View Full Version : judgement day

01-07-2005, 16:35
A dark cloud is hanging over Team Saskia this morning as, to the delight of Derek, eviction day for one of its members has finally arrived.

As a gloomy chime rang out to rouse the Housemates, a sullen Saskia and Maxwell lay awake in bed wondering just who the bell was tolling for.

While the rest of the group bustled about looking forward to a new day in the House, Team Saskia remained brooding in bed.

Meanwhile, Derek and Eugene chatted happily in the sunshine. The Tory seemed quite perky as he contemplated his preferred result for tonight's eviction.

Considering the loss of the Gooner, Derek noted, "It will all crumble if Maxwell went. He is the ringleader. They always have to find everything he does funny."

But the Tory was keen to see the back of Saskia too. When Eugene mentioned he thought she was a "reasonable contributor", Derek quickly corrected, "No. She's never washed up or cooked a meal in 35 days of being here."

So it's a win-win situation in Derek's eyes, but who will lose out in Team Saskia?