View Full Version : Paddy Kirk (Dominic Brunt)

06-04-2005, 11:40
paddy and viv carry on there affair.they get carried away in the shop and viv forgets she has got some chicken cooking in the oven ,this starts a fire,donna saves them and viv's excuse for paddy being there is that he came to save her.
when bob and zak find out about the affair they both beat paddy up!

06-04-2005, 14:00
Why would Zak beat Paddy up?

06-04-2005, 14:40
because he sees emily as family after she married butch

Keating's babe
06-04-2005, 15:02
I can't see Zak getting involved - he didn't get involved when Paddy slept with Mandy that time.

06-04-2005, 15:08
zak will do anything for a fight lol

Keating's babe
06-04-2005, 15:18
zak will do anything for a fight lol

Aye true. The problem I have with the storyline is I cannot see Viv and Paddy getting it together. It would be more likely for Paddy to have an affair with the blonde lady who works at the vets.

06-04-2005, 15:21
when she dived on him a couple of days ago and his legs were us in the air i couldnt stop laughing :rotfl: :lol: :rotfl: :lol: . yeah your right she cant just lock up her shop everytime she wants to see him. how will it work?

06-04-2005, 15:25
This is one of the funniest storylines at the minute! Did anyone else catch the pics of Paddy and Viv in last weeks Inside Soap - enough to put anyone off their dinner, it's just the way Paddy screws his face up for the kissing scenes hilarious :rotfl:

Keating's babe
06-04-2005, 15:26
I wonder what Bob will make of it all - when he finds out.

It was mentioned that it was more like a carry on with their behaviour - and I have to agree. The thought of Viv & Paddy getting down to it - well it's enough to turn anyone's stomach.

06-04-2005, 15:27
i saw them pics aswell. they just dont suit a couple

poor emily,she is so nice

06-04-2005, 15:45
wouldn't it be funny if Bob started an afair with Emily......

Just an idea..

06-04-2005, 16:26
What will Emily do for a job when all this comes out because I can't see her working with Viv after this.

06-04-2005, 17:42
i think she could end up with paul,even though he suppose to be gay i reckon shel turn him

06-04-2005, 18:48
I don't think she'll "turn" him. I think more likely they'll live together as friends. Emily isn't big on sex and paul is single. It would work both ways and suit them both

06-04-2005, 18:52
I like the idea of Emily and Paul living together as a platonic couple, still think that its weird that Paddy and Viv have gotten it on YUCK!! LOL

06-04-2005, 18:52
yes marlon catches them at the vets

06-04-2005, 20:41
Now you have mentioned it I really want to see Emily and Paul as the odd couple, just as friends mind you. Paddy should be ashamed the dirty old goat, but saying that I dont think my hubby could go two years without, the way paddy has so you can see it from his point of view too xx. :hmm:

06-04-2005, 20:44
He shouldn't cheat on emily though, I feel really sorry for her, especially when paul gave her that makeover and Paddy didn't seem to notice :(

07-04-2005, 09:57
Are Paddy and Emily actually married

07-04-2005, 11:07
Yeah I think they are married.

07-04-2005, 13:24
Yes, definitely

peggy's mum
07-04-2005, 16:05
I have to say that I think the whole Paddy and Viv things is just too weird. Apart from the comic aspect why on earth would Paddy want to hurt Emily?.. As far as Viv is concerned she is just a pathetic selfish self centred old hag and I would really like to know who on earth would fancy her. I certainly do think that Emily and Paul make a good couple, the only thing though, it would be difficult if Paul found a partner, I don't think Emily would like that. Paul is so good looking and nice I can't see him staying single for long can you?

07-04-2005, 16:38
poor emily its about time they get caught because it makes me feel sick when they are on screen together.

07-04-2005, 18:10
paddy desereves a beating, how on earth can he cheat on emuily with that old cow viv!!!

08-04-2005, 13:24
Paddy and Viv are both a bit YUK! - so, perhaps they are well suited!

peggy's mum
08-04-2005, 13:39
I'd like to know what track the writers are on here. If they think this is a comedy item, well it is soo not. I think it is just horrible that dear old Emily should be cheated on by that old war horse Viv, who is her Boss after all, and why are we being asked to condone Viv and Paddy as a good thing and just a laugh, I do hope that Emily does not find out as it will blight her life for ever.

08-04-2005, 14:21
I have heard Emily and Marlon get close as he helps her when she finds out and trys to kill Viv.

peggy's mum
08-04-2005, 14:38
I can't see that as he is very close with Viv's daughter. Would'nt mind if they killed off Viv though. Then again that might mean another murder trial and I think they are getting a bit boring now.

08-04-2005, 14:39
Source? I can't belive Marlon would cheat on Donna! They are so nice together!

08-04-2005, 22:59
What is it with viv she manages to get nice blokes when she is a drag queen. she had that young bloke driving the limo, she got bob (who is not that bad for a middle aged man) she must drug em! :hmm:

09-04-2005, 13:26
I think Viv and Bob made a really good couple, I can't beleive they've split them up! :(

10-04-2005, 00:26
Aye true. The problem I have with the storyline is I cannot see Viv and Paddy getting it together. It would be more likely for Paddy to have an affair with the blonde lady who works at the vets.

like she'dbe interested in paddy!
He's goin wi viv coz she was giving him attention while emily was too busy making tea and doing crosswords and driving paul aroiund to auditions and stuff! I don't think he actually finds viv attractive! pretty disturbing if he did!

Also I thot viv and bob got back together after their divorce?

peggy's mum
11-04-2005, 13:14
I must say I just can't think what it is. Not only is she really peculiar looking and her dress, well that reminds me of Kings Cross if you know what I mean, but her tongue would put you off, she is so rude, tactless and downright stupid. And those ae only her good points.

Debbie Meadows
13-04-2005, 15:07
Emily Kirk is left stunned this week, when husband, Paddy, reveals the truth about his affair with Viv Windsor. How will the timid young wife take the horrific truth?

Source Inside Soap website

13-04-2005, 15:33
We already know that.

28-04-2005, 19:12
that was well funni

28-04-2005, 20:12
Lol and when Nicola beat him up with her handbag!! :lol:

01-10-2013, 01:10
Paddy Kirk's love life takes another surprising twist on Emmerdale next week as he spends the night with his ex-partner Chas Dingle.

The pair get together in the wake of Paddy and Rhona's marriage breakdown, but in the cold light of day, will they realise that they've made a massive mistake?

Here, Dominic Brunt - who plays Paddy - chats about the storyline and whether there's any chance his character will take Rhona back.

How does Paddy feel about the breakdown of his marriage?
"Paddy is totally and utterly gutted. Rhona was the love of his life and he really thought that she was the one. He tried and he tried to bring her through the addiction, get her through rehab and help her rehabilitate herself at home. However, when he found more drugs, that was it - he thought that he couldn't stay married to someone who will lie to him and isn't themselves because they're taking drugs all the time."

Does Paddy still love Rhona?
"He loves her to pieces. He's not stopped loving her. It's just that he thinks he can't be with her."

Do you think he's given up on his relationship too easily?
"I don't think he has given up easily. He's forgiven her an affair, he's forgiven the fact that she's abandoned their child, and he's forgiven the fact that she lied so many times about taking the drugs and didn't tell him. She told Vanessa instead. So he's forgiven her all those things and then he's finally given up now that he's found her with more drugs."

Why is Paddy growing closer to Chas again?
"Paddy trusts Chas. They have a mutual respect and it's a completely non-sexual, male/female relationship. I don't think Paddy's ever really thought of Chas like that since their break-up."

