View Full Version : Corrie Spoilers 30th July - 3rd August

19-07-2012, 12:05
EP: 7921 Monday 30 July 2012 19:30

Is Ryan’s behaviour spiralling out of control?
Gary’s devastated by Izzy’s revelation
And Karl can’t resist the chance of winning Stella back.


EP: 7922 Monday 30 July 2012 20:30

Michelle forces Ryan to face the consequences of his actions.
Can Gary let Izzy go?
And Kevin and Sally grow closer.


EP: 7923 Thursday 02 August 2012

Tyrone faces Kirsty’s wrath when his deal with Tommy is exposed.
Michelle goes to great lengths to repair the damage caused by Ryan.
And is Karl ready to give up on his past?


EP: 7924 Friday 03 August 2012

Has Tina uncovered the truth about Tyrone and Kirsty’s relationship?
Steve makes the wrong move.
And Sylvia struggles being so far away from Milton.


EP: 7925 Friday 03 August 2012

Kirsty delivers a chilling threat to Tyrone.
Norris’ security measures backfire.
And does Steve still have a chance at romance?

19-07-2012, 14:47
Sylvia is back just what the show needs hopefully some classic lines from her and plenty scenes with Roy and Mary

sarah c
19-07-2012, 14:49
Sylvia is back just what the show needs hopefully some classic lines from her and plenty scenes with Roy and Mary

yes some acid put-downa are needed generally on the Street - chanell Blanche I say!!

22-07-2012, 00:48
Coronation Street has also seen a character transformation, in Ryan Connor - now played by Sol Heras. We already know that the former student has returned to Weatherfield a lazy, lager-guzzling womaniser... but wait for it... he also snorts cocaine in his spare time.

Michelle, along with Steve, catches the rebel in the Rovers' toilets before dragging him out and screaming at him in front of a crowded pub. Fellow Weatherfield newcomer Rob also has some choice words for his disgraced nephew.

Gaining a bad reputation, is Ryan heading for villainous territory?




These Coronation Street scenes air on Monday, July 30 at 8.30pm on ITV1.

22-07-2012, 00:48

Ryan suggests to Kylie and David that they should meet up for a few beers later. David would prefer a night in, but Kylie tells him that he's boring and old before his time. She then puts on her make-up and heads out to meet Ryan, leaving David gobsmacked.

Kylie and Ryan proceed to get drunk in the Bistro. Nick is forced to ask them to leave and they head for The Rovers. Kylie is enjoying herself, but when Ryan returns from the gents clearly buzzing and offers some coke to Kylie, will she oblige?

Meanwhile, back home from hospital, Izzy visits Doctor Carter, who assures Gary and Izzy that it'll be safe to start trying for another baby in a couple of months. But when Izzy breaks the news to Gary that she doesn't want to try for another baby, how will he react?

Elsewhere, Sunita picks the kids up from Dev and promises that she wants him to have joint custody and to be a big part of their lives. Later, Karl gets a text from Stella, and making excuses to Sunita, he heads off to the pub.

Also, Steve is chuffed when Michelle thanks him for being so kind to Ryan, Kevin reveals that he's got to find a new childminder as Jack's current one is moving away, Sophie is fed up with being taken for granted at the shop and tells Dev that he can stick his job, while Tommy is worn out from delivering pizzas in the evening on top of his day job at the garage.

Kylie is furious with Ryan for offering her drugs and storms off home. Ryan is unfazed, David is incensed when he hears what happened. Barging into Michelle's flat, David angrily explains that her son is a druggie.

An upset Michelle heads to the pub to confront Ryan, storming into the gents closely followed by Steve. As she peers over the cubicle door, Michelle is horrified to find Ryan snorting coke and drags him out. In the middle of a busy pub, Michelle screams at Ryan for taking drugs. But Ryan is high as a kite and takes no notice, so Michelle resorts to desperate measures to get his attention.

Meanwhile, Izzy assures Gary that she loves him with all her heart, but she'll understand if he meets someone else who can give him a family. Is this the end for the couple?

Elsewhere, Stella explains to Karl that she's consulted a solicitor and she wants him to sign over the pub and mortgage to her. When he tries to object, Stella furiously points out that he owes her big time for all the debts he ran up. Karl leaves a broken man.


Steve takes Michelle to the police station to collect Ryan. He has convinced the police that his drug-taking was a one-off and they let him go with a caution. Ryan then lies to Michelle, saying that Kylie gave him the coke. Back on the street, Michelle angrily confronts Kylie, who vehemently denies this - telling Michelle to wise up to her son's lies.

