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31-01-2013, 18:45
EastEnders fans will be introduced to a new Bobby Beale in a few weeks' time as the role has been recast.

Show bosses were forced to bring in a new actor to play Bobby as young cast member Alex Francis bowed out from the part to concentrate more on school commitments.

Rory Stroud has already begun filming as the new Bobby and will be seen on screen from the beginning of March.

The final scenes featuring Francis as Bobby aired last autumn.

EastEnders' executive producer Lorraine Newman told Digital Spy today (January 31): "Alex has been a highly valued member of the EastEnders cast and we wish him the best for the future."

Francis was the second actor to play Bobby and joined the BBC soap in 2007.

24-04-2015, 05:39
EastEnders boss Dominic Treadwell-Collins has promised that the Bobby Beale killer storyline hasn't been forgotten.

In a video chat with Digital Spy, the show's executive producer revealed that viewers have only seen "part one" of the dark story following February's revelation that Bobby killed his half-sister Lucy.

Our chat also sees the show's chief confirm that returnee Kathy Beale will play a role in the storyline as it develops. Gillian Taylforth will be making a full-time return as the popular character later this year.

Treadwell-Collins also discusses the future of Linda Carter's rape storyline, confirming that the ending point for the long-running plot has been decided.

The show's boss was speaking to Digital Spy at Wednesday night's House of Fraser BAFTA TV Awards Nominees party. The official ceremony will take place in London on May 10.


05-06-2015, 01:47
cindy should be wary of bobby, all the fighting at the beale could lead to him killing her, his little threats and glares psycho serial killer just starting me thinks

05-06-2015, 14:17
I think Dazzle mentioned in another post his pyjamas which he has worn on the reveal episode and also when Lucy was killed, killer pyjamas :p a little Dexter in the making and his comments are starting to make him sound scary

Eliot Carrington is doing a great job as Bobby

05-06-2015, 14:17

30-07-2015, 00:41
some on social media are speculating he will kill again soon

30-07-2015, 00:59
some on social media are speculating he will kill again soon

I suppose thats possible - no repercussions for
him so far and being protected.He seemed keen
to "sort" Phil with golf club. So perhaps if some
one else upsets him-he may murder again but
it would have to be someone small and/or unsuspecting!
And there would be another"cover-up"

It might be a way of getting Max out of prison
But they have said the "Bobby story" will run
til at least the end of the year.!!

The producer did say early on that the identity
of Lucys killer would be a bit of a" cheat".
But if the story becomes too unrealistic with more
victims it will lessen the effect and drama -I.would think!

30-07-2015, 00:59

30-07-2015, 09:59
I still think Lauren and Peter are the key to all this....

30-07-2015, 12:29
some on social media are speculating he will kill again soon

It is definitely possible. I've heard of psychological cases where someone commits a heinous crime and then blocks it out of their memory, but the anger they had before still resides within them, and, like any wound, unless they get it sorted then it gets worse, building up inside them. Bobby needs a shrink to sort out his anger or else!

The problem is Jane, as she said recently that she was saving Bobby from the prison and psychiatrists, but honestly that's what Bobby needs most of all! She's obviously deluding herself into thinking Bobby is still alright, and even ian said, and I quote, "Ben is damaged. Bobby is not."

Hello Ian! Are you stupid or something (theoritcal question)?! Bobby killed his own sister and supposedly blocked it out of his memory, and then came close to attacking Phil... He is soooo damaged!

30-07-2015, 14:21
some on social media are speculating he will kill again soon

I hope he doesn't because I'd like the Bobby story to be a really long-running one of Jane and Ian trying to ignore, cover up and contain his ever more twisted behaviour (which is similar to the disturbing book/film "We need to talk about Kevin" that DTC's compared this story to). It could theoretically last until Bobby's an adult. (This could only happen if the secret stays hidden for years of course.)

If Jake Wood's year away is explained by Max being in prison, I was wondering if he could be on remand all that time and be released upon being found innocent in court? Or possibly new evidence coming to light? That could only happen in the unlikely event of Lauren and Peter not finding out though. :hmm:

30-07-2015, 15:08
I hope he doesn't because I'd like the Bobby story to be a really long-running one of Jane and Ian trying to ignore, cover up and contain his ever more twisted behaviour (which is similar to the disturbing book/film "We need to talk about Kevin" that DTC's compared this story to). It could theoretically last until Bobby's an adult. (This could only happen if the secret stays hidden for years of course.)

If Jake Wood's year away is explained by Max being in prison, I was wondering if he could be on remand all that time and be released upon being found innocent in court? Or possibly new evidence coming to light? That could only happen in the unlikely event of Lauren and Peter not finding out though. :hmm:

God I hope not. I hate stories that go on for that length of time. Drives me crazy!

30-07-2015, 15:17
God I hope not. I hate stories that go on for that length of time. Drives me crazy!

I think it could be one of EE's best ever stories if written well. The murder going unsolved is unfortunately all too realistic, and the Bobby story would only need to be touched upon occasionally. Seeing a young boy grow up into a full-on psychopath could be fascinating, and disturbing, viewing.

He'd have to pay in full eventually, as would Jane and Ian for protecting and inadvertently enabling him. As long as they didn't do a Dean and try and make him a sympathetic character once he'd crossed the line! (I'm not counting Lucy as he didn't intend to kill her - as far as we know!)

30-07-2015, 15:57
The main problem with a long lasting storyline is how will they get out of convicting anyone of Lucy's murder? Mind you, the Walford police are so incompetent that it probably won't be difficult to find a way for them to mess up their case(s).

30-07-2015, 16:25
Eventually cases get closed until new evidence comes to light, don't they? I guess that's what'll happen, albeit sooner than it would in real life.

Either that or Bobby will end up being brought to justice. I could see Ian crumbling to Kathy and her being so disgusted by what's gone on in her absence that she shops him/them.

30-07-2015, 16:28
The main problem with a long lasting storyline is how will they get out of convicting anyone of Lucy's murder?...

Why would they have to? Why not have someone sent down wrongfully for a couple of years or more... these things do happen in the real world after all...

30-07-2015, 16:42
Why would they have to? Why not have someone sent down wrongfully for a couple of years or more... these things do happen in the real world after all...

Dean, perhaps. If his presence in Walford at the time was picked up, he might be in trouble. Janine had a similar experience re: prison where she got away with a crime she did commit (Barry) and served 18 months for one she didn't (Laura.) Sending Dean down would prevent viewers from being outraged that an innocent person was being punished instead of Bobby.

