marco
03-07-2005, 08:24
sorry to change the subject but how did you get so many post in a couple of months i wanna get a 1000 so i can have an avator

just post loads to loads of different threads and topics, thats what i do, and have conversations with people about different things. it doesnt take that long. ive got over 3000 and i havent even been on here 5 months yet!

di marco
03-07-2005, 08:25
back to the subject of scoobies, i can do the boring square ones but thats it. i just watched my cousin do it and picked it up really quickly from following him. never seen the other ones though but they sound cool

03-07-2005, 08:29
me too i can only do the boring ones!!

03-07-2005, 08:46
I can do the square and circle ones and make letters and stuff, but I can't do the really complex ones

03-07-2005, 08:47
how do you do them ones

03-07-2005, 08:56
i can do the flying ones!!!

03-07-2005, 09:05

03-07-2005, 09:30
I can't do them either, all my mates can and i'm just a larry loner, except for when they try to teach me, i just can't get the hang of it!

03-07-2005, 09:31
same but i dotnr eally dot hem any more

03-07-2005, 09:55
i cant do them either it took me ages just to learn how to plait.

03-07-2005, 10:04
the flying ones are easy, you get the scoobies screw them up in a ball then throw them!!! i get so frustrated i can't do them!!!!!

03-07-2005, 10:07
well i can do the flying ones then there quite easy.

03-07-2005, 10:08
they are the easiest ones to do!!!!

di marco
03-07-2005, 10:48
the flying ones are easy, you get the scoobies screw them up in a ball then throw them!!! i get so frustrated i can't do them!!!!!

hehe lol! :D i thought there was some complicated way when you first said about flying ones!!!

samantha nixon
03-07-2005, 11:12
i can do the flying ones aswell

04-07-2005, 11:21
my daughter is well into them

04-07-2005, 11:26
If you go onto The Book Peoples website, theres a book on them for £1.99 at the mo!!

04-07-2005, 12:17
Its actually called loopy loos but people call them scooby doos or in this case scoobies. I can only do this basic one too but names wow!!!

phils little sister
04-07-2005, 12:52
i was trying for ages to learn how to do them then i asked the little girl next door to show me (she is only 7) now i have got the hang of them im flying through them but everyone keep's asking me to make them some! they are actually pretty easy to do once you get the hang of them! i have loads of lovely coloured ones im making a keyring one at the moment green and white its lovely!

04-07-2005, 16:53
i got the book that teaches you how to make them and i can make all sorts like helicopters and stuff

04-07-2005, 17:37
i got the book that teaches you how to make them and i can make all sorts like helicopters and stuff
wow where did you get that from??? :hmm:

04-07-2005, 17:48
the entertainer

04-07-2005, 17:52
the entertainer
the what?

05-07-2005, 13:40
loads on ebay for them aswell

samantha nixon
05-07-2005, 17:54
the what?

its a shop theres quite a few in the uk

05-07-2005, 20:17
oh ok thanks i just have no idea where to find this shop

06-07-2005, 10:31
Like I said, Book People (online aswell) have one for sale at £1.99 instead of £3.99

06-07-2005, 18:27
Like I said, Book People (online aswell) have one for sale at £1.99 instead of £3.99
ok thankyou it doesnt really matter now cos my parents dont let me buy stuff off the net but thanks for the info anyway :)

samantha nixon
07-07-2005, 08:20
oh ok thanks i just have no idea where to find this shop

if you type in google the entertainer and click the first link then that is the site and click find youre local store and it has a list where it is

07-07-2005, 21:53
if you type in google the entertainer and click the first link then that is the site and click find youre local store and it has a list where it is
wow ok thanks for your help :cheer:

di marco
09-07-2005, 14:29
ok thankyou it doesnt really matter now cos my parents dont let me buy stuff off the net but thanks for the info anyway :)

you can order from the bookpeople over the phone too, thats what my mum does

09-07-2005, 15:03
you can order from the bookpeople over the phone too, thats what my mum doesAnd by post

25-07-2005, 14:34
Update - I bought an ebook from ebay for 45p, but am willing to email to anyone that would like a copy. Its in word format and has 186 pages. Its really easy to follow, and my son and I have been addicted all weekend!!! :D

25-07-2005, 14:56
my sister brought some of them i don't know what the hell you do with them they are a real pain in the :moonie: !

25-07-2005, 14:57
Most of them I made into keyrings, but my eldest made a heart for his girlfriend!!! :wub: :wub:

25-07-2005, 14:59
Most of them I made into keyrings, but my eldest made a heart for his girlfriend!!! :wub: :wub:
:lol: aww

25-07-2005, 15:06
Very cute for an 11 1/2 year old! And he made her a beaded bracelet aswell - bless!

25-07-2005, 16:24
i got given some but i havemnt a clue what to do with them!

25-07-2005, 19:12
Update - I bought an ebook from ebay for 45p, but am willing to email to anyone that would like a copy. Its in word format and has 186 pages. Its really easy to follow, and my son and I have been addicted all weekend!!! :Dwow thats so cool could you send me a copy in a email please

25-07-2005, 23:09
wow thats so cool could you send me a copy in a email pleaseHopefully on its way to you.