At home, Ryan is horrified as Michelle cuts up his bank cards. Ryan is forced to admit that he lied about Kylie, but swears his drug-taking was a one-off. Michelle believes him, but as she heads to the pub to apologise to Kylie, will Ryan keep his nose clean?

Meanwhile, Kirsty is seething when she finds out from Tommy how Tyrone has given him a break from his loan repayments so he can take Tina away for the weekend. Angry with Tyrone for failing to tell her about Tommy's holiday and how he's funding it, Kirsty loses her temper once more.

Elsewhere, Sunita is furious to hear that Stella expects Karl to sign over the pub and vows to fight his corner, insisting that half the pub is his. But when she tells Stella that he won't be signing, Stella points out to Sunita that now Karl is hers, so are his debts! Karl promises to sign the pub over to Stella on the condition that she doesn't tell Sunita.

Also today, Owen, Gary, Izzy and Katy take Chesney for his first legal pint in The Rovers, while a distressed Sylvia tells Roy that she's heard Milton has broken his leg.


Tyrone nurses his bruises while Kirsty apologises and tries to explain her appalling actions. At Kirsty's insistence, Tyrone tells Tommy that he has reconsidered and he's not willing to let him take a repayment break, so he can't go on holiday.

Tommy is gutted and when he breaks the news to Tina about their holiday, she's furious and vows to have it out with Tyrone. But when she arrives at the garage to confront Tyrone, she's stunned to find him applying medication to his injuries…

Meanwhile, Ryan has promised Michelle that he'll never take drugs again. Under pressure from his mum, he apologises to Steve for his behaviour and asks him if he's still got a job. At pains to impress Michelle, Steve agrees to give him one more chance. But when Ryan tries to apologise to Kylie for shifting the blame on to her, David loses his cool and shoves Ryan. Steve arrives and stops a fight. Comforting Michelle, Steve takes his chance and invites her out for dinner. How will Michelle respond?

Elsewhere, when Norris complains to Emily about Tracy's lack of rent contribution, Tracy offers to clean the house including his bedroom. How will Norris react?

Also today, Sylvia tells Roy that she's certain Milton wishes she was with him in his hour of need

Tyrone hurriedly pulls his top back on and refuses to discuss his injuries. Kirsty then arrives, and with a look from Tyrone, Tina is forced to drop it. Alone, Kirsty tearfully explains to Tyrone how she only flies into a temper when he puts his friends before her and she feels second best. Tyrone promises that it won't happen again.

As Tyrone meets up with Tina for a drink, he comes clean about Kirsty beating him up, but insists it's his fault for provoking her. Tina is horrified, but Tyrone makes her promise not to tell anyone. At home, Kirsty breaks down and, comparing herself to her dad, tells Tyrone that she understands if he wants to leave her. Will Tyrone end his abusive relationship with Kirsty?

Meanwhile, Michelle admits to Maria how Steve made a pass at her - she slapped him down, but now regrets it and thinks she may have been too hasty. Michelle then invites Steve for a drink and apologises for biting his head off. As she thanks him for all he's done for Ryan, will Steve risk having another crack at Michelle?

Elsewhere, Emily is cross with Norris for padlocking his bedroom and offending Tracy. But while Norris is taking a nap, Tracy padlocks him into his bedroom then turns up the TV to drown out Norris's cries for help. Shouting from his bedroom window, will Norris escape? And how will Emily react to Tracy's games?

Also today, Roy surprises Sylvia with a flight to go and see Milton. She decides to accept the gift, but will she go as far as allowing her son to give her a farewell hug?

22-07-2012, 17:44
How is Ryan suppose to be Rob's nephew?

26-07-2012, 08:12
Coronation Street's Alan Halsall has maintained that Tyrone Dobbs will stay loyal to girlfriend Kirsty Soames.

Troubled Kirsty (Natalie Gumede) will hurt Tyrone again next week, leaving him with severe bruises.

Speaking to Soaplife, Halsall claimed: "I think he is genuinely in love with her so I don't think he has any doubts at all. He puts her anger down to her hormones and when she does lose her temper, she has apologised and begged for his forgiveness.

"She is the mother of his unborn child and so he wants to see the good in her, not the anger or the violence.

"I think he could put up with it for a while, as they're only small moments of violence and you hear stories of similar situations that last for years."

Meanwhile, the actor further suggested that Tyrone will not become terrified of Kirsty, explaining: "Natalie and I have tried to play the scenes realistically, so rather than have Tyrone cower in a corner, he stands his ground or walks out on her. But he feels helpless to stop her."

Of Tyrone confiding in Tina (Michelle Keegan) over the abuse, Halsall added: "At first, I think it's a relief for Tyrone to finally tell somebody about what has been going on, but then he's terrified Tina will tell other people and so begs her to keep quiet."

