View Full Version : exercising.....

04-05-2013, 18:01
So who exercises like regulary? How does one motivate themselves? In my own head i always have good intentions...but the intentions never leave my head and travel down into action....any tips?

04-05-2013, 18:15
Join a club, badminton, tennis, football, ballroom dancing with the lady in your life .. whatever you fancy doing .. I think that works better than going to the gym, works for me, anyway

04-05-2013, 18:17
Join a club, badminton, tennis, football, ballroom dancing with the lady in your life .. whatever you fancy doing .. I think that works better than going to the gym, works for me, anyway

problem with that is a number of things, ive not a woman in my life, not many clubs around where i live lol plus with my work being unsociable hours, its a bit difficult but thanks for the suggestions :)

04-05-2013, 20:04
problem with that is a number of things, ive not a woman in my life, not many clubs around where i live lol plus with my work being unsociable hours, its a bit difficult but thanks for the suggestions :)

Go to aerobic classes ... whenever you can .. might even find a lady willing to motivate you :D

04-05-2013, 20:04
problem with that is a number of things, ive not a woman in my life, not many clubs around where i live lol plus with my work being unsociable hours, its a bit difficult but thanks for the suggestions :)

Go to aerobic classes ... whenever you can .. might even find a lady willing to motivate you :D

07-05-2013, 02:49
Go to aerobic classes ... whenever you can .. might even find a lady willing to motivate you :D

or if i could find a lady. we could go to aeerobics class and continue aerobics at home too! niught activity is the best activity lol :)

07-05-2013, 23:31
i have a few fitness dvds and try them for week then give up and i want tina turner legs

08-05-2013, 08:09
my preferred method of exercise is dancing as I find going to a gym boring but I never get bored of dancing. However, I do find I am more motivated if I have someone to go with me.. I find it hard to motivate myself especially if the nights are a bit cold..

08-05-2013, 10:48
That is why I loved going belly dancing .. and as the studio was just around the corner from my place, I was able to drag myself out on cold nights too. Once my injury has healed I shall look into some form of dancing classes over here, I doubt there is belly dancing as I have not heard of it and this is a small community but I shall find something

08-05-2013, 10:52
Yeah, I need to find a pole dancing class here.. I loved doing that

08-05-2013, 12:42
I find it easier when there is someone else as well. I like fitness DVDs aswell especially if it is cold and you don't fancy heading outside.

26-05-2013, 13:03
thinking about getting one of those stands that you put the back wheel of your bicycle on, then when ya can only make it out for say 10-15 mins your normal bike turns into an exercise bike lol sounds like a good gadget, but my diet is working well, full steam ahead and seeing some results so far anyway...

27-07-2013, 20:30
still havent got the bike stand but i have joined a local gym, working out well and get getting my exercise 2-3 days a week 2 and a hal;f stone off in 10 weeks

27-07-2013, 23:32
I'm playing gaa again so I am training twice a week plus going for runs in between, it's great fun!!

27-07-2013, 23:37
happy days, at least your are getting the exercise in there Katy!! i hate road running lol

28-12-2013, 18:04
I really should do more exercise, all I do is walk.

I dont really the gym unless I go with someone. I refer fitness classes.

28-12-2013, 18:04
I really should do more exercise, all I do is walk.

I dont really the gym unless I go with someone. I refer fitness classes.

28-12-2013, 18:54
All I do is walk, several times a day with my dogs, lost a stone in weight with no other diet ... seems to work for me :D

29-12-2013, 17:17
I'm enjoying running at the moment, it's took a while to get into it but once you pass that barrier it's good fun!!

Chloe O'brien
31-12-2013, 22:10
I haven't done any exercising for months. With all the changes at work I didn't renew my gym membership in the summer as i didn't know i I would be able to use it plus they cancelled the zumba claas I used to go to I like dancinng but I have two left feet.

