View Full Version : Stuart Blackburn Corrie Interview - Major Spoilers

10-07-2013, 02:41
Coronation Street's boss Stuart Blackburn (http://www.digitalspy.co.uk/celebrities/stuart-blackburn/), who took office at the ITV show in January (http://www.digitalspy.co.uk/soaps/s3/coronation-street/news/a422832/coronation-street-stuart-blackburn-named-new-producer.html) after nearly two years in charge of Emmerdale.

With Corrie enjoying another successful year, we asked Stuart what's coming up over the rest of the summer and beyond. Read on to find out what he had to say!

How easy has it been to make the transition from Emmerdale to Coronation Street?
"It's been hard and easy at the same time! The hard part was that it was a real wrench to leave Emmerdale when I did. We'd just come off the back of the show's 40th anniversary, which obviously went very well, and I'd built up a really good relationship with the cast and crew there. In some ways, it felt like I was leaving a year or 18 months too early.

"With that said, I've worked on Corrie before and everyone here has just made me feel so welcome. The cast and crew have been supportive from the word go, so everyone around me has made my life really easy."

How different are the two shows to work on?
"The two shows are the same in some ways and completely different in others. In the time I'd been at Emmerdale, I'd almost forgotten just how big the focus is on Corrie. With everything you do or say, there's a great deal of pressure and scrutiny - but quite rightly so. After 53 years, there has to be a pressure there to continue getting it right for the audience.

"Creatively, the locations mark the two shows out as very, very different. For me, Corrie is very much about a working class community in Britain, so that's always what informs the characters we have, the style of the show and the stories we tell. On Emmerdale, the show is set in a village, where you can credibly have the lady of the manor drinking in the same pub as the gardener. Emmerdale can work as a classless picture of Britain, whereas that's not really the case with Corrie."

You've spoken in other interviews about making sure Corrie sticks to its roots, as a drama telling the stories of working class people. Have you had to make any specific changes to bring that vision to the screen?
"A lot of it is very subtle, but for me it starts with the dialogue and whether we're keeping on top of our characters' voices. There's a huge danger that, over time, you can transform the characters into being 'middle class' with the way they speak and the clothes they're wearing, so costume is also very important. We do have to keep it within reason, though. Soaps also provide escapism and glamour, which is great.

"It's also about telling stories which are most relevant to our audience. For example, the upcoming story between Paul and Lloyd (http://www.digitalspy.co.uk/soaps/s3/coronation-street/spoilers/a493204/a-race-row-breaks-out-at-the-rovers.html) is really focused on male pride and reputation, but the element that does touch upon racism is very relevant and contemporary from both of those characters' point of view.

"As people may have already read, we are also introducing a pawnbrokers set (http://www.digitalspy.co.uk/soaps/s3/coronation-street/news/a486482/coronation-street-to-introduce-cash-converters-style-shop.html), which is such a contemporary presence on so many working class streets. More than anything, we need to always remember where the show is based and what the lives are like for people who live there."

http://i2.cdnds.net/13/26/618x406/soaps-corrie-8167-4.jpg © ITV

Paul and Lloyd's race row at The Rovers

With recent plotlines such as Roy learning his father had died and Norris worrying about the future, has there been a conscious decision to introduce more grounded and character-based stories?
"Absolutely. It's the nature of soaps that we'll always have heightened stories too, and I do embrace those. It's always about the mix, and we rely on one form of storytelling at our peril. At the same time, our characters have got such rich and truthful histories, and those are the stories that I adore telling.

"It's about believability and if viewers watch a week's worth of episodes and can't recognise or relate to anything that's on the screen, then we've got it wrong. I think the stories you've pointed out are just about a common humanity that we all, in some way, will have experienced."

Which characters and stories should we be watching out for over the summer and into autumn?
"I think we're looking in really good shape. What I'm trying to do is use as many characters as we can, rather than being over-reliant on one small group for too long. It's always a judgement call, but over the summer and autumn, we've got a really good mix.

"Roy and Hayley's storyline (http://www.digitalspy.co.uk/soaps/s3/coronation-street/news/a485647/coronation-street-details-of-character-departure-revealed.html), which also brings in Fiz and Tyrone, is going to be incredibly strong over the next few months. It's a story that I'm already extremely proud of, and we're not even half-way through it yet. We've also got David, Kylie, Nick, Leanne, Gail and Audrey as one of our finest clans, so they're going to be really driving things on too.

