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22-07-2014, 05:12
EastEnders airs big episodes for Babe Smith next week as she is left panicking when her drugs secret comes under threat.

Babe's dodgy dealings with her niece Tina (Luisa Bradshaw-White) are exposed to the rest of the Carters after some of her hash cakes accidentally end up in the hands of Bianca's children.
Annette Badland as Aunt Babe
Annette Badland as Aunt Babe

Needing a plan B once the police get involved, Babe teams up with Dean Wicks to hide her stash of cannabis for the time being. However, when Dean's mum Shirley interferes, Babe turns ruthless by threatening to reveal her biggest secret as revenge…

Here, Annette Badland - who plays Babe - reveals more details of the drama to come and her time with EastEnders so far.

How does Aunt Babe react when she realises that the Carters know what she and Tina have been up to?
"I think she would want to protect her family from what she's doing privately. She's quite a private person, so she wouldn't like the exposure. She would also be very embarrassed because she loves her family and she's very proud to now have contact with them again, so she wouldn't want to lose them. She would want to hold onto them very much."

What do Aunt Babe's family make of it? A while ago, she did approach them with the idea of selling weed to make money.
"She offered them an idea that they might do it and said that she has dealt in weed, but they wouldn't know the scale of it and they've also said no. She involved Tina for good reasons, as Tina wants to have a baby and it's helping her with the money for that - but even so, she shouldn't have involved the rest of the family and I think she probably regrets that she involved Tina."

Did Aunt Babe ever see the business with Tina as a long-term prospect?
"I think she's got a huge soft spot for Tina and will try and help her in any way she can, as Tina desperately wants that baby. Aunt Babe isn't sure of Tosh or their relationship, but she's got a big soft spot for Tina and so tries to help her. She does try and contain it and says, 'Maybe we should just stop for a bit and cool it'."
Aunt Babe brings Tina hash brownies to sell.
Babe recently teamed up with Tina

Is Aunt Babe upset that Tina is in trouble after what happened?
"Yes. She's also annoyed at Tina when it happens because she has warned her, but it's not Tina's fault either and she didn't do it deliberately - the hash cakes were taken from her. But Aunt Babe doesn't want to be found out, and if it gets traced back to her, she's in terrible trouble."

Aunt Babe lies to her family and says she is getting rid of the drugs, but then she teams up with Dean to stash them at the salon! Why?
"Babe sees it as an awful lot of money to lose! It's her livelihood. I think possibly her root into growing the weed wasn't straightforward. I think she is caught in something that she can't afford to let go. That is the crux for her - it's a lot of money and it's her livelihood.

"She will try and hold on to it, because she doesn't really trust Dean either. He's a slippery fish for her, he's not entirely real, he's hot headed and young and that's not really what she needs, but she can't manage alone."
It becomes clear Dean and Aunt Babe are keeping the cannabis.
Dean and Aunt Babe are keeping the cannabis
Dean and Aunt Babe tell Shirley they are partners.
Dean and Aunt Babe tell Shirley they are partners

Shirley finds the stash and then it goes missing! How does Aunt Babe feel when she realises that Shirley is involved in that?
"That's enormous for her. She likes to keep control in a social way. She has the front of being jolly, as she does have a sense of humour and she's bouncy and bubbly - but here I tried to be very angry, just one line of real anger because she'd lost control.

"Babe can't let that out, she has to rein that anger in and use it in some other way. She won't expose herself by being furious, so she suppresses it and torments Shirley with what she may do next.

"It's terribly complex because she does of course love Shirley. She really does love those three children and brought them up and she isn't a mother, but it's the closest thing she's ever had. Loving those three children and wanting to protect them and help bring them up, she's thrilled to be back there. But, you know, like every human being, there's a whole complex scenario going on there."

Babe threatens Shirley by threatening to expose her big secret at a family dinner. Does she really have it in her?
"Sadly yes, I think she is that ruthless. She loves Shirley, but she also needs to protect herself…"
Aunt Babe tells a nervous Shirley that she has an announcement to make at dinner
Aunt Babe tells Shirley she has an announcement
Will Aunt Babe reveal Shirley's secret?
Will Aunt Babe reveal Shirley's secret?

How do you feel about all of these different dimensions to Babe?
"I must say as an actor I found it quite shocking. If you read my character breakdown, she's the aunt you'd want and she's jokey and all - and then all that came out and she's clearly a liar and defensive. She's protective of her family but protective of herself and you don't really know if there'll be other things about her.

