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05-02-2016, 20:09
The newest Dingle in the village is about to turn Emmerdale into a "big chaotic mess".

Emmerdale producer Iain MacLeod recently hinted to Digital Spy and other press that Belle, Cain, Chas, Debbie and Zak have a truly wild relation - possibly named Faith - on the way.

"There's a new Dingle coming in as well," Iain teased. "I made some notes before I came in today and the phrase 'gin-fuelled whirlwind' appeared on my pad at one point

"So even if I left it at that, I hope that would be intriguing enough for you to be interested.

"The idea was that again we wanted to bring someone in who would illuminate that family in a way that perhaps we haven't been able to with the characters that are currently in there."

The producer then revealed: "She's - it's a she, as I've just given away - is a big chaotic mess

"While it might look like she's a whole lot of fun and trouble at the start of it, the story that we get to is likely to be a lot more serious.

"It's a big family drama to ensue, is all I can really say at this point.

"The character may or may not be called Faith. We haven't got anywhere near a casting yet. So that's going to be sometime later this year."

The Dingle family have been mainstays of Emmerdale for over 20 years - earning a place in fans' hearts after initially starting off as loathsome troublemakers.

05-02-2016, 21:28
That should stir things up nicely!
Faith married to Shadrach had affair with Zak(
(already in doghouse at present)
Hence Cain .
Mother Cain & Chas & Gran of Aaron& Debbie!
Was only in ED for 5 episodes 2000-2004
per Wiki.Played by Gillian Jephcott-hope they
cast her again.
Loads of storyline possibilities!!

05-02-2016, 21:36
That should stir things up nicely!
Faith married to Shadrach had affair with Zak(
(already in doghouse at present)
Hence Cain .
Mother Cain & Chas & Gran of Aaron& Debbie!
Was only in ED for 5 episodes 2000-2004
per Wiki.Played by Gillian Jephcott-hope they
cast her again.
Loads of storyline possibilities!!

P.s. I would like them to bring back Nellie Dingle
( Zaks first wife) but only if played by first
actress ( Sandra Gough?)
She also.played Irma Ogden in Corrie and married
David Barlow ( Kens brother)

An Ogden & and a Barlow!!!! Ooooh Kenneth!:ninja::ninja:

09-02-2016, 05:50
Before bringing in New characters, you'd think they'd tidy up a few missing pieces first. Since the sudden death of Shirley Stelfox there has been no mention of Edna otherthan Pearl dropping her off at the station to visit a sick family member? Either kill her off or move Edna on. So it makes sence to add another elderly character, but I thought Chas & Cains mother was dead?

09-02-2016, 05:54
Before bringing in New characters, you'd think they'd tidy up a few missing pieces first. Since the sudden death of Shirley Stelfox there has been no mention of Edna otherthan Pearl dropping her off at the station to visit a sick family member? Either kill her off or move Edna on. So it makes sence to add another elderly character, but I thought Chas & Cains mother was dead?

The production team need to consult with Shirley´s family before they can make arrangements to explain her long absence, I remember it was a long time before Seth was buried.

09-02-2016, 07:58
Thats still pretty sad leaving a great character in limbo like that, but consulting with her family is very understandable.

09-02-2016, 17:10

Just what is needed, yet another Dingle with an ensuing "big family drama".

09-02-2016, 17:10

Just what is needed, yet another Dingle with an ensuing "big family drama".

09-02-2016, 18:23
is she a sister for cain and chas as their mother is dead

10-02-2016, 13:46
Their mother isn't dead. She has only been on screen a handful of times - the last time was the big Dingle party back in 2004 - and before that she had a few episodes in 2000 when she told Zak he was Cain's dad.

10-02-2016, 13:50
If it is her, I wonder why she comes to Emmerdale - maybe she is dying or something?

10-02-2016, 14:29
Their mother isn't dead. She has only been on screen a handful of times - the last time was the big Dingle party back in 2004 - and before that she had a few episodes in 2000 when she told Zak he was Cain's dad.

