View Full Version : itv's big soap week

23-10-2016, 01:02
As itv's so called big soap week comes to an end, which of the northern soaps did you prefer?

I went for Coronation Street because I enjoyed watching it more and it had more of a shock value with Anna going up in flames. The stunt was far better in Emmerdale they are the best apart from Hollyoaks at stunts, but part of the week I found very annoying especially with Uncle Fester and the DingleBat clown.

I thought Jack P Shepherd was bang on the money as was Helen Worth. Now that Les Family Fortune Dennis is hopping off from the cobbles perhaps we can get our Gail back who could go 7 rounds with poison Ivy and still come back for more. All things considered I did enjoy Corrie this week.

23-10-2016, 01:39
I agree with your comments regarding Corrie. However, as I'm not an Emmerdale viewer, it seems unfair of me to vote since I'm obviously biased. :p

Should viewers of just one of ITV's soaps take part? Perhaps we need another poll to decide. :ninja: :D