View Full Version : EastEnders spoilers Week 23 (5th - 8th June 2012)

17-05-2012, 09:42

Jean is horrified to discover that Michael’s investment scheme doesn’t exist, and with The Vic low on stock Roxy soon becomes suspicious.
Michael’s back on The Square, but will he save Jean in time?

Following Masood’s strange behaviour, Zainab questions whether he is having an affair - and is shocked by his response.


Michael goes to extreme lengths to discredit Jean - but will his plan pay off?
Zainab tries to convince Afia and Tamwar to save their marriage, but can she curb Afia’s desire for adventure?

Masoods secret desire is revealed to a shocked Zainab.


Tamwar and Affia confront the problems in their marriage - but do they have the strength to overcome them?
Derek offers to help Lucy, who is struggling with supplies for the café, but she soon realises that his nice guy routine is all an act.

Roxy is desperate for Alfie to return to help find the missing money, but is disheartened when he arrives back with Kat.


Lucy seeks revenge on Derek, but it is Alice who is in her firing line.
There are fireworks all round, as Kat kicks Roxy out of the Vic and confronts Michael.

Alfie kickstarts Queen Vic FC, seeing a great money spinning opportunity.

17-05-2012, 10:16
It be fun if Mas likes to dress in women's clothes :p

18-05-2012, 10:14
So who is looking after Bobby now Ian is vanished? Is it Lucy?

18-05-2012, 22:51
So who is looking after Bobby now Ian is vanished? Is it Lucy?

Oh he probably is staying at Jane's as that would the easiest way out.

27-05-2012, 00:48
EastEnders' Jean Slater is left distraught next month when ruthless Michael Moon goes to extreme lengths to cover up his con.

Jean (Gillian Wright) has made a number of payments to the schemer in recent weeks, handing over her scratch card winnings and savings from the Queen Vic after Michael (Steve John Shepherd) fooled her into thinking that she was investing in the boxing gym.

However, Jean soon discovers that Michael's investment scheme doesn't actually exist when he refuses to hand the money back over to her. A panicking Jean then tells Janine and Roxy what's been going on, but Michael insists that Jean is obsessed with him and it's all a fantasy.

Janine and Roxy are unsure over who to believe, so Michael goes all-out to prove that Jean is unstable by planting various items in her possession - including baby gear, Amy's christening bracelet and Janine's baby scan.

Michael is relieved when his cruel stunt makes everyone doubt Jean, believing that she is unwell again.

Although Jean's world is crumbling around her, she continues to put up a fight by begging Michael to stop playing his malicious games and tell everyone the truth.

Unfortunately for Jean, Michael callously acts oblivious to her claims, leaving her distraught that the truth may never come out and Kat and Alfie will have lost all of their savings…



EastEnders airs these scenes on Thursday, June 7 at 7.30pm on BBC One.

29-05-2012, 00:52

It's Jubilee Day, but Jean struggles to enjoy the celebrations as she is panicking over Michael's refusal to hand her money back. Wanting answers, Jean pays a visit to the boxing gym and consults Jack about Michael's financial scheme to help local children. However, Jean finally learns that the scheme doesn't actually exist when Jack doesn't appear to know anything about it.

Realising she's been conned, a sickened Jean then returns to The Vic, where Roxy is fretting after discovering that they have no food and an empty barrel store on such a busy day for custom. Jean tries to make an excuse, but Roxy soon realises that the phone has also been unplugged, meaning that Alfie wouldn't be able to get through. Soon afterwards, Alfie does phone The Vic, but Jean lies that everything is fine and refuses to let Roxy speak to him.

Later, Michael and Janine arrive back from their Paris holiday. Janine soon announces that she'll no longer be getting married at an expensive venue as she wants to tie the knot in the Square, just like Pat and Frank did. When Michael enters The Vic, he dismisses Jean when she tries to talk to him. Running out of options, Jean decides to visit Janine to tell her everything. As Michael watches on, Jean accuses him of conning her and The Vic - and Janine is left wondering who to believe…

Meanwhile, Zainab is curious when she spots Masood going into a lady's house, suspecting that he could have a new love interest. When Zainab later confronts him over this, Masood explains that he is continuing his tutor lessons. Unsure if this is really true, Zainab asks where all the extra money is. However, all becomes clear when Masood pulls out a ring and asks her to marry him.

