View Full Version : EastEnders Spoilers Week 43 (21st - 25th October 2013)

03-10-2013, 12:40

Whitney is chuffed when she is given extra responsibilities at work, but when she gets on the wrong side of a mischievous Dennis, he sets out to ruin her.
Alice is frustrated when Janine refuses to forgive her, so when an opportunity arises to get back into Janine’s good books, she is quick to seize it.

David is pleased with himself when he comes up with an idea to make Tiffany happy and annoy Ian at the same time.


The pressure mounts for Ian when he receives his court summons, but will he be able to keep his cool?
David tries to reason with a stubborn Sharon when she makes outrageous accusations against Whitney, but just as Sharon begins to soften, Whitney wades in and loses her temper, making the situation 10 times worse.

Alice is panicked when Michael’s latest scheme doesn’t go to plan and she worries her cover will be blown. But little does Alice know, Michael’s plans are far more devious than she could ever dream of.


Michael continues in his quest to bring down Janine, and marvels at how easy it is to make Alice do exactly what he wants.
Peter is put in a predicament when he is forced to choose between saving his own family or the family of his close friend.

Worried about how she is going to pay the bills, Lauren is left with no other choice than to go into business with someone she doesn’t trust.

David is extremely pleased with the way he has run the family in Bianca and Carol’s absence. However, he regrets his smugness when a familiar face returns.


As Michael puts the finishing touches on his carefully laid plan, Alice begins to have second thoughts - so will she go through with it?
When she comes under attack from Cora, Kirsty is astonished by the unlikely allies that take her side.

Lauren is devastated when someone offers Max a way out of prison and they quickly go back on their word.

13-10-2013, 00:36
EastEnders villain Michael Moon hatches a dangerous scheme in order to gain access to his daughter Scarlett later this month.

With Alice firmly on his side now, Michael (Steve John Shepherd) encourages her to help Janine organise her 30th birthday party so that they can grab Scarlett and run away with her that day.

After promising Alice (Jasmyn Banks) a new life abroad, Michael informs her that he is going to slip Janine pills so that he can take Scarlett without her realising.

Not wanting Michael to be caught breaking his injunction, Alice tells Michael that she is willing to drug Janine herself.

Michael gives Alice strict instructions and she promises not to let him down. However, as the realisation dawns on Alice that Michael is actually getting her to kill Janine, will she really be able to go through with his plan?

Michael hatches a plan to get Scarlett back

Alice promises not to let Michael down

EastEnders airs these scenes on Thursday, October 24 at 7.30pm and Friday, October 25 at 8pm on BBC One.

13-10-2013, 00:37
EastEnders villain Michael Moon hatches a dangerous scheme in order to gain access to his daughter Scarlett later this month.

With Alice firmly on his side now, Michael (Steve John Shepherd) encourages her to help Janine organise her 30th birthday party so that they can grab Scarlett and run away with her that day.

After promising Alice (Jasmyn Banks) a new life abroad, Michael informs her that he is going to slip Janine pills so that he can take Scarlett without her realising.

Not wanting Michael to be caught breaking his injunction, Alice tells Michael that she is willing to drug Janine herself.

Michael gives Alice strict instructions and she promises not to let him down. However, as the realisation dawns on Alice that Michael is actually getting her to kill Janine, will she really be able to go through with his plan?

Michael hatches a plan to get Scarlett back

Alice promises not to let Michael down

EastEnders airs these scenes on Thursday, October 24 at 7.30pm and Friday, October 25 at 8pm on BBC One.

15-10-2013, 00:16
EastEnders' Whitney Dean will be left devastated next week as she is falsely accused of assaulting Dennis Rickman.

Whitney, played by Shona McGarty, finds herself in serious trouble after Dennis hatches a shocking scheme to destroy her reputation.

Dennis (Harry Hickles) plots some revenge after Whitney continues to reprimand him for his bad behaviour at school, where she has started working as a teaching assistant.

Wanting to teach Whitney a lesson, Dennis deliberately falls over in the playground and scratches his arm.

Back at home, Dennis makes sure that his overprotective mum Sharon sees the graze, before claiming that Whitney is responsible.