"Everyone has a dark side somewhere and there are still things that you don't know about her."

Is there anything you can tease?
"Wait for Christmas!"

How did the role on EastEnders come about?
"I'd worked with [executive producer] Dominic [Treadwell-Collins] on an independent film and he knew my work, so I was asked to come in for a chat and they gave me some scenes to read. It was all go from there. I was terrified initially and am still terrified!"

How does this compare to your previous acting work?
"The speed of it is different. It's a very fast-moving machine and you have to just jump on, not let anyone down and be up to speed with everyone. My analogy is that I took a dive into a swimming pool and my head's come up in a shipping lane of the English Channel and there's a tanker coming and a ferry, and if I doggie-paddle long enough, I might not drown!"

Aunt Babe has a proposal for the rest of the Carters.
Aunt Babe with the Carters

Have you bonded well with the Carter family?
"Oh yes, everyone! Luisa and I dance together! Everyone in the family is generous and kind and fun and I feel they have just been tremendously generous to me.

"In the show the Carters love their Aunt. Even Shirley, we're almost like sisters. I've got a niece who is five years younger than me, and so I understand that dynamic."

Have you had more people coming up to you since you've been on the show?
"Very much so. I'm surprised because at this point, I've only been in for about six episodes. I go to Belfast and the ladies in the hotel say 'Ooh it's Aunt Babe, we'll get you a nice wee room'. Lots of people say 'I know you!' People like the character so far, but they might not after this week. They might not be so keen to come up to me in the street!"

25-04-2015, 00:42
so either illegal abortions or selling drugs she did in the past with heather's mother i think

25-04-2015, 21:30
so either illegal abortions or selling drugs she did in the past with heather's mother i think
Think your right lizann , illegal abortions somehow seems to fit the character.

10-06-2015, 11:02
The Carter family will swap Walford for the seaside when they visit the Kent coast in an upcoming EastEnders storyline.

Paparazzi photographers caught cast and crew, including Danny Dyer (Mick Carter) working on the scenes on location in Broadstairs yesterday (June 9).
Eastenders Carter Family filming on the Kent coast
© Splash News / Steve Finn
Eastenders Carter Family filming on the Kent coast
© Splash News / Steve Finn

Linda Henry, Annette Badland and Luisa Bradshaw-White, who play Shirley, Tina and Aunt Babe respectively, were also spotted filming.

Aunt Babe was forced to flee Walford last month when her scheming was finally exposed, prompting an angry Shirley and Mick to turn on her.
Eastenders Carter Family filming on the Kent coast
© Splash News / Steve Finn
Eastenders Carter Family filming on the Kent coast
© Splash News / Steve Finn

However, it looks as if she will be reunited with her family in upcoming scenes, although how and why the Carters end up in Kent remains to be seen.

In between takes, the cast could be seen laughing with each other, while Dyer was happy to pose for photos with fans.
Eastenders Carter Family filming on the Kent coast
© Splash News / Steve Finn

EastEnders will air these scenes later in the year on BBC One.

10-06-2015, 23:44
mick and shirley united again he is a gullible sucker

11-06-2015, 00:03
mick and shirley united again he is a gullible sucker

Looking on the bright side- Deans not there??

11-06-2015, 00:03

11-06-2015, 14:31
Is it ashes in Tina's tin?

sarah c
11-06-2015, 15:13
Is it ashes in Tina's tin?

Stan maybe?

11-06-2015, 16:52
Good to see Aunt Babe again.

01-09-2015, 20:20
so this week the secret reveal

01-09-2015, 20:57
so this week the secret reveal

yes -hopefully something really shocking!!

Not sure how long this story will last??

My spy on the Archers says the actress
has just reappeared there. But they
record a months episodes over a few days
at one go! Then if someone of importance
dies or a major catastrophe occurs - just
fit a couple of lines in!

So perhaps back in EE for a while!

01-09-2015, 20:57

01-09-2015, 23:23
so either illegal abortions or selling drugs she did in the past with heather's mother i think

keep thinking one of the above

02-09-2015, 16:16
keep thinking one of the above

Perhaps backstreet abortion and they killed someone? I don't know if the abortion thing alone would be enough for the police to still be interested all these years later (I'm sure I remember Cora threatening Babe with the police but I might be wrong).

