View Full Version : Have I missed much...?

29-01-2016, 23:04
Hello there

I stopped watching Coronation Street after poor Roy lost Hayley. Aaaah poor Roy! :-/

Although I remember it being a very moving episode, that wasn't the reason as to why I stopped watching (new relationship!)

Now I'd love to get back into watching again but I'm not sure what I've missed and what the current story lines are.

Have I missed much?

Would anyone be kind enough to update me?

I appreciate this is quite a task but I figured there may be some serious fans on here who are in the know.

Thank you very much! X

30-01-2016, 01:50
Hi catgirl, and welcome to SoapBoards! :)

I'm happy to give you a quick rundown of some of the major storylines, but I'm not going to be able to remember much detail off the top of my head. If I was you, I'd start watching again, and I (and I'm sure other forum members) will be happy to answer any questions you have.

I stopped watching EastEnders for 18 months a while back and didn't have any trouble getting back into it with a bit of help from this forum and its wonderful members. :bow:

Anyway, here's a broad outline of some of the big storylines that have happened in the last two years or so:-

Roy has tentatively started a new relationship with a woman called Cathy (who's a hoarder). He's away for a few weeks taking care of his mother, who's had a fall. Cathy, Anna and Cathy's nephew, Alex (who has Down's Syndrome) are taking care of the cafe.

I'm sure you know Anne Kirkbride died in real life :( . Deirdre died of a brain aneurysm about seven or eight months ago and was given a huge send off. Ken, true to his womanising ways, has since begun and finished a relationship with Nessa (Cathy's sister), but is really in love with Audrey (and she with him).

Rob Donovan murdered Tina and is in prison serving 25 years. Tracy is back with her ex-husband, Robert, who's the new chef in Nick's Bistro. She's just opened a flower shop.

Steve, Michelle and Liz are still running the Rovers. Steve is currently away taking care of his twin brother, Andy, in Spain because Simon Gregson has taken some time off. It sounds like Steve will be back though.

The biggest storyline running at the moment is that Kylie's ex (and Max's father) came back into her life. There was a long, convoluted story where he got her addicted to drugs again, tried to get custody of Max and generally terrorised the Platts for months. He attacked Sarah (who's back from Milan with her daughter Bethany) and was going to kill her, but Kylie got there in time, whacked him on the head and accidentally killed him. David took charge and put Callum's body in a convenient hole in the ground in the garage (which was at the time being converted into a granny flat for Gail). He's still under there, rotting away. Only David, Kylie and Sarah (that we know of) are aware he's there and they've been living in fear of discovery ever since. Sarah's pregnant with Callum's child.

Too much has happened to Carla for me to remember, but suffice it to say she's had everything but the kitchen sink thrown at her storyline wise. She's currently in hospital after being attacked by robbers in the bistro. The man who she thought was her uncle, Johnny Connor, has come back into her life and she's discovered he's her real father. He and his son Aidan co-own the factory with Carla after she got into debt. Their sister Kate is also working there. Oh, and Carla's currently engaged to Nick Tilsley.

Tracy hates Carla's guts because she blames her for Rob being in prison, and because Carla and Robert recently had a one night stand while Robert was on a break from Tracy. She heard the robbers enter the bistro but did nothing to help Carla.

Gail married the man who burgled her! His name's Michael. For very complicated reasons I'm too tired to explain, he left her and is currently in a relationship with Eileen.

Sally is married to Faye Windass' real father, Tim Metcalfe. They've got amazing chemistry and are very funny together. They're currently everyone's favourite Corrie couple. She's a snob and he's a slacker, so there's plenty of funny scenes between them. Sally is currently campaigning to be elected as a local counciller.

Anna has just started a relationship with Kevin, but Phelan's back (do you know him?) and is already coming between them.

Phew! I'm exhausted after typing all that! No doubt I've missed out lots of important details, but I'm happy to answer any questions you have. :)

30-01-2016, 02:27
Dazzle....Thank you SO much!!

I really appreciate that so much! It was just what I was looking for!

I was so pleased reading through as I remember most of the characters you referenced. I feel like I can just slot back in now with some background so.....THANK YOU very much indeed for your help!

Looking forward to watching again what with these exciting developments.....I watched from as young as I can remember (so that will be 25 years believe it or not!). I always found it great viewing and a great way to wind down!

That's great - thanks again!

30-01-2016, 02:27
Dazzle....Thank you SO much!!

I really appreciate that so much! It was just what I was looking for!

I was so pleased reading through as I remember most of the characters you referenced. I feel like I can just slot back in now with some background so.....THANK YOU very much indeed for your help!

Looking forward to watching again what with these exciting developments.....I watched from as young as I can remember (so that will be 25 years believe it or not!). I always found it great viewing and a great way to wind down!

That's great - thanks again!

30-01-2016, 03:45
You're very welcome, catgirl! :)

I hope you enjoy getting back into Corrie. It sounds like you won't have much trouble given you're so familiar with many of the characters. Remember to come and join us on the current episode discussion thread when you're watching again.

30-01-2016, 13:15
Brilliant , Dazzle.:cheer::bow:

Just one minor pedantic amendment....Nick Tilsley not Platt!

30-01-2016, 13:58
Just one minor pedantic amendment....Nick Tilsley not Platt!

Cheers, I've amended my post now! :thumbsup:

How did I make that silly mistake? http://www.freesmileys.org/smileys/smiley-ashamed001.gif (http://www.freesmileys.org/smileys.php) http://www.picgifs.com/smileys/smileys-and-emoticons/happy/smileys-happy-514478.gif (http://www.picgifs.com/smileys/)

30-01-2016, 14:06
I forgot to mention Jenny Bradley in my summary. She's Alan Bradley's (Rita's ex-husband's) daughter and used to be a regular years ago.

She reappeared a while back and got into a relationship with Kevin. She became obsessed with his young son, Jack, and eventually kidnapped him. Jack was found safe and well and it was revealed Jenny had had a young son of about the same age who drowned in a tragic accident. She was taken away by the police and sectioned.

She's just returned to live with Rita and is apparently cured of her psychosis. Kevin and his family are understandably still very wary of her.