Has he forgotten that Chas once hurt him?
"No, I don't think he has forgotten that. I think he's forgiven her and he says to her afterwards, 'We were never right for each other, ever'. I think Paddy was kind of a stopgap for Chas, but it wasn't right at all."

Why does Paddy try to kiss her then?
"He's drunk, he's lonely and he's completely messed up. Paddy is hurting and he believes that his marriage is over, and so he thinks it's just a one-night stand. He's trying to kid himself that he doesn't love Rhona anymore. He really does truly believe it's over, so he's drunk and he just has a go with Chas - and she reciprocates. He doesn't want a relationship, just a bit of comfort."

He's missing Rhona still though, isn't he?
"Yes, he's trying to pretend he's not and he's trying to pretend to himself that he's not. But he really is and I think it takes this to make him realise that he really is. "

Does Paddy feel responsible for what happened to Rhona?
"I think it worries him and it irks him that Rhona felt that she couldn't come to him. He wonders, 'What is it that's wrong with me that makes her like that or make that decision?' So he is concerned that it might be to do with him."

What does he think about her decision to go into rehab?
"I think he thinks it's for the best. He couldn't handle her, Vanessa couldn't handle it and when she tried to do it at home, she nearly relapsed with these tablets and he doesn't know whether she was going to take them. I don't think Rhona actually knows herself if she was going to take them if Paddy hadn't come in."

How does Paddy react to Laurel and Marlon being so disgusted about his night with Chas?
"He's quite indignant. Surprisingly, even when I read it, I was like 'Oh right'. He doesn't seem very repentant. I think he's just thinking, 'No, it's over. I'm an adult, it's nothing to do with you'. He keeps saying that to Marlon, 'Why don't you get your nose out? It's nothing to do with you'. Marlon points out that Paddy loves Rhona, but he denies it even though he really does care about her."

So doesn't Paddy feel any guilt about spending the night with Chas?
"There is guilt, but he's kind of hidden it. He even goes to Chas and says, 'Shall we try to make a go of it?', but it's when Chas says 'Don't be ridiculous' that he goes, 'Oh yeah, this is ridiculous' and he kind of snaps out of it himself. From what Chas says, he starts realising that he may want Rhona back.

"He says to Chas, 'This is never going to happen again, is it?' and she says no. Afterwards he says, 'Thank you very much for being honest with me', and he realises that it shouldn't happen again anyway and he's being ridiculous to ask."

Later, Vanessa tests Paddy by claiming that she's told Rhona about his night with Chas. How does Paddy react?
"Well, that's the catalyst that makes him think 'Oh my God, that's it. If you told her that means it would be over with Rhona - and that means I really would've lost her'. It makes him realise that he really loves Rhona.

"First and foremost, he wants Rhona back. He wants to go and see her, he wants to tell her that he loves her, and he wants to try and get his relationship back. Then he decides that if he gets her back and doesn't tell her about Chas, then they're off on the wrong foot. They've got to be open about everything because she's decided to do that, and he's got to do that himself too."

Do you think their marriage can be repaired?
"Yeah, I do. Hopefully. I hope so."

What has the story been like to film?
"It started in little dribbles in April and we knew it was going to go through to August and September time, and it's been amazing. It's been really intriguing and it's been really difficult. It's taken all sorts of twists and turns. It's never been obvious because we could've had it as the 'single white female' thing with Vanessa, and they didn't go down that road. It was more complicated than that. It was more subtle.

"It was great, and I just didn't really know what was going to happen. Each time the script came along we were genuinely fascinated and we were all ringing each other. We were ringing each other going 'Oh my God, this happened, this happened', and we're going 'You're kidding! You're joking! I'm going to check for myself'. It was great.

"I'm proud of Mark, Zoe, Michelle and everybody we've worked with. We're all proud of it. It's also nice being given a story like that, running at the side of the Cameron stuff which is literally one of the best stories that Emmerdale has had in years. We've kind of been allowed to run our story at the side of that and that's been a real honour, I think."

Telly Watcher
23-09-2015, 00:18
Emmerdale: Who shot Robert reveal is a first for soaps, says Dominic Brunt

"The way it's done and where it's set is really unusual," adds the actor, who plays vet Paddy in the ITV drama

By David Brown
Tuesday 22 September 2015 at 12:02PM

Actor Dominic Brunt has promised Emmerdale viewers that the unmasking of Robert Sugden's mystery assailant will be a real novelty for soap fans.

"It's really different. The way it's done and where it's set is really unusual," said Brunt, who plays vet Paddy Kirk in the ITV show. "I don't think it's been done before."

Robert will be shot in scenes to be broadcast this Friday and the suspect list is to include prominent villagers including Andy Sugden and Chrissie White.

Speaking on the topic of whether Paddy himself could be the gunman, Brunt added: "Robert has nearly been responsible for Paddy's death - twice! He's not started to threaten his family too.

"So Paddy wants Robert out of the way at all costs. And he would go far enough to do that."

Recent episodes have seen Paddy put his own life in danger when he tried to end Aaron's relationship with the conniving Robert.

Yet despite the vet's misgivings about Robert, Brunt couldn't be happier about sharing scenes with both Ryan Hawley and Danny Miller.

"Ryan is a revelation," he said. "He's come along, hit the ground running and been brilliant. And Danny Miller's brilliant. We love working together, so any so any storyline that involves him is a favourite of mine. They’re both very modern actors - and they keep me on my toes."


(Article includes my underlining)

Only those actors involved in the crucial scenes usually have any knowledge about the setting and action on Emmerdale. The other actors seem to usually be kept in the dark on a 'no need to know' basis. So, this interview from Dominic Brunt implies that Paddy's script includes content about the revealing of the 'mystery assailant'. From this interview, the shooter could be Paddy or Aaron?

29-09-2015, 13:55
I think he shot Robert, he seems the less likeliest so would be a shock, mild calm Paddy attempted murderer

22-10-2015, 21:31
Dominic Brunt has insisted that he had no objections when he heard that his character Paddy Kirk would become a love cheat.

Paddy took centre stage with a shock moment in the ITV soap's special rewind episode, as he slept with newcomer Tess after they met on a night out.
The village vet gave into temptation following a heart-to-heart with Tess about his recent problems, but was soon left guilt-ridden as the reality of betraying his wife Rhona Goskirk sunk in.

Speaking about the storyline for the first time, Brunt commented: "Talking to our producer Kate Oates, she wanted it to be that normal couples would be watching thinking: 'Oh, it does happen!' She wanted it to be an uncomfortable watch.

"Paddy is perfectly happy. He loves his wife and he's got his child. Kate said: 'You might come across as a bit of a baddie, are you okay with that?' And I am. You can't be a saint for 18 years. Paddy is a good person - he's just made a really, really, ridiculously bad decision."

He continued: "Paddy has not been able to tell his wife about the shooting, about Aaron, and he's feeling bad about it. Tess turned up, he could talk to her, there was an understanding and then they went to the back of the car!

"I'm not looking for sympathy. I'm not wanting to change the scripts. I've been in scenes where people have said: 'I'm not doing that, the audience will hate me' and spent two weeks going up and down the stairs [to the producers]. I've never understood that. I've been waiting for something like this and I'm going to indulge it.

"Myself and Zoe Henry had a fairly quietish year, so when we were told this was happening, we just got giddy and excited. She wanted to know whether we stay together and we were told the outcome. We know and you don't!"

22-10-2015, 23:41
re # 41 above

Paddy cant be a saint for 18 years -hmmm!

