View Full Version : Casualty Spoilers 26th September 2015

18-09-2015, 18:47

Terror strikes when a room full of racist supporters are attacked and are brought in to the Emergency Department - where the attack continues.

As staff are evacuated, a petrified Alicia is left alone in the hospital to treat a patient. She decides to do a risky procedure and it’s a success, impressing Connie but making Lily utterly jealous.

Jacob puts his life on the line for Connie and manages to get the attacker to hand over their gun, but just as the police walk in Jacob is shot. Connie saves his life and the experience brings them closer together. Jacob is hailed a hero, but feels like a victim.

Louise struggles with the day and bonds with Alicia, while Zoe still hopes that Max can forgive her.

CAST: Louise (Azuka Oforka), Iain (Michael Stevenson), Zoe (Sunetra Sarker), Dixie (Jane Hazlegrove), Lofty (Lee Mead), Max (Jamie Davis), Lily (Crystal Yu), Rita (Chloe Howman), Robyn (Amanda Henderson), Connie (Amanda Mealing), Jacob, (Charles Venn), Noel (Tony Marshall), Big Mac (Charlesy Dale).

GUEST CAST: Salman (Chin Nyenwe), Ibrahim (Charles Mnene), Arshad (Sagar Arya), Roy (John Killoran), Mairo (Simona Brown), Denise (Lucy Benjamin).