View Full Version : Georgia May Foote - Katy Armstrong Interview

13-08-2012, 01:12
Coronation Street's Katy Armstrong makes a potentially life-changing suggestion to sister Izzy this week, offering to end her baby heartbreak by becoming a surrogate mum.

Izzy and her partner Gary are still eager to become parents, but when their adoption plans fail at the first hurdle due to Gary's criminal record, Katy shocks the pair by announcing that she'll be their surrogate.

Katy's idea will divide the extended Armstrong-Windass clan, leading to fireworks at baby Joseph's christening this Friday. In the face of disapproval, will Katy go ahead with her plan?

Digital Spy recently chatted to Georgia May Foote, who plays Katy, to hear more about the storyline.

What was your reaction when you heard that there would possibly be another baby in Katy's future?
"I just thought, 'Oh no, another body suit!' (Laughs) No, I knew it would be a really good storyline and great to sink my teeth into. I couldn't wait to get the scripts to start reading more about it."

Have you known the story was coming for a while?
"Well, we don't really get told very much until we get the scripts. We might hear a couple of things floating around in the green room, but we don't find out for sure what's going to happen until we get the scripts - which we then film two weeks later. So everyone was asking me what was going to happen, and I didn't really know myself!"

Why does Katy make the surrogacy offer to Izzy? Has she really thought it through?
"I don't think she's necessarily thought it through as much as she could have done. It's quite a spur of the moment thing, but in her mind, she just wants to repay Izzy for everything she did for her when she was younger. Izzy brought Katy up, so now she wants to help her out in return. So that's the main thing that's running through her mind."

How does Izzy react to Katy's suggestion?
"At first, she thinks it's a stupid idea. Izzy doesn't understand why Katy wants to do it, especially as she's just had a baby herself and she's still so young.

"In the end, Katy manages to twist her arm slightly. Katy, Izzy and Gary then go to see the doctor just before Joseph's christening. It's just a quick chat at that point, rather than anything serious. Izzy goes along just to keep Izzy and Gary quiet, really. But after the meeting, Izzy starts to come round to it a little bit more…"

Is Gary more keen on the idea than Izzy is?
"Yeah, he is at first. I think that's because Izzy never thought she would have a baby, so she'd already got her head around the possibility that she'd only ever be an auntie. When she had a miscarriage recently, she knew that she couldn't do that to herself again.

"But Gary still hasn't come down from that cloud - he's doing everything to stay up there and make sure that they do have a baby. It's just driving him mad - it's all he wants to do."

Chesney has no idea that Katy, Izzy and Gary have gone to the appointment. Why doesn't Katy consult him?
"I don't think she necessarily does it on purpose. She just becomes so wrapped up in everything, and it all happens so quickly. Katy gets Gary and Izzy interested in the idea, then they go to the doctors, and afterwards they have to dash off to the christening. Chesney then finds out at the church, which wasn't planned! Katy hasn't ignored Chesney on purpose - she was going to tell him."

Why does the truth come out at the christening?
"It's because Owen wants to know why Gary, Izzy and Katy were late arriving at the church. He doesn't believe them when they say they were just running late, and he keeps pestering them about it. Gary eventually blurts out that they were at the doctors, but Owen is confused because he wants to know why Katy was there.

"Obviously Owen is being very overprotective and he won't let it drop. In the end, Gary explodes and reveals why they were really at the doctors. Owen thinks Katy being a surrogate is an absolutely stupid idea, and then it all kicks off! Owen just can't see the logic in what they're planning."

Do the arguments ruin the christening, or does everyone pull together for Joseph's sake?
"It does ruin the christening, and everyone ends up going their separate ways! There are arguments between Katy and Chesney, too. They're both also angry with Owen for making a scene at the christening. Nobody's happy with anybody really, and it'll take quite a lot to get them all back together."

Will Katy take Owen's disapproval into account?
"No, I don't think she will. In her head, Katy thinks it's the right thing to do for Izzy. She doesn't understand why everyone's being so horrible about it - she just wants to help her sister out. She hopes that she can make Owen understand why she wants to do it."

Will Chesney come round to the idea?
"Yeah, he does in the end. At first, he's very mad at Katy for not telling him, but he does eventually say that he'll stand by Katy if it's what she wants. He still makes it clear that he's not over the moon about it, though!"

After two years at Corrie, how are you finding your time at the show?
"It's absolutely flown by. Time flies by when you're having fun, and I'm definitely having fun. Maybe the next two years will fly by as well. We'll just have to see - I might end up like Bill Roache!"

