View Full Version : Corrie Spoilers 22nd - 26th September 2014

10-09-2014, 17:10
Episode 8474: Monday 22nd September at 7.30pm

Ken and Deirdre fear the worst.
Can the Grimshaws heal their rift?
And Michael avoids a diagnosis.


Episode 8475: Monday 22nd September at 8.30pm

Will Liz help the Barlows?
Todd is devastated by Eileen’s words.
And Gail stands by her man.


Episode 8476: Wednesday 24th September at 7.30pm

Eileen is torn between her sons.
Liz has a stand off with Jim.
And will Neil ever back down?


Episode 8477: Friday 26th September at 7.30pm

Deluded Neil makes a stand.
Can Jason accept Todd’s new home?
And Michael bites the bullet.


Episode 8478: Friday 26th September at 8.30pm

Neil puts Andrea in danger.
Has Kylie found an escape?
And Todd causes more upset.

14-09-2014, 04:29
Over on Coronation Street, Neil Beckett takes drastic action in order to get through to his estranged wife Andrea.

Viewers have seen Neil (Will Travis) become increasingly intense in recent weeks as he has attempted to pester Andrea (Hayley Tamaddon), who has been trying to focus on her relationship with Lloyd Mullaney.

After overhearing a conversation between Lloyd and Michelle about her wedding business, Neil misunderstands and thinks that Lloyd is about to propose to Andrea.

Devastated about the prospect of losing his wife for good, Neil climbs onto the roof of The Rovers and insists that he will only speak to Andrea.

Neil then tells Andrea that he will agree to come down but only if she breaks off her engagement to Lloyd and returns to him.

Incensed, Andrea decides to climb up the ladder herself where she begs Neil to put an end to his dangerous behaviour and return to safety.

However, before she can get through to him, Andrea slips and is left clinging to the guttering. Could Neil's stunt have very serious consequences?
Neil's rooftop protest causes a stir
Neil's rooftop protest causes a stir
Andrea joins Neil on the Rovers roof
Andrea joins Neil on the Rovers roof
Andrea finds herself in danger
Andrea finds herself in danger
Will Neil's behaviour have dire consequences?
Will Neil's behaviour have dire consequences?

Coronation Street airs these scenes on Friday, September 26 at 7.30pm and 8.30pm on ITV.

14-09-2014, 22:37
Let her go Neil she is not worth it!

15-09-2014, 21:02
Todd bores the backside off me with his pathetic game playing. It's cringeworthy. When is he going to leave already?

And as for Fizz & Tyrone. Does Tyrone have a thought of his own or does Fizz have to tell him how to wipe his own backside aswell.....

16-09-2014, 08:50

Ken and Deirdre are furious to learn that Jim was Peter's booze supplier and far from protecting Peter like they thought, Jim will now be after his blood.

At the prison, Peter is resigned to his fate when two inmates turn up in his cell and march him off to see Jim. As Ken and Deirdre wait for Peter in the prison visiting room, they fear the worst…

Meanwhile, Michael tries to back out of going to see the doctor, but Gail offers to accompany him. However, when he disappears before the appointment, a frantic Gail worries that Michael has had a heart attack.

Elsewhere, Todd's family blank him during breakfast, still blaming him for the chipboard fiasco. Todd appeals to Eileen, promising that he is job-hunting in an attempt to sort himself out, but she makes it clear she couldn't care less. When Jason announces that he can't stand living under the same roof as Todd so he's moving in with Eva, it looks like the rift won't be mended any time soon.

Also, Sophie announces that Kevin is coming home tomorrow.

Finally, Maddie continues to impress her new colleagues at the factory, while Andrea spends the day tidying Lloyd's flat as she is nervous of encountering Neil.

Monday (2)

Ken and Deirdre are about to report Peter's absence when he arrives in the visiting room trying to mask his agony. He warns Ken and Deirdre to keep quiet about his beating, as he and Jim are quits now and it would only make matters worse.

Back on the street, however, Deirdre urges Liz to go and see Jim and ask him to lay off Peter. Will Liz agree?

Meanwhile, Eileen is upset that Jason is moving out to get away from Todd. When Todd then overhears a drunk Eileen telling Sean she hates the person Todd has turned into, he's devastated.

Elsewhere, Gail convinces Michael that he needs a proper diagnosis, and she will stand by him as she loves him. Michael is touched, but when Audrey and Nick urge Gail to ditch him before she ends up being his carer, will Gail agree that Michael is a lame duck?

Also, Tim is not happy that Sally didn't warn him about Kevin's return.


When Tony chucks £50 at Todd and tells him to leave town, an angry Todd heads to The Rovers to drown his sorrows.

After a chat with Michael, who advises Eileen not to become estranged from her family, she decides to give Todd one last chance. However, when she finds him drunk and rowing with Michael and Sophie, has Eileen reached the end of the line with Todd?

Meanwhile, as Peter surveys his bruises, he is rattled when Jim warns him they still have unfinished business. Later, Liz faces Jim and orders him to call off the dogs and leave Peter alone for Ken and Deirdre's sake. Jim agrees on one condition - that Liz continues to visit him regularly. How will Liz respond?

Elsewhere, adopting a different tack, Andrea and Lloyd try chatting to Neil genially when they bump into him. However, Neil warns them that he won't be put off, and will continue to hang around and make their lives a misery!

Also today, Kevin arrives back with Jack to a warm welcome from Sophie. Tim agrees to go for a pint with Kevin, but will they clear the air?