30-07-2015, 18:24
Why would they have to? Why not have someone sent down wrongfully for a couple of years or more... these things do happen in the real world after all...

It depends who it is. If it's Max or Abi, surely Lauren would say something. There is no way she wouldn't find out. I'm also not sure that Ian, Cindy and Jane could bear to see someone else sent down for all their protestations about protecting Bobby. Dean would be poetic justice of course, but it seems very unlikely at the moment, though who can tell....

30-07-2015, 19:58
It depends who it is. If it's Max or Abi, surely Lauren would say something. There is no way she wouldn't find out. I'm also not sure that Ian, Cindy and Jane could bear to see someone else sent down for all their protestations about protecting Bobby. Dean would be poetic justice of course, but it seems very unlikely at the moment, though who can tell....

I wouldn't be too sure. The news said something about the Beales going down a dark path in times to come. Maybe they're gonna take their protection of Bobby too far.

30-07-2015, 23:56
Why would they have to? Why not have someone sent down wrongfully for a couple of years or more... these things do happen in the real world after all...

I wouldn't be too sure. The news said something about the Beales going down a dark path in times to come. Maybe they're gonna take their protection of Bobby too far.

I feel very strongly that Ian and Jane need to stay just on the right side of sympathetic for this story to work. They have so far in my opinion, because their cover-up has been a desperate attempt to keep their beloved Bobby innocent (from their perspective anyway), which is why I understand their actions even while vehemently disagreeing with them. However, that'll quickly change if they allow someone innocent to go down for Lucy's murder. There'll be no way back from that for Ian and Jane.

Dean would work as a scapegoat, and I'd be more than happy to see him off the streets (and off my screen) and posing no danger to the women of Walford (although the truth about the rape still needs to come out for Linda's sake). Otherwise, Max needs to be released quickly or Jane confess to the murder (although I don't want her to leave). Leaving Max to rot in jail for a year (even if Ian and Jane are hoping he'll be found innocent at trial) will be going too far in my opinion.

That might be the point of course, as Storyseeker1 says above, but I won't enjoy the story as much if I can no longer sympathise with Jane and Ian's unenviable predicament.

31-07-2015, 10:50
I feel very strongly that Ian and Jane need to stay just on the right side of sympathetic for this story to work. They have so far in my opinion, because their cover-up has been a desperate attempt to keep their beloved Bobby innocent (from their perspective anyway), which is why I understand their actions even while vehemently disagreeing with them. However, that'll quickly change if they allow someone innocent to go down for Lucy's murder. There'll be no way back from that for Ian and Jane.

Dean would work as a scapegoat, and I'd be more than happy to see him off the streets (and off my screen) and posing no danger to the women of Walford (although the truth about the rape still needs to come out for Linda's sake). Otherwise, Max needs to be released quickly or Jane confess to the murder (although I don't want her to leave). Leaving Max to rot in jail for a year (even if Ian and Jane are hoping he'll be found innocent at trial) will be going too far in my opinion.

That might be the point of course, as Storyseeker1 says above, but I won't enjoy the story as much if I can no longer sympathise with Jane and Ian's unenviable predicament.

I agree. I disliked Ben being in the frame and Ian standing by for that reason. It was pushing the limits for me that Ian would allow his brother to be held for even one day.

31-07-2015, 11:10
I really don't understand the logic behind this story, Bobby is a minor and it was an accident...

31-07-2015, 11:48
I really don't understand the logic behind this story, Bobby is a minor and it was an accident...

You are considered criminally responsible for your own actions at 10. Bobby was 10 at the time, so there would have been some punishment. Considering Ben only got four years (and of course you can be out in less on licence) for a similar offence aged 16, having form for hitting people with objects (Jordan Johnson) and having lied about/concealed it, I doubt the criminal penalties were behind Jane's decision. It was probably done on impulse and maybe she'd do things differently if she could go back.

Lucy was Ian's favourite because she was the one with the ambition and Jane knew that. You only have to look at the time they had their GCSE's. Ian knew that Lucy had cheated on some of her exams, yet was prouder of her than Peter because he thought she'd done the majority by herself and got far better grades overall than Peter. Jane must also know that Bobby was a child that Ian didn't want, since he'd had a vasectomy. Jane knew about the vasectomy because there was talk of a reversal/babies for about 2 years before Steven shot Jane. She must have felt that Ian would hate Bobby and couldn't stand by and allow that to happen. Jane on the other hand preferred Bobby, having raised him as her own. While Peter acknowledged and respected Jane as his step mother, Lucy gave Jane nothing but grief for her efforts.

I think there's also the worry that having Lucy's death on his conscience would destroy Bobby and ruin his life. Being soap, he'll obviously become aware eventually, but Jane saw an opportunity to do something about it.

31-07-2015, 15:34
Am I the only one confused by the whole Bobby/Lucy murder thing? why is bobby acting like he didn't do anything? he caved her head in with the music box yes? so why is he wondering ' who did it? '. Surely he's old enough to know what he did?

31-07-2015, 16:15
Am I the only one confused by the whole Bobby/Lucy murder thing? why is bobby acting like he didn't do anything? he caved her head in with the music box yes? so why is he wondering ' who did it? '. Surely he's old enough to know what he did?

He is. It was explained that Jane convinced him that it wasn't him. She told him that Lucy came around and went back out, so as far as Bobby knows a 'bad man' hurt her after she'd gone back out. If it were me I think I'd wonder seeing as he hadn't seen her alive since he hit her, but I guess he doesn't think that Jane would have disposed of Lucy's body or lied to him.

We don't know how long it took Jane to convince Bobby that he was innocent, though I guess he's not old enough to understand that an injury can be caused and yet not result in death until later (Pauline Fowler style) so that makes it easier. Not knowing how it was that Lucy's blood ended up on Max's shoes, maybe it helps Ian and Jane's conscience - he may have inflicted some kind of injury too for all they know.

31-07-2015, 20:05
I really don't understand the logic behind this story, Bobby is a minor and it was an accident...

It wasn't an accident, it was a very deliberate and unprovoked attack. Bobby was punishing Lucy for what he saw as her bringing strife to the family. He didn't deliberately kill her, but there's something very wrong with him to cold-bloodedly batter his sister like that.

