View Full Version : Corrie Spoilers Sunday 9th - 14th September 2012

28-08-2012, 12:14
Coronation Street star Natalie Gumede has revealed details of Kirsty Soames's dramatic labour scenes.

Kirsty will give birth at the Rovers Return next month in the aftermath of another huge argument with Tina McIntyre (Michelle Keegan).

The scenes see Tina lose her temper upon hearing that she could be left homeless, as a scheming Kirsty has informed house-hunter Julie Carp that Jason Grimshaw is selling his flat.

Gumede told All About Soap: "Tina just goes mad and Kirsty continues to goad her, while playing innocent to the rest of the pub.

"Tina grabs Kirsty and there's a scuffle - it's not a proper fight, but Kirsty falls back on to a table. Tina just wants to make Kirsty listen, because she keeps walking away from her and laughing."

Just after the row has turned physical, both women get more than they had bargained for as Kirsty's baby is suddenly on the way.

Gumede continued: "It becomes apparent immediately that the baby is coming - the pain is acute and her waters break. Marcus is there and, as a midwife, he's able to recognise that this tot is going to come pretty quickly.

"Kirsty's a very strong character and she's a tough cookie, while Marcus is great. Tyrone turns up as well, which helps immensely."

After welcoming their daughter Ruby at the pub, Kirsty and Tyrone are taken to hospital with the newborn - and are relieved to hear that mum and baby will both be fine.

However, Tina is left feeling more outcast than ever as the Weatherfield residents are not taking her side in the long-running feud.

Gumede said: "Tina's painted as the bad guy - from the outside, it looks like she's attacked a pregnant lady. But Kirsty won't be happy until she knows where Tyrone is every minute of the day."

Coronation Street airs Kirsty's labour scenes on Sunday, September 9 on ITV1.

29-08-2012, 14:18

EP: 7949 & 7950 Sunday 9 September 2012 19:00

Gloria’s scheming and flirting ruffles more than a few feathers.
Jason’s reveal leaves Tommy and Tina stunned.
Will Kirsty give birth in the Rovers?


EP: 7951 Monday 10 September 2012 19:30

Izzy’s decision shocks her family.
Will Kirsty accept Tommy and Tina’s peace offering?
And Tracy stirs up tension at the Barlow’s family dinner.


EP: 7952 Monday 3 September 2012 20:30

Gary and Izzy are torn apart.
Will Gloria succeed in reuniting Stella and Karl?
Rita comforts a downhearted Tina.


EP: 7953 Wednesday 12 September 2012 20:30

Has Tina found a solution to her problems?
Leanne pleads with Stella to take Gloria back.
Izzy and Gary try to repair their relationship.


EP: 7954 Friday 14 September 2012 19:30

Tina makes a life changing decision.
Faye drops a bombshell on Tommy.
Could a new arrival spell trouble for Gloria?


EP: 7955 Friday 14 September 2012 20:30

Tommy delivers a devastating ultimatum to Tina.
An old flame knocks Lloyd for six.
Gail sets out to find the truth about Gloria.


30-08-2012, 14:11
Gloria moves with Nick and Leanne so

02-09-2012, 00:56
Over on Coronation Street, Kirsty Soames goes into labour at the Rovers Return following another furious argument with arch-enemy Tina McIntyre.

Tina (Michelle Keegan) is left raging in upcoming episodes when a vengeful Kirsty takes their long-running feud to the next level, going all-out to cause trouble for her and Tommy.

The final straw comes when Kirsty (Natalie Gumede) hatches a plan to make Tina and Tommy homeless, by informing a house-hunting Julie that Jason is planning to sell the flat.

Julie decides that the flat would be perfect when she arrives for an impromptu viewing, but Tina isn't best pleased when she hears that Kirsty gave her the idea.

When Jason later resolves to accept Julie's offer for the flat, Tina is unable to keep a lid on her temper any longer. Tracking Kirsty down at The Rovers, the feisty barmaid is ready for a showdown.

Tina flies at Kirsty all guns blazing in front of the shocked punters, but the row takes an unexpected turn as Kirsty's waters break.