As Sharon goes on the warpath over Dennis's claims, Ava Hartman is forced to suspend Whitney even though she knows the schoolboy is lying.

When the police and social services later get involved, the situation escalates and it's unclear whether Whitney will ever be able to work with children again.

An EastEnders source told Digital Spy: "Whitney's loved ones are quick to rally round her, including David and Carol - but there's no reasoning with Sharon."

15-10-2013, 00:16

15-10-2013, 05:48

Whitney gets extra teaching responsibilities at the school when Ava stays off work to look after Dexter and Sam. She starts the day by warning Dennis that she'll be watching his behaviour very closely, as she knows he ripped up her card. However, a mischievous Dennis puts a plan into action by falling over in front of Whitney in the playground and scratching his arm.

After school, Dennis casually makes sure that Sharon sees the graze on his arm. Not long afterwards, Sharon heads over to the Butcher house and accuses Whitney of assaulting Dennis. Whitney protests her innocence and tries to explain what happened, but Sharon warns that she'll make sure Whitney never works with children again…

Alice tells Tamwar she thinks they should break up.
Alice tells Tamwar she thinks they should break up
Meanwhile, Alice breaks up with Tamwar as she doesn't want to lie to him anymore, but Michael isn't happy as he needs her to be with Tamwar and carry on as normal in order for his plan to work. However, when Alice suggests a reconciliation to Tamwar, he realises how different they are and decides they are better off apart. Later, Alice overhears Sharon criticising Janine for leaving Scarlett at home alone for a few minutes. When Alice sticks up for Janine, an exhausted Janine finally agrees that she can look after Scarlett.

Elsewhere, David facilitates a secret rendezvous between Tiffany and Bobby, as he wants to get one over on Ian while keeping his granddaughter happy at the same time. However, Ian has found Bobby's walkie-talkie and can hear everything. Ian demands Bobby comes home and tells David that he will be having words with him.

Also today, Sam makes it clear that he's sticking around and Dexter sees a softer side to his father that he likes, while Lucy splits a lucrative commission with Danny and flirtatiously suggests they work as a team from now on.


Ian has entered Scarlett's into Walford's 'best family run restaurant' competition. However, the day takes an unexpected turn when he receives his court date summons in the post. After overhearing how bad the Brannings' money situation is, Ian feels guilty about his false claims, but Peter reminds him that it's not his fault as he is doing the right thing by telling the truth. This makes Ian hate himself even more.

Later, Ian's day gets worse when Carl puts more pressure on him over his statement. David also turns up at the restaurant just after the arrival of the Chairman of the local business association for the competition. David manages to rile Ian when he flirts with Denise. Tensions rise even further when Lucy and Cindy nearly come to blows and Ian sees David trying to do business with the Chairman. It all becomes too much and Ian loses his cool, much to the shock of his guests. Having been bundled into the kitchen, a fraught Ian admits to Peter that he lied - he never saw Max tampering with the brakes…

Meanwhile, Ava is forced to suspend Whitney following Dennis's false allegations, even though she knows Whitney is innocent. Determined to prove his loyalty to the family, David tries to reason with Sharon, against Whitney's wishes. Sharon begins to come round, but then Whitney visits Sharon at the club and loses her temper. Unfortunately for Whitney, Ava has also decided to visit the club and sees everything. Ava informs Whitney that the police and social services are now involved and she's going to have to be honest about what she has just seen.

Elsewhere, Alice is up to her old tricks as she allows Michael to spend time with Scarlett in secret while Janine is out. While Alice is upstairs, Michael discovers Janine's credit card. Continuing with his plan, he uses it to order some pills.

Also today, Tiffany calls Carol and asks her to come home to help Whitney, while Lauren is worried about the Branning family's financial troubles and decides to step up by helping Joey at the car lot.


With a little help from Alice, a scheming Michael is able to retrieve the pills from Janine's house before she spots them. Alice manages to get hold of the pills just before Janine arrives home. Soon afterwards, Janine asks Alice to help her organise a party for her 30th birthday. Afterwards, Michael pushes Alice to help Janine as it means they will have access to Scarlett, so they can take her and leave today. Michael promises Alice a new life in Morocco and an excited Alice gives Michael her bank card to book the flights.