Adults can be charged with murder for causing a death like Bobby did - even if death was never intended. I've got no idea what would happen to Bobby if the truth were to come out, but I think the police would treat it very seriously.

I think there's also the worry that having Lucy's death on his conscience would destroy Bobby and ruin his life.

I think that was Jane's prime motivation. I remember her saying as much in the live episode.

Not knowing how it was that Lucy's blood ended up on Max's shoes, maybe it helps Ian and Jane's conscience - he may have inflicted some kind of injury too for all they know.

Yes, they might be going down that route. Ian certainly justified Ben's arrest and possible imprisonment to himself because he was angry about the mugging.

31-07-2015, 23:22
It wasn't an accident, it was a very deliberate and unprovoked attack. Bobby was punishing Lucy for what he saw as her bringing strife to the family. He didn't deliberately kill her, but there's something very wrong with him to cold-bloodedly batter his sister like that.

Adults can be charged with murder for causing a death like Bobby did - even if death was never intended. I've got no idea what would happen to Bobby if the truth were to come out, but I think the police would treat it very seriously.

I think that was Jane's prime motivation. I remember her saying as much in the live episode.

Yes, they might be going down that route. Ian certainly justified Ben's arrest and possible imprisonment to himself because he was angry about the mugging.

I agree with a lot you have said Dazzle and I'll
be honest and say Ive never really liked
Jane-found her to be a bit creepy.

I couldnt watch a lot of the "Lucy" week so didn't
follow all the clues and just hoped she would be
the murderer -although producer did say the
answer was a bit of cheat.

What Im wondering is-Is the reason for Bobbys
"problem" the fact he has spent too time
with Jane , picked up on her negativity to Lucy
and gained the impression from her that
he can do no wrong. So is lacking in the
normal feelings of a child.

I understand how badly she would feel at
not being able to have her own child but
feel she has been extreme about it on
some occasions.

So she invested too much in Bobby and
was more bothered about losing control
of him.than about Lucys death and its
effect on him.

I know Ian is not the king of ethics- but
hes more prone to not doing the right
thing rathef actually doing the wrong thing.
And Jane could run rings round him in
the manipulation stakes- whilst seeming
outwardly a sympathetic person.

So was a pyschopath born or made - I suppose
is what Im wondering in this case?? Because
I do agree it was a deliberate act on Bobbys part
and there have been well-publicised of children
committing murder at his age.

31-07-2015, 23:22

01-08-2015, 04:29
So was a pyschopath born or made - I suppose
is what Im wondering in this case?? Because
I do agree it was a deliberate act on Bobbys part
and there have been well-publicised of children
committing murder at his age.

I think a big part of Bobby's development is going to be the effect of being protected from the consequences of his actions.

If this storyline's going to run for years and follows Bobby growing up (as I hope), I see his protection from the knowledge that his attack killed Lucy as exacerbating, and even enabling, the core problem. No doubt Ian and Jane will remain in denial about further disturbing behaviour until it's no longer possible to ignore it (and probably too late to change it).

As to what caused the problem in the first place - genetics? Abandonment? His mother dying when he was young and being dumped on an uncaring Ian? Feeling unwanted and/or unloved? Hopefully that'll all be explored in some depth!

He's certainly very obsessive about problems within the family, which is why he struck Lucy. I can't remember his exact words to Jane at the time, but he implied that Lucy was the cause of all the family problems and she needed to be punished. :wall:

11-08-2015, 00:28
liam knows and next week another character will know too

11-08-2015, 11:39
liam knows and next week another character will know too

Soon everyone will know but the Walford police still won't be able to work it out.

11-08-2015, 13:34
Soon everyone will know but the Walford police still won't be able to work it out.

Yeah, the Walford police are a bit stupid and they just want to settle scores.

11-08-2015, 13:34

11-08-2015, 17:55
liam knows and next week another character will know too

Oooh...I wonder who?

11-08-2015, 18:48
Oooh...I wonder who?

sharon could be

11-08-2015, 18:48
Oooh...I wonder who?

sharon could be

02-10-2015, 17:56
EastEnders will be delving even deeper into Bobby Beale's problems in the run-up to Christmas.

The Beale family are still currently covering for Bobby after he killed his half-sister Lucy last year, but glimpses of his angry side in recent months have provided them with further cause for concern.

Executive producer Dominic Treadwell-Collins has now named the Beales' dark storyline as one to watch in the build-up to the festive season.

"As we build towards a climactic, gut-wrenching Christmas for the Beales, Bobby will be going in a different direction," he told The Sun's TV Soap supplement.

"It becomes: 'Is Bobby evil? Have Jane and Ian done the wrong thing in covering it up? Is there something more tortured about Bobby?' It's going to get bigger than the golf club and the brick."

Another long-running storyline will also gather pace as animosity builds towards Dean Wicks, which could lead to a surprising alliance between Mick Carter and Ronnie Mitchell.

Dean has avoided punishment after raping Mick's partner Linda last year, but bosses have always promised that there will be a satisfying conclusion to the story eventually.

Treadwell-Collins explained: "Ronnie sees her sister with this man she knows is bad. We're going to rip Roxy and Ronnie apart a bit. What I think is exciting is bringing Ronnie into the arena with the Carters. Ultimately, neither Ronnie nor Mick wants Dean in Walford, and Ronnie is saying, 'Come on, we shouldn't have Dean around anymore'.

"It is hard that Dean's still around, and I know we've had criticism, but these things aren't just tied up. It's the same with the Beales and Bobby - you can't play out the big whodunit and have the next scene be Ian and Jane sat choosing curtains. That's boring.

"In reality, Mick and Linda would have to get on with their life with Dean across the road. We have storylined the climax to that for the end of the year."

Mick has already been tipped for a water-based stunt in the New Year, when his family's storyline with Dean is expected to come to a head.


02-10-2015, 18:21
"In reality, Mick and Linda would have to get on with their life with Dean across the road.

That's just not true though. They could easily have sold up and moved elsewhere, and I'm sure they would have in real life. I realise many victims in Linda's position aren't fortunate enough to be able to move out of the area, but the Carters staying in Albert Square (where they'd only lived a very short time) and having the distress of seeing Dean every day isn't realistic.

They wrote Linda saying something along the lines of "we won't be forced out", but I didn't find it convincing.