With the baby coming quickly, Kirsty is forced to give birth at the pub - while Tina finds herself under attack from all quarters over her rash actions…

02-09-2012, 00:56
Over on Coronation Street, Kirsty Soames goes into labour at the Rovers Return following another furious argument with arch-enemy Tina McIntyre.

Tina (Michelle Keegan) is left raging in upcoming episodes when a vengeful Kirsty takes their long-running feud to the next level, going all-out to cause trouble for her and Tommy.

The final straw comes when Kirsty (Natalie Gumede) hatches a plan to make Tina and Tommy homeless, by informing a house-hunting Julie that Jason is planning to sell the flat.

Julie decides that the flat would be perfect when she arrives for an impromptu viewing, but Tina isn't best pleased when she hears that Kirsty gave her the idea.

When Jason later resolves to accept Julie's offer for the flat, Tina is unable to keep a lid on her temper any longer. Tracking Kirsty down at The Rovers, the feisty barmaid is ready for a showdown.

Tina flies at Kirsty all guns blazing in front of the shocked punters, but the row takes an unexpected turn as Kirsty's waters break.

With the baby coming quickly, Kirsty is forced to give birth at the pub - while Tina finds herself under attack from all quarters over her rash actions…

02-09-2012, 05:38
Interesting pictures





04-09-2012, 01:27

Kirsty is irked when she notices Tyrone watching Tommy return home on crutches with sympathy clearly visible in his eyes. Tina is about to have a go at her, but Rita advises her to keep her dignity. Tina finds herself close to ignoring this advice, however, when Jason arrives with the news that he's had to accept Julie's offer on the flat. Tina leaves the flat in a rage.

Later, Tommy is surprised when Tyrone turns up eager to end all acrimony. As they shake hands, however, Tina has finally tracked Kirsty down at The Rovers. She flies at her all guns blazing, but the row takes an unexpected turn as Kirsty goes into labour.

Tina is shocked to have made Kirsty's waters break, while Marcus worries that there won't be time to call an ambulance - the baby is on its way. When Tyrone arrives at the pub and Tina offers her help, Kirsty screams at her to keep her distance. Tyrone wonders why, but is soon distracted as Kirsty's contractions speed up. Outside, Tina feels worse when Rita has a go at her - she warned her to steer clear of Kirsty, and now her actions have put an unborn baby at risk.

Eventually Marcus manages to deliver the baby as the paramedics arrive, and Gloria reveals to Tyrone that Tina attacked Kirsty. Later, Kirsty and the baby are given the all clear, although Tyrone is still seeing red over what happened. Tina, meanwhile, finds herself under attack from all quarters over her actions. What will Tommy say when she tells him her news?

Meanwhile, Michelle is doing a good job at ignoring the fact that Ryan is going out with Tracy, but her temper is tested when the pair rock up at the flat with a takeaway, thwarting her plans of a romantic meal with Steve.

Tracy succeeds in ruining Michelle's night as she openly canoodles with Ryan in front of her. Michelle makes an almighty effort to hold her tongue, even when Tracy drags Ryan back home with her for the night. After the pair leave, however, Michelle rails at Steve - she doesn't know how long she can keep this up. Their only hope is Deirdre, who's back home tomorrow. Will she be able to stop Tracy's antics?

Elsewhere, Chesney is flabbergasted when Cilla invites him and Katy over to South Africa for Christmas. Katy can't wait because it'll be brilliant to celebrate Joseph's first birthday on safari. When Katy tells Izzy of the plans, however, Izzy reminds her that by then she might be in the early stages of pregnancy and it could be dangerous to fly. Katy's not sure how to tell Chesney the news that their trip won't be happening.

Later, Chesney is irritated when Izzy and Gary gatecrash his plans for a quiet night seeing Katy's birthday in. They eventually take the hint and politely leave. Will Chesney be able to take a full nine months of the pair playing such a big role in their lives?

Also today, Maria is forced to let Jason down gently when he drops the hint about moving in with her, Gloria irritates Stella as she hangs around the bar, while Dev mocks Karl's inability to provide for Sunita.


As Katy's 18th birthday arrives, she and Chesney join Izzy and Gary to go for their first appointment at the fertility clinic. Here Tess, the unit counsellor, challenges Izzy and Gary about Katy's suitability as a surrogate. She points out that due to Katy's age she may not be emotionally strong enough to deal with surrogacy.