"There's lots coming up for Peter, Carla, Rob, Tracy and Tina. We've already seen that Tina and Tracy don't get along, so Tina will be brought into the story and that character group is going to be very big.

"Viewers should also watch out for Steve and Michelle. I think they haven't had enough screen time lately, so we're going to be really working hard on them, with the reintroduction of Liz (http://www.digitalspy.co.uk/soaps/s3/coronation-street/news/a485666/coronation-street-beverley-callard-returning-as-liz-mcdonald.html) to help move things along!"

http://i1.cdnds.net/13/22/618x400/soaps-beverley-callard-1.jpg © PA Images / Ian West/PA Wire

Beverley Callard

Aside from Liz and Todd, are you planning to bring back any more faces from the past?
"I've got no plans to at the moment. What I don't want to do is go overboard on it, as I want Corrie to be a show that's constantly looking forward rather than looking back. At the same time, there are other characters out there like Liz and Todd who do have family and a strong history on the street. If the right story came along, that'd be great, but I won't be actively hunting for stories for returning characters.

"By throwing Liz, Todd and Jimi Mistry's character Kal (http://www.digitalspy.co.uk/soaps/s3/coronation-street/news/a494991/coronation-street-casts-jimi-mistry-as-new-character-khalid.html) into the mix with our existing regulars, we've got a really strong and solid base. We want to focus on giving them the stories and screen time they deserve, rather than worrying too much about new faces or returnees."

When we asked for reader questions, a lot of people wanted to know whether Craig knows the truth about Karl starting the Rovers fire…
"Craig is very, very troubled. He has a certain perspective about the fire, I'll say that much! There's a secret that he's been carrying since that night, and it's a secret that will have a great deal of impact on both his life and Karl's. However, I don't want to give too much away on that - teasers are great, but spoilers are horrible!"

As you probably know, Carla and Peter have a very strong fanbase. Most fans know there's an engagement on the way, but would you take them down the full route of marriage and babies?
"I love Carla and Peter. I'm so lucky to be able to work with those two characters and actors. There's something so dark, brooding, passionate and tempestuous about them. I don't think they're destined for a life of cosy domesticity while I'm here - the two of them in their own way can both be equally self-destructive.

"As a couple, though, I adore them. And who knows - a wedding doesn't necessarily mean a quiet and cosy life! When did it ever?"

http://i2.cdnds.net/13/26/618x420/soaps-corrie-8167-1.jpg © ITV

Carla and Peter

Have you made the decision on who the father of Kylie's baby is yet?
"Yes, we have! There's a lot more to come with this storyline. Many viewers will have probably seen that there's a road accident coming up for David and Nick (http://www.digitalspy.co.uk/soaps/s3/coronation-street/news/a493801/coronation-street-stars-film-platt-crash-horror-pictures.html), which is a great moment because it's the culmination of weeks and months of story. However, it really is the prologue to the next chapter of that storyline.

"I always work on the principle of consequence and change, and for me, there's no point in hitting massive story peaks like a car crash only to have everything back to normal two weeks later."

Reports have suggested that Liz is back for six months. Is that for definite, or would you like to see her stick around for longer?
"I would hope that Liz will be back for longer. Things constantly change as we work on stories and new directions for characters, and it also depends on the actors themselves. However, I would love Liz to be here for the duration. She's a fantastic character and she's loved by the audience.

"Better still, if you look around the cast now, there are so many characters that Liz has ties with. There's Owen who she had a fling with, friends in the form of Deirdre and Eileen, and of course there's Steve, Michelle, Amy and Tracy.

"Liz is 'proper Corrie' for me, and one of those working-class matriarchs that the show does so well. But in terms of what story we're going to tell, the viewers will have to wait and see."

What can we expect from Todd's return?
"What I will say is that we're not trying to change Todd's character into something unrecognisable. However, the story he's been telling Jason and Eileen about the rosy, wonderful life he's having in London is not quite the truth.

"When Todd returns, we'll realise that he's taken an emotional and financial battering. Things haven't been going so well, so it's more of a damaged Todd that will return. Rightly or wrongly, he's learned that nice guys don't always finish first, so there's going to be a big journey for him and Eileen as she starts looking at her son through different eyes…"

Read more: http://www.digitalspy.co.uk/soaps/s3/coronation-street/interviews/a497065/coronation-street-gossip-and-teasers-from-producer-stuart-blackburn.html#ixzz2YbPZhTyq
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10-07-2013, 02:43
[LEFT][COLOR=#000000]How do you feel about overseeing the exit stories of Hayley and Tina, who are two big characters?
"With any character but those two in particular, it's a massive responsibility. I remember storylining Tina's very first scenes, so I'm so connected to the character. It's rare for young actors to come into the show and make the impact that Michelle has done in a relatively short space of time, so we really need to get the story right and I know that it's going to be exciting.

