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30-06-2005, 03:42
They get on my nerves quite a lot! You're watching a good program and they always come on, usually just before the best part is about to happen! :mad: Im glad EastEnders dont have them! :) Anyway, I think most of them are quite crap and boring, but is there any that you like?? I suppose the KFC one is quite funny - "Great! she hasn't cooked!" lol :D - then the woman just stands still and looks at him lol :D I dont like the ringtone adverts... they seem to come on quite a lot! :mad: Anyway, is there any adverts that you guys like... or not? :searchme: :)

30-06-2005, 10:31
I like the Talk Talk adverts, they're pretty clever. I hate all the ringtone adverts as well, they really get on my nerves. :(

30-06-2005, 10:37
Be thankful you're not in America. Their adverts go on for ages.

30-06-2005, 10:46
I find it hard enough to cope with 30 second ones

30-06-2005, 10:56
I cant stand the sofa adverts and the kfc when that man sings great she hasnt cooked I would just pour his on his head.I love the johnsons baby ad's

30-06-2005, 13:09
That's why I'd rather pay for the beeb and get a decent programme line-up and also no adverts.

Infact the beeb is worth atleast £1000 a month for what it's currently offering and people are complaining about the pittence of a tv licence we pay now :)

30-06-2005, 15:13
uktv gold is the worst channel for adverts...they have about ten minutes no exaggeration

you switch over and see later


phils little sister
30-06-2005, 15:16
I cant stand the sofa adverts and the kfc when that man sings great she hasnt cooked I would just pour his on his head.I love the johnsons baby ad's

I love that ad i always laugh at that i think its so funny :rotfl:

30-06-2005, 15:25
uktv gold is the worst channel for adverts...they have about ten minutes no exaggeration

you switch over and see later

Yes they do. It's always annoying in the middle of EastEnders.

samantha nixon
30-06-2005, 15:43
i dont mind tha adverts but my sister seems to no every word to them so she says them while there on and that gets annoying

30-06-2005, 15:48
The best one is the KFC one where the women talk with their mouths full.

30-06-2005, 15:59
Was that not taken off the air because of all the complaints

30-06-2005, 16:01
Does anyone remember that advert (think it was for mexican food) where they are looking at holiday photo's and the guy comments and the girl's mum's man boobs??

Have you ever seen it late at night? Right after the guy says it and they all turn round to look at him. He's there stark naked thought i was seeing things the first time round lol

30-06-2005, 16:08
Does anyone remember that advert (think it was for mexican food) where they are looking at holiday photo's and the guy comments and the girl's mum's man boobs??

Have you ever seen it late at night? Right after the guy says it and they all turn round to look at him. He's there stark naked thought i was seeing things the first time round lol
Yeah I know the one you mean.

30-06-2005, 16:08
Was that not taken off the air because of all the complaints
It was complained about but I think they said it was actually ok.

06-07-2005, 19:12
i prefer the older KFC advert where that woman does that long oh and then goes.... no hehe used to crack me up

06-07-2005, 19:25
Does anyone remember that advert (think it was for mexican food) where they are looking at holiday photo's and the guy comments and the girl's mum's man boobs??

Have you ever seen it late at night? Right after the guy says it and they all turn round to look at him. He's there stark naked thought i was seeing things the first time round lol

i think the ad was for cheese sauce

06-07-2005, 19:27
The best one is the KFC one where the women talk with their mouths full.

I really hate that one - it is a terrible example to kids!

06-07-2005, 19:35
The only every mostly advert I like is talk talk they are jokes!! The telephone, the TV etc. oh god its jokes!! Yes thank god EE don't have them!! I sometimes like the Andrex tissue roll adverts soemtimes. But apart form that thewy are annoying when watching soemthing good!!