View Full Version : Home and Away (UK) Spoilers 26th - 30th Sep 2016

20-09-2016, 05:44

Having been unable to stop the plane from taking off, Justin rushes into the airport and tries to break into the locked radio room, desperate to contact his family. On the plane, everyone is unaware of a slow CO2 leak in the cabin, which starts to make everyone feel sleepy.

Finally Justin breaks through the door in the radio room and begins calling the plane on the radio. Duncan replies to his call and Justin tells him to land the plane now, as something is wrong. However, Duncan is sleepy and disorientated already, so he doesn't understand. Justin urges him to land, as all of the passengers begin to fall asleep.

Justin calls the cops from the airport, screaming at them to do something. He then manages to get onto Brody, who is surrounded by the other passed-out passengers, including his sister. Brody is barely conscious but tries to get coordinates out of Duncan for Justin to give to the cops. Unfortunately, Duncan can't stay conscious and simply mumbles they're going down - then the plane crashes.

The plane ends up in pieces on the sand in the middle of nowhere. The passengers all stumble out of the wreckage and it seems everyone is okay, apart from some cuts and bruises. Billie also feels her baby kicking, much to her relief. However, then Mason realises Brody is missing. Where is he and did he survive?

Meanwhile, Alf, Roo, VJ and Zac hear the news of the plane crash and all worry for their loved ones.


On the day after the plane crash, Billie fears there is something wrong with her baby. Despite feeling out of his depth, Mason checks Billie and discovers that her waters may have broken as she's 'leaking'. Mason believes it is more likely to be a small tear in the sac surrounding the baby, so he tries to keep Billie calm. Privately however, he admits to Leah there is every chance Billie will go into early labour.

The crash survivors all come up with a plan to set up a bedding area for Billie inside the plane. Billie senses there's something they are not telling her, so Leah is forced to admit the truth and Billie struggles to keep it together at the thought of her baby coming far too soon.

With support from the others, Billie heads into the plane and the improvised bed. However, a close moment she shares with Leah is interrupted when the plane's wing disintegrates and folds in the middle. The plane then slams hard onto one side, leaving Leah and Billie trapped inside.

As Leah searches for an emergency exit, Irene and Evelyn realise with horror that petrol is leaking from the fuel tank - flowing ever closer to the campfire. With Mason's help, Leah attempts to smash through the cockpit window but it stubbornly refuses to yield. Irene and Evelyn realise they are fighting a losing battle, as there's simply too much petrol.

In the end, Leah grows increasingly desperate and heroically manages to break the glass. She grabs Billie to escape, just as petrol sparks from the fire, sending back a chain reaction. A huge explosion engulfs the entire plane, but did they get out in time?

Meanwhile, desperate for news, the Summer Bay residents struggle to keep it together.


Justin and Ash return from their unofficial search for their missing loved ones, frustrated and exhausted after their fruitless efforts. They intend to just grab more supplies and go back out, but it's not long before news of the explosion comes via the SES radio and everyone's left on tenterhooks, fearing the worst.

The aftermath of the explosion sees the crash site shrouded in thick smoke, but Leah and Billie have miraculously managed to escape from the plane in the nick of time. Mason has suffered burns, but Evelyn is unscathed, having been shielded by him. As the group rally around Billie, they hear the sound of an approaching helicopter. Relief sweeps over them - it seems the nightmare is over.

As the survivors arrive at the hospital, there are emotional reunions between loved ones. However, when Alf, Roo and Justin query where the others are, Irene realises there's been a terrible misunderstanding. She must break it to them that Duncan, Nate, Tori and Brody are still out there.

Justin is beside himself to hear that no-one has seen Brody since the crash, and Phoebe fails to stop him going straight back out to search for them. He's still convinced this is his fault and will do what he can to right this wrong.

Meanwhile, Alf is gutted when he learns that Duncan is still lost out in the wilderness. He distracts himself by helping out at SES headquarters, but once he's home with Roo, finally his stoic façade crumbles. They both struggle to remain hopeful, but try to support each other through the fear that Duncan may not return.

Elsewhere, Billie receives the news she's been longing for – her baby is safe and well.

Also today, Evelyn and Mason are recuperating together. When Phoebe comes in to check on Mason as per Justin's request, he queries where Justin is and Phoebe is forced to break the news that he's gone to search for Tori and Brody. Mason is now fearful for his entire family.


Nate, Tori and Duncan have been searching for Brody for the last day and a half. They're exhausted, out of food and barely have enough water to survive another day. Nate says they should head back to the crash site before it's too late, but Tori is determined to keep searching - with or without their help - regardless of the risk. Nate looks to Duncan for support, but he sides with her, much to Nate's frustration.

Later, with Tori emotionally and physically drained, Nate manages to convince Duncan to trick her into heading back towards the plane. However, she soon realises what they're up to and is furious. She storms back into the bush to resume the search, and the guys have little choice but to follow.

As they go, they fail to notice something lying in the nearby undergrowth. It's Brody - alive but in really bad shape and oblivious to their presence. Has he just missed his one chance for rescue?

Meanwhile, Matt returns home unexpectedly and catches a hooded figure red-handed. However, he's soon shocked to discover that it's his little sister, Ellie. She acts like it was all just a joke, but Matt doesn't buy it. He presses for the truth and eventually she reveals that she doesn't want to return to their aunt's house, but refuses to explain why.

Elsewhere, will Olivia and Hunter finally see through Tabitha's lies?


With Nate and Duncan in tow, Tori and Justin set off in search of Brody and it doesn't take long before they discover a piece of his clothing - they're on his trail. Buoyed by the discovery, they push on finding Brody's shoes.

Of course, that begs the question of why Brody is ditching his clothes in the first place. Nate and Tori suspect they know why and it's not good. Brody might be suffering from heatstroke or have a concussion. If he's delirious, he may be in real danger - they need to find him quickly.

At the same time, Brody continues to stagger through the bush, unaware how close he is to his rescuers and how close he is to death. He is drifting in and out of his own hallucination - a picture perfect day at the beach with his mum and his siblings as kids.

This means that Brody walks blindly through the bush, unaware that he is perched at the top of a steep cliff. When he steps right over the cliff, it's not long before Tori, Justin, Nate and Duncan arrive at the edge. They peer over the ledge hoping to see a way down, but instead they are met with the terrifying sight of Brody lying motionless at the bottom. Tori screams his name fearing they are too late - Brody may already be dead.

Meanwhile, as Alf searches for his son, one regret weighs heavily - he never told Duncan how he feels about him. As hope of finding Duncan alive fades, Alf accepts there may only be one way to tell Duncan how he feels. He sits down and writes a letter to his son telling him that he is proud of him and that he loves him.

Elsewhere, Ellie admits that she is completely miserable living with her aunt. Things have reached crisis level and she is convinced her aunt doesn't want her anymore.

Ellie begs Matt to let her live with him - he promised he'd come back for her one day, so why can't today be that day? Matt feels for his sister, so reluctantly allows her to stay with him until he can sort something else out. The situation is made trickier by the fact that Matt is trying to hide Ellie from Roo, but he doesn't manage to do so for long.

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