View Full Version : Anna, and why I would never eat at Roy's

14-05-2016, 21:15
Does anyone else feel ill about the personal habits of the character of Anna? While serving food she lets her hair hang down, she digs her head, and she handles cash without ever washing her hands. This week she was actually combing her hair behind the food service area in the episode in which Roy returned. In real life, she would not last in most restaurants for a day. The actress is very good in the Anna role, though. Anna is a self-righteous, interfering, gossipy busybody who always has her nose in everyone’s business (getting Liz to fish the florist’s card out of the garbage after Michelle threw it out) and always wanting to be the first to spread bad news. What a nightmare such a character would be in real life.

15-05-2016, 23:14
None f them are trained behind Roys cafe, he just hands out jobs to mates without them needing basic food hygiene certificates.

Mo Mouse
29-05-2017, 12:19
I did pop in for a ploughman's the other day while Shona was serving and, apart from a few head lice with the cheese, it was fine.

Ron Manager
06-06-2017, 08:06
Hello I'm new here.

I do have to agree there is no way I would eat in Roy's with Anna serving she just looks grubby with her hair dangling everywhere.