Tess asks what would happen if Katy wanted to keep the baby. Gary wonders how this would be possible as the baby would be theirs, but Tess points out that the natural parents need to adopt the baby after birth. It's up to the surrogate mother whether or not she gives consent to this. Izzy states that she has confidence in Katy, but she's clearly shaken by what Tess has told them.

Back at Number 6, everyone is preparing for Katy's birthday bash. When the party is in full swing, Gary notices Katy drinking and he suggests to Chesney that she shouldn't be. Chesney snaps and a row escalates, until Izzy makes an announcement that will leave Gary stunned…

Meanwhile, Kirsty and Tyrone arrive home with their little bundle of joy. Tina is relieved when she finds out that mother and child are well, but when it's clear that she still bears a grudge against Kirsty, Jason tells her that he can't believe he once felt sorry for her and Tommy. Now he reckons they've brought their bad luck on themselves for being so mean spirited.

Tina doesn't know how much she can take, however much Tommy insists they've got each other. She insists that they have to go round and see Tyrone and Kirsty. But how will Kirsty react when they arrive at Number 9 bearing gifts for the baby?

Elsewhere, Deirdre returns from her trip to be greeted by Tracy coming downstairs with Ryan. She tackles Tracy - why the hell is she going out with Michelle's son of all people? Steve and Michelle arrive hoping that Deirdre has sorted Tracy out. Instead, they discover a cosy domestic scene. Over a dinner, Ryan has charmed Deirdre. Is she already thinking of him as one of the family?

Also, Gloria treats Stella to a spa day, reassuring her that she'll be fine running the pub in her absence - but Sean is soon miffed by the changes that Gloria makes.

At Katy's birthday party, Gary notices Katy drinking and suggests to Chesney that she should stop. Chesney becomes annoyed and an argument erupts
Izzy tells everyone that she can't let Katy be her surrogate because she won't let it tear her family apart. There's no turning back - her mind's made up. With her party ruined, Katy feels dejected, despite everyone assuring her that Izzy's decision isn't about not trusting her.

Later, Gary's emotions escalate when he tells Izzy that he should have been given the chance to have a say in her decision. Concerned about what she's doing to him, Izzy tells Gary that he deserves the chance to have a family and her next decision leaves him reeling…

Meanwhile, following the latest rows, Tina and Tommy are faced with Jason. He can't believe they went over to Number 9 after everything Tina did to Kirsty. He tells them that he has a move in date for Julie and Brian and wants them out of the flat.

Tommy and Tina soon feel the pressure building and have a row. Tina then flees from the flat and is found by Rita, crying on Maxine's bench. Will Rita give her the solace she seeks, or a healthy dose of tough love?

Elsewhere, with Stella out of the way, Gloria asks Karl to help behind the bar in the hope that it may impress Stella upon her return. She also continues to make changes, upsetting staff and customers alike. When Stella eventually returns, she kicks out Karl and rows with her mother. Gloria threatens to leave, but Stella calls her bluff. Could this really be the last time Stella sees her mum?

Also today, Tracy is really starting to get to Michelle, while Chesney comforts Katy following Izzy's decision.


Tommy is relieved when Rita escorts Tina back to Number 15. The reunited couple wonder what fresh hell the day will hold. They don't have to wait long to find out - after Tyrone blanks them, Tommy opens his post and discovers that he's being sued by the pizza parlour!

At the same time, Anna and Owen have found a way to get Izzy and Gary together to discuss other options available to them regarding surrogacy. The pair are shocked by the costs of IVF, but Owen stops them short - he'll pay whatever it costs so they can have a child.

Later at the pub, Tina and Tommy are treated as outcasts. Noticing they're down, Owen joins them, reassuring them that their tiff with Kirsty will soon blow over. When he goes on to tell them that Gary and Izzy are back together and looking at other surrogacy options, Tina has an idea that could solve her and Tommy's money worries for good…

Meanwhile, after taking Gloria in, Leanne is warned by Stella that she'll soon tire of her grandmother's company. Leanne suggests they kiss and make up, but Stella is adamant that she wants an apology. Later, Stella's predictions ring true as Gloria loses the bookies money and drives Leanne round the bend. Leanne begs Stella to take Gloria back, but Stella is sticking to her guns.

