View Full Version : Corrie Spoilers 12th - 16th November

31-10-2012, 11:20
Episode 7994: Monday 12 November at 7.30 - 8pm

Sean gets a shock when he tracks Marcus down.
Steve enjoys making Lloyd beg.
Tommy buries his head in the sand as pregnancy test day arrives.


WRITER: John Kerr
PRODUCER: Phil Collinson
DIRECTOR: David Kester

Episode 7995: Monday 12 November at 8.30 - 9pm

Will Sean reveal all to Jason?
There are mixed emotions at Tina’s pregnancy test result.
Stella despairs as Steve refuses to play ball.

Episode 7996: Thursday 15 November at 7.30 – 8pm

Michelle is furious at Steve’s childish attempts to dupe Rob.
Marcus and Maria contemplate their complicated future.
Tommy is shocked by an unexpected result.

Episode 7997: Friday 16 November at 7.30 - 8pm

A jealous Eva and Steve head to Sheffield to confront Rob and Michelle.
Marcus’s behaviour upsets Maria.
A tearful Leanne receives unexpected news from Peter.

Episode 7998: Friday 16 November at 8.30 - 9pm

Eva sets her sights on Nick after Rob’s betrayal.
Is this the end for Michelle and Steve?
Tyrone’s on edge as he endeavours to keep Kirsty happy.

01-11-2012, 18:07
Coronation Street stars Ryan Thomas and Charlie Condou have revealed that there is a "big" fight scene on the way for their characters Jason Grimshaw and Marcus Dent.

Jason is heading for heartbreak later this month as his girlfriend Maria Connor (Samia Ghadie) breaks up with him, but his sadness turns to fury when he discovers that Marcus is the reason for their split.

Marcus has always identified himself as a gay man, but has fallen for Maria and decides to make a go of things with her in upcoming episodes. His ex Sean Tully (Antony Cotton) is first to discover what is going on between the pair, and quickly spreads the word to Jason at the Rovers Return.

Thomas told TV Times of Jason's reaction: "He does more than punch [Marcus], he goes a bit wild!

"It's funny because in the script it was just supposed to be a punch across the table, but then a fight co-ordinator came over and said, 'I want you to punch him across the table, drag him against the bar, slam him into the bar, he then drops to the floor, then you kick him, pick him up and smash his head on the bar'. So it was a big fight!

"I actually kicked Charlie in the head - I didn't mean to, I love him very much, but in the moment it was just one of those things that happened."

Meanwhile, Condou added: "I was slightly concussed! I had to go off set for 20 minutes. Ryan was mortified - he kept phoning me the next day to check I was alright.

"It's always difficult when you do those things but because Ryan and I are close friends, it makes it even harder. Although I think maybe he enjoyed it!"

Coronation Street airs the bust-up on Monday, November 12.

04-11-2012, 00:49
Coming up on Coronation Street, Steve McDonald's insecurities get the better of him as he fears that girlfriend Michelle Connor will be wooed by Underworld colleague Rob Donovan.

Steve (Simon Gregson) becomes increasingly jealous of Rob later this month and even resorts to targeting him with a childish prank.

When Steve sees Rob (Marc Baylis) loading boxes on the back of Kirk's van outside the factory, he suddenly locks the doors on him and an oblivious Kirk sets off! This results in Rob losing out on an important order for Underworld as he misses a meeting.

Knowing exactly who is to blame, Rob later warns Steve that he'll get his revenge by stealing Michelle (Kym Lomas) from him. The ruthless businessman then invites Michelle on a work trip to Sheffield, leaving Steve fearful that Rob is about to make his move.

After the pair set off together, Steve approaches Eva (Catherine Tyldesley) and lets her know that something may be going on between Rob and Michelle. Teaming up, Steve and Eva then follow their respective partners, ready for a showdown.

When they arrive at the hotel in Sheffield, Eva convinces the receptionist to let her know which rooms Michelle and Rob are staying in. Soon afterwards, they hammer on Rob's door and find a scantily-clad woman inside his room.

To Steve's relief, the woman is not Michelle but in fact a young waitress, who swiftly leaves when a raging Eva reveals that she is Rob's girlfriend and exacts her revenge.

Steve wants to get away before Michelle learns that he suspected her of sleeping with Rob, but when she appears from her room, a devastated Eva blurts out the whole story. As Steve apologises for following her, how will Michelle react?