"I'm also in buckets over Hayley, as I'm heartbroken to be losing such a fantastic character. What I can guarantee is that we're throwing everything in to make it the most honest, truthful and emotional story that we'll be playing this year.

"It's all hands on deck for those stories, but the key for me is always what is coming up next. Sometimes you can be so focused on an exit storyline that you don't consider what it means for the people left behind. We really need to make sure that the exits of Tina and Hayley will become the prologues of exciting new stories for the people around them."

Is Jimi Mistry's character Kal going to be a big one for the show?
"Well, Jimi Mistry is a fantastic actor - I was so surprised and delighted that we managed to get him on board. We're going to entrust him with some really big stories.

"There's always the danger that the audience will view new characters with suspicion, so we're going to work hard to link Kal to a number of our established regulars. We'll see him with people like Dev, Steve and also Nick as his story moves on. I hope Kal will be a big character for us - that's certainly what we're aiming for."

http://i1.cdnds.net/13/27/618x873/jimi-mistry.jpg © PA Images

Jimi Mistry

We've noticed a few viewers seem to be favouring Tim rather than Anna and Owen in their rows over Faye. Was that your intention, or has it come as a surprise?
"I think it's great! We were always worried that Tim would just be seen as the 'baddie' in the story, which would be wrong. He's made some bad decisions and he doesn't always get it right, as he can be feckless and he has issues with commitment. But I think what people will see is that Tim is learning, and there's a history there to explain why he is like that.

"Equally with Anna, if she'd been in the right every time, the story would have been quite dull. In fact, she's not always making the right decisions either. Obviously we have characters like Richard Hillman and Charlie Stubbs who were very bad - but with 90% of our stories, if they come across as just black and white, then we haven't told them properly."

Can we expect to see Sally and Sophie back at the forefront of the show?
"I do love those characters. Sally is so funny and I think she can do great comedy as well as drama. I didn't want to rush into anything with Sally, as I wanted to make sure that the story was right. There might be some romance coming up for her soon…"

Are you expecting the viewers to back one party over another in the Paul and Lloyd race row story (http://www.digitalspy.co.uk/soaps/s3/coronation-street/spoilers/a493204/a-race-row-breaks-out-at-the-rovers.html), or do you think it will divide the audience?
"It's so hard to tell, but I think it may divide the audience. I really hope that people will be able to see both points of view. We all know that Paul's remark is something that shouldn't have been said, whether as an accident or not - but to be accused of being a racist is a big deal, so it's understandable why he digs his heels in. As the story progresses, there's a danger that Paul could lose Eileen and also his job - the two things that motivate him the most.

"From Lloyd's perspective, he will have heard these types of remarks as a cab driver on a daily basis, and he's chosen not to make an issue of it. But with his daughter there, he feels that he needs to take a stand. Why should Jenna have to hear that kind of remark in her own pub?

"In a sense, once we get beyond the comment itself, I think people will want to bang both Paul and Lloyd's heads together, as they could easily resolve the situation by swallowing their pride!"

http://i1.cdnds.net/13/27/618x452/soaps-corrie-8169-1.jpg © ITV

Paul, Eileen and Lloyd

Are you pleased with the reaction to Sinead, Beth and Craig?
"I'm absolutely delighted. One of the things I was really keen to do when I arrived at Corrie was to dig a bit deeper with Beth. We'd established that she was gobby and funny, but I wanted to know what mattered to her.

"In terms of Craig and his troubles, we'll start to see a bit more of Beth as a mother and we'll give her a bit of self-awareness as well. I've just been watching this in an episode which will be on screen in six weeks' time. Craig as a character is also developing really well.

"Sinead is brilliant too. She's quirky, intelligent and she may be very different from Beth, but she'd protect her to the ends of the earth! Through Sinead, we can also learn a bit more about Beth and why she's in the place she is now. Hopefully there's a lot more to come from that gang."