Betray his wife! -quite a bit of practice!!
2 affairs spring to mind - there may be

He had an affair with Mandys fathers carer
when married to Mandy

And an affair with Viv Windsor when married
to Emily!

I quite like Paddy and the character is realistic
of a type of man who gets away with things
because people think hes too much of a bumbler
to.realise what hes doing!

So.another un- thought out damp.squib??(imo)

22-10-2015, 23:41

23-10-2015, 00:46
he was very worried for aaron, he squashed himself into small car back seat for nookie, bad paddy

Telly Watcher
23-10-2015, 01:20
Emmerdale boss Kate Oates: 'Paddy will probably regret cheating on Rhona'

By Daniel Kilkelly
Thursday, Oct 22 2015, 21:00 BST

Emmerdale producer Kate Oates has joked that she wants married couples to feel nervous after they watched Paddy Kirk cheat tonight (October 22).

The ITV soap's special 'rewind' episode finally explained Paddy's recent strange behaviour, revealing that he slept with newcomer Tess on the night of Robert Sugden's shooting.

Paddy (Dominic Brunt) met Tess while accompanying his best friend Marlon Dingle on a night out. They ended up having a heart-to-heart about their respective personal problems, before having sex in the back seat of Tess's car.

Defending the decision to turn good-natured Paddy into a love cheat, Oates laughed: "It's not the first time he's cheated, to be fair! I think the beauty of this story for me is that it's one of those slight Sliding Doors moments. I want happily married couples to watch that with each other and feel that lovely delicious insecurity!

"Paddy is in a situation where he's kept all of these secrets from his wife and from his friend Marlon. They all spilled out when he met this stranger Tess and he crossed the line.

"He will probably regret it in time, but maybe not just yet."

Tess, played by former Brookside and Waterloo Road star Nicola Stephenson, is a new regular character for Emmerdale so viewers definitely haven't seen the last of her.

This means fans will have to wait and see what Tess's presence means for Paddy's marriage to Rhona Goskirk and whether he is tempted to stray again.

Speaking of her new role earlier this year, Stephenson commented: "I'm thrilled to be joining the cast of Emmerdale. It's a British institution and I'm very excited about the storylines that they have planned for my character."


Telly Watcher
23-10-2015, 01:21
Emmerdale spoilers: Dominic Brunt and Nicola Stephenson discuss Paddy Kirk cheating twist

Duncan Lindsay for Metro.co.uk
Thursday 22 Oct 2015 8:59 pm

Oh, Paddy Kirk – what have you done!?

We don’t expect we have heard the last of Tess, the lady who was the recipient of our favourite hapless vet’s affections in the flashback episode.

Viewers were left reeling when a struggling Paddy bared his soul to Tess after boldly coming to her rescue (kind of) during a nightclub altercation. He then ended up sharing a very awkward bunk up in the tiniest of cars – a moment he clearly regretted almost instantly.

Speaking about the storyline, producer Kate Oates told Metro.co.uk that the idea of Paddy’s storyline was to make ‘married couples watching a little uncomfortable and make people realise that this can happen.’

There are turbulent times ahead for Paddy when he ends up discovering that Tess will be Leo’s teaching assistant (small world, eh?). As she becomes a prominent part of the family’s life, can Paddy keep a lid on his secret guilt? And will his ill advised romp be just a one off?

We spoke to Dominic Brunt (Paddy) and Nicola Stephenson (Tess) about the dramatic developments at a recent Emmerdale storyline event.

How long will Tess be around for?

Nicola: I don’t know at the moment. It’s to be decided, to be confirmed. I’ve got loads of mates in the show that I’ve worked with before, and Jeff Hordley who I went to school with, so it’s really exciting. I knew I’d go and have a nice time as well as have a good part to play.

Are you worried about coming in to potentially break up Paddy and Rhona?

Nicola: Not worried! Worried’s the wrong word. Excited. I knew I was coming in to have an affair with Paddy, which is exciting because it’s a well-loved character, a long-running character in the show, and also it’s someone everyone goes ‘no! Not Paddy!’. It’s all really high-drama.

And you had a sex scene in your first episode…

Nicola: Yep! Still got it! Still playing those saucy characters.

Dominic: It was our second day and it was all through the night as well, so the final kissing scene was at about 5am just as the sun was coming up.

Nicola: We couldn’t really string a sentence any more, because we were so tired.

So who is a better kisser – Dominic Brunt or Anna Friel? [for those who don’t know, Nicola Stephenson shared a snog with Anna Friel in Brookside’s infamous lesbian kiss scene]

Nicola: It was so long ago and we were so young…

Dominic: I remember it!

Nicola: You’ve got it on VHS. I think Anna’s kissing might have improved. It would be unfair to compare. I might have to ring her and snog her again.

Will we meet Tess’s husband?

Nicola: Up to the scripts I’ve got now he’s not mentioned, so I don’t know…

Dominic: I’ve heard we do meet him.

What kind of character is Tess? Can she be quite conniving? Or she nicer?

Nicola: In what we’ve shot so far, I think she comes across at first as just a nice girl, a nice woman, who’s married, who’s kind of in the same situation as Paddy, you don’t know at first that there’s any problems in her marriage it’s just she’s found this person she’s got a connection with.

They’ve both got carried away and they both immediately regret it. You know when you regret something you can go the other way and be antagonistic? They’re like that at first.

How does she come back into Paddy’s life?

Nicola: She’s Leo’s teaching assistant. So she’s quite closely connected with the family. And she’s a wonderful TA so Rhona doesn’t want to lose her.

Dominic: That’s it, as much as Paddy tries to say, ‘no no!’, she’s clearly very good at her job.

Might there be a repeat performance?

Nicola: It does develop. It’s good because the storyline isn’t just over in a second, it’s explored.

What’s gone wrong with Rhona? Was it the kiss with Marlon?

Dominic: Paddy uses that as an excuse. Talking to Kate [Oates, the producer], she wanted it to be that normal couples would be watching thinking ‘oh. It does happen.’ That it was an uncomfortable watch. He’s perfectly happy. He loves his wife. He’s got his child. It’s just like that. It’s slightly seedy to begin with. Kate said ‘you might come across as a bit of a baddie are you okay with that?’ And I am. You can’t be a saint for 18 years. And he’s a good person, he’s just made a really, really, ridiculously bad decision.

It’s quite an intimate moment isn’t it? That bit of sharing between Paddy and Tess?

Dominic: He’s not been able to tell his wife about the shooting, about Aaron, and he’s feeling bad about it. And then someone turns up and he can just go blah, and there’s an understanding – and then there’s the back of the Yaris.

The backhanded compliment he gave her in the club turned out to be successful!

Dominic: I don’t think it would work in real life. You can pick on anybody- she could call me a fat git.

How does it feel to be playing someone naughty?

Nicola: I always play really nice people, don’t I? It’s difficult. It’s a stretch. It’s really nice actually to get to do that. I’m getting to the point of having enough of playing nice mums. That tough but vulnerable thing.

Dominic: It’s flattering for us on Emmerdale to have someone of Nicola’s calibre as well.

What kind of fan reactions are you expecting?

Dominic: I’m not looking for sympathy. I’m not wanting to change the scripts. I’ve been in scenes where people have said: ‘I’m not doing that, the audience will hate me’ and spent two weeks going up and down the stairs. I’ve never understood that. I’ve been waiting for something like this, and I’m going to indulge it.

How has Zoe Henry [who plays Rhona] reacted to the storyline?

