View Full Version : Corrie Spoilers 13th - 17th October 2014

03-10-2014, 15:31
Episode 8489: Monday 13th October at 7.30pm

Young Simon compounds Rob’s guilt.
Steve’s feeling the pressure.
And why is Kylie paying Callum a visit?

Episode 8490: Monday 13th October at 8.30pm

Ken is furious with Rob.
Has Steve made things worse for Peter?
And Roy is overcome with loneliness.

Episode 8491: Wednesday 15th October at 7.30pm

Will Carla go with her gut feeling?
A heartbroken Roy plans to move on.
And Steve hides from the world.

Episode 8492: Friday 17th October at 7.30pm

Can Roy finally let go of Hayley?
Peter tries to keep his cool.
And Tony and Liz are at loggerheads.

Episode 8493: Friday 17th October at 8.30pm

Distraught Roy faces ultimate devastation.
The Judge sums up at Peter’s trial.
And Audrey is rather taken with Luke.

05-10-2014, 04:43
Over on Coronation Street, Peter Barlow's future hangs in the balance as he stands trial for Tina McIntyre's murder.

Viewers know that Rob Donovan killed Tina, but Peter's affair with the barmaid prior to her death has put him firmly in the frame.

As the trial begins, Peter's hopes of being found innocent dwindle as various evidence is given against him.

When Roy Cropper is called as a witness, he is forced to reveal how he saw Peter (Chris Gascoyne) entering Tina's flat on the night of her attack.

Steve McDonald is also questioned and although he is on Peter's side, he is extremely nervous about the situation and ends up having a panicked outburst in court. This leaves him worrying that he has made things worse for Peter.

Later when back in his cell, Peter tells fellow prisoner Clelland that Carla's witness statement will be the last straw for him, believing he will definitely be found guilty…
Peter's trial begins.
Peter's trial begins.

Coronation Street airs these scenes on Monday, October 13 at 7.30pm and 8.30pm on ITV.

07-10-2014, 10:33

Rob worms his way out of going to Peter's trial, instead helping Carla to move her stuff into her new flat. As Rob and Carla look after Simon for an afternoon, Simon tells Rob that he misses his real mum and Tina.

At Simon's request, Rob takes him to visit Tina's grave. When Rob assures Simon that Peter had nothing to do with Tina's death, Simon questions who did…

Meanwhile, Steve is nervous as he waits to be called as a witness at Peter's trial. Norris finds Steve talking to himself in the court loos as he psyches himself up for the witness box, leaving him embarrassed.

Elsewhere, Roy takes the witness stand and describes how he saw Peter entering Tina's flat on the night of her attempted murder.

Also, Kylie visits Callum to beg him for more drugs.

Monday (2)

Peter's hopes of being found innocent dwindle as more evidence is given against him. Later in his cell, he tells Clelland that Carla's witness statement will be the last straw.

At the same time, Rob tells Simon that he doesn't know who killed Tina, but knows that it wasn't Peter. Simon believes him, but Ken is furious with Rob for raising Simon's hopes.

Meanwhile, Steve's nerves lead to a panicked outburst in the witness box. This causes concern as he explains to Liz and Michelle that he feels he has made things worse for Peter.

Elsewhere, Roy is overcome with loneliness when he receives a letter addressed to both he and Hayley.

Also, David notices Kylie behaving oddly when she arrives home having taken speed.


When Carla is called as a witness, she describes Peter's affair with Tina and is cross-examined by Peter's barrister.

Carla is taken aback and tells the court that she does not believe Peter is capable of murder, leading Peter to believe that she is still in love with him.

Meanwhile, after a group of teenagers attempt to vandalise Tina's memorial, Roy confides in Anna about how much he misses Hayley. She encourages him to try and move on, so Roy plans to scatter Hayley's ashes in Blackpool with Tyrone and his family.

Elsewhere, Steve becomes increasingly isolated. He ignores Eileen's calls and she finds him listening to music in his cab. Is he seeking refuge from the outside world?

Also today, Todd is doing a poor job of looking after Rob and Tracy's shop while they're in court.


Roy gets increasingly anxious as he prepares to scatter Hayley's ashes in Blackpool. Will he find the strength to say goodbye?

At the same time, Maddie and Sophie discover a break-in at the café flat. Is Roy returning home to his worst nightmare?

Meanwhile, Peter is called to the witness box, telling the court that Tina was just a bit of fun for him but he always loved Carla. When the prosecution barrister challenges him, Peter erupts and insists that he is telling the truth. Can he keep his cool?

Elsewhere, as Liz confides in Eileen about how Jim is pestering her from prison, Tony appears in The Rovers. Liz and Tony continually glance at one another - clearly as stubborn as each other. Will either make the first move?

Also, Audrey is overcome with fear when she goes to collect her car from Luke, finding herself too afraid to drive it away.

Friday (2)

Faced with the devastation in his flat, Roy is distraught. When the police finish their search, Anna tidies the mess and Jason fixes the locks.

Although Anna and Tyrone do their best to reassure Roy, he is left clutching Hayley's ashes, alone and terrified.

Meanwhile, Peter, Carla, Ken and Rob listen intently to the judge's summing up of the case.

07-10-2014, 22:50
Oh no he is not going to be sent down is he?