Quite a few of our reader questions were asking for Jason to be used more. Does he have some good stuff on the way?
"Absolutely - I think Jason can really carry stories and he'll be re-emerging as we come to the end of the Karl and Stella story, so there's more stuff from him there. It also helps with Todd coming back, as that household will be a lot more dynamic later in the year."

Is there more to come for the Lloyd/Mandy/Jenna family unit?
"Definitely. The story between Lloyd and Paul will massively involve Mandy and Jenna, and it will have consequences. There's also quite a bit coming up for Sophie, Jenna and Sally. We'll be focusing in on Lloyd in particular, as he's a real stalwart of the show."

There's always rumours of changes at The Rovers. Do the Price clan have a strong future there?
"At the moment, the story is about Stella desperate to get The Rovers working and back on its feet. It's her family home and whatever happens with the pub in the future, I really like the Price family. It's such a lovely inter-generational family of strong and very different women, so I'm really keen to invest in them."

http://i2.cdnds.net/13/19/618x409/soaps-corrie-8126-1.jpg © ITV

The Price clan and Karl

What's ahead for Tyrone and Fiz?
"They're both going to be really busy with the Roy and Hayley story we have coming up. Both of them owe Roy and Hayley so very much, so they'll be working closely with them to help them out.

"Aside from the Roy and Hayley story, one of the things that I've got on my agenda is what's next for Tyrone and Fiz. They're such a credible, wonderful couple and so believable. We need to find the right story for them, as I don't want to end up in silly affair storylines after everything they've been through."

Is it true that you're keen to see a lot more of Deirdre on our screens?
"I love her and I think Annie is such an amazing actress. She's so familiar to the audience and the public as a whole - there's not many people in the country who don't know who Deirdre Barlow is! As a product of that, you just get used to her and her talent sometimes goes unrecognised. We'll definitely be using her as much as we can."

A lot of fans were pleased to see Emily get a storyline recently. Are you keen to keep using the older characters?
"Definitely. We've got so many fine characters in the older group. I want to use them all and make sure we're using them in the right way. It shouldn't just be about whimsy, as the characters are too good for that."

How's everything going with the upcoming studio move, and will it pave the way for new sets?
"The intention is that any differences will be off-screen. On-screen, we're not using it to rebuild, recreate or to add any new locations for the sake of it. Were there to be a new family or somebody moving house, then and only then will we be getting new sets.

"At the moment, everything's going well. There's no published date for the move, but sometime towards the end of the year, Salford should be ready for us. At some point at the start of next year, we should make the move and as far as is humanly possible, the audience won't notice the difference!"

10-07-2013, 16:28
Do Carla and Peter have a strong fanbase really?

20-08-2014, 04:46
Coronation Street bosses are lining up a dramatic autumn for the soap as killer Rob Donovan's storyline reaches its climax, more new characters arrive and much-loved families face testing times.

For all the gossip on what's coming up, Digital Spy recently caught up with Corrie's producer Stuart Blackburn for a two-part interview.

Here, in part one, Stuart exclusively reveals plans for another returnee and a new stunt, and also speaks about Faye Windass's surprising new storyline for the first time. Read on to find out what he had to say!
Coronation Street producer Stuart Blackburn
Stuart Blackburn

Which storylines and characters are going to be most prominent as we head into the autumn?
"We've got Peter's trial coming up as well as Tracy and Rob's wedding. All of the stories surrounding Peter, Tracy, Rob, Carla, Jim, Liz, Steve and Michelle are going to be really big.

"The dates for the trial and the wedding have been mentioned on screen, so we've gone public with the news that the big events are happening in October. It'll be a big soap month because that's when we'll have our big set pieces happening.

"That won't be the end, though - there's more to come as there are more chapters after that. The whole thing - from Tina's death, to Peter's imprisonment and the dramatic October - is almost the prologue for chapter one of the next story…"

Can we expect fitting exits for Peter and Rob?
"Absolutely. They'll both be very different exits - one will be very high-octane and explosive, while the other one will be a lot sadder. I can't say which is which, though!"

Peter and Carla still have a strong fanbase, so will there be any closure for their relationship?
"There aren't a huge amount of scenes on the way with Peter being locked up, but there is some moving stuff coming up for them fairly soon. The viewers will see that on screen in the next month or so. Carla's reaction to recent events and how she starts to view the whole story will certainly change significantly, so there absolutely will be closure."
Carla tries to talk sense into Peter
Carla and Peter

Where do you see Carla's character going in the longer-term?
"As the ramifications of the murder story are far from over, Carla will definitely be involved in all of that! In the shorter-term, Carla is a strong woman who has gone through incredible heartbreak. We'll see her really throw herself into the factory and there'll be a positive journey for her there, although whether other people are happy with that remains to be seen!