Dominic: We’d had a fairly quietish year and we were told this was happening and we just got giddy and excited. She wanted to know whether we stay together and we were told the outcome – we know and you don’t.

To go back to Anna Friel, the first ever lesbian kiss, and to then have it broadcast at the Olympics including to 76 countries where homosexuality is illegal – how did that feel?

Nicola: I was thrilled. It’s great. I’m really proud of Brookside and everything it stood for, the sort of show it was. So many groundbreaking storylines. It was gritty. Before I was in it, I watched it and it inspired me to be an actress and do the shows I like doing, the gritty northern dramas.

It was fantastic and it was in the papers that it had been shown in countries where you don’t see girls kissing girls. I’ve not seen Anna for years because she moved away.


23-10-2015, 01:35
he was very worried for aaron, he squashed himself into small car back seat for nookie, bad paddy

St. Paddy -according to the interview!!

You are right tho- it was a selfless act!!

23-10-2015, 01:35

Serena Williams
23-10-2015, 07:23
The interesting thing is dominic says actors DO object to scripts! I thought they just do as they are told. I agree with Dominic paddy needs drama no one is perfect and I find Rhona a bit boring. Tess looks unhinged though too much like Glenn Close in Fatal Attraction.

23-10-2015, 08:29
Oh, Paddy will regret that little "fling" :ninja:

Rear window
23-10-2015, 08:54
I don't watch this very often but happened to be at my friend's house last night whilst it was on.
I recognised the curly haired girl but couldn't work out who she was.

So if he regrets it or it comes back to bite him will it be just the memory or something a little more weighty?

Rear window
23-10-2015, 08:54
I don't watch this very often but happened to be at my friend's house last night whilst it was on.
I recognised the curly haired girl but couldn't work out who she was.

So if he regrets it or it comes back to bite him will it be just the memory or something a little more weighty?

23-10-2015, 11:05
Think it is going to test his marriage to Rhona

23-10-2015, 11:27
The interesting thing is dominic says actors DO object to scripts! I thought they just do as they are told. I agree with Dominic paddy needs drama no one is perfect and I find Rhona a bit boring. Tess looks unhinged though too much like Glenn Close in Fatal Attraction.

Not sure if should rely on actors recollection
of events. He seems to have erased a lot of
his characters previous actions from his

23-10-2015, 11:30
Think it is going to test his marriage to Rhona

well his 2 former marriages ended when he
had affairs.
Could be a hat trick!

23-10-2015, 11:30

Telly Watcher
27-10-2015, 01:22
Emmerdale star Dominic Brunt: 'Paddy's affair story will have big surprises'

By Daniel Kilkelly
Tuesday, Oct 27 2015, 00:01 GMT

Emmerdale star Dominic Brunt has revealed that there are "big surprises" on the way as Paddy Kirk's cheating storyline continues.

The ITV soap's recent 'rewind' episode showed Paddy betray his wife Rhona Goskirk by sleeping with newcomer Tess after they met on a night out.

A guilt-ridden Paddy had hoped to forget about Tess after their passionate encounter, but next week he discovers that she has been appointed as his stepson Leo's new teaching assistant.

Tess's involvement in the family's lives paves the way for a big new storyline, which will see Paddy tempted into having an ongoing affair with her.

Speaking about the surprising shift in Paddy's character, Brunt explained: "I don't think he's irredeemable. I think you can come back from worse! It's a breath of fresh air for me, because I don't want to protect Paddy as a saint. Why would you want to play the same thing for so long without throwing a spanner in the works occasionally?

"I know what's coming up quite a while into the future and it will be well worth the ride. I haven't been told the whole resolution yet, but I know that it's not what you expect. The story is not going to go where you would ever imagine - there's a few big surprises along the way!"

He continued: "My first reaction was, 'No, this is wrong - of course Paddy wouldn't do it'. But I'm going to embrace it, accept it and do it the best I can. Since then I've been enjoying it every step of the way - just throwing off the shackles of saint Paddy!

"Of course I care about whether people like the character, but I think that will come back round. At the moment he's making a weird life choice, which in the moment is right for him."

Brunt explained that Paddy is initially hostile when he discovers that Tess is working with Leo at the school.

"At first he does the cowardly thing of telling Tess that she's going to have to move out of the classroom," he said. "Paddy almost blames her for being there - some of his behaviour is absolutely despicable and pathetic!

"Tess also turns up for the village bonfire while Paddy is with Leo, Rhona and Marlon. She unapologetically says to him: 'What we did is in the past. Let's just carry on our lives and don't worry about it - but you won't stop me from doing what I want and turning up where I want!'

"I think Paddy is scared for the first few weeks of what and who Tess is. I don't think he fully trusts her. I hate the term, but he thinks she's a 'bunny boiler' who'll spoil everything for him by telling Rhona the truth. But at the same time, Paddy keeps turning up at the school because he wants to see Tess.

"Marlon and Rhona don't suspect a thing. Paddy does try to tell Chas, but then backtracks massively by saying that he only kissed her."

Brunt added that he was delighted when he heard that Nicola Stephenson had been cast in the role of Tess.

He said: "She's fantastic. I've watched her for years on various dramas and I think we're very lucky to grab her. I think it speaks volumes for Emmerdale and where we're at.

"We're competing with other shows and we wipe the floor with EastEnders whenever we're put against them. Not that I don't like EastEnders - it's a great programme. But I think at the moment we are a mature serial drama and I'm so proud to be part of it."


Telly Watcher
13-11-2015, 21:01
Emmerdale's Dominic Brunt on Paddy's affair: 'There's a great twist next year'

Paddy's fling with Tess will take a surprising turn.

By Daniel Kilkelly, Digital Spy
13 November 2015

There could be trouble ahead in Emmerdale, as Dominic Brunt has promised "a great twist" in Paddy Kirk's affair storyline.

The actor was interviewed on ITV's Loose Women today (November 13) and revealed that show bosses are lining up a big surprise as the plot continues over the coming months.

Paddy recently betrayed his wife Rhona Goskirk by sleeping with newcomer Tess Harris (Nicola Stephenson) when they met on a night out.

It won't just be a one-off either, as next week's episodes see Paddy give in to temptation with Tess once again - paving the way for an ongoing affair.

Speaking about the surprising story today, Brunt admitted: "Initially you want to protect your character. You want to go, 'No, he's a good person, he has morals'.

"But I think if you start down that road, you're morally bankrupt as an actor, aren't you? You can't start going upstairs saying, 'No, he wouldn't do this and he wouldn't do that', because you'd be out the door. This is food for us as actors, to have these stories.

"It's very well-written. He's not going to be irredeemable and it's got a great twist towards the end. I can't tell you anything, but I'm dying to tell you! Something happens in the New Year that is great, so keep watching because it's an amazing story."

Brunt added that he never feels like his job on Emmerdale is 100% safe, despite the fact that he will soon celebrate 19 years with the ITV soap.

He said: "I think if you rest on your laurels or become lazy, you're out. You've just got to think of ways to keep doing it.

"And the programme's evolved so much. It was more of a sitcom when it started - certainly when I was there. Storylines were much lighter and me and Mark Charnock, who plays Marlon, were the funnier side."

Read more at:

Telly Watcher
13-11-2015, 21:05
Anyone else think that Paddy will give Tess a baby and then the baby gets adopted by Rhona...

13-11-2015, 22:12
Anyone else think that Paddy will give Tess a baby and then the baby gets adopted by Rhona...

In a soap-definite possibility!
Real Life - probably never

Serena Williams
14-11-2015, 06:44
Anyone else think that Paddy will give Tess a baby and then the baby gets adopted by Rhona...