Elsewhere, Lloyd is feeling a little lonely, so decides to have a flutter in the bookies to cheer himself up. After a little persuasion from Gloria, he decides to take a bet on the horses. To his surprise, he wins big and decides to treat himself to some tickets to a gig.

Also today, Tyrone and Kirsty name their newborn 'Ruby', before proudly showing her off to their neighbours.

Leanne takes Gloria in, but when Gloria loses the bookies money and drives her round the bend, Leanne begs Stella to take Gloria back

Tina discusses the surrogacy with Owen. She tells him that if the price is right, she's interested. When it turns out that it is, she soon tells Gary and Izzy about her proposition. The pair have their misgivings and decide to think things over. Tina begs them to keep her offer to themselves.

However, a confused Faye has witnessed Tina offering her services to Gary and Izzy. She approaches an unsuspecting Tommy, full of questions…

Meanwhile, after criticising Gail's cleaning skills, Gloria dupes her into handing over the keys to the Bistro, claiming that she can do a better job herself. Needless to say, Gail is miffed. Later, however, while Gloria holds court, a diminutive man enters looking for her. Gloria claims that he is simply a nuisance customer, but Gail and Nick are intrigued regardless.

Elsewhere, Lloyd is over the moon because he has tickets for an old funk band he loved in the '80s. His enthusiasm is dampened, however, when his attempts to arrange a lads' night out don't exactly go to plan. When he arrives at the gig, though, his spirits are lifted as he thinks he spies a blast from the past…

Also, Beth is fed up with being a singleton. She declares that she's sick of searching for Mr Right, she wants her Mr Right Now! As Kirk listens to her plans, it's clear that he feels he might fit the bill.

Gloria criticises Gail's cleaning skills and manages to get keys to the Bistro so she can
Tommy tells Faye that she's a liar, but when she persists with what she's heard, he goes in search of Tina. He demands to know the truth and Tina is lost for words.

Over at Number 6, Gary is overwhelmed when Izzy agrees to take Tina up on her offer. Their joy is interrupted, however, when Tommy barges in accusing them of taking advantage of a vulnerable Tina. They insist it was her idea, but he rails at the fact that he was left in the dark and had to find out from Faye.

Back at home, Tina makes a desperate attempt to make Tommy see what she's doing. He's sticking to his guns, however. He doesn't want her to go ahead with the surrogacy and he gives her an ultimatum…

Meanwhile, Gail takes the nuisance customer for a bacon barm, eager to find out who he really is. He turns out to be Cliff, who tells Gail all about his relationship with Gloria and how they worked together in dry cleaning. Gail uses this information to poke fun at her rival, before blackmailing her into returning to The Rovers. Gloria has no choice but to agree, but will Stella forgive her interfering ways?

Elsewhere, Lloyd is thrilled as he greets his old mate Mandy. They haven't seen each other for years, and he can't wait to catch up with her and her husband Johnny. When she tells him that Johnny died, he's devastated. They chat a bit about old times. He tells her that he's stayed single, but not through want of trying. Mandy explains that she and Johnny never had children, so she's alone now too. The night goes well, but what will Mandy say when Lloyd asks to see her again?

Also, Beth discusses her plans for a date with someone from the internet with Kirk, unaware that he might be holding a torch for her.

Gail is eager to find out who Gloria's mystery visitor was. She learns his name is Cliff and he tells her about his relationship with Gloria when they worked together in dry cleaning

An emotional Gary tells Izzy that he should have been given a say in her decision about Katy

04-09-2012, 01:27

Kirsty is irked when she notices Tyrone watching Tommy return home on crutches with sympathy clearly visible in his eyes. Tina is about to have a go at her, but Rita advises her to keep her dignity. Tina finds herself close to ignoring this advice, however, when Jason arrives with the news that he's had to accept Julie's offer on the flat. Tina leaves the flat in a rage.

Later, Tommy is surprised when Tyrone turns up eager to end all acrimony. As they shake hands, however, Tina has finally tracked Kirsty down at The Rovers. She flies at her all guns blazing, but the row takes an unexpected turn as Kirsty goes into labour.