"One big legacy from the Hayley story has also been Carla's friendship with Roy. We've got a big story coming up for Roy at Christmas and that lovely friendship between them will be revisited then."

There are some new characters joining soon, including Kal's son Zeedan. What can we expect from him?
"Zeedan is funny, he can be flirty and he's a little bit vain as he's really into his clothes! There's not a dark side to him, but his relationship with Kal is incredibly difficult. Zeedan was brought up for most of his life by his mother and his grandparents, because his dad was away in the army.

"What Zeedan experienced as a young lad was absence, which he's really angry about. His mother died a couple of years back, but when she was alive, Zeedan would have seen her sitting staring at the television and sobbing terrified whenever there were reports from Afghanistan. There's a lot of anger in Zeedan as he questions why his dad wasn't with him.

"Zeedan's culture and religion is also important to him. We'll see him go off for private prayers, and that's another point of difference between him and his dad. There's a lot of years for Kal to make up for, but it won't be easy as Zeedan is a stubborn young man!"

When will Michael's son Gavin, played by Oliver Townsend, be arriving?
"Gavin arrives further into the future as it's round about Christmas time that we'll be seeing him. There's going to be lots of twists and turns with that one. I can't say too much but it's a story that's really going to surprise everyone!

"As we've said before, we're also bringing in another new male character called Howie, but we're still casting for him at the moment. We're keen to get the story right and you should hear more about him within the next few weeks."

What can we expect from Tyrone's accident next week?
"It's a really big storyline. That all started off with Tony making a big mistake by getting Todd involved with the company. Tony genuinely loves his son Jason, but if he told the truth, he'd admit that Jason is a bit too nice for his own good and not ruthless enough!

"Todd is the opposite of that - he does have that ruthless side and he'll happily over-quote when it comes to jobs. It's Todd making shortcuts with Tyrone's loft conversation that causes the accident, so it's him rather than Tony who is to blame.

"Moving forwards it's going to be like Cain and Abel, because this story is going to start a huge feud between Todd and Jason. As that progresses, it will threaten to split the Grimshaws apart…"
Will Tyrone be OK?
Tyrone's accident

Is Tony the next big Corrie villain, or is it more complex than that?
"It's going to be a lot more complex than that. Tony has got used to taking shortcuts, so Jason knows that he will have probably been involved in selling some knock-off stuff to get the money to buy the builder's yard for him. From Tony's point of view, that criminal behaviour isn't a day-to-day thing for him - it's just when he needs it for something like setting his son up.

"On a day-to-day basis, Tony is happy being with Liz and hanging out at the pub - but there is a real edge to him. He's the type of guy who will have sat in the back streets of Manchester, knowing that one of his so-called mates probably has a gun.

"So there is a darker side - it's a little bit like Clint Eastwood in Unforgiven. There's a part of him that doesn't want to be doing this for the rest of his life as he knows he's getting too old for it, but every now and again, he'll be drawn back into that world.

"As we move into next year, we will see Tony square up to a few people and certainly see how hard he can be when he has to be…"

There's been a big reaction to seeing characters like Jim and Ken back. Does that encourage you to want to bring back more faces from the past?
"I'm delighted to see both of those characters back. I love Jim's story and Charlie Lawson has played an absolute blinder on that one. Seeing Bill Roache back in the building was also fantastic for everyone. It's like he's never been away, so it's an absolute delight to have him back.

"Even prior to all of that happening, we did start making plans for the return of another popular character, so there is another one on the way. I won't say who yet as it's still to be signed, sealed and delivered, but we do have plans.

"Our policy on returning characters is that we'll only do it when it's important for story. Returns can be overdone and we wouldn't just do it to grab a few headlines, but we'll do it when it's right to. The character who is returning will be back on screen early next year."

It's been a slow-burn with some of the new characters like Luke, Steph and the Nazir family. Do they have some bigger stories coming up?
"Definitely. The slow-burn has been very deliberate on my part. It's like in real life when your neighbours of 20 years move out and new ones move in - it doesn't matter if they're nice or not, it takes time to build up the same relationship! The Carters in EastEnders have been brilliant, but it's very rare that you can bring in a new family of characters en masse and suddenly start giving them huge storylines.