Could happen this could be the twist.

Serena Williams
14-11-2015, 06:44
Anyone else think that Paddy will give Tess a baby and then the baby gets adopted by Rhona...

Could happen this could be the twist.

Telly Watcher
01-01-2016, 00:11
"Paddy is acting like a complete selfish idiot!"

Dominic Brunt tells us cheating Paddy is in over his head with Tess...

Has Paddy lost his mind by carrying on this affair with Tess?

"I think he's just playing it out now. With Tess, he's found something that excites him and makes him feel younger, and I think Paddy has got so caught up in it all. He's not being very human about it - he's being incredibly selfish and adopting that attitude of excitement in a these-things-never-happen-to-me way."

So, what is it that Tess can give Paddy that Rhona can't?

"It's all based on excitement, and obviously there's a sex side to it, which plays a part in extramarital affairs at times. I keep questioning why Paddy is doing this - but let's remember that this sort of thing happens in real life all the time. People in normal, seemingly good relationships just wander off and have affairs for no good reason."

What is it about Tess that Paddy is attracted to, would you say?

"They've got a good sense of humour together and pour out their problems to each other. It's not just about the sex. Paddy and Tess are growing closer the more time they spend together. She's someone Paddy can talk to, and he likes that Tess isn't attached to anyone else in the village."

Can Paddy bear the thought of losing Rhona?

"No, he loves Rhona. Even when Tess says about fun going out of marriages, he's quick to defend her and explain they still have loads of fun together. Paddy seems to be normalising things massively, which just makes his behaviour more confusing. It's like he wants the best of all worlds."

Does he still want his adoption plans with Rhona to go ahead?

"Absolutely. He feels that it would complete them as a family, and he's still very much wanting a child of his own. Paddy is being so duplicitous - it's like he's split between his morals and hi marriage in two, going, 'Well, this is my family, who I love and look after, and this fling with Tess is great and I'm really loving it.' He's doing both."

Is Paddy rattled, however, when Rhona wants Tess to be a referee for their adoption case?

"He doesn't want that to happen at all. He's trying to keep Tess separate, but she's playing games - and rightly so because Paddy is picking her up and dropping her whenever he wants to. That's when Tess starts turning up in the village all of a sudden, and that really unnerves Paddy."

Why has he been using Aaron to cover his tracks, though?

"Paddy has used Aaron as an excuse on a couple of occasions, and his way of thinking is that he's always been there for Aaron and never judged him. Paddy reckons he owes him. However, I don't think Aaron would react very well if he knew the truth, because he sees Paddy as a morally upstanding father figure."

Would that make Paddy think twice about what he's doing?

"Yes and no. Paddy definitely wouldn't want to lose his wife, or Aaron as a 'son', but on the other hand he's not ready to finish things with Tess. He doesn't think this affair will last forever, and as wierd as it sounds he's enjoying doing this thing just for himself. He's being incredibly selfish".

What would it take for Paddy to come to his senses?

"I think it would have to be a huge threat of Rhona finding out. The last thing he would want is for her to be hurt. Ideally, he'll be with Tess until their relationship fizzles out and then carry on as normal. He's going to have as much fun as possible before that happens."

If you were Paddy's mate, what advice would you give him?

"I would tell him to snap out of it! Paddy is being a complete idiot - he's got everything he wants there, hasn't he? If it all collapsed and he ended up with Tess then he would realise what he'd lost."

Who should Paddy be with?

"Oh, that's an easy one - Rhona. Sort yourself out, Paddy!"

all about soap, fortnight ending 15 January 2015

05-01-2016, 10:46
​Paddy Kirk will receive a nasty shock on Emmerdale next week when he learns that social services have received a bad report about him.

Paddy (Dominic Brunt) and his wife Rhona are currently trying to adopt a child, despite the fact that he is having an affair with teacher Tess Harris.

As the adoption procedures continue, both Aaron Livesy and Tess are called upon by social services. While Aaron happily gives them a glowing review of Paddy, Tess's intentions are unclear.

Paddy's affair later looks set to be exposed when Rhona finds his second phone and he is forced to lie that it belongs to Aaron.
Aaron is confused about the phone

When Rhona tells a confused Aaron that they have 'his' mobile, Paddy knows he has a lot of explaining to do. Feeling the pressure, he eventually comes clean to Aaron about his affair with Tess.

Aaron is left reeling over Paddy's confession, despite his insistence that he doesn't love Tess and the adoption will make his life complete.

Later, Rhona is distraught to learn that someone has given Paddy a bad reference, whilst both Paddy and Pearl are left blaming themselves.

A guilty Pearl believes she is responsible after she told the social worker about Rhona's "lesbian phase", while Paddy wrestles with his own guilt. Was Pearl responsible for the report, or was it a repercussion of Paddy's affair?

Telly Watcher
23-01-2016, 10:09
Affairs are two-a-penny in Soapland, but it’s not often you see the likes of Emmerdale’s Paddy Kirk doing the dirty. Paddy loves his wife Rhona and they are on the road to adopting a baby, yet he cannot resist the charms of teaching assistant Tess Harris.

He’s not a natural cheat, but Paddy is getting more confident and invites his mistress to an overnight stay in a hotel this week. All goes to plan until Rhona turns up unexpectedly. Is the game up for the two-timing vet? TV Times spoke to stars Dominic Brunt, Nicola Stephenson and Zoe Henry about their take on one of soap’s most shocking affairs yet.

Dominic Brunt explains Paddy Kirk’s motives…

Paddy loves Rhona, so why is he risking his marriage like this?

"He has told Aaron that he finds it exciting. He feels 10-years-younger and his flagging ego has been bolstered. I don’t condone what he is doing. He has thrown his morals away and I think he is being pathetic. At first, a tiny part of me worried that Paddy was going to lose his likeability over this, but nobody can be a saint for that long. Everybody is a mixture of both good and bad."

How do you feel when you watch the scenes back?

"I cringe – nobody wants to see a 45-year-old man kissing on screen, do they? But I am enjoying the drama. What is great is that nobody saw this coming and I am relishing it, even though I think the betrayal is awful."

What can you tell us about the hotel moment?

"Paddy has made this bold move of inviting Tess to a hotel because he knows it will end soon-ish. He thinks he is in for this great romantic weekend, which will make a change from doing it in the back of a car in a layby somewhere. Suddenly his wife turns up and it is all really uncomfortable. Paddy knows full well it is right on the line and he is petrified that Rhona will work it out.

"It is a turning point for him because he realises that he doesn’t want to sabotage his family. He thinks ‘This is it, I want to get out.’"

Have you been hit by any handbag-wielding fans?

"I live in the middle of the countryside and don’t go out much, so no I haven’t, not yet. I don’t really pay attention to Twitter either, so I don’t know what viewers are making of it.

How do you find the canoodling scenes?

"I find that a bit embarrassing. It is not a natural thing to go to work and say ‘How was your weekend?’ and then start snogging. I haven’t done it for so long – Lisa Riley was probably the last person I snogged for the cameras."

How is this all going to end?

"Basically, it has to end badly really, doesn’t it? It is going to get good. Tess’s husband comes into it and stuff with Aaron boils up."

What is Tess thinking of! Nicola Stephenson explains…

What does Tess see in Paddy?

"Tess’s husband doesn’t want kids and she doesn’t feel loved and cherished. Paddy represents everything she wants. He is the epitome of a lovely trustworthy family man. She has convinced herself that Paddy is not happy with Rhona and would be much better off with her."

Why does she flirt with Marlon?