I don't remember her ever on the show so the role might be recast with a well known actress

11-02-2016, 20:58
Their mother isn't dead. She has only been on screen a handful of times - the last time was the big Dingle party back in 2004 - and before that she had a few episodes in 2000 when she told Zak he was Cain's dad.

sorry thought she was dead

Telly Watcher
15-03-2016, 01:11
Emmerdale's Cain and Chas Dingle look set to be reunited with their mum later this year.

The show's new producer Iain MacLeod has confessed that he accidentally gave the game away at a recent press conference, when he teased the arrival of a 'new' Dingle called Faith.

Die-hard fans wondered whether the soap's top boss could be referring to Shadrach Dingle's ex-wife Faith, who is the mother of Cain and Chas. Sure enough, it seems that they were on the right track.

Speaking at a new Emmerdale press event, MacLeod explained: "I think there's a few character gaps that I'm looking at potentially filling at the moment.

"I mentioned a new member of the Dingle family. I actually mentioned her name which, of course, meant that anyone that knows their Emmerdale history was immediately able to work out who that was!"

Discussing other potential gaps, he continued: "There's somebody missing in that sort of acerbic Val-type category, which I think is in need of attention. That voice - we've never quite replaced that.

"But there are no new families on the horizon at this point. I think we've got such a brilliant cast and such a balance of characters, from villains to heroes and everything in between, that I don't feel like I'm crying out for anything particularly new at the moment."

MacLeod recently described Faith as a "gin-fuelled whirlwind" and a "big, chaotic mess".

"While it might look like she's a whole lot of fun and trouble at the start of it, the story that we get to is likely to be a lot more serious," he said in January. "It's a big family drama to ensue, is all I can really say at this point."

Faith was previously played by Gillian Jephcott in 2000 and 2004, but producers are thought to be seeking a recast for the character's upcoming return.

By Daniel Kilkelly, Digital Spy

31-01-2017, 04:32
Emmerdale unleashes a new mystery to keep fans guessing next week, as a strange woman arrives in the village and befriends Sarah Sugden.

The new arrival turns up just days after the shock death of Joanie Dingle, leaving viewers to wonder whether she could be a mystery relative who wants to stake a claim on little Kyle.

Whatever her plan, the woman doesn't actually get very far - accidentally locking herself in the Dingles' barn after trying to pay the family a visit.

Sarah (Katie Hill) is first to stumble across the mystery visitor when she finds her hiding out in the barn.
Sarah Sugden disturbs the Dingles' mystery visitor in Emmerdale
Seeing that the stranger is clearly unwell, Sarah is keen to help and sneaks some food and cough medicines out to her. Then as their bond continues to grow, Sarah even steals money from the café's collection box to help her even more.

When Sarah's stealing inevitably gets exposed, she's forced to come clean to her mum Debbie about the mystery woman in the barn - but the lady has already gone by the time they head back over to investigate.
Sarah Sugden resorts to stealing in Emmerdale
Sarah Sugden resorts to stealing in Emmerdale
It's later revealed that the woman is now staying at the B&B, where she suffers a shock collapse when confronted.

Amid the chaos of paramedics having to be called, the woman's identity is finally confirmed to everyone - but who is she and what does she want?

One thing's for sure - Cain isn't happy to see her...

Digital Spy

31-01-2017, 12:26
Apparently in the Radio Times the "woman in the barn" is credited as Sally Dexter. If she is Faith then she must have had Cain and Chas young as she is 56 in real life but then she is a Dingle.

06-02-2017, 22:06
she looks very glamorous for zak and shadrach :p

11-02-2017, 22:47
I like Faith so far

12-02-2017, 07:14
Emmerdale newcomer Sally Dexter has put everyone's suspicions to bed by insisting that her character Faith Dingle doesn't have an ulterior motive for being in the Dales.

Faith's family were stunned to see her back in the village after a 13-year absence earlier this week, with her son Cain and daughter Chas particularly worried that she was plotting trouble.

Despite their concerns, Debbie Dingle has been much more welcoming after learning that Faith generously donated her last £20,000 to Sarah's health fund.

