View Full Version : bob geldof and bono are to talk at thr G8 summit

Bad Wolf
29-06-2005, 17:57
just heard on the news that Bono and Bob are going to be given access to the G8 summit, to talk to world leaders, as much as i am a fan of bob and totally support the make poverty history cause

is this too far??? should musicians be given access to such a high profile political event?

what are you thoughts on this?

should pop stars and celebrities get involved in political debates?

are we so concerned with celebrity now, that they need to be involved in order to keep us all politically aware?

who wins pop stars or politicians?????

29-06-2005, 18:02
I don't have problems with what Bob and the crew are doing. Just that Bob has his head stuck up his own ****. He's become so arrogant its unbelievable.

29-06-2005, 22:06
Thats a really difficult one!!

It's when you see in the papers "celebs" going out to Africa to do their bit, and report on the fact that AIDS drugs for a small child only costs so much per day etc, but if they are raising awareness for a good cause, i'm not sure how I can knock them for it, but I really hope they are donating some of their income and not just their face to the cause they are promoting.