How long did it take to settle in on the show?
"I think I had a bit of an advantage, because a few months before I started as Katy, I'd been there for a couple of days as a different character. I kind of got the nerves out of the way then!

"I'd say maybe a year down the line was when I really felt like I'd found my feet and got to know everybody. So this last year has been really good and really comfortable - I've really enjoyed myself."

Whatever happens with the surrogacy idea, is it going to be a busy time ahead for the Armstrong-Windass clan?
"Yeah, we've had a really busy couple of months. I think I'm going to be quiet again now just for a little bit, but then by the end of this year I'll be quite busy again. So there'll be a little break - just so we're not on the screen all the time - but I think we are going to be quite a busy family. I've heard some good things from the bosses, so we'll just have to wait and see."

Are you all quite close when the cameras stop rolling?
"Definitely. I get on really well with Debbie Rush, who plays Anna. We always go for dinner together as a big family as well. We practically take up the canteen now as the family is so big! We all really get on, and the banter we have off set kind of follows us onto the set as well."

Do you think Katy and Chesney have a long-term future as a couple?
"I hope so. I think it's nice to have a couple on the street who aren't having affairs or murdering each other! They're not too lovey-dovey but they are quite a friendly couple, so it's a nice balance."

Who would you like Katy to have more scenes with?
"I've always wanted to do more in The Rovers, even though those scenes take a long time to film! Now that Katy is 18, I've actually started having quite a few Rovers scenes which is really exciting - especially working with Sue Johnston now that she's joined the show.

"I recently had a scene with Sue where I was quite snappy towards her character Gloria, so afterwards I apologised to her! It was my first scene with her so I didn't want to offend her!"

What are your hobbies outside of work? Is there anything about you that would surprise Corrie fans?
"There's nothing too surprising - I like shopping, going to the cinema, and spending nights in with a DVD and a takeaway. I enjoy seeing a lot of my family, as I'm quite a family girl. People may be surprised that I can play the French horn but I can't read music - so I don't know how I do it!"

Finally, what would you be doing if you weren't an actress?
"Because I've acted since I was young, I've always had jobs in between, so I've worked in a pub and stuff like that. Before joining Corrie, I was actually going to university to do criminal psychology, because I did really well in that at college. So if I wasn't an actress, I'd probably still be studying to do that!"

13-05-2013, 10:25
Coronation Street star Georgia May Foote has signed a new contract that will see her stay in the soap for at least another year.

Foote's new 12-month deal will run until next May and will make the actress, who plays Katy Armstrong, one of the higher earners among the younger cast.

A source said to The Sun: "It is really brilliant news for everyone at Corrie that Georgia has agreed to stay on. She's a brilliant actress who has impressed everyone with the way she has taken to playing Katy.

"On top of that she is a stunning young girl and very popular with male viewers. The improved deal we've given her reflects how highly we rate her."

Show bosses were apparently keen to keep Foote following the announcement that Michelle Keegan is leaving the soap.

The source said: "Losing Michelle will be a huge blow. The fact she's won 'Sexiest Female' at the Soap Awards four years running shows just how popular she is.

"But Georgia has got a real chance of taking her crown this year, which would cement her place as a rising star."

Foote joined the soap in 2010. Recent storylines have seen her character Katy break up with Chesney Brown after having a fling with Ryan Connor.

13-05-2013, 20:35
i find the character annoying more so now she don't seem to want her kid and has taken up with ryan

13-05-2013, 21:05
i find the character annoying more so now she don't seem to want her kid and has taken up with ryan

My feelings exactly. I've always gotten the feeling that Chesney wants Joseph more than Katy does, but it's getting ridiculous now. I even find Faye more tolerable than Katy and that's saying something!

14-05-2013, 13:42
i find the character annoying more so now she don't seem to want her kid and has taken up with ryan

I think lumping her with Ryan is a mistake

15-05-2013, 08:44
a big mistake, I know she needed a story but I don't think that this was the right one. I think she has potential to be a good character but I think because Ryan is so awful she becomes annoying when she is with him .

15-05-2013, 20:05
*Yawn* Can Katy do anything but dump her child these days?!

09-02-2014, 17:06
Coronation Street star Georgia May Foote has signed a new one-year contract with the soap.

The deal means that the actress, who plays Katy Armstrong, will remain on the long-running ITV programme until at least early 2015.

According to The Sun, Foote has had her salary increased to £100,000 to keep her on the show, along with her co-star Paula Lane.

Lane, who stars as Kylie Platt, has apparently been offered the same pay rise after she agreed to stay on Coronation Street for another 12 months.