Later, Michael informs Alice he's going to slip Janine pills so he can take Scarlett. Alice is initially shocked, but Michael soon calms her. Not wanting him to be caught breaking the injunction, Alice insists on drugging Janine herself and promises not to let Michael down.

Peter tells Ian they are going to the police to set the record straight about Max
Peter tells Ian they are going to the police.
Meanwhile, Peter wants Ian to tell the police the truth about Max's innocence. Peter decides that they should speak to Denise and Lucy about the situation first. When Peter comes clean with Lucy, she is adamant that Ian should continue to lie because she refuses to go back to the way things were the last time her dad left. Ian is pleased that Lucy is on his side, but Peter is shocked that they are willing to ruin the Brannings. The trio eventually decides not to tell Denise the truth either.

Elsewhere, David offers his services at the car lot as he knows that Lauren needs the cash. David convinces Janine to lend him money and then offers to buy all of the cars at the lot for £1,500 cash, if he gets to keep the profit. Against her better judgement, Lauren goes into business with David.

Also today, David gives Whitney some money to help run the house, Carol returns to Walford unexpectedly, an angry Billy kicks a bench and injures himself, while AJ asks Sadie out for a drink but she reminds him that she is married and reveals that she and her husband are moving to the Square soon.


Michael instructs Alice to put some pills in Janine's drink and plant the remaining tablets in her house. He also reminds Alice not to say any goodbyes before they head off to start a new life. However, once he's alone, Michael prepares to frame Alice by packing her passport, ticket and the pill receipt in her bag. He also unpacks his own bag and plants seeds in Kat's mind by insinuating that Alice isn't as innocent as she looks and may be obsessed with him, which leaves Kat troubled.

Over at Janine's house, Alice is about to hide the remaining pills but she realises that there should be more tablets left. As the shocking realisation hits her that Michael is getting her to kill Janine, what will Alice do?

Meanwhile, Lauren is pleased with the money she has made, but the positive atmosphere at the Brannings' doesn't last for long when Cora accuses Kirsty of stealing some of the cash. Cora continues to criticise Kirsty even when it becomes clear that she isn't a thief, but Abi and Lauren stick up for Kirsty and call her part of the family. Lauren is also frustrated as Peter has been hinting that there's a way to get Max out of prison, but in a mysterious u-turn, he admits that he can no longer help.

Elsewhere, Carol is shocked when Whitney admits that she was wrong about David and tells Carol to give him another chance. Carol is annoyed by the influence David has had on the family while she's been away and decides to take control again by talking to Sharon about the Dennis situation. However, Whitney fears that the latest row with Sharon has made things even worse for her.

Also today, Cindy manipulates Ian and Denise into taking her shopping to buy her a brand new wardrobe to make her feel like part of the family, while Billy is gutted that he won't be able to play in the football match after injuring himself.

15-10-2013, 11:23
EastEnders' Alice Branning breaks up with Tamwar Masood next week as she becomes more engrossed in Michael's scheming.

Alice (Jasmyn Banks) is left frustrated when Janine (Charlie Brooks) refuses to forgive her despite Alice's pleas that she is no longer friends with Michael.

Fed up with all the lies, Alice then decides she has to break up with Tamwar (Himesh Patel), leaving him distraught.

However, Michael (Steve John Shepherd) tells a reluctant Alice that she needs to get back together with Tamwar and go on as normal in order for their plan to work.

Alice then heads back to Tamwar to suggest that they reconcile but realising how different they are, Tamwar tells Alice that they are better off apart.

EastEnders airs these scenes on Monday, October 21 at 8pm on BBC One.

15-10-2013, 11:24
EastEnders' Lauren Branning will go into business with David Wicks next week in a desperate attempt to help her dad get out of prison.

After becoming increasingly worried about the family's financial situation, Lauren (Jacqueline Jossa) steps up and helps Joey (David Witts) at the car lot, but is left deflated when she scares a customer away.