03-09-2015, 22:02
Aunt Babe's secret was finally exposed in EastEnders tonight (Thursday, September 3) as Shirley, Mick and Tina tracked her down in Ramsgate.

Tense scenes saw Shirley finally work out what Babe has been hiding for all these years, realising that she was responsible for taking babies off their young mothers and giving them away.

It has previously been hinted that Babe and the late Heather Trott's mum Queenie had a dark past, and viewers know that Babe played a key role in the decision for Shirley not to bring Mick up as her own.

The start of the episode saw Shirley, Tina and Mick turn up at Babe's caravan in Ramsgate, determined to confront her for stealing their father Stan's ashes.

Once inside, Shirley stumbled across a photo album full of young girls, some of which she recognised from Babe's past.

When confronted by Shirley, Tina and Mick over her behaviour, Babe started to explain that Mick was meant to be adopted out to a couple that Queenie Trott knew, but she was forced to tell them that he had died when the Carters decided to raise him as their own.

However, as the conversation went on, Babe started to trip up over her lies, leaving a suspicious Shirley determined to uncover the truth.

After Shirley explained to Tina that she remembered Heather telling her Queenie used to disappear down to Ramsgate for weeks at a time, she later went back to the caravan and the jigsaw started slotting into place.

Having realised that the pictures of the girls in the photo album had their due dates on the back, a horrified Shirley confronted Babe and accused her of taking young girls' babies from them and giving them to other couples.

Whether Babe will be able to explain herself remains to be seen, but tomorrow's episode will see Shirley finally make steps towards mending her fractured relationship with Mick.

07-10-2015, 10:38
Aunt Babe's past has left many EastEnders fans shocked over the last few months, but Annette Badland has defended her character's dark actions.

Babe was responsible for exposing Jason's true colours in last night's episode, but her ruthless side will have come as no surprise to viewers who have previously been made aware of the extent of her twisted history.

As the Carters visited Ramsgate early last month, they learned Babe was responsible for taking babies off their young mothers and giving them away for her own financial gain.

Speaking about the storyline on ITV's Good Morning Britain today (October 7), Badland said: "It is something she finds very painful too and I think she was led into it.

"It may be revealed that she wasn't but I believe that she was and it made her able to save Mick, ultimately, because she helped Shirley with the birth."

When asked if viewers are horrified by Babe's actions, Badland said: "Yes, they are. It's fascinating being in a soap because people react to your character as though they are a real person which I have found very different."

"With things like last night and Scot Neal, they can relish in and look forward to the next episode. But something like the baby story, they do take a step back from.

"As an actor, I try and find the reasons behind it so I can hope they can understand that it wasn't entirely her bleakness and darkness but it was actually that she was lead towards that. She too has been desperate and she is always on the periphery of life.

"She is an aunt, she is always one step away from the centre and so Queenie Trott was able to guide her, as a young child herself, to do something she probably wouldn't have done otherwise."

23-03-2016, 14:07
Apparently Babe is going to threaten to spill the beans on Abi's fake pregnancy. Abi fakes losing the baby, with Babe's help, and all seems well until Babe seemingly turns around and threatens to tell the truth about everything.

I wonder what could have caused Babe to suddenly turn on Abi? I mean, I don't doubt Babe would turn any situation to her advantage, including blackmailing Abi, but why? What does Abi have that Babe could possibly want? Unless of course it isn't blackmail... Maybe Babe finds out that Lee was the guy who Abi slept with, and enraged that she would endanger her nephew's health she turns against her?

23-03-2016, 18:59
I've given up guessing what Babe's motives are for anything! :ninja:

30-03-2016, 17:35
I've given up guessing what Babe's motives are for anything! :ninja: ronnie and ben and bobby and gavin and claudette... all those killers on the square and not one of them has thought of getting rid of babe. PLEASE put us out of our misery and send babe to the slaughterhouse. Cant abide her.

07-08-2016, 00:07
she gets attacked left for dead

Rear window
09-08-2016, 11:43
she gets attacked left for dead

And yet not dead and gone yet.

15-08-2016, 20:48
Never disliked a character so much. Particularly annoyed they have her bullying a person with dementia. Hope character is written out asap.