The star took to Twitter last month to reveal that she had signed a new contract.

She wrote: "So it's confirmed I'm stopping on't cobbles for another year from this summer. #bringiton"

The tabloid reports that Lane has been promised a certain number of appearances over the year, while Foote has been given a new romantic storyline.

09-02-2014, 17:09
Are you kidding! That is a ridiculous amount of money for a very poor actress!

09-02-2014, 18:43
And an insult to Paula Lane. Can't believe they're on the same salary :eek:

10-02-2014, 07:46
I suppose the person playing maria connor is on 100k too. Paula lane should get a lot more than these characters.

10-02-2014, 08:31
Coronation Street actress Georgia May Foote has denied reports that she has signed a new one-year contract with the ITV soap.

It was claimed that the 22-year-old would continue her role as Katy Armstrong until at least early 2015 with a big salary increase.

However, Foote has taken to Twitter to deny signing a year-long contract, said to be worth £100,000.

"Ive signed a new year have i? Oooh well i dont remember that? Its not due for another 3 months? X," the actress wrote.

Co-star Paula Lane, who stars as Kylie Platt, was allegedly offered the same pay rise after she agreed to stay on Coronation Street for another 12 months.

Lane took to Twitter last month to confirm that she had signed a new contract.

31-03-2014, 05:52
Georgia May Foote has stated that she will stay on Coronation Street until she is no longer needed.

The actress, who first appeared as Katy Armstrong in the ITV soap in July 2010, told the Daily Star Sunday that she is happy to continue after her current contract runs out, but added that at some point she would like to take on new projects.

"I'm happy to stay for as long as they will have me," Foote said. "I saw our boss Stuart Blackburn the other day, and we've been talking about storylines that are going on after my contract expires. So it looks like I'll be around for a bit longer.

"I've been working since I was 9, and I know what it's like out there, but I do still have the urge to go off and try different things in the future.

"I can't believe how quickly the past four years have gone now and how much stuff Katy has been through."

Foote also discussed her new romance storyline, in which Katy will be involved with newcomer Dean Fagan's character Luke.

"I've been told Katy will start seeing Luke, and we've just filmed some scenes where she goes for a job as a receptionist at the new gym," she explained.

"I haven't yet filmed anything with [Fagan]. But I've been joking that I might have to stand on something for our kissing scenes as he's so tall."

Fagan previously told Digital Spy about the storyline in his first exclusive interview since joining Coronation Street.

"Hopefully that can develop into something serious," he said. "I haven't filmed too much with Georgia yet, but we've had chats in the green room and she's a really lovely girl.

"I'm really looking forward to working more with her."

27-04-2014, 11:09
Coronation Street star Georgia May Foote is to exit the ITV soap.

The actress - who has appeared as Katy Armstrong since 2010 - will leave Weatherfield at the end of the year.

Producer Stuart Blackburn confirmed that the character will not be killed off, suggesting that Foote could return to the soap in the future.

He said: "Georgia is a talented actress who has been a great asset to the show. The decision to write out the character of Katy Armstrong is based on storyline discussions and will be one of the consequences of the current drama involving the Windass/Armstrong clan.

"Katy will not be killed off and the door will be left open for a possible return. We wish Georgia every success with her future career."

Foote added: "I have had an amazing four years on Coronation Street. I have had some fantastic storylines and worked with some wonderful actors."

Looking to the future, the 23-year-old said that she is looking forward to filming her exit scenes and is keen to try out new roles.

She said: "I am very excited about what the future holds. Whilst I will be sorry to say goodbye to Weatherfield, I am looking forward to the challenge of new roles.

"Having worked on other dramas such as Grange Hill and This Is England before I joined the cast, I always knew that I would want to try other roles again in the future.

"I am hugely grateful for the opportunities Coronation Street has given me and I am very excited about my exit storyline."

Last month, Foote said that she would stay on the long-running soap "for as long as they will have [her]" and seemed optimistic about her future on Coronation Street.

She said: "I saw our boss Stuart Blackburn the other day, and we've been talking about storylines that are going on after my contract expires. So it looks like I'll be around for a bit longer."

28-04-2014, 22:00
she kills phelan and goes on the run

28-04-2014, 23:11
Is that a guess or have you heard something from somewhere?

29-04-2014, 04:34
she kills phelan and goes on the run

I like that storyline, if it is one ....

29-04-2014, 04:34
she kills phelan and goes on the run

I like that storyline, if it is one ....

29-04-2014, 14:36
what happens to joseph then? must get left behind with chesney.