Coronation Street airs these scenes on Friday, November 16 at 8.30pm on ITV1.

04-11-2012, 00:49
Coming up on Coronation Street, Steve McDonald's insecurities get the better of him as he fears that girlfriend Michelle Connor will be wooed by Underworld colleague Rob Donovan.

Steve (Simon Gregson) becomes increasingly jealous of Rob later this month and even resorts to targeting him with a childish prank.

When Steve sees Rob (Marc Baylis) loading boxes on the back of Kirk's van outside the factory, he suddenly locks the doors on him and an oblivious Kirk sets off! This results in Rob losing out on an important order for Underworld as he misses a meeting.

Knowing exactly who is to blame, Rob later warns Steve that he'll get his revenge by stealing Michelle (Kym Lomas) from him. The ruthless businessman then invites Michelle on a work trip to Sheffield, leaving Steve fearful that Rob is about to make his move.

After the pair set off together, Steve approaches Eva (Catherine Tyldesley) and lets her know that something may be going on between Rob and Michelle. Teaming up, Steve and Eva then follow their respective partners, ready for a showdown.

When they arrive at the hotel in Sheffield, Eva convinces the receptionist to let her know which rooms Michelle and Rob are staying in. Soon afterwards, they hammer on Rob's door and find a scantily-clad woman inside his room.

To Steve's relief, the woman is not Michelle but in fact a young waitress, who swiftly leaves when a raging Eva reveals that she is Rob's girlfriend and exacts her revenge.

Steve wants to get away before Michelle learns that he suspected her of sleeping with Rob, but when she appears from her room, a devastated Eva blurts out the whole story. As Steve apologises for following her, how will Michelle react?



Coronation Street airs these scenes on Friday, November 16 at 8.30pm on ITV1.

06-11-2012, 00:10

Maria prepares herself to split up with Jason, who is back from working away. At the same time, Sean visits Marcus. Upbeat, Sean says that he knows Marcus still loves him and they were always destined to be together. However, Marcus is adamant that he's got it wrong, leaving Sean upset and confused. Sean leaves humiliated.

Later, Maria tells a bewildered Jason, as kindly as possible, that it's over. Jason angrily starts to move out, as Maria denies that anyone else is involved. Jason then pours his heart out to Eileen, claiming that he doesn't believe Maria has simply gone off him - there has to be someone else.

Sean also has a lot on his mind. Convinced there's something that Marcus isn't telling him, Sean sets off to find him. But as he enters the flat, will he stumble upon the truth?

Meanwhile, Steve can't get hold of Michelle and his mood gets no better when Rob gloats that he's spoken to her and she's coming home on Thursday. Later, when Gary cries off from the football match, all eyes turn to Steve. However, Steve plays hard to get - if he wasn't good enough to be chosen at first, why should he help them out now?

Elsewhere, Gary and Izzy are on tenterhooks as they gather the family for Tina's pregnancy test. Tina thinks it's all a bit weird, but with Tommy by her side, she's willing to do things their way. Is Tina pregnant?

Also, Fiz is relieved to finally see Tyrone out and about, but when Dev suggests meeting up tonight and he comes up with an excuse, Fiz secretly suspects Kirsty won't let him out. Will Kirsty act true to form?

Sean is speechless with shock at the sight of Marcus and Maria kissing passionately. He flees the flat with Marcus in pursuit. Marcus struggles to explain as Sean looks at him with hatred. Soon afterwards, Sean finds a depressed Jason drinking alone in the pub. As Marcus and Maria arrive, they assume that Sean has already spilled the beans and start trying to defend their situation.

Realising what's going on, a raging Jason flies at Marcus. The fight spills onto the street as the residents look on in shock. Sean then insists that Marcus doesn't love Maria but just wants a ready-made family. Horrified, Marcus and Maria are forced to face the havoc they have wreaked!

Meanwhile, the five-a-side match is in full flow. Carole and Stella are on the touchline trying to outdo each other with their support for their teams. On the pitch, Steve struggles to keep up the pace and the Rovers side lose. As Rob blames Steve for being so unfit, Steve is sick of Rob's jibes and vows to get even.

Elsewhere, Tina tells the waiting Windass clan that the result is negative. Gary and Izzy are crestfallen, but Anna remarks that there is still plenty of opportunity - the doctors have advised that Tina should test every day. Later, Tina tells Tommy that she feels like she's let everyone down. Tommy reassures her, but is he secretly pleased with the result?