Elsewhere, Christian worries when he hears that Ian is still away and pushes Lucy to let him ring Jane, but Bobby lies that he has already spoken to her, Denise quits the B&B as she's annoyed over Kim's refusal to pull her weight, Afia continues to feel deflated by her life and annoys Tamwar by ploughing ahead with plans for a speed dating night, while Lucy is keen for help from Phil but discovers from Ben that he's gone away for the weekend.


Hour-long episode

Michael realises that he needs to discredit Jean by making people believe that her accusations are just a fantasy. Sitting in Butcher's Joints, Michael gets an idea when he spots all of the spare keys that Janine has for her client's homes. Michael then invites Jean round to Janine's house later, claiming that he wants to fix things. However, alone with Janine, Michael slyly tells her that Jean has become obsessed with him. As the day continues, Jean turns up at Janine's place as arranged, finding that the front door is open and nobody is inside. She sits and waits for Michael, but it's a surprised Janine who eventually turns up. Wondering what Jean is doing there, Janine realises Michael could be right and immediately sends her away.

Later, a distressed Jean finally tells Roxy everything. Roxy then joins Jean in confronting Michael, demanding that he tells the truth. Michael maintains that it's all in Jean's mind, but Roxy doesn't believe him. Soon afterwards, Michael catches Roxy searching through his office files for evidence. Continuing his malicious lies, Michael tells Roxy that Amy isn't safe with Jean, as he found Jean cradling Amy's cardigan at work and knows that she has a picture of the youngster in her purse.

Michael's cruel plan continues to play out when Janine's handbag goes missing and she finds it in Jean's locker, as arranged by her scheming husband-to-be. Now convinced that Michael is innocent, Janine publicly brands Jean a "psycho" at The Vic. Michael suggests that they should take the argument upstairs, but when they do, they hear baby music coming from Jean's bedroom. Walking into Jean's room, they're presented with a disturbing scene of various baby items, a doll wearing Amy's christening bracelet, and even Janine's baby scan. Jean is distraught to realise that Michael has framed her, but will anyone believe what she has to say?

Meanwhile, Afia is surprised when Zainab reveals that the college called earlier, meaning that Tamwar must be planning to go back. Fearing that Tamwar is keeping things from her, Afia decides to hurt him by flirting with a number of guys at the speed dating event. Later, Zainab suggests that a baby could be the solution to the couple's problems, but neither seem keen.

The situation at the Masood house soon comes to a head when Tamwar denies signing up for college again. Afia is furious as she believes that Tamwar is lying, but Masood is forced to admit that he's the one who enrolled in college. Soon afterwards, Afia has a heart-to-heart with Tamwar and admits that she can't see herself ever being happy in Walford…

Elsewhere, Billy accuses Lola of stealing when he sees her new phone, but is left feeling guilty when he discovers that Fatboy gave it to her, Denise agrees to return to work at the B&B when Kim and Patrick struggle without her, Fatboy skips work to attend the Jubilee parade but he's caught out when Nico spots him on the TV, while Phil tries to convince Lucy to accept that Ian may be gone for good.


Michael is pleased that he seems to be off the hook, as nobody believes Jean. Although Jean is desperate to clear her name, she is disheartened as Michael has even managed to fool Roxy. As things become too much to bear for Jean, she summons up the courage to confront Michael, warning him that she'll make sure people know the truth. However, Michael remains calm and collected in the face of her outburst.