02-01-2014, 02:36
I find it easier when there is someone else as well. I like fitness DVDs aswell especially if it is cold and you don't fancy heading outside.

The problem I have with fitness dvds is they are so easy to turn off!

02-01-2014, 02:36
I find it easier when there is someone else as well. I like fitness DVDs aswell especially if it is cold and you don't fancy heading outside.

The problem I have with fitness dvds is they are so easy to turn off!

03-01-2014, 21:55
I get bored watching fitness DvDs, least my gym has a bar, pool, sauna, steam room, or and gym so its less boring ;-) Saying that I must get my lardy ass to it after over doing the crimbo food/drink :-(

Btw Abbie - its PB!!!!! :-)

03-01-2014, 21:55
I get bored watching fitness DvDs, least my gym has a bar, pool, sauna, steam room, or and gym so its less boring ;-) Saying that I must get my lardy ass to it after over doing the crimbo food/drink :-(

Btw Abbie - its PB!!!!! :-)

03-01-2014, 23:46
Surprisingly I didnt eat loads over christmas.

It keeps double posting in this thread!

PB as in Pinkbanana?

03-01-2014, 23:46
Surprisingly I didnt eat loads over christmas.

It keeps double posting in this thread!

PB as in Pinkbanana?

03-01-2014, 23:50
Aye, the one and only - but couldn't remember my password :-( Hence the new name...

Alright, Tabbie - hows it going? :-D

03-01-2014, 23:50
Aye, the one and only - but couldn't remember my password :-( Hence the new name...

Alright, Tabbie - hows it going? :-D

03-01-2014, 23:54
Aww yeah I almost frogot mine!

wow cant believe how long its been?! Im really good, how are you?

03-01-2014, 23:54
Aww yeah I almost frogot mine!

wow cant believe how long its been?! Im really good, how are you?

04-01-2014, 05:28
Welcome back PB :D

04-01-2014, 22:28
Hiya Abbie,

You must be at least 45 years old now - its been so long :-) :rotfl: Im great thanks, just thought I'd pop on here and see if anyone I knew was still about... pleased to see a few oldies :D

04-01-2014, 22:29
Welcome back PB :D

Hi Perdita!! Hope you are well :)

04-01-2014, 22:56
Hiya Abbie,

You must be at least 45 years old now - its been so long :-) :rotfl: Im great thanks, just thought I'd pop on here and see if anyone I knew was still about... pleased to see a few oldies :D

its been a long time but not tha long.

Its funny because I havent been on here much the past couple of years until a couple of days ago!

04-01-2014, 22:56
Hiya Abbie,

You must be at least 45 years old now - its been so long :-) :rotfl: Im great thanks, just thought I'd pop on here and see if anyone I knew was still about... pleased to see a few oldies :D

its been a long time but not tha long.

Its funny because I havent been on here much the past couple of years until a couple of days ago!

04-01-2014, 23:02
its been a long time but not tha long.

Its funny because I havent been on here much the past couple of years until a couple of days ago!

Really? That's quite spooky... are you still at Uni? Are you know working? Children? Grandchildren?

04-01-2014, 23:02
its been a long time but not tha long.

Its funny because I havent been on here much the past couple of years until a couple of days ago!

Really? That's quite spooky... are you still at Uni? Are you know working? Children? Grandchildren?

04-01-2014, 23:08
Why is it that this thread likes double posts.

Im working now, finished uni a couple of years ago. :)

04-01-2014, 23:08
Why is it that this thread likes double posts.

Im working now, finished uni a couple of years ago. :)

04-01-2014, 23:12
Why is it that this thread likes double posts.

Im working now, finished uni a couple of years ago. :)

Aw no way you have finished uni already? But you hadn't even gone last time we spoke... lol

04-01-2014, 23:12
Why is it that this thread likes double posts.

Im working now, finished uni a couple of years ago. :)

Aw no way you have finished uni already? But you hadn't even gone last time we spoke... lol

04-01-2014, 23:20
That cant be right, we must have spoken whilst i was at uni?!