"Coming up, Alya does have a big storyline which is really going to threaten her relationship with her grandparents and her brother, so the Nazir family will be busy on screen with that.

"Luke and Steph are also each going to find a little bit of love. It's about time for Steph as she hasn't had much romance so far. I think she's really been a breath of fresh air on screen and she's definitely earned her right for some bigger stories, so that's coming."
Luke tells Katy he likes her and they are about to kiss when Steph walks in.
Luke, Katy and Steph

Is the rumoured Faye pregnancy storyline definitely happening?
"Yes, that is going to happen and it's going to be horrible for all of her family. The first response for parents in a situation like that would naturally be, 'Where have we gone wrong?', so that'll be the case for Anna, Owen and Tim.

"They'll wonder how to deal with it and how to support a young girl who's in that position, as it's very tricky. Anna and Owen will be very close again by this stage, but it doesn't necessarily mean that they'll have the right answers. The answers that they do have also might not necessarily be the same.

"What we will see is that the adults put Faye first in every situation that crops up, but it's also Faye's story. Teen pregnancies don't result in long-term welfare checks and a really easy life - it's a nightmare at that age, so it's going to affect her physically and emotionally. It'll also affect her education. Faye is already a character who always worries that she's different, so this will only add to her fears of feeling like an outsider - as well as her fears that she's let down those around her.

"It's a biggie and it's one of those stories where we've got a massive responsibility to get it right. Things are better than they were 20 years ago, but it's still a reality for tens of thousands of people out there."

Will Corrie's move to Media City pave the way for more set changes?
"There will be more. We're going to have a change of direction with the old butchers, and that'll be thanks to the Nazir family. We're also going to get little hints of streets that we might not have seen before.

"To be honest, it's a 10-year plan. We wanted to avoid having the audience tune in for the first episode from the new studio and say, 'Oh my God, that's different!' and suddenly get distracted. We're just biding our time, but we've got so many more options here."

Are there any stunts coming up?
"Yes, coming up in the New Year, there is a real tragedy that's going to affect a dozen or so of our characters. Last year we had David and the car crash and of course that was a stunt, but it genuinely felt like it had come from story. It wasn't us suddenly deciding that we needed to do something spectacular to get the viewers.

"It's the same with what we're planning, because it'll come from a relatively long-running story. It is going to be spectacular and a little bit heartbreaking!"

Are there any characters who've been quiet for a while who you think deserve bigger stories?
"I've got a list of the whole cast in my office and my job is almost impossible, because what I want to happen is to give everyone a big story as everyone in that cast is capable of one. It's so hard because it takes five years to create the space for all of them. I just want to give everyone the screen time they deserve - whether it's Maddie and Sophie, Emily and Norris or the new characters."

Can you give us any early hints on this year's Christmas storylines?
"It's going to be massive and life-changing for the Platts as there'll be a revelation that knocks David for six and will change everything for him. That's when we'll see Kylie's ex Callum really make an impact.

"A lot of the episode will be featured at The Rovers and Steve will have a bit of a mission that day after making some terrible decisions. He'll show utter determination to give his family and friends the best Christmas Day ever, but with a personal and mental challenge to him.

"Roy won't have a good Christmas at all, but the episode is also going to be full of love and laughter as well. I loved last year's Christmas episode because even though what was happening to Hayley was so tragic, there was a huge sense of love and community that came out of it, so it'll be that sort of Christmas again this year."

20-08-2014, 15:26
Is the Phelan storyline over?

20-08-2014, 16:50
Is the Phelan storyline over?

I think it is for now, as I've heard the actor said that he's finished filming. I wouldn't be surprised if they bring him back in the future though.

Sounds like there's some good stuff coming up for Corrie :)

20-08-2014, 17:35
I think so too, Phelan got the upper hand and Anna and Owen and family were the victims as was intended when they introduced Phelan. There is nothing really to add to that particular storyline at the moment ... however, I can imagine that in future Owen and Phelan meet up again over a building project and things might work out differently then .. Karma and all that :D

20-08-2014, 17:56
...I can imagine that in future Owen and Phelan meet up again over a building project and things might work out differently then .. Karma and all that :D

I'd love to see Phelan get his comeuppance! :D

20-08-2014, 17:58
I am sure most viewers would like to see that but sometimes I guess even in soap characters have bad experiences and have to live with the consequences, soap fairy can't and I would say should not always wave the magic wand ... if it is meant to be true to life ...