"She sees an opportunity to make Paddy jealous and it works because he then asks her if she fancies a night in a hotel. Paddy has told Tess he is happily married and she is angry that he believes she tried to sabotage their chances with the adoption panel. She feels used and her self-esteem is slowly being whittled away. She is a desperate woman really."

Is she tempted to blow the whistle when Rhona shows up at the hotel?

"She is furious. Paddy shoves her in the bathroom but she knows that if she bursts out and ruins things for him, he might dump her. It all happens very quickly, but she hopes that Paddy will sort it out and get rid of Rhona."

What do you think of the story?

"It is interesting because it is not black and white. It is not just bad people who have affairs, it can happen in any marriage. It does look exhausting though. I can’t imagine having the time or energy to do what Tess is doing. My husband calls me about 10 times a day and if my phone is switched off he uses ‘Where’s my iPhone?’ to locate me, so I could never get away with it!"

How have viewers reacted to Tess?

"I get people saying to me ‘Leave that Paddy alone. You are the hussy of Emmerdale.’ I’m glad about that. It is great to come in and do something so exciting. People seem to be enjoying the juicy and scandalous elements of the story."

Could Tess make life very difficult for Paddy?

"I think she will. She could get really damaged by this and will behave in ways she will later regret. She sails close to madness at some points."

Zoe Henry opens up about poor innocent, Rhona...

Has Rhona got any idea that something is up with Paddy?

"In her mind, Paddy is the last human on earth who would ever do anything to hurt anyone else, so no. It isn’t even on her radar. He is being a bit jumpy and unusually attentive, but it would never occur to her that he is seeing anybody else. Anyway, he is a bit of a jittery person by nature."

So what is in her mind when she dashes off to the hotel to surprise him?

"I am a mother myself and know how excited I get about a night with my husband [Emmerdale’s Jeff Hordley] without the children. It is ‘Woo-hoo, me and Jeff can have a drink and a lie-in.’ Rhona has just had good news about the adoption process and she can’t wait to celebrate with Paddy."

Does she notice anything strange when she pitches up?

"She has no idea that Tess is in the bathroom! Paddy says that he had a bad head and fell asleep; so poor old innocent Rhona accepts that."

Is she going to find out the truth?

"Things will hit the fan and it is going to be very exciting and there is an unexpected twist at the end."

Will Rhona leave Paddy?

"We’ll have to wait and see. I hope not as I really enjoy working with Dominic Brunt. She will be so shocked. Not just about Paddy, but Tess too – the woman has confided in her about having an affair with a married man!"

What's on TV

23-01-2016, 10:42
I just hope they don't show too much..I find Paddy's kissing/love scenes very off-putting..sorry.

I thought bob and harriet were meant to have an affair too..It's getting very boring now.

23-01-2016, 10:42
I just hope they don't show too much..I find Paddy's kissing/love scenes very off-putting..sorry.

I thought bob and harriet were meant to have an affair too..It's getting very boring now.

Telly Watcher
02-02-2016, 00:44
He's had endless near-misses, but Emmerdale's Paddy Kirk will panic next week when it seems that his affair will finally be exposed.

Paddy is left frantically fearing for his marriage when his secret lover Tess Harris (Nicola Stephenson) starts to behave erratically around his wife Rhona... which doesn't bode too well for what her intentions might be.

With Paddy resisting the temptation to reignite things with Tess, she plays with fire by telling Rhona that she's been having a fling with a married man.

Tess also reveals that she's now planning to move to the village, which doesn't go down well with Paddy. When he confronts her for crossing the line, Tess simply points out that she wants him to leave Rhona and be with her instead.

After being rejected by Paddy again, a distraught Tess drives off in an emotional state. She then takes a step towards possible revenge by calling Rhona and asking her to meet her.

Dominic Brunt, who plays Paddy, revealed: "His meeting with Tess doesn't go very well and they have a big row. Tess even smashes a glass against the wall! Paddy could be more empathetic towards her, but I think he's just annoyed that she's turned up at the house.

"The storyline isn't about Tess being a bunny boiler or the woman scorned - she's just upset as she wants this relationship to carry on. But Paddy is rattled and he panics when Tess calls Rhona. He's starting to think now that it's only a matter of time before Tess says something.

"Paddy's marriage could be over - and he certainly doesn't want that. It's not what he bargained for when he started the affair with Tess."

Desperate for Rhona to just ignore Tess's request for them to meet, Paddy urges her not to get involved. He then launches a shameless attempt to cover his tracks by desperately trying to discredit Tess.

Brunt continued: "Paddy tells Rhona that Tess is obviously unstable. He explains that she's tried it on with Marlon when she's married. He asks Rhona whether she really wants that in her life and describes it as a mess. Paddy's behaviour is absolutely dreadful!"

As ever, we'll have to tune in to find out how this saga turns out. But if Rhona does find out the truth, can Paddy convince her to forgive him?

Pondering the possibility, Brunt said: "Paddy hasn't got a massive ego, but he's stupid in a way! He thinks that if he pours his heart out to Rhona, she'll say: 'Oh God, I didn't realise you were going through all of this. Let me help you through it'. In a daft way, Paddy thinks he'll get through this and Rhona will get him through his misery!"

By Daniel Kilkelly, Digital Spy

Telly Watcher
05-02-2016, 21:14
ITV Video

Paddy Tess Affair Story Recap 2016, 2m 14s

Paddy's life is spiralling more out of control as the affair with Tess continues. Recap on their torrid moments so far.


Telly Watcher
11-02-2016, 23:50
Emmerdale star Dominic Brunt can't wait to film an epic showdown between Paddy Kirk and Pierce Harris.

It's only a matter of time before the two men come to blows following the shock death of Pierce's wife Tess in Thursday night's dramatic double bill (February 11).

Paddy was having an affair with Tess in the months leading up to her demise, so his big challenge now will be to keep the secret under wraps as a grief-stricken Pierce (Jonathan Wrather) starts to seek answers.

It's not just Paddy who has reason to act shifty, either. His wife Rhona (Zoe Henry) uncovers the affair next week, but becomes desperate to keep it quiet because she doesn't want to jeopardise their adoption chances.

Speaking of the tense scenes to come between Paddy and Pierce, Brunt explained: "They have already met under very sympathetic circumstances. The next time that happens, it's about how Paddy can keep up the lie.

"Also because Paddy and Rhona both know exactly what has gone on, it's a case of whether she will tell him. Or is Pierce going to work it out? And what is he going to do if he does?

"Paddy is a coward and he was rubbish at dealing with the affair, so he is going to be rubbish at dealing with this too! I am really looking forward to it. I have not actually read it yet, but I know there is going to be a confrontation. How it happens, I don't know."

Emmerdale fans have been shocked to see nice guy Paddy turn into a love rat, so could his experience serve as a warning to all the married men out there?

Brunt admitted: "I hope so - I really hope so! There is nothing redeemable about it. It is despicable, cowardly and weak. The fact that Paddy betrayed everyone and then in the end decided he didn't want Tess anymore is despicable. You can't sympathise with him.

"I've had old women spitting at me. I don't think women have liked it and men have been quite bolshie. It has brought people down to the lowest common denominator, and it's not the best way of viewing humans who watch soaps!"

And would Paddy have decided to be with Tess after all if she'd pulled through after the accident? Brunt said: "No. I think now she is dead, he idealises her, but he didn't have the affair because he didn't love Rhona. He told Tess he loved her because she was dying, but he would have gone back to Rhona still."

