View Full Version : James Herbert dies aged 69

21-03-2013, 07:03
Just got the news from his facebook page.. I am total shock.. I have read all his book. He is my favourite author

RIP James, thank you for scarying me so much throughout my life and for igniting my interest in books

Very sad news xxxxx

21-03-2013, 07:51
Always said, if I had the money to build my own house, I would give the architect a copy of "The Magic Cottage" by Herbert and build it to the exact description. Feeling very sad today as I won't be able to read anything more from James

21-03-2013, 11:14
I had to look him up... this is the best article I could find about him and his death and it came with a nice photo of him :


The FOG scared the beejeebies outta me