01-05-2014, 20:18
Is that a guess or have you heard something from somewhere?

just guessing

01-05-2014, 20:18
Is that a guess or have you heard something from somewhere?

just guessing

01-05-2014, 22:45
Her leaving has to do with phelan's story that's for sure

02-05-2014, 04:42
Her leaving has to do with phelan's story that's for sure

I agree, and I like your guess about her being his killer :D

02-05-2014, 04:42
Her leaving has to do with phelan's story that's for sure

I agree, and I like your guess about her being his killer :D

26-08-2014, 12:25
Coronation Street star Georgia May Foote has discussed her impending exit from the show, adding that she will be filming her final scenes next February.

It was announced earlier this year that the actress will be leaving the soap, having played Katy Armstrong since 2010.

Speaking to Inside Soap, Foote said: "I have just found out that I am filming my final scenes in February.

"I'm not sure how I will be written out yet, but I have been told Katy won't be killed off. Mind you, the writers keep changing their mind, so who knows? I could end up being Rob's next victim.

"I think there is going to be a lot of family drama in the lead-up to my departure, so I am preparing myself for a busy few months."

Coronation Street's executive producer recently discussed Katy's exit with Digital Spy, adding that the decision to write her out of the show was storyline-led.

03-09-2014, 21:49
I think corrie wasted an opportunity with Katy, she could have been a good character. Now I just find her ever so dull

05-10-2014, 04:58
Georgia May Foote has joined modelling agency Select Model Management.

The 23-year-old star is best known for playing Katy Armstrong in the long-running soap opera Coronation Street, but will be leaving the show in the coming months.

Foote posted a photo of a Select Model Management studio on Saturday (October 4) on her Instagram account, along with the caption: "So happy to announce i have been signed by @selectmodelmgmt ! Amazing opportunities to come. I cant wait to work with everyone at Select!!"

Select Model Management represents many of the top models in the industry, including Agyness Deyn, Brooklyn Decker, Devon Aoki and Amanda Hendrick.

Foote's previous work outside of Coronation Street has included playing Alison Simmons in Grange Hill, and having guest roles in Emmerdale and Doctors.

27-01-2015, 12:38
Coronation Street star Georgia May Foote has teased that her character Katy Armstrong could be heading for heartbreak as she embarks on a fling with Callum Logan.

Katy will start to fall for Callum (Sean Ward) after they clash next week when she spots him chatting to his young son Max.

Despite warnings from David and other street residents, Katy continues to be taken in by Callum's charms, unaware that he is using her for his own personal gain.

Speaking about whether Katy is heading for trouble, Foote said: "Yes, definitely. Especially as her family will learn of Callum's reputation and won't want her going near him. Her dad really doesn't agree with her seeing him.

"It's always going to end in tears because Callum's main motive isn't because he likes Katy and wants to be with her, but because she's a hook for him to bring him back to the Street to be near to Max and to wind David up.

"I think she knows deep down that he's not the type to settle down with."

Foote also revealed that Katy will continue to ignore warnings from her loved ones as she grows closer to Callum, admitting that her alter ego is drawn to his dark side.

She said: "Katy's attitude is very much careless - she just thinks, 'I don't care what you're all saying because I'm going to do it anyway'.

"Katy just doesn't rise to it and she tries to ignore it all. She tells herself that as long as she thinks he's okay, then that's all that matters.

"I think Katy likes a bad boy anyway so she's definitely drawn to him and his edgy ways. That's why she was attracted to Ryan! Deep down though I think she must know that Callum's only hanging around to get at David."

27-01-2015, 15:25
You would think after Ryan, she would stay far away from anyone involved with drugs

sarah c
28-01-2015, 09:52
You would think after Ryan, she would stay far away from anyone involved with drugs

maybe she will OD? thats her exit

28-01-2015, 10:57
That is what I am thinking too, Sarah

28-01-2015, 13:10
she and joseph go to live with her mother in portugal

28-01-2015, 13:18
That would be unfair on Chesney to lose his son like that :(

28-01-2015, 17:38
That would be unfair on Chesney to lose his son like that :(

well if he is looking after sinead full time recovering he may let her take him for a time but i prefer ches to keep joseph

28-01-2015, 17:38
That would be unfair on Chesney to lose his son like that :(

well if he is looking after sinead full time recovering he may let her take him for a time but i prefer ches to keep joseph

28-01-2015, 19:46
I can't see Ches letting Katy move away to another country with his son

28-01-2015, 19:59
as Lizann said though .. working and taking care of Sinead won't leave him with much time to look after Joseph too