02-10-2015, 18:28
May I please ask for clarification of another point due to not seeing all episodes .. is Oliver really Mick´s son ... I saw the episode where Mick opened the letter with the result of the DNA test ... they did not show the letter itself, just Mick reading it and then declaring the result to the family .. I had a feeling at the time that it might not have been the result all were hoping for, just something in Mick´s looks of his face that had me doubting ... Could the issue of fatherhood be revisited at some time?

Rear window
02-10-2015, 18:29
May I please ask for clarification of another point due to not seeing all episodes .. is Oliver really Mick´s son ... I saw the episode where Mick opened the letter with the result of the DNA test ... they did not show the letter itself, just Mick reading it and then declaring the result to the family .. I had a feeling at the time that it might not have been the result all were hoping for, just something in Mick´s looks of his face that had me doubting ... Could the issue of fatherhood be revisited at some time?

I wondered that too. It was very much a potential storyline for the future. :)

Rear window
02-10-2015, 18:29
May I please ask for clarification of another point due to not seeing all episodes .. is Oliver really Mick´s son ... I saw the episode where Mick opened the letter with the result of the DNA test ... they did not show the letter itself, just Mick reading it and then declaring the result to the family .. I had a feeling at the time that it might not have been the result all were hoping for, just something in Mick´s looks of his face that had me doubting ... Could the issue of fatherhood be revisited at some time?

I wondered that too. It was very much a potential storyline for the future. :)

02-10-2015, 18:35
May I please ask for clarification of another point due to not seeing all episodes .. is Oliver really Mick´s son ... I saw the episode where Mick opened the letter with the result of the DNA test ... they did not show the letter itself, just Mick reading it and then declaring the result to the family .. I had a feeling at the time that it might not have been the result all were hoping for, just something in Mick´s looks of his face that had me doubting ... Could the issue of fatherhood be revisited at some time?

Oliver is definitely Mick's son. Dean's blood group ruled him out as a possible father.

02-10-2015, 18:40
Oliver is definitely Mick's son. Dean's blood group ruled him out as a possible father.

That is the bit I am unsure about .. I remember seeing Mick opening the letter with the result but they never showed the letter as far as I know .. There was this look on Mick´s face that made me think he would say that he is definitely the father but that this might not be true....

02-10-2015, 18:42
That is the bit I am unsure about .. I remember seeing Mick opening the letter with the result but they never showed the letter as far as I know .. There was this look on Mick´s face that made me think he would say that he is definitely the father but that this might not be true....

He showed the document to Shirley and Dean and they were convinced. I'm pretty sure it was left that there was absolutely no doubt.

02-10-2015, 18:47
He showed the document to Shirley and Dean and they were convinced. I'm pretty sure it was left that there was absolutely no doubt.

Another bit I missed, thank you, now clarified :)

02-10-2015, 18:47

02-10-2015, 22:27
bobby will seriously hurt or kill someone else thinking it is denny so recast as other actor or his family didn't want to do the storyline just a thought

03-10-2015, 01:56
"It is hard that Dean's still around, and I know we've had criticism, but these things aren't just tied up. It's the same with the Beales and Bobby - you can't play out the big whodunit and have the next scene be Ian and Jane sat choosing curtains. That's boring.

The dragging out of Lucy's murder went on far too long

Also would Ian really stay with Jane even if she was protecting Bobby after covering up Lucy's death, I think it push them more further apart, he would resent her

So many loopholes in the storyline

03-10-2015, 02:43
bobby will seriously hurt or kill someone else thinking it is denny so recast as other actor or his family didn't want to do the storyline just a thought

I dont think Bobby will remain"dormant"
for a year that Max is away.
So.will probably commit another assault
whether it would be Denny-not sure.
Some parents wouldnt like their child to
be acting the part of victim in such a story!!

When adult psychopaths are diagnosed
and more of their life story comes to light -
they are often found to have committed
serious crimes as a child.But no one knew
or few suspected!!

If this is the route for Bobby to be" evil"
then as so many "know" but are doing
nothing - he will have to be found out
in the relatively near future??
Not the decade or more it sometimes takes?!

03-10-2015, 02:43

04-10-2015, 12:08
I was thinking about this the other day.. what would you do if your son killed your daughter (abet not a nice one), would you go to the police? From what I can tell it wasn't premeditate so I would bring my son to the police.. As he is just a kid, I don't think they would send him to jail. Or would they?? Maybe therapy and a social worker to keep an eye on things

04-10-2015, 12:24
All very logical and most likely what would have happened in real life but does not make for a good storyline in a soap

04-10-2015, 12:33
All very logical and most likely what would have happened in real life but does not make for a good storyline in a soap

I think it would with most children and
most childhood accidents. But they way
Bobby is portrayed if he was interviewed
by a qualified person.- he would soon
unravel and show there was more to.it.
and a tendency to.repeat??

Probably might get away with no prison
(.as such)
- but I would have thought time in a secure
unit -til the problem was diagnosed
and treated- for public safety!
I thought this was what Jane& Ian were
concerned about as could be lengthy process.

04-10-2015, 12:33

04-10-2015, 18:31
Probably might get away with no prison
(.as such)
- but I would have thought time in a secure
unit -til the problem was diagnosed
and treated- for public safety!
I thought this was what Jane& Ian were
concerned about as could be lengthy process.

They also don't want Lucy's death on his conscience - but they might come to realise he doesn't have one...

05-10-2015, 16:17
Isn't more harmful for Bobby not to know what he did? How will he ever learn? He killed his sister, in an accident, but he is only learn now that it doesn't matter what he does, mammy and daddy will cover it up. He need to have therapy and counseling to realise right from wrong and not go through life thinking that hitting someone over the head with an object is ok.

05-10-2015, 22:14
Isn't more harmful for Bobby not to know what he did? How will he ever learn? He killed his sister, in an accident, but he is only learn now that it doesn't matter what he does, mammy and daddy will cover it up. He need to have therapy and counseling to realise right from wrong and not go through life thinking that hitting someone over the head with an object is ok.

I agree. It's the same with a lot of things with kids; if you're forever cleaning up after them, they'll never learn. Of course it also depends on what's actually wrong with Bobby. I said once in a previous forum that Bobby might possibly have IED, a psychological condition where the patient literally can't control their rage. They can be calm and in control one minute, and suddenly explode with anger in the next. These anger outbursts usually don't last long, and the patients apparently feel something like relief or even pleasure while they're going through it, only to later feel remorse once it's passed. During these outbursts, they can be capable of virtually anything, from mere shouting and cursing, to inflicting physical harm on others. From what I've read about it, Bobby seems to have all the symptons.


