View Full Version : who do you like the best

27-06-2005, 15:29
the saskia gang (maxwell her lover, anthony the big headead goon who loves himself, and craig the guy who has many personalities, changes friends all the time and bitches alot. )

or makosi's gang( kemal,derek,science,vanessa and now proberly kinga, eugene and orliath or wotever her name is.)

personally i cant stand saskia's gang. they all think they are so great and perfect and better than everyone else. they all think they got a really good chance of winning!

27-06-2005, 15:35
I like Max and Craig but also like Kemal and Derek so i'm lost really! :)

27-06-2005, 16:33
Too be honest, ive gone right off the lot of them! :rolleyes:

27-06-2005, 16:37
i love makosi's gang! Kemal's hilarious!!!

27-06-2005, 17:47
Still loving the Max... quite like Craig too.
Kemal is okay.. but as for Makosi (who thinks she is so important she speaks of herself in the third person) and Vanessa (bitching is all she is capable of doing....and even then she is crap at it) and Science (his time is up for me as he gives me a headache ranting on about being hard done to.. what rubbish) but Derek is okay in very small doses.

Saskia is alright and stands up for herself which I admire.....not so admiring of the way she treats max though.. but they are good friends for def... very like minded. Anthony maybe has outstayed his welcome. Craig can be fun.

So I want to see.......Makosi, Vanessa, Science and Anthony go... Orla can stay but Eugene is an idiot and Kinga is downright repulsive in all ways particularly in regards to her personality which needs an overall.

27-06-2005, 18:27
i cannot stand the max gang! i really liked max till this week. he is not coming across well to me! the scab incident has put me off him completely and as for saskia dont even ghet me started. she had better go this week

27-06-2005, 19:26
Saskia is REALLY strating to bug me!!

27-06-2005, 20:16
Both groups are ok, but i dont like certain pople in both groups.

I dont like Antony that much, and i'm not sure about Craig. Both of them seem kind f suspicous to me...

Makosi and Kemal are histerical, but hte rest of that gang can get really annoying.