View Full Version : Maggie Thatcher dies

08-04-2013, 13:15
Former Prime Minister Baroness Thatcher has died following a stroke, her spokesman has said.

Former Prime Minister Baroness Thatcher has died at 87 following a stroke, her spokesman has said.

Lord Bell said: "It is with great sadness that Mark and Carol Thatcher announced that their mother Baroness Thatcher died peacefully following a stroke this morning."

Baroness Thatcher was Conservative prime minister from 1979 to 1990.

She was the first woman to hold the post. Her family is expected to make a further statement later.

Baroness Thatcher, born Margaret Roberts, became the Conservative MP for Finchley, north London in 1959, retiring from the Commons in 1992.

Having been education secretary, she successfully challenged former prime minister Edward Heath for her party's leadership in 1975.

She won general elections in 1979, 1983 and 1987.

Baroness Thatcher's government privatised several state-owned industries. She was also in power when the UK went to war with Argentina over the Falkland Islands in 1982.

08-04-2013, 13:16
Just don't get me started....better I don't comment!

08-04-2013, 19:29
Just don't get me started....better I don't comment!

Nor me either altough I dare say my views and Parkerman's would be diametrically opposed.

08-04-2013, 23:28
Just don't get me started....better I don't comment!

me either

08-04-2013, 23:28
Just don't get me started....better I don't comment!

me either

09-04-2013, 07:09
I can understand some of the people who are happy about this but the pure venom on the internet about her is just hard to stomach... Comparing her to Jimmy Saville is one of the worst I have seen.

09-04-2013, 10:23
Agreed, I will keep my opinion to myself but at the end of the day she is someone's mother and family member and it must be awful for them at this time.

Some of the comments are vile.

09-04-2013, 10:23
Agreed, I will keep my opinion to myself but at the end of the day she is someone's mother and family member and it must be awful for them at this time.

Some of the comments are vile.

09-04-2013, 11:05
Hear Hear Katy! I totally agree with your statement.

sarah c
09-04-2013, 13:42
she has been described as 'divisive' which is true - love her or loath her she was a strong leader and woman and even if you disagreed with her ethos - she showed women can lead and can have balls!!

09-04-2013, 14:42
Have you seen some of the things n twitter, my faith in the youth of today is seriously in question.

There's me that has rip baroness thatcher and underneath is a picture of queen Elizabeth. And then there were the comments underneath Harry styles is rip post including "is that your friend" "who is he" and "she's someone to do with the queen I think"

09-04-2013, 14:42
Have you seen some of the things n twitter, my faith in the youth of today is seriously in question.

There's me that has rip baroness thatcher and underneath is a picture of queen Elizabeth. And then there were the comments underneath Harry styles is rip post including "is that your friend" "who is he" and "she's someone to do with the queen I think"

13-04-2013, 15:10
I think Sarah C summed up Thatcher in a nutshell really - I'm definitely not a fan of Thatcher, I was born during her time as PM. I did like the way she was opposed to being run by Europe and she was a very strong character but to leave the North the way she did was just unfair and ruined so many lives in the process. Mind you I was born in London and my relatives lost jobs because of the decisions her conservative government made, so not everyone in London had it good either.

13-04-2013, 19:42
Her leadership was def unquestionable. I mean i was born in 85 and i can only comment on what ive seen or from what i hear from other people. She def made some serious decisions that took alot of balls but the fact still remains she actually never lost an election during her time as a prime minister.

Although some people on the social networks have had some vile things to say. I def think alot of people need to learn respect for the dead and it has been summed up pretty well here, Margret Thatcher was someones mother. No matter what we think about celebrities and our opinions of them in life, when they die there is always someone mourning or someone suffering the loss of that loved one. RIP MT.

13-04-2013, 22:17
I don't think she should get a big funeral send off at the taxpayer's expense