06-10-2015, 13:37
I agree. It's the same with a lot of things with kids; if you're forever cleaning up after them, they'll never learn. Of course it also depends on what's actually wrong with Bobby. I said once in a previous forum that Bobby might possibly have IED, a psychological condition where the patient literally can't control their rage. They can be calm and in control one minute, and suddenly explode with anger in the next. These anger outbursts usually don't last long, and the patients apparently feel something like relief or even pleasure while they're going through it, only to later feel remorse once it's passed. During these outbursts, they can be capable of virtually anything, from mere shouting and cursing, to inflicting physical harm on others. From what I've read about it, Bobby seems to have all the symptons.


My son suffers from ADD with violence, similar to what you explained above. He can be quiet and calm one moment and then a demon the next. We (myself and his dad) did not ever use this as an excuse, instead we got help and therapy (resulting in my son spending a month in an overnight clinic at Christmas) until we found out what was the problem. I am very happy to say that my son is a millions time better and is very calm and loving. However, anything could have happened to me or my daughter when he had these outburst (always made sure my daughter was somewhere safe when my son would freak out) but I never ever covered anything up nor would I.

28-01-2016, 10:59
EastEnders has come under fire for its seemingly "corrupt" portrayal of boarding schools, following Bobby Beale's recent storyline.

Scenes airing earlier this week saw Ian reveal to his family that Bobby was able to join a boarding school imminently after an apparent bribe, and tonight's episode will see him explain that he is sponsoring their new building.

The Boarding Schools' Association (BSA) has accused the BBC soap of propagating a myth that boarding schools are "corrupt".

​Bobby is miserable as Jane and Ian prepare to say goodbye

The plot was branded "fanciful and damaging" by the group that represents roughly 500 independent and state boarding schools across the UK.​

Responding to the claims, a spokesperson for the show said: "EastEnders is a drama and although we cover real life issues, our characters are fictional.

"At no point has EastEnders ever implied that Bobby Beale received his place at boarding school through anything other than merit. His father, Ian, merely suggested that he would like to make a donation in the hope of speeding up the process."​

EastEnders continues tonight (January 28) at 7.30pm on BBC One.

28-01-2016, 11:57
"At no point has EastEnders ever implied that Bobby Beale received his place at boarding school through anything other than merit.


28-01-2016, 12:52
"At no point has EastEnders ever implied that Bobby Beale received his place at boarding school through anything other than merit. His father, Ian, merely suggested that he would like to make a donation in the hope of speeding up the process."


I agree. That has got to be the biggest load of bulls**t I have ever heard!

28-01-2016, 23:50
I agree. That has got to be the biggest load of bulls**t I have ever heard!

Tonight's first episode made the BBC's claim that,"At no point has EastEnders ever implied that Bobby Beale received his place at boarding school through anything other than merit." even more preposterous. In fact a downright lie.

Rear window
29-01-2016, 10:56
He was going in September anyway wasn't he, the going now was done by way of becoming a sponser.

How long before he's done something terrible as boarding school?

Rear window
29-01-2016, 10:57
He was going in September anyway wasn't he, the going now was done by way of becoming a sponser.

How long before he's done something terrible as boarding school?

24-04-2016, 20:32
Rumour is rife among EE fans that Steve Beale will return to the square with Lauren and threaten to reveal that Bobby killed Lucy. The rumours started because Aaron Sidwell (who previously played Steven) has recently started following some of the EE team and actors on Twitter (and vice versa).

It does make sense because Peter and Lauren have been staying with him in New Zealand, and would probably have confessed the truth about Bobby and the cover-up to him. He'd have no loyalty to Bobby (to whom he's not related) or to Ian and Jane after his last disastrous appearance in Albert Square when - among other things - he stalked Ian, shot Jane (causing her to be unable to have children of her own) and eventually left after being completely rejected by Ian. I think he was also close to Lucy, so is likely to be furious that Bobby killed her. Steven is a total loose cannon and would undoubtedly cause untold trouble for Ian and Jane. :D

I'd love to see the character back so I'm hoping this speculation turns out to be true. :thumbsup:

24-04-2016, 21:30
We can only hope, Dazzle!

Of course, the cast would then be severely depleted as Bobby, Ian, Jane, Kathy, Phil and Sharon, maybe Abi, could all be spending time at Her Majesty's pleasure! I'd also get European arrest warrants out for Cindy and Liam. Peter, if he comes back, should also be arrested. Lauren is the only one who could escape as she did tell the police. Police Sergeant whatever his name was (sorry, can't remember) could also be in trouble for not following up Lauren's "confession".

The courts are going to be very busy round Walford way.

24-04-2016, 21:44
We can only hope, Dazzle!

Of course, the cast would then be severely depleted as Bobby, Ian, Jane, Kathy, Phil and Sharon, maybe Abi, could all be spending time at Her Majesty's pleasure! I'd also get European arrest warrants out for Cindy and Liam. Peter, if he comes back, should also be arrested. Lauren is the only one who could escape as she did tell the police. Police Sergeant whatever his name was (sorry, can't remember) could also be in trouble for not following up Lauren's "confession".

The courts are going to be very busy round Walford way.

You never know, you may get your wish because new EP Sean O'Connor could be planning a huge cast cull so that he can introduce a whole plethora of new characters. :D

08-05-2016, 10:56
THESE pics show baby-faced Bobby Beale may finally face justice for killing his big sister Lucy.


Eliot Carrington, who plays the troubled youngster, was spotted outside court alongside DI Samantha Keeble, who investigated Lucy’s murder.

Also there was the Mitchell family lawyer Ritchie Scott, inset.

Lucy’s ex- lover Max Branning is currently languishing in prison after wrongly being convicted of her murder.

COURT: The pint-sized killer was seen stepping into court

But with Jake Wood, 43, set to return as Max this summer after a year-long break, it looks like he could soon be a free man if our exclusive pictures are anything to go by.
The Who Killed Lucy Beale? storyline was EastEnder’s biggest ever whodunnit.

Bobby was eventually revealed as the killer on the soap’s 30th anniversary.

Devoted step-mum Jane covered up the crime by dumping Lucy’s body on Walford Common.
LAWYER: Phil Mitchell's lawyer Richmal 'Ritchie' Scott spotted entering 'The Court

Bosses have already teased that it will be a “big year for the Beales” with the return of Jane’s brother Christian, actor John Partridge, and her mum Linda, played by Lynda Baron.