Tina is shocked to have made Kirsty's waters break, while Marcus worries that there won't be time to call an ambulance - the baby is on its way. When Tyrone arrives at the pub and Tina offers her help, Kirsty screams at her to keep her distance. Tyrone wonders why, but is soon distracted as Kirsty's contractions speed up. Outside, Tina feels worse when Rita has a go at her - she warned her to steer clear of Kirsty, and now her actions have put an unborn baby at risk.

Eventually Marcus manages to deliver the baby as the paramedics arrive, and Gloria reveals to Tyrone that Tina attacked Kirsty. Later, Kirsty and the baby are given the all clear, although Tyrone is still seeing red over what happened. Tina, meanwhile, finds herself under attack from all quarters over her actions. What will Tommy say when she tells him her news?

Meanwhile, Michelle is doing a good job at ignoring the fact that Ryan is going out with Tracy, but her temper is tested when the pair rock up at the flat with a takeaway, thwarting her plans of a romantic meal with Steve.

Tracy succeeds in ruining Michelle's night as she openly canoodles with Ryan in front of her. Michelle makes an almighty effort to hold her tongue, even when Tracy drags Ryan back home with her for the night. After the pair leave, however, Michelle rails at Steve - she doesn't know how long she can keep this up. Their only hope is Deirdre, who's back home tomorrow. Will she be able to stop Tracy's antics?

Elsewhere, Chesney is flabbergasted when Cilla invites him and Katy over to South Africa for Christmas. Katy can't wait because it'll be brilliant to celebrate Joseph's first birthday on safari. When Katy tells Izzy of the plans, however, Izzy reminds her that by then she might be in the early stages of pregnancy and it could be dangerous to fly. Katy's not sure how to tell Chesney the news that their trip won't be happening.

Later, Chesney is irritated when Izzy and Gary gatecrash his plans for a quiet night seeing Katy's birthday in. They eventually take the hint and politely leave. Will Chesney be able to take a full nine months of the pair playing such a big role in their lives?

Also today, Maria is forced to let Jason down gently when he drops the hint about moving in with her, Gloria irritates Stella as she hangs around the bar, while Dev mocks Karl's inability to provide for Sunita.


As Katy's 18th birthday arrives, she and Chesney join Izzy and Gary to go for their first appointment at the fertility clinic. Here Tess, the unit counsellor, challenges Izzy and Gary about Katy's suitability as a surrogate. She points out that due to Katy's age she may not be emotionally strong enough to deal with surrogacy.

Tess asks what would happen if Katy wanted to keep the baby. Gary wonders how this would be possible as the baby would be theirs, but Tess points out that the natural parents need to adopt the baby after birth. It's up to the surrogate mother whether or not she gives consent to this. Izzy states that she has confidence in Katy, but she's clearly shaken by what Tess has told them.

Back at Number 6, everyone is preparing for Katy's birthday bash. When the party is in full swing, Gary notices Katy drinking and he suggests to Chesney that she shouldn't be. Chesney snaps and a row escalates, until Izzy makes an announcement that will leave Gary stunned…

Meanwhile, Kirsty and Tyrone arrive home with their little bundle of joy. Tina is relieved when she finds out that mother and child are well, but when it's clear that she still bears a grudge against Kirsty, Jason tells her that he can't believe he once felt sorry for her and Tommy. Now he reckons they've brought their bad luck on themselves for being so mean spirited.

Tina doesn't know how much she can take, however much Tommy insists they've got each other. She insists that they have to go round and see Tyrone and Kirsty. But how will Kirsty react when they arrive at Number 9 bearing gifts for the baby?

Elsewhere, Deirdre returns from her trip to be greeted by Tracy coming downstairs with Ryan. She tackles Tracy - why the hell is she going out with Michelle's son of all people? Steve and Michelle arrive hoping that Deirdre has sorted Tracy out. Instead, they discover a cosy domestic scene. Over a dinner, Ryan has charmed Deirdre. Is she already thinking of him as one of the family?

Also, Gloria treats Stella to a spa day, reassuring her that she'll be fine running the pub in her absence - but Sean is soon miffed by the changes that Gloria makes.

