View Full Version : the price of love

30-06-2005, 17:49
Love seems to have come at a cost for Maxwell who received a formal warning from Big Brother today, following last night's bedroom incident.

The lad was given a talking to in the Diary Room for chucking water at Kemal, in what Big Brother referred to as "unacceptable aggressive behaviour".

Big Brother insisted Maxwell explain why he dealt with Kemal in the manner he did

"Kemal had only gone to bed five minutes before," he explained, "and then he started telling to us to be quiet."

"Me and Saskia have a couple of nights left so were having a kiss and cuddle, not making any noise, I'm 24, I'm sure that's allowed," he continued. "The bird's off the hook, if I wanna kiss her I will."

"That doesn't explain what Kemal did to warrant your response," Big Brother said.

He had been snidey to us all evening" Maxwell claimed. "He was giving it, 'You're only doing it for this, that and the other', it wasn't just his comments last night, it was a build up of him bitching and winding me up all week."

Big Brother asked how Maxwell would have felt had the situation been reversed. "I'd have just walked away, or chucked water back," he said. "I had hot food chucked on me by Roberto and I just walked away and washed my hair."

Well, you'd already given Kemal a rinse, hadn't you Maxwell?