If you were just as dubious as Cain and Chas were, Sally has now set the record straight by confirming that Faith's concern for her great-granddaughter is totally genuine. Phew!

Sally explained: "Faith saw the fundraising page that was online for Sarah. She's also had a bit of a health scare herself, which has put her life into perspective. She's come to the village because she wants to see her family again - she just wants to touch roots.

"I think she will also do everything she can possibly think of to help Sarah. Some of the things will perhaps not be appropriate, but she does them anyway!"

She continued: "Faith arrived in the village causing havoc and that is how she's set to continue. She's mischievous - and that's definitely the right word for her. She's not nasty, but she's a little bit naughty.

"Faith also has no shame. She's completely unapologetic. If she's wrong, she'll 'fess up and say she's wrong. But that doesn't mean she won't necessarily go out and do it again! She has a good heart, though. She makes mistakes but she makes them honestly."
Faith Dingle in Emmerdale
Faith was played by Gillian Jephcott in her previous Emmerdale stints in 2000 and 2004. Plans to bring her back were announced a year ago, but show bosses kept quiet about the exact timing of her arrival.

Speaking about how it's all going so far, Sally added: "I love working at Emmerdale. It's fantastic. It's a well-oiled machine. It's amazing to me how hard everyone works, but also how much fun everyone has.

"It was sometime last November I got cast and I practically had to sew my mouth up to stop myself blabbing! It's been very difficult to keep it a secret."

Digital Spy

12-02-2017, 07:15
Emmerdale's Faith Dingle could spark a brand new relationship crisis for Zak and Lisa Dingle next week. That didn't take long!

A newly-recast Faith (Sally Dexter) made a surprise return to our screens this week - much to the shock of Zak and Lisa, who were determined not to give her a warm welcome back to the village.

Faith and Zak conceived Cain together in the '70s when they had an affair, giving them plenty of history to draw on as they become reacquainted in the coming days.

Sure enough, troublesome Faith can't resist flirting with Zak next week and it's not long before Lisa is convinced they're already having a fling behind her back.

When Faith realises how paranoid Lisa is, she fails to offer any reassurance and instead decides to spark even more problems by deliberately fuelling her suspicions.
Zak and Lisa Dingle in Emmerdale
This includes gatecrashing Lisa's birthday at The Woolpack and having a cosy chat with Zak, knowing exactly how it'll look to Lisa.

With Lisa pushed to breaking point once again, she completely loses it by accusing Zak of betraying her in front of everyone in the pub - even though Kyle's welfare officer Linda is also there.

Could Lisa's outburst jeopardise the Dingles' chances of getting custody of Kyle?

An Emmerdale insider told Digital Spy: "Linda ends up asking Kerry and Dan to take Kyle full time, but Faith is adamant that Kerry isn't the right choice.

"Having already caused chaos for the Dingles, could Faith now ruin Kerry's chance to have Kyle?"

Digital Spy

29-03-2017, 23:36
powerful scene didn't expect it

30-03-2017, 01:02
Made me tear up at the end of tonights episode. Very moving.

30-03-2017, 13:47
Should Chas get tested for the breast cancer gene if hereditary?

30-03-2017, 15:53
Should Chas get tested for the breast cancer gene if hereditary?

Yes, I think so and I believe that is why Faith did not say anything, I know it is wrong but it can´t be easy for her to be estranged from her kids for so many years and then tell them those news, especially as they have not exactly been getting on. I am sure she will tell them soon though