By Daniel Kilkelly, Digital Spy

14-02-2016, 10:45
Ok so was away and just watch the episode where Tess dies. Did anyone other than me cheer or am I just a sicko? And here was I today thinking that no one will ever know about Paddys affair now that the homewrecker is dead? Well for a brief moment anyway.

And OMG just read what I wrote, no more red wine for you than. LOL

Telly Watcher
14-02-2016, 15:14
I reckon Tess was a lovely woman. She seems to have been in a very unhappy and unfulfilling marriage (Pierce has a lot to answer maybe?). Tess was a school-teacher-assistant and clearly loved having kids around her and maybe really wanted kids of her own but, for some reason, Pierce couldn't give her these (maybe he was just too busy globe-trotting as a busy businessman or was simply too insensitive to Tess's needs?)

Paddy, as a bald guy, must have exuded testosterone and appeared to have been a terrifically fertile guy for Tess...

Unfortunately, our "star-crossed lovers" have had a tragic ending, so baldy Romeo has now lost his lovely Juliet. Booo! Emmerdale storyliners have really sucked yet again...

This has been such a terrible storyline for me, just an unthinkable end for Tess really.

So long, Kate Oates. I don't really think we'll see the full, clean and better influence of Iain MacLeod on Emmerdale until around mid-August 2016?

18-02-2016, 14:20
Emmerdale star Dominic Brunt has revealed that he receives X-rated fan mail - from the show's older viewers.

The actor, who plays cheating Paddy Kirk on the ITV soap, admitted that he gets "sex letters" from women who have taken a shine to his character.

Speaking to The Mirror, he said: "These days you're more likely to get comments on Twitter but I get a lot of rude letters, too.

"They're probably similar to the kind Alan Titchmarsh gets - Paddy is very safe and kind so they think, 'I know, I'll project my sexual fantasies on to him'.

"I'd get sex letters from 60-year-olds, saying, 'I've had rumblings I've not had for 30 years' and telling me what they want to do to me. It's hilarious."​

Paddy embarked on an affair with married schoolteacher Tess Harris last year, but a shocking twist last week saw her killed off in a hit-and-run.

Tonight's episodes will see Paddy's marriage fall apart when the penny finally drops for his devastated wife Rhona.

Digital Spy

18-02-2016, 14:23
I reckon Tess was a lovely woman. She seems to have been in a very unhappy and unfulfilling marriage (Pierce has a lot to answer maybe?). Tess was a school-teacher-assistant and clearly loved having kids around her and maybe really wanted kids of her own but, for some reason, Pierce couldn't give her these (maybe he was just too busy globe-trotting as a busy businessman or was simply too insensitive to Tess's needs?)

Paddy, as a bald guy, must have exuded testosterone and appeared to have been a terrifically fertile guy for Tess...

Unfortunately, our "star-crossed lovers" have had a tragic ending, so baldy Romeo has now lost his lovely Juliet. Booo! Emmerdale storyliners have really sucked yet again...

This has been such a terrible storyline for me, just an unthinkable end for Tess really.

So long, Kate Oates. I don't really think we'll see the full, clean and better influence of Iain MacLeod on Emmerdale until around mid-August 2016?

I always thought Paddy's Juliet was Mandy Dingle, loved them together :p

18-04-2016, 20:11
The couple couldn't get over their issues after Paddy's affair with the late Tess was exposed

Paddy Kirk has left Emmerdale.

The village's resident vet - who is played by actor Dominic Brunt - left the village for good alone after splitting with wife Rhona when she decided to not move to Germany with him after the knowledge of his affair with Tess Harris became too much.

"It's all such a mess. Getting away isn't going to fix this," an emotional Rhona told Paddy.

"I don't want to be this person, checking your phone all the time, wondering who you've been with when you're late home. We're already broken, Paddy. We are. And a ferry to Hamburg is not going to make the slightest bit of difference to that.

"I'm sorry, I hate this just as much as you do but I can't be that person. First thing in the morning and last thing at night I would look at you and remember what you did to me. Please don't make me hate you, Paddy."

Paddy then understood and admitted that he couldn't face staying in the village with Rhona there, so he decided to leave for Germany alone.

"I can't stay here seeing you every day and the practice and the village," he said.

Read more: Emmerdale extends Ashley Thomas' dementia storyline

Read more: Emmerdale's Aaron Livesy faces more drama after his child abuser father is found guilty of rape

Read more: Emmerdale's week ahead and Belle's burning passion for dishy doctor may end in disaster

"It just wouldn't work. I heard what you said and I think it's best that I go. Unless you don't want me to?"

"No, you're right. It's for the best," she replied.

And with that he walked out of the house and began to pack the car to leave.

"I'm going to miss you so much," he told her as she had absolutely no reaction, adding: "Maybe you'll miss me?"

Rhona then told him he'd miss his ferry and told him goodbye, but is that it?

Has one of Emmerdale's most beloved character's left the village without so much as a dramatic exit or shocking death?

It turns out not, as an Emmerdale source confirmed to Mirror TV that the vet will be back in a few months time.

But whether he'll be alone, that's another question entirely. Of course not :p


18-04-2016, 20:14
Paddy Kirk's marriage crisis has just taken another big twist in ​Emmerdale​, as he left the village without his wife Rhona.

The troubled couple had vowed to take an extended break in Germany to save their troubled relationship, but the plan fell through at the last minute when Rhona suddenly got cold feet.

Finally coming to the sad realisation that she could never forgive Paddy for cheating on her, Rhona told him: "I'm sorry, but I can't be that person. First thing in the morning and last thing at night I would look at you and remember what you did to me. Please don't make me hate you, Paddy."

Rhona's brutal honesty devastated Paddy, who then made a huge decision of his own when he realised that he couldn't continue living in the village if his marriage was over.
Rhona Goskirk watches Paddy Kirk leave in Emmerdale
After saying some very emotional goodbyes to Rhona and his stepson Leo, a heartbroken Paddy drove off to catch his ferry - finally realising the full cost of his recent affair with Tess Harris.

The good news is that ​Emmerdale​ fans don't have to get to work on a 'Bring Back Paddy' petition. Digital Spy can reveal that Dominic Brunt has just taken a short break from filming, but he will be returning to our screens as Paddy before too long.

Viewers will have to stay tuned to find out when and why Paddy returns to the village and if there's any hope that Rhona has missed him once he's back...

Digital Spy

23-06-2016, 05:31
Emmerdale's producer Iain MacLeod has hinted that Paddy Kirk will redeem himself when he returns to the village later this year.

Dominic Brunt will soon return to filming at the ITV soap after taking an extended break from his role as Paddy.

Paddy walked out of his life in Emmerdale in April after his affair with Tess Harris led to the breakdown of his marriage to Rhona.

In his absence, Rhona has embarked on a shocking relationship of her own with Tess's husband Pierce, who is still grieving following the shock death of his wife.

MacLeod revealed: "Paddy returns at the end of August to find that Marlon has hooked up with Carly and doesn't know what the hell to do with himself.

"He also comes back to discover that Rhona, the woman he thought he'd spend the rest of his life with, has taken up with Pierce, the widower of his dead mistress. That's an episode of Jeremy Kyle I look forward to watching later this year!

"Paddy comes back to find the whole landscape changed. I've just signed off on the episodes where he comes back and they're funny, there's the bromance with him and Marlon, and there's the heartbreak. They're just excellent and lovely."

He continued: "They're also a good chance for Paddy to redeem himself as a character. I think we'd all agree that him sleeping with Tess turned him into a baddie for a while and the viewers probably weren't on his side for most of that time.