Tyrone and Tina's Coronation Street scenes air during next Friday's (August 3) double bill on ITV1.

26-07-2012, 08:12
Coronation Street's Alan Halsall has maintained that Tyrone Dobbs will stay loyal to girlfriend Kirsty Soames.

Troubled Kirsty (Natalie Gumede) will hurt Tyrone again next week, leaving him with severe bruises.

Speaking to Soaplife, Halsall claimed: "I think he is genuinely in love with her so I don't think he has any doubts at all. He puts her anger down to her hormones and when she does lose her temper, she has apologised and begged for his forgiveness.

"She is the mother of his unborn child and so he wants to see the good in her, not the anger or the violence.

"I think he could put up with it for a while, as they're only small moments of violence and you hear stories of similar situations that last for years."

Meanwhile, the actor further suggested that Tyrone will not become terrified of Kirsty, explaining: "Natalie and I have tried to play the scenes realistically, so rather than have Tyrone cower in a corner, he stands his ground or walks out on her. But he feels helpless to stop her."

Of Tyrone confiding in Tina (Michelle Keegan) over the abuse, Halsall added: "At first, I think it's a relief for Tyrone to finally tell somebody about what has been going on, but then he's terrified Tina will tell other people and so begs her to keep quiet."

Tyrone and Tina's Coronation Street scenes air during next Friday's (August 3) double bill on ITV1.

02-08-2012, 07:10
Coronation Street's Michelle Connor has a public slanging match with Kylie and Gail in tonight's (August 2) episode of the soap.

Michelle (Kym Marsh) is concerned for Ryan after catching him with drugs the previous day, but when he claims that Kylie led him astray by supplying the cocaine, he provides his mum with a convenient scapegoat.

Soon afterwards, Michelle angrily confronts Kylie (Paula Lane) on the street, blaming her for everything. As Kylie protests her innocence, Gail (Helen Worth) fiercely defends her wrongly-accused daughter-in-law.

Michelle makes no apologies for her outburst, but how will she react when Ryan confesses that he has lied yet again?


Coronation Street airs tonight at 8.30pm on ITV1.

02-08-2012, 15:43
Coronation Street star Ryan Thomas has said that he is pleased over his character Jason Grimshaw's reunion with Maria Connor.

The actor told PA that he is unsure of what the future holds for the pair following their recent decision to start dating again.

Praising the plot development, Thomas commented: "She was one of the first girls he ever went out with. I think he's just done a big round circle and come back. It's been great, I've enjoyed working on it.

"They've got all the right qualities to last as a couple but you just don't know. Couples don't seem to last too long on Corrie and if they do, there's always things that get in the way of relationships in soaps, so we'll wait and see."

The 28-year-old, who is up for 'Sexiest Male' at this year's Inside Soap Awards, added that he is unfazed about stripping off on screen.

He explained: "I don't get nervous before those scenes any more - the actors are all quite comfortable with each other and we know each other quite well, so it's not too bad."

Coronation Street continues tonight (August 2) at 8.30pm on ITV1.

02-08-2012, 15:43
Coronation Street star Ryan Thomas has said that he is pleased over his character Jason Grimshaw's reunion with Maria Connor.

The actor told PA that he is unsure of what the future holds for the pair following their recent decision to start dating again.

Praising the plot development, Thomas commented: "She was one of the first girls he ever went out with. I think he's just done a big round circle and come back. It's been great, I've enjoyed working on it.

"They've got all the right qualities to last as a couple but you just don't know. Couples don't seem to last too long on Corrie and if they do, there's always things that get in the way of relationships in soaps, so we'll wait and see."

The 28-year-old, who is up for 'Sexiest Male' at this year's Inside Soap Awards, added that he is unfazed about stripping off on screen.

He explained: "I don't get nervous before those scenes any more - the actors are all quite comfortable with each other and we know each other quite well, so it's not too bad."

Coronation Street continues tonight (August 2) at 8.30pm on ITV1.

03-08-2012, 00:30
Coronation Street's Tina McIntyre is horrified this evening (August 3) as she finds out about Tyrone's ordeal with violent Kirsty.

This evening's double bill sees Tyrone (Alan Halsall) tell Tommy that he can't have time off for a holiday with Tina after all, keen to pacify Kirsty following her latest shocking outburst.

Tina (Michelle Keegan) is furious over Tyrone's sudden u-turn, but when she turns up at the garage to confront him, she's shocked to spot his injuries as he has taken off his shirt for a moment.

Tyrone is reluctant to discuss the situation, but later confides in Tina about how Kirsty has been treating him. Can he convince Tina to keep quiet over this?


Coronation Street airs tonight at 7.30pm and 8.30pm on ITV1.