At Katy's birthday party, Gary notices Katy drinking and suggests to Chesney that she should stop. Chesney becomes annoyed and an argument erupts
Izzy tells everyone that she can't let Katy be her surrogate because she won't let it tear her family apart. There's no turning back - her mind's made up. With her party ruined, Katy feels dejected, despite everyone assuring her that Izzy's decision isn't about not trusting her.

Later, Gary's emotions escalate when he tells Izzy that he should have been given the chance to have a say in her decision. Concerned about what she's doing to him, Izzy tells Gary that he deserves the chance to have a family and her next decision leaves him reeling…

Meanwhile, following the latest rows, Tina and Tommy are faced with Jason. He can't believe they went over to Number 9 after everything Tina did to Kirsty. He tells them that he has a move in date for Julie and Brian and wants them out of the flat.

Tommy and Tina soon feel the pressure building and have a row. Tina then flees from the flat and is found by Rita, crying on Maxine's bench. Will Rita give her the solace she seeks, or a healthy dose of tough love?

Elsewhere, with Stella out of the way, Gloria asks Karl to help behind the bar in the hope that it may impress Stella upon her return. She also continues to make changes, upsetting staff and customers alike. When Stella eventually returns, she kicks out Karl and rows with her mother. Gloria threatens to leave, but Stella calls her bluff. Could this really be the last time Stella sees her mum?

Also today, Tracy is really starting to get to Michelle, while Chesney comforts Katy following Izzy's decision.


Tommy is relieved when Rita escorts Tina back to Number 15. The reunited couple wonder what fresh hell the day will hold. They don't have to wait long to find out - after Tyrone blanks them, Tommy opens his post and discovers that he's being sued by the pizza parlour!

At the same time, Anna and Owen have found a way to get Izzy and Gary together to discuss other options available to them regarding surrogacy. The pair are shocked by the costs of IVF, but Owen stops them short - he'll pay whatever it costs so they can have a child.

Later at the pub, Tina and Tommy are treated as outcasts. Noticing they're down, Owen joins them, reassuring them that their tiff with Kirsty will soon blow over. When he goes on to tell them that Gary and Izzy are back together and looking at other surrogacy options, Tina has an idea that could solve her and Tommy's money worries for good…

Meanwhile, after taking Gloria in, Leanne is warned by Stella that she'll soon tire of her grandmother's company. Leanne suggests they kiss and make up, but Stella is adamant that she wants an apology. Later, Stella's predictions ring true as Gloria loses the bookies money and drives Leanne round the bend. Leanne begs Stella to take Gloria back, but Stella is sticking to her guns.

Elsewhere, Lloyd is feeling a little lonely, so decides to have a flutter in the bookies to cheer himself up. After a little persuasion from Gloria, he decides to take a bet on the horses. To his surprise, he wins big and decides to treat himself to some tickets to a gig.

Also today, Tyrone and Kirsty name their newborn 'Ruby', before proudly showing her off to their neighbours.

Leanne takes Gloria in, but when Gloria loses the bookies money and drives her round the bend, Leanne begs Stella to take Gloria back

Tina discusses the surrogacy with Owen. She tells him that if the price is right, she's interested. When it turns out that it is, she soon tells Gary and Izzy about her proposition. The pair have their misgivings and decide to think things over. Tina begs them to keep her offer to themselves.

However, a confused Faye has witnessed Tina offering her services to Gary and Izzy. She approaches an unsuspecting Tommy, full of questions…

Meanwhile, after criticising Gail's cleaning skills, Gloria dupes her into handing over the keys to the Bistro, claiming that she can do a better job herself. Needless to say, Gail is miffed. Later, however, while Gloria holds court, a diminutive man enters looking for her. Gloria claims that he is simply a nuisance customer, but Gail and Nick are intrigued regardless.

Elsewhere, Lloyd is over the moon because he has tickets for an old funk band he loved in the '80s. His enthusiasm is dampened, however, when his attempts to arrange a lads' night out don't exactly go to plan. When he arrives at the gig, though, his spirits are lifted as he thinks he spies a blast from the past…

Also, Beth is fed up with being a singleton. She declares that she's sick of searching for Mr Right, she wants her Mr Right Now! As Kirk listens to her plans, it's clear that he feels he might fit the bill.

Gloria criticises Gail's cleaning skills and manages to get keys to the Bistro so she can
Tommy tells Faye that she's a liar, but when she persists with what she's heard, he goes in search of Tina. He demands to know the truth and Tina is lost for words.