20-08-2014, 23:24
I think it is for now, as I've heard the actor said that he's finished filming. I wouldn't be surprised if they bring him back in the future though.

Sounds like there's some good stuff coming up for Corrie :)

That is a pity, I thought there was more left to the storyline

20-08-2014, 23:37
This os the first time i have seen a villain get away with it in corrie.

21-08-2014, 05:00
In the second part of our interview with Coronation Street's producer Stuart Blackburn, we find out more about what the future holds for some of the show's other characters.

Read on to find out what to expect from Katy Armstrong's exit, Sean Tully's new storyline, the return of Cilla Battersby-Brown and more!

Are you aware that Tim has become popular with the fans? Is there more coming up for him?
"Definitely - Tim's relationship with Sally is a breath of fresh air and Joe Duttine is just brilliant. Obviously Tim will be right at the heart of the Faye storyline, but beyond that we've also got more fun and frolics for him and Sally.

"There's also quite a demanding surprise on the way for Tim. We'll learn something new about him which takes him out of the comedy for a little bit."

Will you continue to play with the possibility of a Webster reunion when Kevin returns?
"No, I don't think we will. Kevin will always regret what he did in the past and there'll always be a 'What if?' when it comes to Sally. His love for Sally won't go away, but I think it's time for him to move on and he will do that.

"Kevin has figured out now that Tim and Sally are for real. If there is going to be any type of affair, it's more likely to be Tim and Kevin heading off for a pint behind Sally's back!"

Is Max's ADHD story building up towards Kylie's temporary exit?
"Yes it is. It is a short-term exit and Kylie will be back, but the decisions she makes over the next few months are all going to be the wrong ones! As we head towards Christmas, it's really going to come to a head.

"The arrival of Max's dad Callum will also be a real blast from the past for Kylie. He's been mentioned on screen a lot and it's time for that past to come and visit us!"

Are you pleased with the reaction to Gail and Michael's story?
"I'm absolutely delighted. I don't think Les will mind me saying that when his name was first put into the hat for the role by our head of casting, I was nervous. I wondered whether it would look like stunt casting and whether it'd just be Les Dennis we were seeing rather than a character, but now it feels like he's been in Corrie forever. His arrival has really enlivened and enriched the Platt household and Gail."

Antony Cotton recently sparked some speculation by promising a big story for Sean. Can you give us any further hints?
"That will kick off later in the year around Christmas time, and it is going to be a love story. It's a really serious love story, as Sean is absolutely going to fall for this person. The only problem is who he falls in love with and what that means for the relationship - can it ever prosper?"

Fans were surprised at the news that Georgia May Foote's character Katy will be leaving the show. Why was that choice made and what can we expect from her exit?
"What we're going to start playing with Katy is a story that's hopefully quite truthful. She's in a family that's gone bankrupt and lost everything, so it's a story about her and the ambitions she has for her future and Joseph's. There's a recognition that she's been ambling around the fringes of life.

"We're going to give Katy some real ambition and tell a story of how difficult it is for a single mother to have that ambition and try to forge a career. She's not being insulting, but she doesn't want to be in the position that Anna and Owen are in. Katy realises that just doing a bit of part time work isn't really securing Joseph's future, but if she does go ahead on this ambition and has to rely on Sinead and Chesney to take on more of the childcare, what does that mean for her relationship with her son?

"On top of that, what starts this story is the return of a character from Katy, Owen and Izzy's past - although it's a new face for us rather than a past Coronation Street character.

"Georgia's exit from the show was storyline-led, as the writers came up with this story a while ago and we're just starting to play it out now. I really respect Georgia and can categorically say that she won't be killed off. Who knows what could happen in the future?"

What can you tell us about Cilla's return? We're keen to see her have some scenes with Beth!
"Cilla is Cilla - what I don't want to do is change her DNA. At times she'll be as feckless and as gobby as she always was, but things have very much changed for her. She's in a place now where she really needs the support of her family, but she also knows that she's been a complete disaster as a mother.

"Cilla is scared of asking for the help she needs, because she's got enough self-awareness to know how much she's cocked up as a mum - especially with Chesney. There will be fun because it's Cilla, but it's a story with a bit of heart to it. And yes, there will be scenes with Beth!"