Also, Tyrone enjoys his evening with Dev, but will Kirsty put a dampener on his spirits when he gets home?


Steve is still sore, in more ways than one, after causing The Rovers to lose the match. When Michelle arrives back from Ireland, his spirits are lifted - that is until Rob muscles his way in and tells Michelle that he's lined up an important meeting with a potential new client and needs her at the factory right away.

When Steve later arrives to whisk Michelle off for lunch, he is sent packing and leaves in a huff. But when he sees Rob loading boxes on the back of Kirk's van, he is struck by an idea and locks the van doors on him as Kirk sets off. Will Rob make it back to Underworld for the meeting, or has Steve's childish prank just lost him a very big deal?

Meanwhile, when Tina's second pregnancy test result is positive, the Windass clan are ecstatic - but Tommy is secretly devastated. How will he cope with the next nine months?

Elsewhere, as Maria and Marcus get grilled about their relationship by a well-meaning Kirk, the pair realise how tough the ordeal they're about to face is going to be. In the café, Eileen and Sean make jibes at Marcus and Maria, who wonder if they'll always be social pariahs.

Also today, Eva worries that Rob may have eyes for someone else. Should she be worried about Michelle?

Finally, Fiz suggests to Tyrone that he and Ruby should join a baby group, but will Kirsty agree?


Steve is glum after spending the night at Lloyd's, aware that he has some serious grovelling to do with Michelle. Rob collars him and tells him that he knows he was behind the prank and it's made him make a decision - he's going to steal Michelle from him. Steve simmers as Rob puts his plan into action by convincing Michelle that they need to go to Sheffield to win back the client they lost due to Steve's actions. Michelle agrees to go.

As they leave, with Michelle looking a million dollars, Steve's imagination starts to run riot and he decides to stop Rob before he makes his move on Michelle. Convincing Eva there's something going on, the pair set off for Sheffield - but will they be too late?

Meanwhile, Stella clocks that Leanne is down and learns that she has received a voicemail from Peter to say that their divorce has come through. Stella is surprised by her daughter's reaction, but even more surprised to learn that Leanne hasn't told Nick about it. Does she still have feelings for Peter?

Elsewhere, Rob puts Sally's nose out of joint when he leaves Kirsty in charge of the office while he and Michelle head to Sheffield. Sally tells him that that's her job, but he explains firmly that he needs her at her machine. A fuming Sally tells Kirsty that she shouldn't get any ideas above her station. But is she prepared for Kirsty's reaction?

Also, Owen guesses that Tommy is unhappy about Tina's pregnancy, while Maria is stung when Marcus introduces her to his boss as his best friend while they're out for dinner.

Eva and Steve land at the hotel in Sheffield. Eva then convinces the receptionist to let them know which rooms Michelle and Rob are staying in. They hammer on Rob's door as a waiter delivers champagne to the room. Steve's heart is in his mouth as a woman appears who is scantily clad. It's not Michelle but a young waitress, who swiftly leaves when a raging Eva reveals that she is Rob's girlfriend and exacts her revenge.

Steve wants to get away before Michelle learns that he suspected her of sleeping with Rob, but when she appears from her room, a devastated Eva blurts out the whole story. As Steve apologises for following her, how will Michelle react?

Back in Weatherfield, Eva reveals how she found Rob in bed with a waitress. A sympathetic Stella admits that he tried it on with her too. Eva leaves and when Nick finds her on the street upset, he takes her back to the Bistro and provides a shoulder to cry on. But is Eva still holding a torch for Nick? And what would Leanne have to say about that?

Meanwhile, Leanne is snappy with Nick but later heads to the Bistro to apologise. She tells him about the divorce coming through from Peter. Nick is hurt that she never mentioned it before and notes that Leanne is still letting Peter get to her.

Elsewhere, Tyrone is chuffed that Kirsty is taking so much interest in his day spent at baby group with Ruby. As she tells him that Rob has given her extra responsibilities at work, Tyrone notices how relaxed and happy she is. Dare he think he's finally found the happily ever after he's always wanted?

Also, Maria tackles Marcus over his failure to correct his boss's assumption that she is just a friend. But is Marcus ready to go public with their relationship?

Finally, Owen pays Tommy the second instalment of the surrogacy fee.