Over at Number 6, Gary is overwhelmed when Izzy agrees to take Tina up on her offer. Their joy is interrupted, however, when Tommy barges in accusing them of taking advantage of a vulnerable Tina. They insist it was her idea, but he rails at the fact that he was left in the dark and had to find out from Faye.

Back at home, Tina makes a desperate attempt to make Tommy see what she's doing. He's sticking to his guns, however. He doesn't want her to go ahead with the surrogacy and he gives her an ultimatum…

Meanwhile, Gail takes the nuisance customer for a bacon barm, eager to find out who he really is. He turns out to be Cliff, who tells Gail all about his relationship with Gloria and how they worked together in dry cleaning. Gail uses this information to poke fun at her rival, before blackmailing her into returning to The Rovers. Gloria has no choice but to agree, but will Stella forgive her interfering ways?

Elsewhere, Lloyd is thrilled as he greets his old mate Mandy. They haven't seen each other for years, and he can't wait to catch up with her and her husband Johnny. When she tells him that Johnny died, he's devastated. They chat a bit about old times. He tells her that he's stayed single, but not through want of trying. Mandy explains that she and Johnny never had children, so she's alone now too. The night goes well, but what will Mandy say when Lloyd asks to see her again?

Also, Beth discusses her plans for a date with someone from the internet with Kirk, unaware that he might be holding a torch for her.

Gail is eager to find out who Gloria's mystery visitor was. She learns his name is Cliff and he tells her about his relationship with Gloria when they worked together in dry cleaning

An emotional Gary tells Izzy that he should have been given a say in her decision about Katy

10-09-2012, 06:01
Coronation Street couple Izzy Armstrong and Gary Windass face fresh heartache this evening (September 10) as their dreams of starting a family together lie in tatters.

Tonight's double bill sees Izzy (Cherylee Houston) reach a difficult decision as she puts a stop to the surrogacy plan, realising that the arrangement with Katy could tear them apart in the long-run.

With the idea off the table, Gary (Mikey North) is devastated over Izzy's choice, knowing that he may never fulfil his dream of becoming a father.

Aware of how important this is to Gary, a distraught Izzy advises him that he needs to be with someone who can give him what he wants. Will a shocked Gary let her call time on their relationship?

Coronation Street airs tonight at 7.30pm and 8.30pm on ITV1.

12-09-2012, 05:44
oronation Street's Izzy Armstrong and Gary Windass manage to get their relationship back on track this evening (September 12) - and it's all thanks to Owen.

As a new day dawns on the cobbles, the estranged couple are miserable following their split - and Owen (Ian Puleston-Davies) can sense that his daughter has made the wrong decision by ending things with Gary.

Later, Owen teams up with Anna to get Izzy (Cherylee Houston) and Gary (Mikey North) in the same room again, before sharing some big news - he's prepared to pay all of the surrogacy costs if they look into the idea with someone other than Katy.

Realising that they may be able to start a family together after all, Izzy and Gary are delighted - has Owen ensured that all of their dreams will come true?

Coronation Street airs tonight at 7.30pm on ITV1.

12-09-2012, 16:38
Looks like Owen saves the day,he must be feeling guilty after they way he reacted when he first found out that Katy was going to be Izzy's surrogate.

14-09-2012, 05:57
Coronation Street's Tommy Duckworth threatens to end his relationship with Tina McIntyre in tonight's (September 14) double bill of the soap.

Tommy (Chris Fountain) reaches the end of his tether after Tina officially offers to be a surrogate mother for Gary and Izzy, seeing it as a perfect way to solve her current financial mess.

The former mechanic is stunned over his girlfriend's shocking idea, and is especially hurt that she didn't consult him before approaching the Windasses and the Armstrongs with the proposal.

In the end, Tommy insists that there's no way he'll ever go along with this - adding that Tina needs to choose between him and the surrogacy. How will Tina react?

Coronation Street airs tonight at 7.30pm and 8.30pm on ITV1.

14-09-2012, 15:28
"How will Tina react? "
Tap Rita up for a few thousand ? better than having Gary on your case every minute of the day !!!!

14-09-2012, 15:28