Neil is shattered when he overhears Lloyd talking to Michelle about her wedding planning business, thinking Lloyd is talking about marrying Andrea. Using Tim's ladder - and leaving Tim stuck on the roof of Number 4 - Neil climbs onto the roof of The Rovers, insisting that he'll only speak to Andrea.

Stranded Tim is forced to watch on as Neil tells Andrea that he'll only agree to come down if she breaks off her engagement to Lloyd and returns to him. Incensed, Andrea climbs up the ladder and begs him to stop messing about. However, when she slips and is left clinging to the guttering, it looks like Neil's stunt could have very serious consequences…

Meanwhile, Eva takes pity on homeless Todd and invites him to stay at her flat. How will Jason react?

Elsewhere, a nervous Michael heads to the doctors.

Also, Maddie is taken aback when Carla pays her some wages and offers to make her a permanent fixture at the factory. Will Maddie accept?

Finally, Beth plans the wedding of her dreams.

Friday (2)

As Andrea hangs from the side of The Rovers, a petrified Neil reaches out to her.

Lloyd also desperately tries to grab hold of Andrea from an upstairs window, but he can't reach and the onlookers gasp as a tired Andrea loses her hold. Will Neil pull her to safety in time?

Meanwhile, when Kylie bumps into a short-staffed Nick outside the Bistro, she offers her services. David is furious to find her working and demands she comes home. Will Kylie agree? Later, when Eva asks Kylie if she's had any more of Max's pills, she's shocked by her confession.

Elsewhere, Jason is livid to find that Eva has invited Todd to stay and storms out of the flat, saying that he can't stay while Todd is there.

Also, Michael is referred to a genetics clinic for tests to determine if he has a heart condition.

Finally, Tim is embarrassed as it's left to Kevin to help him down from the roof. As Sally takes Tim in her arms, Sophie notices Kevin looking wistful and later asks him if he still has feelings for Sally.

16-09-2014, 16:37
Coronation Street mechanic Kevin Webster returns to Weatherfield next week, but faces an awkward encounter with Tim Metcalfe.

Viewers know that Kevin (Michael Le Vell) has once again been away in Germany looking after his father Bill, who had injured himself following a nasty fall.

When Kevin's daughter Sophie (Brooke Vincent) announces that he will be returning imminently, Sally (Sally Dynevor) doesn't share the news with her partner Tim (Joe Duttine), leaving him angry.
Tim is not happy that Sally didn't warn him about Kevin's return.
Tim is not happy with Sally

As Kevin arrives back in Weatherfield with Jack, he receives a warm welcome from Sophie and awkward greeting from Tim.

The two men eventually agree to go for a pint together in an attempt to clear the air, but Tim is left embarrassed later in the week when Kevin has to help him down from the roof.

Witnessing Kevin's wistful look as Sally and Tim share an affectionate moment, Sophie later quizzes her dad on his feelings for Sally - but what will Kevin say?
Tim agrees to go for a pint with Kevin.
Tim agrees to go for a pint with Kevin
Kevin returns to Weatherfield
Kevin returns to Weatherfield

Coronation Street airs these scenes next week on ITV.

16-09-2014, 22:27
Glad he is back hope he stays off the booze permanently

17-09-2014, 04:50
Yes, I am glad he is back too :)

24-09-2014, 04:56
Coronation Street's Todd Grimshaw pushes his mum Eileen to breaking point in tonight's episode (September 24) as his bad behaviour continues.

Despite promising to change his ways, Todd (Bruno Langley) causes more trouble on the cobbles after drowning his sorrows at the Rovers Return.

When Todd then heads to the corner shop for even more booze, he ends up rowing with Sophie Webster and Michael Rodwell.

Todd's true colours re-emerge once again as he nastily insults them both, but when Eileen walks in and hears everything, she is left wondering whether it's time to turn her back on her wayward son for good…
Todd shouts at Sophie
Todd shouts at Sophie

Coronation Street airs tonight at 7.30pm on ITV.

24-09-2014, 08:05

Ken and Deirdre are furious to discover that it was Jim who was supplying Peter with the booze all along. In prison, Peter prepares himself for a beating when two other inmates arrive at his cell to escort him to see Jim. Deirdre and Ken wait anxiously in the prison visiting room and are shocked to see the state Peter is in. Back on the Street, Deirdre begs Liz to
ask Jim to lay off, but when she does agree to go and see her ex, Jim has conditions for her. Gail is worried about Michael’s health and determines to stand by him – whatever Audrey and Nick advise to the contrary. It looks as though the Grimshaws have finally given up on Todd. Eileen tells him she couldn’t care less what he does, and Jason moves out, unable to live under the same roof any longer. Tony advises him to leave town and chucks £50 at him – which Todd immediately uses to drown his sorrows in the
Rovers. Then Eva takes pity on him and offers him a place to stay – what will Jason think? Neil’s delusions reach new heights when he steals Tim’s ladder and climbs on to the roof of the pub, announcing that he will only come down if Andrea agrees to break off her engagement to Lloyd and come back to him. Kevin arrives back with Jack, to Sophie’s delight – but how will Tim take it? Carla gives Maddie a break by employing her in the factory

24-09-2014, 16:21
Yes, I am glad he is back too :)

I didn't miss him and Tim is great with Sally, Sophie and Maddie

24-09-2014, 20:54
todd should move in with maria :p

25-09-2014, 13:01
Todd should leave the street!