28-01-2015, 20:57
as Lizann said though .. working and taking care of Sinead won't leave him with much time to look after Joseph too

I thought perhaps Sinead had been selected
to be the one to be seriously injured to
give the character a storyline.
But it could also be to give Ches a lot to do
looking after her- so not able to look after
Joseph and so becomes part of Katys

28-01-2015, 20:57
as Lizann said though .. working and taking care of Sinead won't leave him with much time to look after Joseph too

I thought perhaps Sinead had been selected
to be the one to be seriously injured to
give the character a storyline.
But it could also be to give Ches a lot to do
looking after her- so not able to look after
Joseph and so becomes part of Katys

28-01-2015, 20:59
as Lizann said though .. working and taking care of Sinead won't leave him with much time to look after Joseph too

I cant see Sinead wanting to be the reason Ches loses Joseph either, this will cause problems in their relationship, Sinead adores Joseph too

28-01-2015, 21:04
That would upset chesney if she moved. They would have to show him going abroad to see him but corrie script writers will be unrealistic again.
Maybe it will open up a new beginning for chesney and his partner. maybe they will have a baby after she gains the use of her legs and recovers.

11-02-2015, 15:16
Coronation Street star Georgia May Foote has revealed that show newcomer Linda Armstrong will ultimately win the support of her daughters over the next few weeks.

Linda, who is the mother of Foote's character Katy Armstrong, shocked her estranged family by making an unexpected appearance in Weatherfield in Monday night's double bill.

While Linda didn't get a warm welcome from the Armstrongs and Windasses, future episodes will see Katy become curious to find out exactly why her mum walked out when she was a baby.

Once it becomes clear that Owen has been lying to his daughters about the reasons for Linda's departure, the situation changes drastically as he finds himself in the firing line.

Appearing on ITV's This Morning with on-screen mum Jacqueline Leonard today (February 11), Foote commented: "Katy really wants to hear Linda's side of it. Obviously she's never met her, she's never had the opportunity. She's not got memories of her.

"We do have a chat. Izzy then finds out the truth and it just literally flips."

The storyline paves the way for Katy's departure from the cobbles as she decides to join Linda out in Portugal.

Discussing the storyline and her own future, Foote added: "She goes off to Portugal - she waves off goodbye. I'm very excited. I'm a bit sad - obviously I'm going to miss loads of people, the crew, the production team, my cast mates and all that, but I'm ready. It's been nearly five years now so it's a long stint to do there and I'm excited."
Jacqueline Leonard and Georgia May Foote on This Morning
© Rex Features / Ken McKay/ITV
Jacqueline Leonard and Georgia May Foote

Foote is celebrating her 24th birthday today and was presented with a cake and a bunch of flowers towards the end of her interview.

She said: "It's got my name on it and everything! Thank you, that's made my day. I'm so lucky!"

12-02-2015, 06:17
Seems more realistic than some people who leave corrie... she knows its hard out there

04-07-2017, 04:23
Speculation in Daily Star Sunday that she might return as Chesney got stabbed and asked Daniel to get Katie's number so he could speak to Joseph..........

11-10-2017, 12:16
Is Katy getting killed off?


13-10-2017, 07:07
Coronation Street kills off Georgia May Foote’s character Katy Armstrong
Coronation Street is to kill off Georgia May Foote’s character Katy Armstrong in an off screen death, leading to Chesney Brown heading out to Portugal in order to bring home his son Joseph.
Previous spoilers had revealed that Izzy would get a call from her dad Owen with bad news that would lead to Chesney heading abroad – a move which sees Sinead Tinker view him in a new light and decide that he is the man for her.
Owen is calling to inform Izzy that her sister has been killed in a terrible accident and this leads to Chesney bringing Joseph home. Pictures had already been released showing Chesney’s unease at seeing Daniel Osbourne spending time with Sinead and Joseph in scenes that will air in coming weeks.
Georgia played Katy for five years before leaving in 2015. Her storylines included giving birth at Christmas to baby Joseph and an affair with Ryan Connor which divided her from Chesney.
Coronation Street will air these scenes next week.

What a shame ... don't like characters being killed off off-screen :(

13-10-2017, 09:34
Those that leave with a child by a current character are always at greatest risk too :( Can't they be more imaginitive.

This is just heaping misery on Anna and Izzy also.

15-10-2017, 21:26
I think they think there is a shortage of brats on the street. I wish Chesney left the street and Sinaed. No point to these characters at all. By introducing his kid they are dragging it on.