06-11-2012, 00:11

Maria prepares herself to split up with Jason, who is back from working away. At the same time, Sean visits Marcus. Upbeat, Sean says that he knows Marcus still loves him and they were always destined to be together. However, Marcus is adamant that he's got it wrong, leaving Sean upset and confused. Sean leaves humiliated.

Later, Maria tells a bewildered Jason, as kindly as possible, that it's over. Jason angrily starts to move out, as Maria denies that anyone else is involved. Jason then pours his heart out to Eileen, claiming that he doesn't believe Maria has simply gone off him - there has to be someone else.

Sean also has a lot on his mind. Convinced there's something that Marcus isn't telling him, Sean sets off to find him. But as he enters the flat, will he stumble upon the truth?

Meanwhile, Steve can't get hold of Michelle and his mood gets no better when Rob gloats that he's spoken to her and she's coming home on Thursday. Later, when Gary cries off from the football match, all eyes turn to Steve. However, Steve plays hard to get - if he wasn't good enough to be chosen at first, why should he help them out now?

Elsewhere, Gary and Izzy are on tenterhooks as they gather the family for Tina's pregnancy test. Tina thinks it's all a bit weird, but with Tommy by her side, she's willing to do things their way. Is Tina pregnant?

Also, Fiz is relieved to finally see Tyrone out and about, but when Dev suggests meeting up tonight and he comes up with an excuse, Fiz secretly suspects Kirsty won't let him out. Will Kirsty act true to form?

Sean is speechless with shock at the sight of Marcus and Maria kissing passionately. He flees the flat with Marcus in pursuit. Marcus struggles to explain as Sean looks at him with hatred. Soon afterwards, Sean finds a depressed Jason drinking alone in the pub. As Marcus and Maria arrive, they assume that Sean has already spilled the beans and start trying to defend their situation.

Realising what's going on, a raging Jason flies at Marcus. The fight spills onto the street as the residents look on in shock. Sean then insists that Marcus doesn't love Maria but just wants a ready-made family. Horrified, Marcus and Maria are forced to face the havoc they have wreaked!

Meanwhile, the five-a-side match is in full flow. Carole and Stella are on the touchline trying to outdo each other with their support for their teams. On the pitch, Steve struggles to keep up the pace and the Rovers side lose. As Rob blames Steve for being so unfit, Steve is sick of Rob's jibes and vows to get even.

Elsewhere, Tina tells the waiting Windass clan that the result is negative. Gary and Izzy are crestfallen, but Anna remarks that there is still plenty of opportunity - the doctors have advised that Tina should test every day. Later, Tina tells Tommy that she feels like she's let everyone down. Tommy reassures her, but is he secretly pleased with the result?

Also, Tyrone enjoys his evening with Dev, but will Kirsty put a dampener on his spirits when he gets home?


Steve is still sore, in more ways than one, after causing The Rovers to lose the match. When Michelle arrives back from Ireland, his spirits are lifted - that is until Rob muscles his way in and tells Michelle that he's lined up an important meeting with a potential new client and needs her at the factory right away.

When Steve later arrives to whisk Michelle off for lunch, he is sent packing and leaves in a huff. But when he sees Rob loading boxes on the back of Kirk's van, he is struck by an idea and locks the van doors on him as Kirk sets off. Will Rob make it back to Underworld for the meeting, or has Steve's childish prank just lost him a very big deal?

Meanwhile, when Tina's second pregnancy test result is positive, the Windass clan are ecstatic - but Tommy is secretly devastated. How will he cope with the next nine months?

Elsewhere, as Maria and Marcus get grilled about their relationship by a well-meaning Kirk, the pair realise how tough the ordeal they're about to face is going to be. In the café, Eileen and Sean make jibes at Marcus and Maria, who wonder if they'll always be social pariahs.

Also today, Eva worries that Rob may have eyes for someone else. Should she be worried about Michelle?

Finally, Fiz suggests to Tyrone that he and Ruby should join a baby group, but will Kirsty agree?


Steve is glum after spending the night at Lloyd's, aware that he has some serious grovelling to do with Michelle. Rob collars him and tells him that he knows he was behind the prank and it's made him make a decision - he's going to steal Michelle from him. Steve simmers as Rob puts his plan into action by convincing Michelle that they need to go to Sheffield to win back the client they lost due to Steve's actions. Michelle agrees to go.