16-08-2016, 13:17
well she giving many the cold shoulder so who locked her in, abi and claudette very obvious maybe sylvie or shirley or lee

16-08-2016, 13:23
Sylvie or Claudette or maybe Lauren as she supported Abi after she got sacked:hmm:

16-08-2016, 13:28
Sylvie or Claudette or maybe Lauren as she supported Abi after she got sacked:hmm:

or steven for lauren

16-08-2016, 13:28
Sylvie or Claudette or maybe Lauren as she supported Abi after she got sacked:hmm:

or steven for lauren

16-08-2016, 13:30
Les went out to the chippie.

16-08-2016, 13:38
Les went out to the chippie. Forgot about him going out ....

18-08-2016, 10:50
Sylvie or Claudette or maybe Lauren as she supported Abi after she got sacked:hmm:

Was it really Sylvie?

I expected Mick and Linda to be more angry with her for blackmailing a couple who just lost their grandson and make her pay back the money :angry:

18-08-2016, 11:22
I don't believe it was sylvie, I bet babe just wants revenge on her.

18-08-2016, 12:15
I don't believe it was sylvie, I bet babe just wants revenge on her.

Yeah, I believe that, too. But then again, I have trouble believing she would let the real culprit get away with attacking her. Unless, of course, she plans revenge in her own way.

18-08-2016, 12:23
Yeah, I believe that, too. But then again, I have trouble believing she would let the real culprit get away with attacking her. Unless, of course, she plans revenge in her own way.

Yeah, play innocent in front of Mick and Linda, whilst planning revenge on the real culprit.

18-08-2016, 12:23
Yeah, I believe that, too. But then again, I have trouble believing she would let the real culprit get away with attacking her. Unless, of course, she plans revenge in her own way.

Yeah, play innocent in front of Mick and Linda, whilst planning revenge on the real culprit.

20-08-2016, 12:34
Yeah, play innocent in front of Mick and Linda, whilst planning revenge on the real culprit.

what is her plan for abi

20-08-2016, 12:34
Yeah, play innocent in front of Mick and Linda, whilst planning revenge on the real culprit.

what is her plan for abi

20-08-2016, 12:58
Wouldn't put anything past babe. But I suppose she has to be careful at the moment, with Mick and linda.

20-08-2016, 15:12
abi must love her pub job to go back working there with babe

20-08-2016, 15:38
abi must love her pub job to go back working there with babe

Tbh, I stopped trying to figure Abi out a long time ago. I think she's just plain nuts.

20-08-2016, 16:42
To be honest, kids in soapland must get psychological problems with the stuff they are going through .. parents murdered, killed, leaving them, witnessing their parents cheating on their spouses whilst watching a family DVD at Christmas, leaving a parent to rot in prison after finding out they did not actually commit the crime for which they were sentenced :p

18-09-2016, 10:25
EASTENDERS star Annette Badland is the latest star to exit the BBC soap.

Annette – who has played Aunt Babe on the BBC soap since 2013 – will now follow Rita Simons, Sam Womack and Danny Boy-Hatchard out of the door next year.

Walford goodbye ... Annette Badland, who played scheming Aunt Babe, is the latest star to exit the BBC soap JUSTIN GOFF

Walford goodbye … Annette Badland, who played scheming Aunt Babe, is the latest star to exit the BBC soap
And BBC sources told how her exit has fuelled fears among cast members that they will be the next singled out to leave Walford by new boss Sean O’Connor.

One said: “The rumours on set are that despite so many cast members leaving, many more will be following them.

“And understandably that has created a lot of concern. Several of the actors are waiting with bated breath, convinced that Sean’s axe will start swinging again.”

The Sun

18-09-2016, 10:44
At last lol

Rear window
18-09-2016, 11:41
As long as it is a satisfying end for her leaving.

She's caused so much pain and misery she needs something equally horrid to happen to her.

18-09-2016, 11:53
she isn't leaving till next year no retribution from cokers as they leave soon

18-09-2016, 12:25
“The rumours on set are that despite so many cast members leaving, many more will be following them."

Well if Jane is one of them I might just be tempted back!

18-09-2016, 12:36
Crikey, mass exodus, June Brown rumoured to be leaving next year, so many main characters. Les and Pam Coker should have been kept , Kyle's character could have been developed. Got a feeling the Queen Vic is heading for new management later next year. Hope and pray it's not going to be Alfie Moon .

18-09-2016, 16:29
Crikey, mass exodus, June Brown rumoured to be leaving next year, so many main characters. Les and Pam Coker should have been kept , Kyle's character could have been developed. Got a feeling the Queen Vic is heading for new management later next year. Hope and pray it's not going to be Alfie Moon .