Rumours are rife that the storyline will also see the dramatic return of Aaron Sidwell as Ian’s eldest son Steven.

He was last seen in Albert Square back in 2008.
DI Samantha Keeble
DETECTIVE: DI Samantha Keeble who investigated Lucy's murder is also back on the scene
An EastEnders insider said: “Bobby knows he killed Lucy but his parents shipped him off to boarding school in a bid to protect him. “

He may have killed her but his parents helped cover it up and watched as an innocent man went to prison.

“So they too could face charges.
BAD BOY BEN: Troubled Ben Mitchell was also seen at the court hearing
“And like most things in Albert Square, the truth will eventually come out and it’s going to have a huge impact on the Beale family.”

The Who Killed Lucy? storyline was the brainchild of the soap’s top boss Dominic Treadwell-Collins who bowed out in style on Friday following his “gut wrenching” decision to leave earlier this year.

The Archers boss Sean O’Connor has been lined up to take over.

Our source added: “Dom oversaw the soap’s momentous 30th anniversary which kicked off with Lucy’s murder.

“The storyline was always going to be revisited before Dom handed over the reigns to Sean, and the fans will not be disappointed.”


08-05-2016, 13:08
richie wouldn't represent jay but will bobby or is most of the square up for concealing the truth

08-05-2016, 15:19
is most of the square up for concealing the truth

I think we already know the answer to that one!

10-05-2016, 13:58
​Life for the Beale family will change forever on EastEnders next week as Bobby's dark side re-emerges with devastating consequences.

Jane (Laurie Brett) and her husband Ian decided to cover for Bobby after it transpired that he killed his half-sister Lucy back in 2014, but his behaviour has continued to cause them concern ever since.​

Although the couple believe their problems with Bobby are behind them since placing him in a boarding school, they will be given a devastating reminder of just how troubled the youngster really is in upcoming episodes.

When Bobby overhears Jane and Sharon talking, he learns some upsetting news ​and decides to take matters into his own hands. A furious Bobby is soon taking his anger out on Jane's car, but no one is prepared for what happens next.


Things will take a sinister turn when Bobby loses his temper yet again, leading to devastating consequences that will change the Beale family forever.

Further storyline details are being kept under wraps, but it will undoubtedly pave the way for the returns of Christian and Linda Clarke. Aaron Sidwell is also reprising his role as Ian's oldest son Steven Beale, with his return likely to be linked with Lauren's as well.

Digital Spy

Rear window
10-05-2016, 14:02
Things will take a sinister turn when Bobby loses his temper yet again, leading to devastating consequences that will change the Beale family forever.

Further storyline details are being kept under wraps, but it will undoubtedly pave the way for the returns of Christian and Linda Clarke. Aaron Sidwell is also reprising his role as Ian's oldest son Steven Beale, with his return likely to be linked with Lauren's as well.

Digital Spy

Why do family turn up - funerals, christenings and weddings?

Rear window
10-05-2016, 14:02
Things will take a sinister turn when Bobby loses his temper yet again, leading to devastating consequences that will change the Beale family forever.

Further storyline details are being kept under wraps, but it will undoubtedly pave the way for the returns of Christian and Linda Clarke. Aaron Sidwell is also reprising his role as Ian's oldest son Steven Beale, with his return likely to be linked with Lauren's as well.

Digital Spy

Why do family turn up - funerals, christenings and weddings?

10-05-2016, 16:08
About time! Hopefully this will start the conclusion for evil Bobby, as I am so sick of waiting for the end.

10-05-2016, 16:34
Does he kill again?

10-05-2016, 16:43
Does he kill again? That is what I am thinking too ..but who would be his victim if he does?

Rear window
10-05-2016, 21:51
That is what I am thinking too ..but who would be his victim if he does?

my money is on ksmr

10-05-2016, 22:29
That is what I am thinking too ..but who would be his victim if he does?
Jane hopefully.

11-05-2016, 02:02
my money is on ksmr

Who's that? :searchme:

Rear window
11-05-2016, 08:35
Who's that? :searchme:

One letter to the right on the keyboard.

I don't know why I didn't just right it but it feels like a spoiler. Her mum and brother coming back into it briefly? Funeral? Trial of the person who murdered her.

Rear window
11-05-2016, 08:35
Who's that? :searchme:

One letter to the right on the keyboard.

I don't know why I didn't just right it but it feels like a spoiler. Her mum and brother coming back into it briefly? Funeral? Trial of the person who murdered her.

17-05-2016, 01:00
Jane hopefully.

he hurts jane

21-05-2016, 14:00
Friday's episode of EastEnders ended in dramatic fashion, as Jane was left unconscious on the floor after Bobble Beale (Eliot Carrington) brutally attacked her with a hockey stick.

Oh Bobby, what have you done?

It's not the first time Bobby has violently assaulted Jane (Laurie Brett), but viewers were shocked at the level of violence. Many took to social media to voice their outrage over the brutality of the final scene - which even included splattering blood on a wedding cake - all before the 9pm watershed.

So wrong...what you thinking...before the watershed....just not right, even as a massive fan. #eastenders
— tracey blenkin (@traceytrixieb) May 20, 2016
@BBC I think the writers/producers of Eastenders have lost their marbles. The recent events before the watershed are disgraceful. Get a grip
— Jane Cullen (@janemarycullen) May 20, 2016
#EastEnders was a bit violent for pre watershed
— Lowri-Hâf Morgan (@LowriHafMorgan) May 20, 2016
However, the BBC has defended the decision to air the violent scene before the watershed.

A BBC spokesperson told the Mirror: "EastEnders is a fictional drama and our millions of regular fans who tunie in each week know and expect dramatic storylines.

"However, we are always mindful of our time slot in which we are shown and we ensure all scenes are editorially justified.

"The scenes in question were the crescendo of a long running storyline that has shown Bobby to have previous violent tendencies."

In Friday's dramatic conclusion, a furious Bobby was tipped over the edge after finding out that he won't be able to attend boarding school because the Beales are no longer selling the restaurant.

In the trailer for next week's episode we see Bobby's hands covered in blood as he comes to terms with his latest vicious attack.

