View Full Version : Windows 8 - what a nightmare!

02-02-2013, 10:48
Hi everyone,

I've just got a new laptop with Windows 8 and it doesn't seem to want to install any of the programs I need.

I've downloaded Itunes 11 and Vuze, both in my downloads folder but I can't open them. I double click and nothing happens. I go to the task manager and they're there but I'm not seeing any installation boxes.

I've turned my firewall off and still nothing is happening! :angry:

Somebody please help me

02-02-2013, 11:58
I know this is of absolutely no help to you, Abigail, but I have just bought a new computer and was given the choice of Windows 7 or Windows 8. My son, who knows a lot about computers, said don't get Windows 8, it's complete rubbish!

02-02-2013, 12:13
It is. Plug and Play doesn't work, I can't find the programs list and I can opt to use a windows 7 type interface instead of the tiles - which I just don't understand! Why have the option of two interfaces?

I wish I'd have done more research about windows 8 before buying it.

02-02-2013, 12:13
It is. Plug and Play doesn't work, I can't find the programs list and I can opt to use a windows 7 type interface instead of the tiles - which I just don't understand! Why have the option of two interfaces?

I wish I'd have done more research about windows 8 before buying it.

03-02-2013, 17:49

I still can't install programs. Any ideas, folks? I'll give anything a try.

03-02-2013, 17:49

I still can't install programs. Any ideas, folks? I'll give anything a try.

03-02-2013, 17:56
Sorry Abi Igave up on Windows a long time ago

03-02-2013, 18:22
Sorry for stating the obvious, but have you tried right-clicking and "run as administrator"?

If that doesn't work, I found an article which describes your problem:


Look at 6. Secondary Users Cannot Install Application.

Yours seems to be a common problem among Windows 8 users.

05-02-2013, 08:07
I've tried running as administrator but still nothing :(

07-02-2013, 08:06
So I take it nobody has any experience of installing programs on this useless piece of software? Google isn't helping much either.

Does anybody know how difficult it is to remove Windows 8 and install 7? I'm not sure I can live with this OS much longer :wall: I haven't got any programs or files on it that would cause trouble removing before downgrading.

07-02-2013, 08:06
So I take it nobody has any experience of installing programs on this useless piece of software? Google isn't helping much either.

Does anybody know how difficult it is to remove Windows 8 and install 7? I'm not sure I can live with this OS much longer :wall: I haven't got any programs or files on it that would cause trouble removing before downgrading.

07-02-2013, 17:34
Your problem with running programs could be to do with compatibility. Instructions for running the Compatibility Wizard are detailed here:


I don't know anything about downgrading to Windows 7 sorry.

07-02-2013, 17:34

07-02-2013, 18:23
Thanks Dazzle, I've not seen that possible solution. I'll give it a try later tonight. I would have thought Itunes 11 would be compatible and run automatically though. Vuze perhaps not :p

04-03-2013, 15:42
Why did windows mess around. Windows 8 is a disaster!!!

04-03-2013, 17:16
Microsoft have a habit of making every other release a disaster. XP fine; Vista rubbish; 7 fine; 8 rubbish. So the next release should be ok!

04-03-2013, 18:12
If it's not broken, why fix it? Although I will say that Windows 8 is a massive pile of rubbish that needs burning rather than fixing.

For some reason, when I'm on the internet, I'm always signed into messenger. I can't seem to sign out of it, so I have several people sending me messages when I don't really want to talk to them. There's no option to sign out! I can close the program but it still runs in the background. Tres annoying.

04-03-2013, 18:12
If it's not broken, why fix it? Although I will say that Windows 8 is a massive pile of rubbish that needs burning rather than fixing.

For some reason, when I'm on the internet, I'm always signed into messenger. I can't seem to sign out of it, so I have several people sending me messages when I don't really want to talk to them. There's no option to sign out! I can close the program but it still runs in the background. Tres annoying.

04-03-2013, 23:01
I just can't get my head around it t all. Like for instance I am really struggling just shutting the flipping thing off. How to you exit a browser? It's driving me crazy!!