As they leave, with Michelle looking a million dollars, Steve's imagination starts to run riot and he decides to stop Rob before he makes his move on Michelle. Convincing Eva there's something going on, the pair set off for Sheffield - but will they be too late?

Meanwhile, Stella clocks that Leanne is down and learns that she has received a voicemail from Peter to say that their divorce has come through. Stella is surprised by her daughter's reaction, but even more surprised to learn that Leanne hasn't told Nick about it. Does she still have feelings for Peter?

Elsewhere, Rob puts Sally's nose out of joint when he leaves Kirsty in charge of the office while he and Michelle head to Sheffield. Sally tells him that that's her job, but he explains firmly that he needs her at her machine. A fuming Sally tells Kirsty that she shouldn't get any ideas above her station. But is she prepared for Kirsty's reaction?

Also, Owen guesses that Tommy is unhappy about Tina's pregnancy, while Maria is stung when Marcus introduces her to his boss as his best friend while they're out for dinner.

Eva and Steve land at the hotel in Sheffield. Eva then convinces the receptionist to let them know which rooms Michelle and Rob are staying in. They hammer on Rob's door as a waiter delivers champagne to the room. Steve's heart is in his mouth as a woman appears who is scantily clad. It's not Michelle but a young waitress, who swiftly leaves when a raging Eva reveals that she is Rob's girlfriend and exacts her revenge.

Steve wants to get away before Michelle learns that he suspected her of sleeping with Rob, but when she appears from her room, a devastated Eva blurts out the whole story. As Steve apologises for following her, how will Michelle react?

Back in Weatherfield, Eva reveals how she found Rob in bed with a waitress. A sympathetic Stella admits that he tried it on with her too. Eva leaves and when Nick finds her on the street upset, he takes her back to the Bistro and provides a shoulder to cry on. But is Eva still holding a torch for Nick? And what would Leanne have to say about that?

Meanwhile, Leanne is snappy with Nick but later heads to the Bistro to apologise. She tells him about the divorce coming through from Peter. Nick is hurt that she never mentioned it before and notes that Leanne is still letting Peter get to her.

Elsewhere, Tyrone is chuffed that Kirsty is taking so much interest in his day spent at baby group with Ruby. As she tells him that Rob has given her extra responsibilities at work, Tyrone notices how relaxed and happy she is. Dare he think he's finally found the happily ever after he's always wanted?

Also, Maria tackles Marcus over his failure to correct his boss's assumption that she is just a friend. But is Marcus ready to go public with their relationship?

Finally, Owen pays Tommy the second instalment of the surrogacy fee.

06-11-2012, 19:14
when did rob get back with eva?

sarah c
08-11-2012, 11:36
when did rob get back with eva?

when Stella turned him down

12-11-2012, 00:18
Coronation Street's Jason Grimshaw explodes with rage this evening (November 12) after discovering that Maria Connor has dumped him for Marcus Dent.

Tonight's double bill sees Jason (Ryan Thomas) left heartbroken as Maria ends their relationship, and when she isn't exactly forthcoming about the reasons why, he can't help but feel that he isn't hearing the full story.

Later, Maria (Samia Ghadie) and Marcus (Charlie Condou) resolve to keep their romance under wraps for the time being, but their plan is immediately thwarted when a shocked Sean Tully walks in on them kissing at the flat.

With Sean now aware of what is going on, it's not long before Jason also finds out the truth - leading to a huge showdown at The Rovers as the builder turns violent in a row with Marcus…


Coronation Street airs tonight at 7.30pm and 8.30pm on ITV1.

12-11-2012, 00:18
Coronation Street's Jason Grimshaw explodes with rage this evening (November 12) after discovering that Maria Connor has dumped him for Marcus Dent.

Tonight's double bill sees Jason (Ryan Thomas) left heartbroken as Maria ends their relationship, and when she isn't exactly forthcoming about the reasons why, he can't help but feel that he isn't hearing the full story.

Later, Maria (Samia Ghadie) and Marcus (Charlie Condou) resolve to keep their romance under wraps for the time being, but their plan is immediately thwarted when a shocked Sean Tully walks in on them kissing at the flat.

With Sean now aware of what is going on, it's not long before Jason also finds out the truth - leading to a huge showdown at The Rovers as the builder turns violent in a row with Marcus…


Coronation Street airs tonight at 7.30pm and 8.30pm on ITV1.

12-11-2012, 16:22
I expect hair pulling scenes from Sean and Maria :p