Knowing she needs the money, David (Michael French) happily offers his services at the car lot but Lauren turns him down.

However, an undeterred David convinces Janine to lend him money and he offers to buy all the cars at the lot for £1,500 cash, if he gets to keep the profit.

David is frustrated when Peter convinces Lauren to wait before committing to the deal because he hints that there is a way of getting Max out of prison, so she wouldn't need the money.

However, Peter doesn't come up with the goods and, against her better judgement, Lauren goes into business with David...

EastEnders airs these scenes on Thursday, October 24 at 7.30pm on BBC One.

15-10-2013, 11:24
EastEnders' Lauren Branning will go into business with David Wicks next week in a desperate attempt to help her dad get out of prison.

After becoming increasingly worried about the family's financial situation, Lauren (Jacqueline Jossa) steps up and helps Joey (David Witts) at the car lot, but is left deflated when she scares a customer away.

Knowing she needs the money, David (Michael French) happily offers his services at the car lot but Lauren turns him down.

However, an undeterred David convinces Janine to lend him money and he offers to buy all the cars at the lot for £1,500 cash, if he gets to keep the profit.

David is frustrated when Peter convinces Lauren to wait before committing to the deal because he hints that there is a way of getting Max out of prison, so she wouldn't need the money.

However, Peter doesn't come up with the goods and, against her better judgement, Lauren goes into business with David...

EastEnders airs these scenes on Thursday, October 24 at 7.30pm on BBC One.

15-10-2013, 13:37
Ian Beale's conscience finally gets the better of him on EastEnders next week as he admits that his police statement against Max Branning was false.

A guilt-ridden Ian (Adam Woodyatt) makes the confession to his son Peter as the stress of the situation begins to take its toll.

Last month, Carl White used Ian in his scheme to frame Max for attempting to endanger life. Ian was intimidated into telling the police that he saw Max cutting the brakes to Carl's car, causing a horrifying crash.

Ian has received support from his family for reporting Max, but Peter (Ben Hardy) is appalled next week when his father tells him that Max is innocent.

Peter is initially adamant that Ian needs to clear Max's name, but when they discuss the complicated situation with Lucy, she insists that it's too late for that.

Not wanting Ian to get into trouble himself, Lucy urges him to stick with his original story if he doesn't want to end up in prison - or worse, killed by Carl.

With the Beales at odds and the future of the Branning family at stake, what will Ian decide?

EastEnders airs these scenes on Tuesday, October 22 and Thursday, October 24 at 7.30pm on BBC One.

15-10-2013, 13:37

15-10-2013, 14:43
Wish you would not delete the double post, hate having to scroll up or onto other page :p ;)

15-10-2013, 14:47
Wish you would not delete the double post, hate having to scroll up or onto other page :p ;)

Sorry Per, I hate them myself

15-10-2013, 14:47

15-10-2013, 22:58
ian and peter should tell phil

25-10-2013, 08:21
EastEnders fans can expect an explosive showdown between Alice Branning and Michael Moon in tonight's episode (October 25).

Alice (Jasmyn Banks) is left furious with Michael when she realises that he has tried to trick her into killing his estranged wife Janine Butcher.
Alice is disgusted with Michael
Alice is disgusted with Michael

As the day begins, Michael (Steve John Shepherd) instructs Alice to head over to Janine's place, put some crushed-up pills in her drink and plant the remaining tablets in her bedroom.

However, just as Alice is about to carry out the dark plans, she spots that there should be many more tablets left in the bottle. With such a high dosage, it dawns on a horrified Alice that Michael is actually getting her to kill Janine.

Heading over to confront Michael, a disgusted Alice admits that she didn't go through with his master plan.

When a raging Michael angrily assassinates Alice's character and taunts her about her father, she finally snaps and knees him in the groin before rushing out. Michael is devastated as his carefully-laid plan falls apart around him…
Alice storms off after lashing out at Michael
Alice storms off after lashing out at Michael

Michael is left devastated
Michael is left devastated ??? Looks to me he is being left in a lot of pain :lol:

EastEnders airs these scenes at 8pm on BBC One.