"He's got a big point to prove, which is that he's a good guy. He's determined to put things right by Rhona, so there's a big romantic dilemma for her."

MacLeod also added that Pierce shouldn't necessarily be seen as the villain of the piece, pointing out that the story is more complex than that.

Asked whether Pierce has a dark side, he replied: "Pierce has his insecurities over what happened with Tess. He's a man who's obviously still troubled over all of that and has attachment issues and some jealousy, I suppose.

"But I don't think I'd use the phrase 'dark side'. There's a story we are going to tell that is very complicated and quite difficult."

Digital Spy

05-10-2020, 00:21
Dominic Brunt has expressed interest in continuing his role of Paddy Kirk for years to come.

First arriving in the Yorkshire Dales-based soap 23 years ago, the actor has become one of the longest-serving cast members currently on the show.

Catching up with Inside Soap recently, Dominic cast an eye on the future.

"I've had enough shady jobs to know this is one of the best in the world," he reflected.

"I love it, I'm proud of it and I'm loyal to it. I still find it difficult and it makes me nervous, you can't just busk it! But honestly, if they said: 'Sign here for another 23 years', I'd bite their hand off!

"If they'll keep writing for me, I'll keep putting the effort in for them. It's whipped by in an instant so far."

Elsewhere, the 50-year-old revealed that Paddy and Chas Dingle's current storyline (she's been flirting with Al Chapman behind Paddy's back) could leave him "devastated".

"He comes out of The Woolpack and overhears them coming back and she says, 'Maybe we should spend some time together somewhere like a pub or a hotel'," said Dominic. "So he hears the last bit which is pretty devastating."

But would Chas really cheat on Paddy?

Digital Spy

29-11-2020, 00:23
Paddy is on a mission for the ultimate surprise as he plans a secret Christmas wedding for Chas

29-11-2020, 23:11
Paddy is on a mission for the ultimate surprise as he plans a secret Christmas wedding for Chas

Were they not already married?

30-10-2022, 00:09
will he confront chas and al?

06-01-2023, 07:07

Dominic Brunt, known for playing Paddy Kirk on Emmerdale, appeared on Loose Women today (January 5) to talk about his future on the show.

While Kirk has been a stalwart of the soap since 1997, fans were worried about a potential departure after learning that Brunt would soon be behind the camera, swapping the Dales for directing horror movies.

However, the actor clarified that this is no end to his time as Paddy, and that he'll be keeping the soap as a priority.

Speaking on Loose Women, Brunt shared that he'd already worked on a few horror movies, which are a passion of his, with his most recent project being a British film called Wolf Manor.

He also hinted that he makes a cameo in the film, and that he was able to work with his wife on the project, who served as producer, sharing that "Emmerdale is all-encompassing, and it was nice to be able to be together".

During the talk, Brunt also spoke about how a mutual love of horror came up during his first day on set with Mark Charnock, who plays Marlon, and joked how he was only supposed to work on the show for eight episodes, quipping: "I just think they forgot to write me out!"

Despite his love of horror, the actor and director shared that films are tough, with development taking years and often falling through, meaning that rather than giving films half his attention, he'd rather only work on a project every few years.

Most crucially, when asked whether he'd prefer to direct or to stay in Emmerdale, Brunt emphasised: "My loyalties lie with Emmerdale, they really do.... I'm happy with Emmerdale, and I love it."

So, there will be plenty to come for Paddy in the future... although whether he'll conquer his issues or continue his downward spiral remains to be seen.

21-01-2023, 00:12
eve needs him and he needs mental health help as breakdown maybe counselling he is in a dark place

27-01-2023, 12:18
Paddy Kirk (Dominic Brunt) has been heartbroken after discovering wife Chas's affair with Al Chapman (Michael Wildman), but when he takes a trip down memory lane with ex-wife Mandy, the pair end up falling into bed together.

Will Paddy's night of romance spur him on to get his life back on track, or will it see him sink deeper into depression?

27-01-2023, 13:21
Paddy Kirk (Dominic Brunt) has been heartbroken after discovering wife Chas's affair with Al Chapman (Michael Wildman), but when he takes a trip down memory lane with ex-wife Mandy, the pair end up falling into bed together.

Will Paddy's night of romance spur him on to get his life back on track, or will it see him sink deeper into depression?

Surely romping with Mandy will send him into deeper depression ... even if they were once married...

27-01-2023, 16:24
chas will make paddy the villain pushing him further to despair depression

09-02-2023, 01:06
suicide storyline for paddy

09-02-2023, 11:24
suicide storyline for paddy

He will not die ... :nono:

09-02-2023, 11:25
Emmerdale will air a devastating new story for Paddy Dingle as he considers taking his own life.
ITV has now confirmed an upcoming storyline in which Paddy's ongoing depression will involve him experiencing suicidal thoughts.
Paddy is currently still under the same roof with Chas in order to co-parent daughter Eve, though the situation will grow increasingly tense as his work also suffers at the vet office.

Even though Paddy has close friends like Marlon and Mandy he can confide in, viewers will see him unable to share the depths of his despair with his loved ones.
In Thursday's (February 9) instalment, Paddy will mysteriously leave the village while Chas and Eve are away on a day trip. Though he's later found staying at a local guest house, Paddy's struggles only intensify.

The storyline continues into March, when Paddy returns to the village intending to say his final goodbyes to his family and friends before he plans to take his own life.

09-02-2023, 11:26
He will not die ... :nono:

Let's hope not

09-02-2023, 22:38
Chas and Caleb come across as bullies with Paddy

10-02-2023, 11:59
Chas and Caleb come across as bullies with Paddy

When what he really needs at the moment are friends

04-04-2023, 17:49
Might .. might!!! reconcile with Chas ... :hmm:

04-04-2023, 23:56
Might .. might!!! reconcile with Chas ... :hmm:

idiot paddy idiot

03-07-2024, 04:52

Emmerdale has shared some more storyline teasers for Paddy and Mandy Dingle's upcoming wedding episode.

The reunited couple are due to tie the knot later this year in heartwarming scenes, providing some joy for the Dingle family after a difficult year. There have been tough times for the chaotic clan recently, as they've been at odds over Samson's false allegations against Matty, as well as Charity's suspicions that Tom is controlling Belle.

Later this year, the family will also be rocked by the sad news that patriarch Zak Dingle has died. The story has been written in as a tribute to the late Steve Halliwell, who died in December after playing Zak for nearly 30 years.

Speaking at an Emmerdale press conference this week, show producer Sophie Roper told Digital Spy and other media: "Mandy and Paddy are building towards a wedding. It is Mandy and Paddy, so that's going to be filled with fun.

"We've had Mandy's dress made in-house by one of our dress-makers. It's going to be very Mandy, it's going to be very big, it's going to be very fun ? so look out for some fun in and amongst [the other storylines] with the Dingle clan as well."

Paddy and Mandy became engaged again in March, resolving their differences after Paddy had shared a kiss with his estranged wife Chas.

With Mandy dressed up in a Cinderella outfit, Paddy got the idea to follow suit as her Prince Charming and pop the question.

Emmerdale producer Laura Shaw previously teased: "It's been brilliant watching Mandy and Paddy's love story play out on screen. We've recently seen them get engaged, and there was a little bit of a throwback ? I don't know if anyone spotted it ? to their original Cinderella and Prince Charming wedding.

"There are going to be wedding bells for them in the not-too-distant future. I can't really tell you much more than that, because we're still planning it. But I'm pretty sure, with Mandy and Paddy involved, it's sure to be a lot of fun."