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24-02-2005, 18:33
EPISODE 12 – “The Lonely Hearts Club”

It’s the day before Valentine’s Day and the Cohen kitchen looks like a giant flower cart. Seth reminds his dad that there’s such a thing as overkill. Ryan asks if Seth’s still broken up over the Alex breakup? No, apparently that was child’s play compared to what Seth’s dealing with now. It seems the Universe is conspiring to get him and Summer back together. Why else would they be taking a road trip to San Diego on the one year anniversary of their sexual tête-*-tête? Ryan reminds Seth that they’re also going with Zach -- Summer’s boyfriend, remember him? Seth casually mentions that he would be more confident about that scenario had he and Summer not just made out. Well, ok, they didn’t make out exactly but they did have the most sexually charged nose graze in the history of nose grazes. Just then, Kirsten enters the kitchen and when Sandy hands her a bouquet of roses, she grinds them down the garbage disposal and walks out without uttering a word. Looks like Seth isn’t the only one at odds with the Universe.

Ryan shows up at Lindsay’s doorstep with a Happy-Day-Before-Valentine’s-Day rose and asks if she wants to take some time off from taking time off. She does… with one caveat. Anything. Apologize to Caleb. Except that.

Julie returns home to find Lindsay taking care of Caleb. So she moves on up to Marissa’s room, where she appears to be equally unwanted. But Julie’s had an epiphany in Europe. She wants her and Marissa to become friends again. And to kick off their new friendship, Julie invites Marissa out to dinner. When Marissa declines, Julie threatens to take away her cell phone. Marissa congratulates her mom on her excellent trust-building strategy.

To avoid any future run-ins with Kirsten, Sandy checks Rebecca into a quaint hotel, then mentions that perhaps he’s not the best lawyer for her after all. He doesn’t know the amnesty laws all that well, and… And, Rebecca adds, it may put a strain on his marriage. Yeah, that too.

In the lobby at Wild Storm, the top notch comic book company, Seth tries to calm down a nervous Zach and Summer. When Summer heads to the bathroom for a last minute flossing, Zach jokes about going backpacking with her. Backpacking? With Summer? Turns out Summer will be joining Zach in Tuscany for his sister’s wedding and then the two of them will head off to do some exploring on their own. Suddenly Seth isn’t looking so relaxed. Then the receptionist comes out and tells them their meeting has been postponed until the morning, but no worries, she’s booked them a couple rooms in town.

Ryan walks into Caleb’s study and attempts to apologize for whatever part he played in his heart attack. Caleb is surprised that Ryan was able to string so many words together. Ryan explains that he doesn’t have all that much to say to Caleb so Caleb suggests that he start by thanking him for the fine education he’s getting, the roof over his head, and everything else he’s done for him. Oh, you mean like treating me like a criminal? Caleb tells him he is a criminal. Ryan walks out and into Lindsay. Well, there’s always next Valentine’s Day.

Meanwhile, at the hotel, Seth is flustered when he discovers the sleeping arrangements involve him sleeping in an adjoining room next to Summer and Zach, so he attempts to keep them up watching bad movies all night.

Sandy meets Max at the pier to apologize for jumping ship. Max understands why Sandy can’t take on his daughter’s case. Sandy heads over to a coffee shop to pick up some green tea for Max but returns moments later to discover Max has passed away.

Back at Wild Storm, the threesome wait for their meeting but this time Seth’s operating on fifteen minutes of sleep and a heavy dose of caffeine. Executive Bernstein barely has time to introduce himself before Seth takes the ball and bounces off the walls with it. Unbeknownst to Summer and Zach, Seth has altered his pitch to include a love story between Little Miss Vixen and the Ironist. Huh? Summer and Zach attempt to apologize for Seth, but there’s no stopping him. The executive tells the gang that the idea has potential but they’re clearly not ready to forge a partnership, so he’ll see them later… preferably after high school.

Ryan returns to the Nichol’s place and announces to Lindsay that he wants one more shot with Caleb. It’ll only take a couple hours. Then he heads into Caleb’s study and challenges him to a game of pool. If Caleb wins, he stays out of his way. If Ryan wins, Caleb has to accept him as Lindsay’s boyfriend. What is this, The Color of Money? Ok, best of seven. Rack ‘em.

Back at the hotel, Summer gives Seth a chance to say whatever it is he was trying to say to her during the pitch. But instead of doing anymore talking he decides to take the bus home alone. Zach suggests that since Seth doesn’t need a ride anymore, he and Summer stay and take advantage of the romantic hotel room. It is Valentine’s Day after all.

Meanwhile at the Nichols mansion, the pool game is in full swing. Ryan announces he’s about to win but Caleb isn’t worried. He thinks Ryan’s a hothead and it takes a steady hand to play pool. It’s down to the 8 ball. Ryan calls “corner” and sinks it. Caleb doesn’t exactly offer Ryan a congratulatory hand but he does offer to pay for Ryan and Lindsay’s Valentine’s dinner. Ryan takes a rain check on the dinner. He tells Caleb and Lindsay to stay home together, maybe rent a movie… he hears “The Color of Money” is good.

Kirsten waits for Sandy to return. When he doesn’t, she calls and cancels their Valentine’s dinner reservations at the Arches. Before leaving Rebecca’s hotel, Sandy tells her he’s going to miss her, all over again. Rebecca wishes she could take it all back, that she had never run. So does he. Then, before they realize what they’re doing… they kiss. Now Sandy’s really got to go but he tells Rebecca she should stay.

Marissa drops by The Bait Shop and confides to Alex that the only thing that got her through her unbearable dinner with Mom was knowing she could come by and see her. Alex asks if she’s in the mood for the beach? The tide’s about to turn. Alex and Marissa kiss on the beach. It looks like a lot more than the tide is about to change.