02-04-2017, 06:02
Emmerdale star's body double on brave decision to be first to reveal mastectomy scars on a British soap
Brigitte Cole, 67, played actress Sally Dexter’s body double in the Emmerdale storyline
It was a first for a British soap when Emmerdale ’s Faith Dingle bravely revealed her double mastectomy scars on screen.
And all the more dramatic because the wounds were REAL.
They belonged to 67-year-old Brigitte Cole who played actress Sally Dexter’s body double in the shots – and the breast cancer survivor could not have been more proud to have showed off her scars to the nation.
CGI technology was used to transplant Sally’s head onto Brigitte’s body for the remarkable scenes which caused a huge reaction on social media, the Sunday People reports.
But today the two reunite in real life to talk about the historic storyline for the first time – and why it’s so important we all see the real cost of breast cancer.
Retired primary school teacher Brigitte says she agreed to do it to show you can still be beautiful and love your body WITHOUT *going through a reconstruction.
She had her first mastectomy in 1995, and the second last year when the cancer returned.
Brigitte – who carries the faulty BRCA1 cancer gene, the same as Angelina Jolie – says: “I am just happy to be alive.
“I never wanted a breast reconstruction. It would have trivialised the gravity of what *happened to me. A breastless woman following two mastectomies – that is who I am now and I am happy with it.”
Actress Sally, 57, who joined the soap’s first family earlier this year, says it’s inspirational to tell a story like Brigitte’s.
She says: “When I first met her I was quite nervous about it. I had no idea what she was going to be like and why she had agreed to do this amazing thing to tell her story.
“I wasn’t expecting to meet this savvy, sassy, bohemian woman. It was extraordinary and she was making me laugh a lot.
“Brigitte is a woman who has a lot of strengths but she has been through the mill. But she was amazing. At one point I thought she asked if I wanted to see a photograph of the mastectomy. “I must have misheard her, because in the next minute she whipped her top off. I was more surprised that she did that than by what I saw.
“She has had low times, there is no denying that. It’s a human response to circumstances, but she is not defined by that circumstance. Hers is a story of survival and the determination to survive.
“It is such an extraordinary trial to go through. But so many people do and get through it. It is not the death sentence that it once was, and people are alerted to check themselves and get looked at and not ignore things.”
Sally also praised Emmerdale producers who approached Brigitte and asked her to take part in the emotional scenes.
“I think it is a sign of how much Emmerdale cares about their audience that they are prepared to be that honest,” says Sally.
“I certainly wanted to make sure that what we put Faith through was accurate, and the writers have done a fantastic job of that. It really does matter that the story is properly told.”
Brigitte was born in Switzerland but moved to Leeds in 1991 after meeting husband Michael through a newspaper lonely hearts ad.
But their happiness was short-lived as she was diagnosed with breast *cancer in 1995.
She was given the choice of having the lump removed or having one breast removed – so she chose to lose the breast. After surgery and chemotherapy she was declared cancer-free and tried to get on with her life, pushing any thoughts that the cancer might return to the back of her mind.
But last year she was given the bombshell news that she had developed cancer in her other breast – and a mastectomy was her only option. Brigitte was devastated as she had convinced herself cancer was no longer part of her life.
“I was frightened, angry, disappointed, let down,” she says. “After 21 years in remission I was convinced that I was fine, but I am a carrier of the faulty BRCA1 gene and had a higher risk of developing cancer in my other breast. After my second diagnosis, the cancer was disseminated in my breast so a mastectomy was the only option.
“My first mastectomy and chemotherapy was less traumatic than I had feared, so I was confident before the second operation.
“But the second diagnosis of breast cancer affected me much more than the first one. I am still struggling to come to terms with it.”
Emmerdale producers found Brigitte after asking a breast cancer support group in Leeds if they had any members with a similar build and body shape to actress Sally who would be willing to show their scars to the nation.
And Brigitte was more than happy to oblige.
She explains: “I wanted to help people to be less frightened about cancer, to show them there is life after breast cancer.
“I felt perfectly relaxed and found it an interesting experience. It wasn’t a big deal for me to take my clothes off – it was essential for the storyline. There was no fuss about it. It was a very relaxed atmosphere and I really enjoyed working with Sally. The cast were supportive and very respectful. “I am open about my surgery. I am even boring people with my story.
“After my first mastectomy I wrote a diary and gave it to people to read. For me, the more I know about breast cancer, the less impact it has on me.”
Brigitte’s husband Michael, 77, was fully supportive of her decision, as were her family back in Switzerland.
And her brave TV appearance has made a huge impact on Sally who rates the scenes as among her proudest *moments in her career.
It made a big impact on viewers too as they went online to praise the hard-hitting mastectomy storyline on Twitter.
Ruth George wrote: “Brilliant Emmerdale! Highlighting breast cancer #mastectomy #survivors #Strong *women”, and Steve Williams said: “@emmerdale is still pushing the boundaries in soapland with the Faith storyline and the continuing Ashley scenes.”
And Chrissie Clements added: “I would like to congratulate Emmerdale on the way that Faith’s story about her double mastectomy has been told.
"It just goes to show Emmerdale for me will always be the best soap.”
Other fans voiced hopes that the soap would go on to highlight the BRCA1 breast cancer gene with Chas and Sarah and their fears of inheriting it.
Sally has high hopes the storyline will help breast cancer sufferers.
She says: “I think it is something that needs to be talked about and we don’t really hear that much about the aftermath of a mastectomy, somebody surviving it and thriving despite it.
“Brigitte has a story which she intends to share and feels no shame in sharing, and nor should she. I hope that is something that can give comfort and inspiration to other women and men.
“She was certainly inspiring to me – I left there feeling quite buoyed up. It made me realise this is something that, although it ain’t easy, you can get through and survive.”

