View Full Version : Corrie Spoilers 29th July - 2nd Aug 2013

17-07-2013, 15:08
Episode 8179: Monday 29th July at 19.30


Things go from bad to worse for optimistic Paul.
Baby Jake finally comes home, but will Gary cope?
David is delighted as his plan stirs more trouble for Nick.


WRITER: Chris Fewtrell
PRODUCER: Stuart Blackburn
DIRECTOR: Terry Dyddgen-Jones


Episode 8180: Monday 29th July at 20.30


Paul lashes out at Lloyd.
Anxious Gary worries about bonding with his son.
Can Leanne accept Stella’s offer?


WRITER: Susan Oudot
PRODUCER: Stuart Blackburn
DIRECTOR: Terry Dyddgen-Jones


Episode 8181: Wednesday 31st July at 19.30


David concocts another phase of his masterplan.
Paul decides to face the music and pays Lloyd a visit.
And will Gary tell Izzy how he feels?


WRITER: Damon Rochefort
PRODUCER: Stuart Blackburn
DIRECTOR: Terry Dyddgen-Jones

Episode 8182: Friday 2nd August at 19:30


Will David’s poison pen letter have the desired effect?
Tracy makes a risky decision.
Mandy is miffed as Jenna and Sophie make up.


WRITER: Jonathan Harvey
PRODUCER: Stuart Blackburn
DIRECTOR: Terry Dyddgen-Jones


Episode 8183: Friday 2nd August at 20:30

Nick and Kylie squirm as Leanne digs for the truth.
Will Rob have a lucky escape?
And Lloyd and Mandy drift further apart.

21-07-2013, 11:55
Coronation Street's Nick Tilsley (Ben Price) faces further troubles next month, when he gets a letter saying he will have to go to court about his under-strength spirits.

However, it is Leanne [Jane Danson) who faces more of a shock when she receives a letter asking if she knows where her husband was and who with on Christmas night.

Unaware that David (Jack P Shepherd) is secretly behind all this scheming, a troubled Leanne presses Nick for answers, wondering if something he did that night is behind this vendetta.

Still desperately trying to keep his one-night stand with Kylie under wraps, Nick is left terrified.
Leanne receives a letter

Leanne asks Nick for answers

Coronation Street airs these scenes on Friday, August 2nd at 8.30pm.

22-07-2013, 14:00
Surely Nick has to start to suspect David now

26-07-2013, 18:04

Paul is determined to be civil to Lloyd and focus on his wedding to Eileen. Under pressure from Jenna and Mandy, Lloyd also agrees to let sleeping dogs lie.

Later, however, Sophie confesses that she rang Paul's boss and made a complaint about his racist language. How will Jenna react? And when Paul's boss calls him in for a chat, how will Paul respond to the complaint?

Meanwhile, Gary is nervous as he and Izzy bring the baby home, having spent limited time at the hospital with him. However, are his fears deeper rooted than that?

Elsewhere, following the debacle with the watered-down spirits and now a scathing review on Trip Advisor, Nick convinces himself that a member of his staff has a vendetta against him and calls a meeting to get to the truth. How will the staff react as David enjoys watching his brother start to fall to pieces?

Also, Hayley appreciates Carla's no-nonsense support as she returns to work, Rob and Tracy prepare their shop, and Peter starts work at Underworld.


Believing Lloyd made the complaint to his boss, Paul storms into the pub and confronts a clueless Lloyd. As Karl bundles the men outside, Paul punches Lloyd just as the police arrive. As they grab Paul, Jenna reveals that it was Sophie who made the call.

Paul is stunned as the police step in to investigate what's been going on between the two men. Will Paul be charged? And how will the latest turn of events affect his already-strained relationship with Eileen?

Meanwhile, Gary is withdrawn as he worries that baby Jake hasn't bonded with him, jealous that Izzy seems to be a natural. Will Izzy pick up on his fears?

Elsewhere, Nick has called the police claiming that he's the victim of a vendetta, much to Leanne's dismay. Sensing her reluctance to believe Nick's story, David is quick to whip up more tension between the pair and suggests a family meal.

