View Full Version : Teenage Pregnancy

Aunt Sally
27-06-2005, 22:20
There’s this new girl in my year and she thinks she is pregnant-she's only 13, I don't really know her that well but I’ve some how got dragged into this mess, I want out. She keeps telling my best mate stuff cause we found her crying in the toilet. What can I do for her and for me

Hi your friend really needs to get a test done to confirm it and tell an adult like her parents, although they will be initially shocked at first they will deal with it and handle the situation. They worst thing she can do is keep this to herself.

If she doesn’t want to approach her parents yet, the local Brook Advisory Clinic should be able to help her and let her know what will happen as the pregnancy progresses

I’m guessing that you are of a similar age group, and although you can offer support your not really equipped to deal with this sort of problem.