I mentioned this previously .. wondering whether Kat and Alfie´s return means they are going to take over the Vic again ...

18-09-2016, 16:31
she isn't leaving till next year no retribution from cokers as they leave soon Can always be made out she is paying them the money back before she leaves ... although I am not holding my breat h:(

18-09-2016, 18:04
I mentioned this previously .. wondering whether Kat and Alfie´s return means they are going to take over the Vic again ...
Does seem more attention being paid of late to Ollie and his health , treatment in the U.S.A. req'd ? Sell the Vic raise funds ?
Enter Alfie and his cheque book?

18-09-2016, 18:06
I didn't know Kat and Alfie were returning. :thumbsdow

18-09-2016, 18:21
I didn't know Kat and Alfie were returning. :thumbsdow
Their new six part drama "Redwater" due out in the New Year and quotes in the press have said "they won't be returning to E.E just yet . so I guess they plan to return ?

18-09-2016, 18:29
Their new six part drama "Redwater" due out in the New Year and quotes in the press have said "they won't be returning to E.E just yet . so I guess they plan to return ?

My understanding was they're hoping to make more series of Redwater if it's well received and that Kat and Alfie won't return if that's the case (except perhaps for the odd flying visit). However, I can't remember where I read that so it might not be correct.

18-09-2016, 18:55
My understanding was they're hoping to make more series of Redwater if it's well received and that Kat and Alfie won't return if that's the case (except perhaps for the odd flying visit). However, I can't remember where I read that so it might not be correct.
I think your right Dazzle, seem to recall Shane Ritchie saying that in a promotion interview 12 mths. ago. The "not just yet " comment was made in the Mirror , Sun and Metro about a month ago. But of course this comment is open to interpretation either way. I too hope Alfie doesn't return. :)

18-09-2016, 19:56
I would have thought that the original long term plan was for Alfie and Kat to return after Redwater, otherwise it seems to me to be a bit strange to send them off on their adventure to find Kat's son with no comeback in the parent soap.

Of course, with the departure of DTC, plans could have changed.....

18-09-2016, 20:06
I would have thought that the original long term plan was for Alfie and Kat to return after Redwater, otherwise it seems to me to be a bit strange to send them off on their adventure to find Kat's son with no comeback in the parent soap.

Of course, with the departure of DTC, plans could have changed.....

I always thought so too ..

18-09-2016, 20:54
I would have thought that the original long term plan was for Alfie and Kat to return after Redwater, otherwise it seems to me to be a bit strange to send them off on their adventure to find Kat's son with no comeback in the parent soap.

Of course, with the departure of DTC, plans could have changed.....

I thought that myself for a long time but it seems from much of what I've read that that's not the case. DTC is the EP of Redwater, so what he's done is create a cushy job for himself as head of what he must be hoping will become a prestigious and long-running BBC drama. From my own point of view, I'm sceptical that will happen with Kat and Alfie as the main characters, but perhaps they've been toned down quite a bit (Kat's wardrobe certainly has been from the pictures I've seen).

Of course, whether the characters will be welcome back in Albert Square if Redwater fails is now down to SOC.

Edited to add:

The series will have six hour-long episodes, with Richie describing it as "Broadchurch meets The Wicker Man", adding that he hopes it will become a long-running show.


23-12-2016, 07:13
Aunt Babe is in her element on EastEnders next month as the Queen Vic goes from strength to strength under her guidance.

Babe (Annette Badland) has recently vowed to take on the café by starting to serve breakfasts at The Vic, and it's full steam ahead for her plans when 2017 begins.

Despite putting on a brave face, poor Kathy Beale (Gillian Taylforth) can't help worrying about Babe's plans - knowing that they'll create some stiff competition for the family business.

What's even more concerning is that breakfasts at The Vic get off to a brilliant start, proving that Babe isn't just a one-hit wonder in the kitchen department.

Seemingly on a roll, Babe quickly makes another plan and suggests that The Vic should host a Twelfth Night event later in the week.

Despite Shirley Carter sensibly questioning whether they're even holding the event on the right day, Babe goes ahead regardless and orders the Carters to perform a scene from Twelfth Night with a twist.

Will everyone cooperate with Babe? And with her exit from Albert Square still looming, will her success be short-lived?

