View Full Version : signs

30-06-2005, 17:14
i reckon my mate is pregnant, she is off fish and coffee and i always being sick, how can i ask her if she is or not without being rude. She says she's scared about something could this be it? Any tips

30-06-2005, 20:23
i reckon my mate is pregnant, she is off fish and coffee and i always being sick, how can i ask her if she is or not without being rude. She says she's scared about something could this be it? Any tips

could be flozza.

i was sick all day for 2 weeks and didnt even think i could eb pregnant!! it was a woman i worked with who said you look peeky all the time and very tired are you preggnant! then i thought hmmmm ill test!! and i was

ihave you asked er what she scared about maybe she will tell you if you ask. im sure she wont think oyu are rude she just think your being a concerned friend!

30-06-2005, 20:26
i would ask her,

01-07-2005, 01:58
Confront her if you're really worried about her.

01-07-2005, 08:50
I would wait until she's ready to talk to you. But let her know that your there for her if she does want to tell you what's worrying her

01-07-2005, 09:52
Or maybe approach her softly softly, with the is everything ok, you're looking a bit peaky lines. If she's scared about something, like you say it could be this, but if she doesn't divulge immediately, just let her know that if she needs to talk etc, then you are there for her, no pressure. She may have found out and is trying to think things through before saying too much.

01-07-2005, 15:43
ok thanks guys i'll report back