25-07-2005, 23:59
wow thank you so much

26-07-2005, 00:02
just looked through it and it looks great, im going on hoilday soon so i'll be doing them the whole two weeks, agian thankyou sooooooo much

26-07-2005, 07:38
they are a nightmare i can't do the flippin' things!!!!

Nor can i. I can do them but i cant start them, i had to get my friend's sister to start one for me.

26-07-2005, 07:41
Update - I bought an ebook from ebay for 45p, but am willing to email to anyone that would like a copy. Its in word format and has 186 pages. Its really easy to follow, and my son and I have been addicted all weekend!!! :D

Could you email to me aswell please?

26-07-2005, 08:44
just looked through it and it looks great, im going on hoilday soon so i'll be doing them the whole two weeks, agian thankyou sooooooo muchNo probs - have fun!!

26-07-2005, 08:47
Could you email to me aswell please?Shall see what I can do :)

26-07-2005, 11:55
Most of them I made into keyrings, but my eldest made a heart for his girlfriend!!! :wub: :wub:

can i have a copy please

Bad Wolf
26-07-2005, 13:53
my little bro (hes 9) is obsessed! and so am i when i go home- he gets me to do them for him

26-07-2005, 14:12
i love scoubidou, i've been doing them since i was 7. i have far too many now but i keep going!!

Bad Wolf
26-07-2005, 14:16
how old are you now?

26-07-2005, 14:16

Bad Wolf
26-07-2005, 14:20
cool, sam (my bro) learned it at cubs (or what ever 9 year olds do that leads to scouts)

26-07-2005, 14:21
beavers isn't it??

Bad Wolf
26-07-2005, 14:23
havent a clue, he like it tho,
when i go back i get to do them- they are addictive although they cramp up your fingers

26-07-2005, 14:23
some melted once

Bad Wolf
26-07-2005, 14:27
they stink!!!!

26-07-2005, 14:27
what scoubidous??

Bad Wolf
26-07-2005, 14:35
yup! they have a horrible plasitc-y smell

26-07-2005, 14:36
yeah i despise the smell as well, but i find it fun

26-07-2005, 14:38
Shall see what I can do :)

26-07-2005, 15:44
can i have a copy pleaseHopefully winging its way to you!

26-07-2005, 15:45
Thanks.Haven't forgotten you - you are more fun to send to than the others cause of the links but I've sent an email about it so hopefully you should get it soon hon!

26-07-2005, 23:22
wow sound like youve been busy

27-07-2005, 09:16
I like to help :D

I think its easier to do it this way though, rather than people trying to find out where to get books etc....this was, I paid 45p for it and if anyone would like a copy, its no probs. Why say, I've got a 186 page word document full of them, but you're not having a look and are going to have to find it yourself - I'm not like that :D

I was really chuffed the other day though, cause I made the rocket and it only took about 2 hours (on and off that is though!)

samantha nixon
28-07-2005, 12:00
would i be able to have a copy or would you be able to tell me where you got it from as i have the book from the entertainer but i think its confusing and i got another book which is even harder

28-07-2005, 13:44
would i be able to have a copy or would you be able to tell me where you got it from as i have the book from the entertainer but i think its confusing and i got another book which is even harder
thanksIts on its way!! :D

28-07-2005, 13:45

samantha nixon
29-07-2005, 11:45
Its on its way!! :D


Bad Wolf
29-07-2005, 11:45
where do you get it from?

29-07-2005, 12:03
I bought it from ebay for 45p. Its all virus checked etc, so I like to share the knowledge!!! lol. GR has a copy too for anyone who wants it that I can't forward it to.

Bad Wolf
29-07-2005, 12:04
just ordered a book from amazon to be sent to my little bro

samantha nixon
29-07-2005, 16:22
thanks jojomum28 i got the document just now

29-07-2005, 16:24
thanks jojomum28 i got the document just now
thanksNo problem - enjoy!

29-07-2005, 17:20
Scoobies are well good. I can do them with up to 8 strings. I've done loads for my German teacher in the German flag colours, and some in French and Spanish colours.

29-07-2005, 17:21
yeah, i can do up to 10 and i enjoy them lo. people aren't bothered to learn how to do the more complex ones though, so they get bored and move on but i haven't!!!

29-07-2005, 17:32
I make peoples initals as well, and intertwine them in a scoobie

29-07-2005, 17:32
how do you do those??

29-07-2005, 17:36
Make a really long one, and do it around a piece of thin wire. Then bend it into shape. Do the second inital by doing another scoobie, but intertwineing it

29-07-2005, 17:37
o cool... down to hobbycraft for the wire for me then!! thanks

29-07-2005, 17:38
I put them inside cards on someones birthday. Fun for me, and a cheap pressie!

29-07-2005, 17:39
i give them to people who are leaving, to remeber me or i give them for random reasons like hi, i made a scoubidou, would you like it??