04-04-2017, 17:19
here's romance in the air for Faith Dingle and Rishi Sharma in next week's Emmerdale - but will they hit choppy waters once news of Faith's medical history breaks.
Upcoming scenes see Faith and Rishi have a drink together at the Woolpack and all goes well until they head to the farm.

Just as Rishi moves in for a kiss, Faith tells him about her double mastectomy - a revelation that soon results in Rishi leaving for the night.
The next day, Faith confronts him over his behaviour - but will Rich's reaction confirm her suspicions?

12-07-2017, 17:53
do faith and eric take over home farm or woolpack

12-07-2017, 18:22
do faith and eric take over home farm or woolpack

Woolpack yes, Home Farm .. can't see that happening .. but might be surprised

07-03-2018, 13:22
I liked her living with Moira and Cain, hope someone takes her in, maybe Aaron?

14-10-2018, 22:24
I am shocked it was Faith who pushed Kim

06-12-2018, 10:36

Sarah and Faith getting revenge on Graham ... I am going to stop watching this crap soon, storylines are getting too ridiculous..

06-12-2018, 11:55
Debbie needs to take responsibility for own actions and the Dingles can support her but not keep looking for revenge and realise Debbie and other Dingles do wrong :angry:

08-10-2019, 01:29
she is leaving

08-10-2019, 11:38
she is leaving

Not surprised with the way the show is going...

08-10-2019, 11:46
Sally Dexter has revealed her character Faith Dingle will be leaving the soap, although it's currently unknown if this will be on a temporary or permanent basis. The actress has confirmed that Faith will soon be making her exit, but not before she learns about Moira and Nate's affair.

Speaking to Metro at the Inside Soap Awards, she said: "It's going to be an explosive October. I may have to leave for a little while."

Sally revealed that Faith will keep the discovery to herself in an attempt to protect both her son Cain and Moira. But she added that matters will be complicated further by a shocking twist regarding Nate's identity.

"Yes, there is a very shocking twist with Nate's identity and it has dire consequences for my son Cain, for Moira my daughter-in-law, and me," she said.

"We have to come through a heavy storm and some of us might not make it. It was some of the most harrowingly emotional scenes I've ever done."


26-10-2019, 19:09
maybe she returns with cara or debbie

26-10-2019, 20:18
maybe she returns with cara or debbie

I would like that but I think she might have a longer break ..I do hope she comes back before too long though, I think Faith played by Sally Dexter has brought a great deal to Emmerdale and is a needed character...

26-10-2019, 21:57
I'm very sorry to see her leave. Faith was one of the most successful new characters on Emmerdale.

13-01-2021, 00:12
faith is returning

16-02-2021, 11:10
Emmerdale's Faith Dingle is making her return to the soap next week, but it's down to a Dingle court to decide whether or not she can stay in the village.