Later, Jean sparks another confrontation at The Vic, demanding her money back from Michael and Janine. Jean urges Michael to tell the truth, but Roxy warns her to stop making these allegations. Realising that she can't cope with Jean alone, Roxy calls Alfie. She's pleased when Alfie then returns home to the pub, but is disheartened to see that he's not alone - Kat is back. How will Kat react when she finds Jean sitting alone in an empty bath upstairs?

Meanwhile, Tamwar is keen to save his marriage and tells Afia that they should go travelling together, leaving her thrilled. Zainab isn't pleased with their plans, but eventually agrees with Masood that this is something the couple need to do, so she offers her blessing. However, Afia isn't pleased when she realises that Tamwar still wants to return to Walford once the trip is over. Afia finally accepts that she and Tamwar want different things and says an emotional goodbye to the Square, despite her husband's attempts to convince her to stay.

Elsewhere, Derek helps Lucy out at the café by replenishing her stock supplies, but Lucy soon realises that this isn't a good deed when he helps himself to cash from the till.


Kat is determined to get to the bottom of the chaos at the pub, as she has returned to find no stock and no cash. She starts by telling Roxy that she's no longer needed at The Vic, handing her cases over. When Roxy then tells Alfie about Jean's connection to the missing money and her allegations that Michael is responsible, Alfie heads off to confront his cousin. However, Michael turns on the charm with Alfie, explaining that Jean has been behaving strangely and stealing their possessions. Adding the finishing touch to his charm offensive, Michael asks a surprised Alfie to be his best man at the wedding.

Returning to The Vic, Alfie starts searching for the missing cash, believing that Jean must have stashed it somewhere. However, Jean tells Kat exactly what happened and Kat believes her, knowing how scheming Michael can be. Later, Roxy arrives at The Vic and offers Alfie a loan from Amy's trust fund, promising that Kat wouldn't need to know. She places the cheque in his hand and they share an intimate moment until they are interrupted by Kat. Heading out to see Michael, Kat is livid with him and demands the money back. Will Kat fall for Michael's charm or see him for what he really is?

Meanwhile, Lucy is still seething over Derek taking money from the café's till in return for stock she hasn't asked for. Soon afterwards, the Square's younger residents come together to throw a party for a sad Tamwar, with Alice also included in the arrangements. Derek soon realises that Alice is attracted to Anthony, so he pays the antiques dealer a visit and warns him to look out for Alice. As the party gets under way, Lucy wants revenge on Derek and decides to spike Alice's drink, while encouraging her to make a move on Anthony. When Derek later spots Alice being sick outside on the Square, a sly comment from Lucy makes him realise that she is responsible for his daughter's drunken state.

Elsewhere, Zainab blames herself for Afia's departure while Masood comforts Tamwar, Kim is shocked when she quizzes Ray over his exes and discovers how many he has, while Alfie suggests starting up a Queen Vic football team in a bid to drum up new business.

03-06-2012, 18:53
EastEnders star Jessie Wallace has praised the soap's bosses for bringing back the "feisty" and "funny" sides of her character Kat Moon.

Kat heads home to Albert Square in a few days' time and immediately shows loyal support for troubled Jean Slater, who has been conned by schemer Michael Moon.

Wallace told The Mirror of her EastEnders return: "I've really missed it and it's great to be back. It's like going back to my family. It's fantastic.

"I've especially missed working with Shane [Richie]. He's one of my best pals. I love him dearly - I think that's why we bounce off each other so well on screen. I rang him nearly every day to check up on what was happening! I feel like Kat's come back a lot stronger."

She continued: "Before [my] break, I had the baby swap story and towards the end of last year, Kat was becoming very downtrodden. Now she's coming back fighting fit. It's almost like when Kat first arrived on screen in 2000. She's come back with those original feisty, tarty, funny and a bit cold sides to her. It's a new Kat."

However, Wallace added that fans should not necessarily expect plain sailing for Kat's marriage to Alfie.

She said: "I think there will always be love between them - they are fish and chips, they go together. But they are going to have their ups and downs, which I can't talk about."

EastEnders airs Kat's return scenes on Thursday (June 7) at 7.30pm on BBC One.

