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24-02-2005, 18:34
EPISODE 13 – “The Test”

It’s time for school but Seth is still in his robe, on the couch, where he spent the night watching bad movies. Ryan tells him he’s been wallowing since San Diego but Seth begs to differ. He’s been agonizing not wallowing and he’s decided it’s the uncertainty about whether Summer and Zach did or didn’t that’s killing him. So, he’s going to solve the problem by asking Summer. Ryan tells Seth he can’t do that. It’s weird and creepy and none of his business. Good point. What was Seth thinking? He’ll just ask Zach.

Kirsten and Lindsay have both been solicited to Caleb’s office at the same time. He’s decided to formally adopt Lindsay so she’ll be taken care of should he have another heart attack. Julie, who happens to be there as well, assures Caleb that she’ll take care of Lindsay. But it’s not just about financial security. Lindsay stood by him when he was sick, now it’s his turn.

Seth finds Zach in the student lounge and takes the opportunity to clear the air. They agree that maybe the three of them working on a comic book together isn’t the best idea right now. So, with that out of the way, Seth wants to know if they had a good time in San Diego. Perhaps they took in a few good meals, went to the Zoo, Sea world, maybe a little sex? What? Is that a yes? Zach tells Seth to go home and get some sleep.

Lindsay bounds up to Ryan at his locker with the good news about her adoption. Caleb wants everyone to know she’s his daughter, isn’t that great! Ryan wants to know how Julie took the news. Surprisingly, not so well. Ryan warns Lindsay that she doesn’t want to get on Julie Cooper’s bad side. He’s talking from experience. But Lindsay’s been dreaming of this her whole life and she’s not going to let a little thing like Julie Cooper stand in her way.

At The Bait Shop, Alex tells Marissa that some friends are coming down for the weekend and she’s having a little party. Alex thought maybe Marissa would like to invite Summer. Um… ok. Alex suddenly realizes Marissa hasn’t told Summer about them yet. Alex says it’s okay, she has to wait until she’s ready. Marissa assures her that she is.

Sandy arrives home and discovers that two FBI agents have stopped by. He asks Kirsten what she told them. Kirsten assures him she didn’t say anything about where Rebecca’s staying. Sandy reminds Kirsten that, as Rebecca’s lawyer, he’s protected but if Kirsten withholds information, she could be charged with obstructing justice. Kirsten wonders if Sandy’s worried about her withholding information or giving away too much? Sandy assures Kirsten that it’s not a choice between protecting Rebecca and protecting her. Kirsten believes it is, and thinks Sandy’s already made his choice.

Julie pays Caleb a visit in his office to talk about the adoption. She is not going to let him rush into this. First off, he needs to redo the paternity test. Paternity test? What paternity test? Julie can’t believe he’s been paying out all this money for all these years without proof. She tells him he has a responsibility to the rest of his family to be sure.

Then Julie drops by Lindsay’s mom’s house to give her a little heads up that Caleb’s probably going to be requesting a DNA test… so if Renee has any doubts whatsoever about Lindsay’s paternity, she might want to talk her out of the adoption.
Summer barges into Seth’s room and begins pummeling him with a pillow and reprimanding him for asking her boyfriend if they had sex in San Diego. She reminds him how creepy that is and asks what’s wrong with him. Seth explains that since he got back from San Diego, he’s barely eaten or slept or showered, which she probably already figured out. She beseeches him, for the sake of the people who have to live with him, to take a shower. Then just before heading out the door, she quickly adds, “Zach and I didn’t have sex.” Suddenly Seth’s face relaxes and he falls back onto his bed like a man who’s been set free from all the worries in the world.

Kirsten pays Rebecca a surprise visit at her hotel and wastes no time talking about the weather. She asks if Rebecca’s in love with her husband. Rebecca responds with equal candor. She is. She always has been. But if Kirsten came by to find out if anything’s happened between them, it hasn’t. Kirsten reminds Rebecca that while she’s been running, they’ve been building a family and a life, and Sandy’s putting all that in danger for her. Then before leaving, she asks Rebecca to think about how much she’s willing to let him sacrifice.

Renee stops by the Cohen house and asks Ryan to help her talk Lindsay out of the adoption. If she goes through with it, Caleb’s going to ask for a DNA test. And, she can’t take that test. Ryan asks if that means Caleb isn’t the father. Renee says she really doesn’t know.

Caleb summons Sandy to his office to discuss the DNA test. Sandy’s legal opinion? Ask for the test. Caleb’s a wealthy man and it would be irresponsible to do otherwise. But as a father, if Caleb loves this girl, that’s all that matters.

Marissa drops by Alex’s place and discovers the party’s started early. Girls, girls, and more girls. Alex invites her in for a drink but after taking a look around, Marissa tells her she can’t stay. Caleb’s party and all. Alex doesn’t buy that Marissa’s ditching her for Caleb.

Seth invites Zach to the local diner. He’s finally gotten his appetite back and is devouring a humungous burger when Zach arrives. Seth apologizes for being out of line the other day and Zach accepts his apology then confides that they didn’t have sex. Then he adds that everything was so perfect -- they were alone, in a nice hotel room, on Valentine’s Day… so why did he hold back? Suddenly Seth’s burger isn’t going down so well. Zach then tells Seth that he now realizes he wasn’t waiting for marriage, like he thought, he was just waiting for the perfect harmony of girl and place. And what could be more perfect than a villa in Tuscany? Seth is starting to look as queasy as he feels. Zach just wanted to be straight with him, so Seth can plan his freak-out accordingly.

Ryan meets Lindsay at the pier and asks if she’s sure this adoption thing is the best idea? He knows that Caleb seems like he’s changed but maybe she ought to give it a little more time. Lindsay reminds him that she’s already waited 17 years. Then before leaving, she tells Ryan that she only wants people at the party who support her, so maybe she’ll see him and maybe she won’t.

Summer stops by Caleb’s party and finds Marissa hiding out in her room. Summer brings up the weekend in San Diego and confides that when Zach told her he didn’t believe in sex before marriage, she pretended she still wanted to… but the truth is she couldn’t get Seth out of her head. Then Marissa confides that she’s dating Alex. Huh? Summer asks if Marissa’s a… Oh, no, she just really likes Alex. Summer admits that Alex is pretty hot.

Ryan arrives at the party and sees Lindsay’s mom heading for the front door. Ryan offers to go in and talk to Lindsay for her. He finds Lindsay milling about and tells her she can’t go through with this. Why? He explains that Caleb might not be her dad. Lindsay doesn’t understand why Ryan’s doing this to her, so she heads into Caleb’s office and suggests that he make the announcement right away. Caleb tells her he’s decided to postpone the adoption until she can take a few tests, just to be safe. Lindsay tells Caleb that she doesn’t need to take any tests because her real dad would never treat her this way. Then she storms out. Julie, who just happened to be listening in from the hallway, offers to cover for Caleb.

Out on the veranda, Julie announces that the Newport Group, under her leadership, will launch its very own lifestyle magazine – “Newport Living” – which will profile hot new fashions and trends as determined by her staff of… her.

Seth drops by Summer’s room to make his amends. He confides that he was under the illusion that there was still something there between them, but he now realizes there’s not and it’s time for him to move on. He wishes her well in Tuscany. She tells him she’s glad he’s okay with it… but clearly neither of them are.