Sally Dexter has reprised her role as Faith, who was last seen back in 2019 after Cain (Jeff Hordley) banished her from the village when Faith confessed that she'd helped to cover up the fact that he had a secret son.

In next week's episodes, Moira (Natalie J Robb) and Cain are looking forward to a night away together, but the plan soon changes when Tracy Metcalfe goes into labour. As Moira leaves the hotel, she ends up bumping into Faith, who's dressed in full mourner's garb.

As an incredulous Moira demands answers, Faith is clearly desperate to get away and takes the opportunity to run when her companion, an undertaker, heads over, leaving Faith to jump behind the wheel of the hearse, steal it and speed away out of the car park.

When Moira gets home, it's not long before she spots a badly-concealed hearse parked up outside, and asks Faith what's going on. A clearly heartbroken Faith explains everything and defends her reasons for staying away, before asking Moira if she thinks Cain could ever forgive her.

Later, Cain arrives back from the hospital and is left reeling when he sees Faith. She begs for forgiveness, but Cain is still furious and tells his mother that she disgusts him before ordering her out of the house.

A bedraggled Faith later ends up startling Chas (Lucy Pargeter), but is relieved when Chas admits that she's missed her, and it's not long before Chas and Cain are at loggerheads as they argue over whether or not Faith can stay in the village.

With no other options, Chas decides that the family should hold a Dingle court to determine Faith's fate.

Will she be allowed to stay in the village?

Emmerdale airs these scenes on Thursday, February 25 at 7pm and 8pm on ITV.

Digital Spy

11-05-2022, 10:20
Faith receives the diagnosis that her breast cancer has returned

11-05-2022, 12:05
Faith receives the diagnosis that her breast cancer has returned

Thought that was the most likely when we saw her with the letter.

11-05-2022, 14:52
Thought that was the most likely when we saw her with the letter.

im not looking forward to a sick dying cancer storyline

12-05-2022, 21:23
Hopefully the writers have collaborated with various cancer organisations for this story line. I think the writers have a big responsibility with these type of story lines. I'm 9 years post-treatment, and in a much better place, but can recall how sensitive I was about things at the time.

12-05-2022, 21:57
Hopefully the writers have collaborated with various cancer organisations for this story line. I think the writers have a big responsibility with these type of story lines. I'm 9 years post-treatment, and in a much better place, but can recall how sensitive I was about things at the time.

hope you doing good

02-06-2022, 22:17
is this the big death for 50th, with helped to die by cain chas or moira?

27-06-2022, 04:10

Emmerdale has announced it will air a special episode as part of Faith Dingle's cancer story.

Faith (Sally Dexter) has been told that her chemotherapy isn't working and she bravely makes the decision to stop any further treatment. Her devastating diagnosis continues to impact the lives of her children as they navigate this heartbreaking turn of events.

It is set to be a devastating week in the village as the Dingles begin to understand what this diagnosis and decision will mean for the future.

As the matriarch of the Dingle family, Faith has always had a complicated relationship with her children Cain and Chas, and the episode will see Chas (Lucy Pargeter) try to get Cain (Jeff Hordley) to open up and be there for his mum, as the pair reminisce through the night about their childhood.

Lucy said: "Chas is desperate for her brother to reconnect with their mother before it's too late and these scenes really explore the reasons behind their complicated relationship.

"Chas and Cain have a real heart-to-heart and I loved having the opportunity to explore their past once again. The scenes were emotional to film and I'm really looking forward to seeing how they come together as part of a really moving episode."

Jeff said: "Filming these scenes was a genuine and emotional experience. These episodes are beautifully written and great to act and I am pleased to have been given the opportunity for people to see another side of Cain."

The episode will also see Faith disclose her news and decision regarding her treatment to her close friends Eric Pollard (Chris Chitell) and Brenda (Lesley Dunlop).

Emmerdale airs weeknights at 7.30pm on ITV and streams on the ITV Hub.

06-07-2022, 21:22
i do think faith will ask cain for help dying

07-07-2022, 12:22
i do think faith will ask cain for help dying

That's a definite possibility.

25-08-2022, 23:15
oh god the end is near for faith