05-01-2014, 20:25
nhÃ* b?n có 1 cái tivi full hd, có h? tr? 3d. b?n c?n d?n 1 cái d?u phát hd (http://www.chepphimgiare.com.vn/thiet-bi-hd/) d? xem phim du?c ch?t lu?ng hon.

b?n c?n d?n 1 c?a hÃ*ng chuyên v? chep phim 3d (http://www.chepphimgiare.com.vn) uy tÃ*n vÃ* ch?t lu?ng

Hãy d?n v?i 3D House d? du?c tu v?n v? d?u phát phim hd (http://www.chepphimgiare.com.vn/thiet-bi-hd/) 1 cách nhi?t tình cÃ* chu dáo nh?t!!!

Oh dear someone has far too much time on their hands or no friends to play with!!!!:D

05-01-2014, 20:57
I told you there are some crazy spammers

Chloe O'brien
05-01-2014, 23:22
I get bored watching fitness DvDs, least my gym has a bar, pool, sauna, steam room, or and gym so its less boring ;-) Saying that I must get my lardy ass to it after over doing the crimbo food/drink :-(

Btw Abbie - its PB!!!!! :-)

The thing is ladies you're not supposed to watch fitness dvd's you're supposed to join in. :D Good to have you back PB were have you been hiding? Still teaching? xxx

06-01-2014, 19:42
The thing is ladies you're not supposed to watch fitness dvd's you're supposed to join in. :D Good to have you back PB were have you been hiding? Still teaching? xxx

Welcome back PB!!

Im on day 4 of the 30 day abs challenge and the 30 day arm challenge! Luckily its a rest day! im in agony!! I dont think I have abs.

06-01-2014, 19:42
The thing is ladies you're not supposed to watch fitness dvd's you're supposed to join in. :D Good to have you back PB were have you been hiding? Still teaching? xxx

Welcome back PB!!

Im on day 4 of the 30 day abs challenge and the 30 day arm challenge! Luckily its a rest day! im in agony!! I dont think I have abs.

06-01-2014, 21:14
What do you have to do, I havent heard of it.

06-01-2014, 23:28
The thing is ladies you're not supposed to watch fitness dvd's you're supposed to join in. :D Good to have you back PB were have you been hiding? Still teaching? xxx

Hiya Kath :) Well Ive only just got out - erm, spent the last few years at her majesty's pleasure - some misunderstanding over spending lottery funding meant for an extreme ironing team on a luxury holiday and new car!!:D:D:D

Yeah, I am still teaching... Hope you are well - glad a few of you are still about :D:D:D

06-01-2014, 23:30
Welcome back PB!!

Im on day 4 of the 30 day abs challenge and the 30 day arm challenge! Luckily its a rest day! im in agony!! I dont think I have abs.

OMG its Katy.... How the devil are you?!?!?! :-D

Abs challenge sounds erm interesting... think I'll stick to watching my fitness dvd with a dominoes pizza - stuffed crust ofcourse ;-)

06-01-2014, 23:30
Welcome back PB!!

Im on day 4 of the 30 day abs challenge and the 30 day arm challenge! Luckily its a rest day! im in agony!! I dont think I have abs.

OMG its Katy.... How the devil are you?!?!?! :-D

Abs challenge sounds erm interesting... think I'll stick to watching my fitness dvd with a dominoes pizza - stuffed crust ofcourse ;-)

07-01-2014, 23:27
I'm great thanks! Long time no speak! And Abbie as well! Great to see you back posting as well!

It's basically sit ups crunches leg raises and a plank for so many seconds getting progressiy harder each day

07-01-2014, 23:27
I'm great thanks! Long time no speak! And Abbie as well! Great to see you back posting as well!

It's basically sit ups crunches leg raises and a plank for so many seconds getting progressiy harder each day