Also, saddened by the rift with her brother, Carla offers Rob an olive branch, wishing him luck with his new shop. Will Rob accept?

Finally, Roy feels the pressure as he tries to support Hayley, while Leanne declines being bridesmaid for Stella, still refusing to accept Karl.


As Gail prepares for the family meal, David is confident that he can use it to inflame tensions more.

With Nick and Leanne already at loggerheads over the Bistro sabotage, which he's now accusing Peter of, the evening doesn't get off to a great start. Will David be able to fuel the discontent as he steps up his secret revenge plan?

Meanwhile, with a public order charge hanging over him and two complaints, Paul is worried that his career could be over. Eileen is more worried about the cracks in their relationship. Sensing this, will Paul finally apologise to Lloyd?

Elsewhere, as Gary insists on trying to do things for Jake, Izzy misreads his fears over his lack of bonding time with the baby as him doubting her ability to cope. As a frustrated Izzy confronts him, will Gary finally open up to her about his fears?

Also today, Fiz suggests a holiday to Roy and Hayley as they struggle with the pressure of her illness.

Finally, Tracy is annoyed that Rob seems to be more interested in riling Peter and Carla than he is in her business ideas, while Leanne and Eva row over Leanne's refusal to be a bridesmaid for Stella.


Nick is further riled when he gets a letter saying that he'll have to go to court about his under-strength spirits. However, it's Leanne who faces more of a shock when she receives a letter asking if she knows where her husband was and who with on Christmas night!

A troubled Leanne asks Nick for answers, wondering if something he did on Christmas night is behind the vendetta. Terrified, will Nick confess all?

Meanwhile, as Rob goes to pick up stock for the shop, an old friend of his calls in on Tracy, offering a load of cheap tablet computers. Falling for his spiel, Tracy buys the stock, but when Rob comes back and hears who she dealt with, he panics. It's likely the tablets are stolen and he's due to meet his parole officer. Can they get rid before the parole officer arrives, or is Rob on his way back to prison?

Elsewhere, Mandy is hoping that Jenna and Sophie's row over the racism complaint will cause them to split. However, after a few words of wisdom from Lloyd, Jenna accepts Sophie's apology. How will Lloyd's interference go down with Mandy?

Also, Izzy frets about Gary's bond with Jake as he returns to work, while Hayley agrees to a holiday.


As Nick reels, he knows this is his chance to tell Leanne the truth about what happened with Kylie on Christmas night. As David subtly twists the knife, Nick quietly tells Kylie about the letter.

Later, when Leanne spots Nick talking to Eva, she jumps to conclusions and accuses Eva of being the other woman. Under pressure, will Nick reveal the truth?

Meanwhile, as Tracy races to shift the tablets to Number 1, much to Deirdre's disgust, Rob stalls his parole officer. Will he have a lucky escape?

Elsewhere, Lloyd and Mandy try to put their recent problems behind them and head out for a romantic night at the Bistro. However, they're soon rowing again over Jenna's decision to take a job in the café. Is the writing on the wall for this relationship?

Also, determined that Gary should share the same bond she does with baby Jake, Izzy offers Gary a solution to his work/home life balance.

Finally, Roy and Hayley set off on holiday.

27-07-2013, 19:48
does eva know kylie cheated on david?

29-07-2013, 08:21
Paul Kershaw's feud with Lloyd Mullaney escalates on Coronation Street tonight (July 29) as the two men come to blows.

A furious Paul (Tony Hirst) goes on the warpath after his boss at the fire station reveals that a complaint of racism has been made against him.

Wrongly suspecting that Lloyd (Craig Charles) lodged the complaint, Paul angrily confronts him for stirring up trouble.

Paul won't back down when a baffled Lloyd protests his innocence, and a punch is thrown as tensions run high…

Paul punches Lloyd.

Coronation Street airs tonight at 7.30pm and 8.30pm on ITV.

29-07-2013, 15:40
Please enough of this Paul and Lloyd nonsense, end it already