Digital Spy

Rear window
21-05-2016, 14:52
Friday's episode of EastEnders ended in dramatic fashion, as Jane was left unconscious on the floor after Bobble Beale (Eliot Carrington) brutally attacked her with a hockey stick.

I think maybe the issue is not knowing if she was beaten to a bloody pulp or actually killed.

21-05-2016, 23:35
The complaints feel like a bit of an overreaction to me, although I agree the brutality was unexpected. However, we didn't actually see anything apart from the blood spatter - our imaginations and the sound effects did the rest. http://www.picgifs.com/smileys/smileys-and-emoticons/afraid/smileys-afraid-990255.gif (http://www.picgifs.com/smileys/)

22-05-2016, 09:10
bobby could confess himself about lucy once being interviewed about jane attack

22-05-2016, 10:16
bobby could confess himself about lucy once being interviewed about jane attack

It'll be interesting to see just how Bobby reacts in the aftermath of Jane's attack.

If he's a (relatively) normal kid with serious anger management problems, everything should come flooding with the pressure of police questioning together with his remorse. If he really is a serial killer in the making, he'll be able to hold his nerve to some extent even though he's still so young.

22-05-2016, 13:28
Assuming residents on the square find out the truth about Bobby's attack on Jane, wonder how long it will take for little Miss Abi to realise Bobby may also be responsible for the murder of Lucy and that she is mainly responsible for the conviction of an innocent man and will do something to rectify the matter.

22-05-2016, 14:05
Assuming residents on the square find out the truth about Bobby's attack on Jane, wonder how long it will take for little Miss Abi to realise Bobby may also be responsible for the murder of Lucy and that she is mainly responsible for the conviction of an innocent man and will do something to rectify the matter.

he goes into pub with bloodied hockey stick saying what he did to jane

22-05-2016, 14:05
Assuming residents on the square find out the truth about Bobby's attack on Jane, wonder how long it will take for little Miss Abi to realise Bobby may also be responsible for the murder of Lucy and that she is mainly responsible for the conviction of an innocent man and will do something to rectify the matter.

he goes into pub with bloodied hockey stick saying what he did to jane

Rear window
22-05-2016, 14:11
he goes into pub with bloodied hockey stick saying what he did to jane

But it's zenders .. anything could happen now.
Anyone could be implicated and sent to prison!

22-05-2016, 17:46
But it's zenders .. anything could happen now.
Anyone could be implicated and sent to prison!

true babe's trifle could be blamed hockey stick off scot free :p

Rear window
22-05-2016, 20:40
true babe's trifle could be blamed hockey stick off scot free :p

What hockey stick? It was a toothpick for the nuts on the top of the trifle.

23-05-2016, 22:54
I didn't expect him to confess about Lucy in the pub

24-05-2016, 00:11
I didn't expect him to confess about Lucy in the pub

Nor me. He said it as though it was nothing!

24-05-2016, 00:25
Nor me. He said it as though it was nothing!

Well, he was in a state of shock at the time.

24-05-2016, 13:22
Well, he was in a state of shock at the time.

I'm not convinced he feels shock or many emotions come to think of it.

24-05-2016, 20:18
honesty is best so keep confessing bobby :p

24-05-2016, 22:12
Two violent murders. Never mind, let him out on bail....

Rear window
24-05-2016, 22:48
Two violent murders. Never mind, let him out on bail....

That stoopid copper who just wanted to keep the Max conviction. Needs sacking from the force for that!

25-05-2016, 13:20
That stoopid copper who just wanted to keep the Max conviction. Needs sacking from the force for that!

Where is Marsden?

25-05-2016, 13:57
Two violent murders. Never mind, let him out on bail....

I can't believe they're considering bail. Is the law different for children? It should still be considered that an adult could help Bobby escape.

25-05-2016, 15:59
They should stop covering for him.. he is not going to learn.. he need treatment.

26-05-2016, 21:57
no one noticed a blood stained jewellery box in a boys prep boarding school

27-05-2016, 00:57
no one noticed a blood stained jewellery box in a boys prep boarding school

I don't think anyone would open his locker unless they had reason to be suspicious. What I want to know is why he'd take it to boarding school? :hmm:

Rear window
27-05-2016, 09:04
I don't think anyone would open his locker unless they had reason to be suspicious. What I want to know is why he'd take it to boarding school? :hmm:

Serial killers keep trophys from their victims.

27-05-2016, 13:27
Serial killers keep trophys from their victims.

I wonder if he'd have kept the hockey stick if he could? :eek:

27-05-2016, 17:40
Possibly, or maybe he kept it out of guilt.

27-05-2016, 17:58
Possibly, or maybe he kept it out of guilt.

That might well be the case since he appears to feel some guilt about killing Lucy. However, I'd have thought he'd choose something that belonged to Lucy and has pleasant memories attached to it (or perhaps a photo) to keep with him. As Rear Window states, it feels more like a trophy than evidence of remorse.

Another possibility is that he kept it as evidence of his crime because he's been thinking about confessing for a while?

I've now just about given up trying to guess what's wrong with Bobby. The writing's all over the place; one minute he's ice cold and remorseless and the next he's full of guilt - although nowhere near the depth of feeling a normal child would have after doing something so horrific. If you think about it, most children (and adults) would be hysterical after committing such an act, whereas Bobby's been eerily calm (although to contradict that he appears to feel genuinely guilty). One for the prison psychiatrists to puzzle out methinks. :hmm:

28-05-2016, 05:57
EastEnders killer Bobby Beale finally gets his comeuppance next week as he is officially charged over the death of his half-sister Lucy.

These new pictures show the moment that the terrified schoolboy appears in court after the authorities decide to charge him with unlawful killing.



Bobby's punishment comes following an anxious wait after he made a full and frank confession over Lucy's fate this week.

Once the police finally took his revelations seriously, Thursday's episode saw them bail Bobby pending a potential charge.

After that charge is made official next week, the next big question is whether Bobby will be granted bail.

Continuing to support his son as best he can, Ian is in court to hear what the decision will be. Will Bobby lose his freedom, or will he be allowed to return home to Albert Square?

Digital Spy

28-05-2016, 09:33
the next big question is whether Bobby will be granted bail.

I'm not sure Max would agree that that is the next big question!