Todd has returned to the street with a very different outlook on life. Will you delve into the reasons for that?
"At some point yes, but we're not there yet. Todd's feud with Jason will rumble on into the New Year, but it's perhaps then that we'll learn how rubbish life in London was for Todd, what really happened down there and what embittered him so much. We're not yet there but we're beginning the journey to us hopefully understanding a bit more."

Dennis Tanner was a character with a lot of history on the street, so why was the decision made to write him out?
"Again it was storyline-led. We don't sit there with a red pen, it's just that sometimes writers come up with stories that we want to run with. In this case, we wanted to see the Dennis Tanner of old again. He was always a bit of a liar, a bit of a rogue and a bit of a cheat, so we wanted to see the naughty Dennis.

"Just because you're in your 60s or 70s doesn't mean you have to be sedate or dull. I think we got into a position where we'd lost a little bit of Dennis Tanner, and once we began to bring the rogue back, it had to have consequences. It didn't feel right to tell a story where he was so badly behaved and then everything carried on as normal.

"What I will say is that Dennis's name is chiselled into the windowsill of one of the houses on the street, so he is absolutely part and parcel of Coronation Street's history and we're lucky to have him. The minute someone suggests Dennis returning and a great story which would come from it, who knows what could happen?"

We've seen in the past couple of years that Corrie can keep certain things under wraps, such as trial verdicts and the full details of Tina's murder. Would you like to give the viewers more surprises?
"Absolutely. We try to give as much away to make people excited about the stories, but then I always think about my mother as she hates it if she knows what happens! If she'd known what happened to Tina she would have been really upset!

"We're grateful to the press when they do help us to keep things under wraps, and I hope that we can carry on doing it. There's no point in storytelling if everybody knows exactly what's going to happen."

Last year's car stunt had a big impact on Nick. What's next for him?
"Once we made the decision that Nick would suffer brain damage, to 'fix' him possibly even in a decade would be such an insult to people who have gone through that. The reality for most people who have suffered brain damage is that it affects them for the rest of their lives. For as long as I'm here, that will continue to be a part of Nick's life but it won't necessarily be negative.

"Nick won't bang on about it and carry on stamping his feet - in fact he's going to find some new lust which takes him out of that for a while! He will be forgetful at times and perhaps be rubbish with numbers, but he'll learn to live with it with grace, dignity and good humour."

We've seen more of Maddie's softer side recently - has that been a conscious decision?
"It has been, but it's a difficult one because I don't want to lose what made her Maddie! She's still capable of being incredibly rash and impulsive. If she were ever in a position where she was defending Sophie, she would definitely go completely over the top.

"However, Maddie is also not a stupid girl and she's got a lot to be grateful for. Now she's got something that she never thought she'd have - a home, a family, and someone who loves her. Of course there will be stories in the future where she messes up, but she never was an evil person. She was just overly gobby and she prefers to attack first because of that defensiveness within her character."

Will Steve's depression be explored more?
"That's going to be a massive story. It's going to run through the autumn and build up from there. On Christmas Day and beyond, we'll see a real challenge to Steve and Michelle's relationship. I absolutely know that Simon Gregson and Kym Marsh are very good actors.

"I hope that the great comedy that Steve brings will absolutely be on screen for the next decade and onwards, but I also wanted to explore a story where Steve looked in the mirror on his 40th birthday and started to wonder whether he was really good enough for Michelle. He also blamed himself for Lloyd's heart attack and he feels guilty for his role in what happened to Tina.

"Steve is taking a long, hard look at himself and he's not liking what he sees. It's going to run from there, and there will still be comedy in the lead-up as Steve tries to hide away from the demons in his head. Fundamentally what I wanted to do is tell what will hopefully be a really positive, uplifting love story between Michelle and Steve."

21-08-2014, 23:17
I don't like Steve and Michelle as a couple

21-08-2014, 23:19
Maybe cilia has cancer and needs help to get through it

22-08-2014, 21:01
there is talk of a popular iconic character returning too any ideas?

30-08-2014, 19:34
there is talk of a popular iconic character returning too any ideas?


30-08-2014, 21:12
Hope not

31-08-2014, 12:24

too soon for her return and katherine is doing well in other shows as is suranne (karen)

31-08-2014, 12:24

too soon for her return and katherine is doing well in other shows as is suranne (karen)

31-08-2014, 21:45
there is talk of a popular iconic character returning too any ideas?

Is it Cilla but her return has already been announced

I would love to see Danny Baldwin back also Toyah Battersby too

The street needs a Baldwin around :p