View Full Version : Holby City Spoilers 19th May 2015

12-05-2015, 11:13
'The Ides Of March'

Annabelle's condition has worsened and it's clear that action must be taken immediately to buy her more precious time with her family. Zosia is forced to reveal the truth to her father, and when Guy realises that she intends to perform the intricate procedure herself, he refuses to allow the surgery to go ahead. He claims that it's a highly-dangerous and experimental procedure that requires strict trials before they can consider a live subject, but in truth he is afraid that the pressure may trigger Zosia's bipolar.

After an emotional plea, Guy backs down and agrees to let the life-prolonging surgery go ahead - but only with himself at the helm. However, Annabelle firmly backs Zosia - she chose her because she believes in her abilities. This gives Zosia the confidence to demand the chance she deserves. Guy reluctantly allows Zosia to perform the surgery herself, but he looms over her throughout. It's touch and go in the operating theatre, but can Zosia overcome her fears?
Annabelle's condition is worsening
Annabelle's condition is worsening
Zosia struggles to cope
Zosia struggles to cope

Meanwhile, Lucy - the mysterious daughter of Raf's patient - is hiding a secret. Lucy has no love of doctors after a disfiguring accident and a year of invasive surgery, but can Raf persuade her to accept the treatment she clearly needs?

Elsewhere, Mo is delighted when her estranged father Clifford starts work at the hospital, but it's clear they're worlds apart - Mo is at the cutting-edge of heart surgery today and Clifford is emptying the bins. When Clifford makes a silly mistake, mixing the general rubbish with the clinical waste, Mo comes down hard on him, leaving Clifford feeling awful. Why is Mo overreacting?