28-05-2016, 13:31
Pleased to see this storyline coming to a conclusion. What a great shame that the Lucy Beale murder which should have gone down as a soap classic for EE , was spoilt by longevity, frequent decline into implausible farce and to cap it all the release of the so called shortlist of suspects, nothing short of a con for viewing fans. Elliot Carrington as Bobby Beale outstanding. Might be able to give Gavin some lessons. On a big positive it sure provided material for loads of enjoyable posts for SoapBoards

29-05-2016, 00:27
Possibly, or maybe he kept it out of guilt.

I think he wanted to be caught, he was relieved confessing

29-05-2016, 04:18
I think he wanted to be caught, he was relived confessing

Yeah, I think so, too. Also, I think maybe he realised something that Ian and Jane had blinded themselves to... That there is something mentally wrong with him. He said so himself when he was talking to Ian, and said he hoped the police could find out what's wrong with him. Plus, he loves Jane more than anything as his mother, yet he nearly killed her. Even he realised that wasn't normal.

29-05-2016, 13:03
Yeah, I think so, too. Also, I think maybe he realised something that Ian and Jane had blinded themselves to... That there is something mentally wrong with him. He said so himself when he was talking to Ian, and said he hoped the police could find out what's wrong with him. Plus, he loves Jane more than anything as his mother, yet he nearly killed her. Even he realised that wasn't normal.

There's hope for Bobby since he wants to be helped.

I'm not sure the same can be said for Ian and Jane however...

16-06-2016, 20:20
EastEnders has finally brought Lucy's ongoing murder plot to a conclusion, with Bobby Beale sentenced to three years in prison.

Tonight's episode (June 16) saw Bobby plead guilty to grievous bodily harm for his attack on Jane, and unlawful killing for his fatal clash with Lucy.

Last month, following his brutal attack on his stepmum Jane, Bobby (Eliot Carrington) confessed to killing his half-sister Lucy back in 2014.

Ben and Steven joined an anxious Ian (Adam Woodyatt) in court to hear the schoolboy's fate, although the businessman had privately admitted to his loved ones that it might be best if Bobby didn't come home.

Bobby appeared tearful as he was told he would serve a three-year prison sentence due to the violent nature of his actions, before being led away by the police.

However, a further twist saw Ian slip up during the highly emotional moments after Bobby's sentencing, admitting in front of DI Keeble that he should have done more after learning what his son had done to Lucy.

Ian later confirmed to Keeble that he had known the truth for well over a year, but a surprise development saw her choose not to pursue it any further, telling her colleague DS Cameron Bryant that he had suffered enough.

Bobby might be facing a very bleak future, but there could be some light at the end of the tunnel for the Beales after a seriously injured Jane squeezed Ian's hand in the closing moments of the episode.

This is not the last viewers will see of Bobby either, as the youngster is credited in tomorrow night's episode, which will explore the aftermath of his prison sentencing.

Digital Spy

16-06-2016, 20:24
even keeble has sympathy for ian

22-08-2017, 00:10
he gets in contact with parents jane and ian for a visit

22-08-2017, 19:21
oh no, he's not coming back, is he? very posh talker for Eastend and thats before he went to the "posh" School, dreading this:wall:

05-02-2019, 04:20
Bobby coming back soon??


16-02-2019, 21:47
I wonder if he's going to be played by a new actor.

17-02-2019, 22:28
I wonder if he's going to be played by a new actor.

I would think so

17-02-2019, 22:55
Apparently Eliot Carrington is returning.

02-04-2019, 22:22

new bobby

04-06-2019, 00:20
Clay Milner Russell will play Bobby Beale returning next week

04-06-2019, 09:06
Bobby Beale will sort out Ben!

05-06-2019, 17:46
So we have another troubled Male on the square, what with Stuart, Ben, Callum, (any I forgot)
Glad I don't live there:ninja:

05-06-2019, 19:11
So we have another troubled Male on the square, what with Stuart, Ben, Callum, (any I forgot)
Glad I don't live there:ninja:

dennis who is same age as bobby and tiffany

05-06-2019, 19:51
So we have another troubled Male on the square, what with Stuart, Ben, Callum, (any I forgot)
Glad I don't live there:ninja:

05-06-2019, 20:12
Callum is halfway lol

05-06-2019, 22:51
Callum is halfway lol
Oh, that Callum.

06-06-2019, 01:16
Oh, that Callum.

now halfgay

06-06-2019, 19:09
dennis who is same age as bobby and tiffany

Oh yes Dennis The Menace. Nightmare on Albert Square:ninja:

06-06-2019, 19:10
now halfgay

:clap: Haha good one:rotfl:

01-07-2019, 00:45

01-07-2019, 20:49

As a school cleaner and having dealt with that subject in Child protection training, I was thinking the same thing.

11-07-2019, 20:13
isis terror attack, sensational what kate oates will do, bobby the terrorist

12-07-2019, 05:27
isis terror attack, sensational what kate oates will do, bobby the terrorist

quite topical though....

12-07-2019, 16:20
isis terror attack, sensational what kate oates will do, bobby the terrorist

A pity she has to go this far though. Not exactly entertainment.

12-07-2019, 17:07
A pity she has to go this far though. Not exactly entertainment.
Nor are illegal immigrant exploitation, child kidnapping, cancer, murder, suicide......

12-07-2019, 17:41
Nor are illegal immigrant exploitation, child kidnapping, cancer, murder, suicide......

Stuffs up most soaps then ...

13-07-2019, 00:10
A pity she has to go this far though. Not exactly entertainment.

I agree I am not a fan of it

13-07-2019, 00:30
Stuffs up most soaps then ...
Exactly my point, Perdy. Why pick on the Bobby Beale storyline in particular as not being entertainment?

13-07-2019, 01:25
Exactly my point, Perdy. Why pick on the Bobby Beale storyline in particular as not being entertainment?

I agree with you. It's just that terrorism can target so many at once.

10-02-2020, 21:24
bobby is bullied online and beat up badly, denny involved

11-10-2020, 01:29
OCD germ phobic storyline for him, scared of covid

11-10-2020, 08:48
OCD germ phobic storyline for him, scared of covid

I'd be scared of Covid in Albert Square as well. No-one takes any precautions. There are no masks, no social distancing, everything is open, everyone interacts with everyone else, people go into each others' houses. You would never know there is a pandemic in Walford (except for that ridiculous Whitney trial, where all the jurors were on a wall).

16-04-2024, 01:16
Clay Milner Russell will play Bobby Beale returning next week

on line talk that clay has quit the role of bobby

16-04-2024, 20:04
I really hope they don't kill him off, Ian has lost enough kids.