05-06-2012, 11:43
EastEnders' Jean Slater finds herself turning to Janine Butcher for help in tonight's (June 5) episode of the soap.

As Albert Square's residents celebrate Jubilee Day, Jean (Gillian Wright) is desperate for answers over the money she has supposedly invested into the boxing gym.

Running out of options, Jean quizzes Jack Branning about Michael Moon's scheme to help disadvantaged children, but is horrified to discover that it doesn't actually exist.

Later, as Michael and Janine (Charlie Brooks) return from their weekend away in Paris, Jean decides to confront Janine with the news that Michael has conned her.

Janine is initially sceptical over what Jean is saying, but soon realises that she is entirely serious about this. The Walford businesswoman is then left wondering who to believe - Jean or Michael?


EastEnders airs tonight at 7.30pm on BBC One.

05-06-2012, 14:39
Looks like we are all in for a good week..plus a 1 hour episode.. I am hoping Michael is found out soon, cos this has been as boring as Ben not being found out,, ....

sarah c
05-06-2012, 15:03
Janine will believe Jean I reckon, but that will only make Michael go up in her estimation, so she will say nothing....

08-06-2012, 08:40
EastEnders' Jean Slater makes a guilty confession to Kat and Alfie this evening (June 8), admitting that she is partly to blame for their missing cash.

Kat (Jessie Wallace) and Alfie (Shane Richie) are horrified as they realise that they have returned to a chaotic situation at the pub, with no stock, no money and Jean in a bad way.

When Alfie hears what has been going on from Roxy and Michael, he believes that Jean (Gillian Wright) must have stashed the missing cash somewhere and urges her to remember where it is.

Jean insists that she would never steal the couple's funds, but soon breaks down in tears as she admits that she has made a terrible mistake by falling for Michael's 'investment' scam.

Alfie is sceptical as Jean attempts to explain that Michael has conned her, but Kat believes every word. Is Jean's nightmare coming to an end?


EastEnders airs tonight at 8pm on BBC One.

08-06-2012, 13:59
EastEnders star Gillian Wright has assured fans that her character Jean Slater will not remain a "victim" as her current storyline continues.

Viewers have seen Jean reach rock bottom this week as she has struggled to prove that scheming Michael Moon (Steve John Shepherd) has conned her.

Speaking in a rare live TV appearance on Lorraine this morning (June 8), Wright said that she was delighted to be given such an emotional plot.

© Rex Features / Steve Meddle

Pictured: Gillian Wright on Lorraine.

Wright commented: "This [story is] quite special, I think - it's the longest one I've ever had, but also it's taking advantage of someone with bipolar and making them feel like they are losing the plot - that's a tough story."

She continued: "The storyline goes on for some time, which is great. And to reassure the viewers, Jean doesn't stay a victim and she does fight back - I hope with courage and with dignity."

Wright also spoke about the challenge of portraying Jean's bipolar struggles, confirming that she sees it as a "huge responsibility".



Discussing her early research for the role of Jean, she explained: "I spoke to my doctor, I did a lot of reading about it, and the BBC also gave me a specialist bipolar consultant to talk to whenever I wanted, who was always on side.

"But I did a lot of research on the internet. You know when you go on the internet and you sort of find yourself weaving around? I ended up reading somebody who kept a diary every day of her bipolar journey, and that was fascinating.

"It's a huge responsibility, but I love it. And all I want to do is play it as truthfully as I can. I don't want anyone sitting there at home who is either party to bipolar, or has bipolar themselves, flinging stuff at the television saying, 'It's not like that'."

EastEnders fans see Jean's story continue this evening (June 8) as she confides in Kat and Alfie about the missing money at The Vic.

09-06-2012, 12:58
Janine will believe Jean I reckon, but that will only make Michael go up in her estimation, so she will say nothing....

yea she can only see him as an end to her needs too,, swindling money out of people like Jean,,, as Jean said Michael is a SNAKE and he and Janine are EVIL