Announcing Babe's exit way back in September, an EastEnders insider told Digital Spy: "Prior to living in The Vic, Aunt Babe was seen coming and going from the Square with her own life away from Walford.

"So while she won't be a permanent resident, she will still very much be in the wings and could well continue to cause aggro for the Carters."

EastEnders airs these scenes on Tuesday, January 3 at 7.30pm and Thursday, January 5 at 8pm on BBC One.

Digital Spy

23-12-2016, 08:49
The Beales deserve all the misery they get, I would rate Babe above all of them, she might be evil but shes never covered up a murder and sent someone innocent to jail without remorse. The way they play Jane like we should feel sorry for her is sickening, this is a woman who found a girl dead in her house then dumped her body in a field.

As for Kathy. Wow, one of the most twisted self involved coves in soap, whines when she cant get her way gets violent when its about money for her lover Gavin.

In short Im looking forward to this S/L.

23-12-2016, 12:19
The Beales deserve all the misery they get, I would rate Babe above all of them, she might be evil but shes never covered up a murder and sent someone innocent to jail without remorse. The way they play Jane like we should feel sorry for her is sickening, this is a woman who found a girl dead in her house then dumped her body in a field.

I disagree. :p

The Beales have done some terrible things and deserve a truly nasty revenge from Max, but at least they have consciences and believed in a very twisted way that they were doing the best thing by protecting Bobby. Ian was suicidal and Jane perjured herself in court trying to get Max off so they were definitely not without remorse about the whole thing.

They appear to have given no thought to Max since he was found guilty but I put that down to bad writing by DTC (which hopefully will by rectified by SOC when Max returns) because it doesn't fit their previous characterisations.

As for Babe, she has no conscience and feels no remorse. I stopped watching EE when she was blackmailing the Cokers because I found it unbearably cruel. She was downright malicious and worst of all enjoyed every moment! :angry:

It's a shame because Annette Badland is great but Babe is just completely irredeemable.

23-12-2016, 13:05
I disagree. :p

The Beales have done some terrible things and deserve a truly nasty revenge from Max, but at least they have consciences and believed in a very twisted way that they were doing the best thing by protecting Bobby. Ian was suicidal and Jane perjured herself in court trying to get Max off so they were definitely not without remorse about the whole thing.

They appear to have given no thought to Max since he was found guilty but I put that down to bad writing by DTC (which hopefully will by rectified by SOC when Max returns) because it doesn't fit their previous characterisations.

As for Babe, she has no conscience and feels no remorse. I stopped watching EE when she was blackmailing the Cokers because I found it unbearably cruel. She was downright malicious and worst of all enjoyed every moment! :angry:

It's a shame because Annette Badland is great but Babe is just completely irredeemable.
I diasagree with your disagreeing, Dazzle. :D

I think Jane and Ian are despicable for what they've done and I can't see any redeeming characteristics in them. You can't just say that's down to DTC's writing without saying the same about Babe! Everyone's actions in soaps are defined by the producer and writers. They are not real people.

23-12-2016, 14:20
I diasagree with your disagreeing, Dazzle. :D

I think Jane and Ian are despicable for what they've done and I can't see any redeeming characteristics in them. You can't just say that's down to DTC's writing without saying the same about Babe! Everyone's actions in soaps are defined by the producer and writers. They are not real people.

I agree with your disagreeing (at least in theory!). :D

I absolutely agree with the bit of your comment I've bolded, and have probably argued that myself in the past, but in this case I choose to see the Beale situation as I describe in my above post. I can sum up the reason why in three initials:


He made such a monumental c*ck up of the storyline and there were so many contradictions that it just doesn't make much sense whichever way we look at it. I choose to believe the Beales are still remorseful because the suicide attempt and perjury fits more or less with their many years of previous characterisation. On the other hand, their apparently complete lack of concern about Max since he was banged up doesn't fit in the slightest.

DTC was notorious for ridiculous and sensationalist storylines that had no long term consequences for the characters, so I see this as just another example of that and believe the psychological aftermath for the Beales would have been handled very differently in more sensible hands.

I know you'll never see it my way though and plenty of viewers agree with you. :p

What will be interesting will be Ian and Jane's reaction when confronted with Max. Will SOC choose to portray them as remorseful and redeemable or as hard-faced lost causes?

09-02-2017, 20:27
was that her exit, very evil panto queen cursing the family and pub

annette played the role greatly

09-02-2017, 20:27
was that her exit, very evil panto queen cursing the family and pub

annette played the role greatly

10-02-2017, 13:13
Aunt Babe may have left EastEnders in explosive style last night, but it seems that some fans have already worked out a very clever way for her to come back.

Scheming Babe went out with a bang in Thursday night's double bill (February 9), putting a curse on the Carters and the Queen Vic after Mick finally plucked up the courage to kick her out for good.

Babe's witch-like behaviour may have given fans a laugh, but EastEnders might have also been foreshadowing dark times ahead for the Carters following recent rumours that they could lose the pub.
Aunt Babe leaves EastEnders
We already know that Max Branning has aligned himself with a mystery man and is plotting revenge against everyone on Albert Square - with the Queen Vic top of his hit list.

Since Babe does actually have some fans out there, many have come up with a way that she could make a shock return - teaming up with Max as the ultimate vengeful duo.

Max wants to burn down the pub...babe curses them and the pub...either they are teaming up or its it's some foretelling...#EastEnders
— James Dwyer (@jamesdwyer192) February 9, 2017
#eastenders Aunt Babe will burn the Vic down paid by Max
— Anita Sillick (@anitaapplebum13) February 9, 2017
Babe and Max to team up and take down the pub? 👀 #eastenders
— tinkerbell ✨ (@oliviazao) February 9, 2017
If Babe finds out about Max's plan she's going to team up with him, I can see it 😮😭 #EastEnders
— Lou (@louiseruffy) February 9, 2017
Hmm Babe to join Max for his vic plans? #eastenders
— Alun Roberts (@aluniquen) February 9, 2017
Babe bumps into Max at the station *smirk* #eastenders
— Leroy (@ruddydickens) February 9, 2017

Next story on #eastenders: who killed the #queenvic ? #babe or #max ?
— Gary (@Welshinlondon) February 9, 2017

Knowing how much the soaps love a 'wrongly accused' storyline, other viewers have speculated that Babe could end up being a scapegoat for whatever Max has planned.

If trouble does befall the Queen Vic in the near future, it'd be no surprise if the Carters blamed Babe rather than Max - especially since he's being nice as pie to everyone at the moment.

Don't forget max said the vic is next babe dropped the curse but it for max who will be responsible for the end of the carters #eastenders 🙈
— Natasha jane rice (@natasha24rice) February 9, 2017
Babe finally got turfed out. Money on her being a scapegoat for max's shinanigans. #Eastenders
— Kie (@KieranGreenwood) February 9, 2017
Didn't Max want to burn down the Vic the other week? Maybe Babe will get the blame when she's actually innocent for once 🤔 #EastEnders
— Marissa AFC ⚽️ (@marissatom16) February 9, 2017
Aunt Babe's EastEnders exit was announced last September, leaving fans with nearly five months more of her lying and scheming before she finally left.

The good news for Babe fans is that Annette Badland, who played her, has made it clear that the door is wide open for a potential return further on down the line.

An EastEnders insider also told Digital Spy last year: "Prior to living in The Vic, Aunt Babe was seen coming and going from The Square with her own life away from Walford.

"So while she won't be a permanent resident, she will still very much be in the wings and could well continue to cause aggro for the Carters."

Guys!Now you know.It's done!(For now).Babe and Annette love the #Carter Clan.The fans.ALL on EE.It's been a blast.'Til the next time!💋❤️💫
— Annette Badland (@AnnetteBadland1) February 9, 2017

Digital Spy

Rear window
10-02-2017, 14:30
Not a very satisfying end to a character. I don't like her and think she should have gone ages ago, but for her just to be thrown out .. nah, something will come of it.. but Babe needs to be dealt with properly.

10-02-2017, 14:56
Not a very satisfying end to a character. I don't like her and think she should have gone ages ago, but for her just to be thrown out .. nah, something will come of it.. but Babe needs to be dealt with properly.

Well she's lost her family, the only thing she cares about (although I definitely wouldn't have minded seeing her locked up).

As to the manner of her ending, I like the idea of her cursing the Carters since she's definitely a bit of a modern witch (and the curse was a nice bit of foreshadowing for the Carters future too), but the way it was done was too over the top and cringeworthy for my liking (even though I get it was supposed to be gothic and melodramatic).

10-02-2017, 16:44
Was expecting a sinister Max to appear in the shadows, observing events. duff,duff.