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View Full Version : Demi and Leo - (My first script)

27-06-2005, 11:12
Aleesha was 1 now and just like demi had always wanted the millers had finally accepted that leo aleesha and demi were a package and came together. Leo was safe now and was living with the millers and was a proper dad, and he enjoyed it. Demi was still at school and Leo looked after Aleesya and had a job.

It was a normal monday morning and Demi packed her bag kissed Aleesha and Leo and went off to school. It was Leos day off and he was making it a special day out for aleesha.

"come on darlin were going for a picnic are you ready for a day out with daddy you are good come on lets have some fun."
Allesha just laughed. The two of them went out the door to enjoy a good day.

Meanwhile Demi was sat in the maths classroom when there was a knock on the door. It was the police.

27-06-2005, 18:59
:O police?

28-06-2005, 15:45
wow cool!

29-06-2005, 11:00
"Hello officer how may i help you" Demi's teacher asked.
"yes i need to speak to a miss demi miller"
Demi was shocked as she had thought no way would they want her. She was told to gather her things and follow him to the headteachers office. Inside she was told to sit down.

Demi was scared now. "what do you want i havent done anything"
"I know Demi" the police replied "the thing is your daughter aleeysha has gone missing"

Demi didnt say anything she just stared thinking this isnt possible
"but she can not have she went with her dad this morning he wouldnt let anything happen to her" Tears were falling down her cheeks

"OK Demi we need you to come down to the station Leo is writing a statement for us and he wants to see you"
" I want my baby" Demi was crying as the officer helped her into the car. She wanted Leo and aleesha and her mum.

Leo was writing his statement.

29-06-2005, 16:22

29-06-2005, 18:22
kewl do more its great

01-07-2005, 13:17
more soon i am in the middle of writing it.

01-07-2005, 20:17
Great for your 1st script. More soon XX

02-07-2005, 07:12
This is cool!

02-07-2005, 12:50
I love it!More!

02-07-2005, 13:21
There was nothing more that Demi could do at the police station. Leo had finished his statement and they were waiting for clint to take them back to walford in his ice cream van. As there was still no sign of aleesha there was to be a family liason officer at the house.

When they arrived in Walford Rosie ran up to her daughter and hugged her. There was nothing more that could be done apart from wait. Demi sat on the sofa crying. Nobody quite knew what to do or say. It was better this way than starting a fight.

Then the phone rang.
"yes..............this is keith miller......................ok.................... .ok...........right i'll tell them...............yes...................the family liason is here i will pass her on...............ok thank you...............byebye"

"right we have some news"
"a dummys been found down by the canal"

Demi burst into tears and collapsed into mickeys arms.

02-07-2005, 13:43

02-07-2005, 18:57
oh my god!!! whta has happened to allesha? whos taken her? what is going to happen next =!!!!!

this is brillaint cornetgal baby abductiojn- why doesnt eastenders do this???

ent clint's van damaged beyond repair after ray crashed it???


03-07-2005, 09:49
oh yeh i forgot about the ice cream van detail. Never Mind. Just working on next part

samantha nixon
03-07-2005, 12:06
this is really good is aleesha ok

di marco
03-07-2005, 16:04
great! :D just read it all. oh no i hope aleeshas going to be ok! :) more soon please, cant wait

03-07-2005, 16:11
this is really good

04-07-2005, 17:42
Demi was really worried now. She really wanted her baby back. Rosie was really worried cause all demi did was cry and cry and not eat. Since the dummy had been found there had been no more leads. Only a day had gone by but it felt like a year. Everyone just sat in the front room staring into space.

The phone rang again and Demi froze she didnt want it to be bad news.
"Please let me know shes safe"
Leo put his arm round her "sssssh it will be OK theres loads of people out looking well find her" Demi couldnt understand how calm she was being.

The Police officer came back into the room after takiing to the station.
"please let it be good news"
"i'm afraid to tell you this but aleesha been spotted on CCTV down near the cemetry with a white male"

Leo jumped up
"im Gonna kill him" and he ran out into the road and round the corner

LEOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! demi shouted.

04-07-2005, 18:17
this is really good

04-07-2005, 18:39
Wow! Is It Leo's Dad?

04-07-2005, 20:15
Cool :thumbsup: :cheer: :thumbsup: This is getting good........

05-07-2005, 17:08
i know!

05-07-2005, 18:03
Fab! It's getting better and better :D

05-07-2005, 18:58
:d More More!

06-07-2005, 11:16
Demi looked out the window t Leo had gone out of sight.
"whers he gone mum"
Rosie hugged her daughter telling her it would all be ok but then there was a knock at the door.
Rosie went to answer it and saw a man. He was the Detective inspecter.
"Hello can i come in please"
"Yes certainly" Rosie replaied.
"i'm afraid we've come baring bad news"
"we need you to identify a body, it was found near to the canal a bout half a mile from where the dummy was found, We know its difficult but we need either mum, grabdad or grandma, Take your time"
"i'll go" Keith said
"ok mr Miller this way please"

Demi ran out of the house and headed across the square
"Demi come back"

Demi knocked at a door. Pauline Fowler answered to a very distraught and tearful Demi.

06-07-2005, 15:42
Omg! I hope it isn't Aleesha's body! Poor Demi.

06-07-2005, 16:54
yeah! this script is WELL good!

06-07-2005, 19:14
oh poor demi i wonder where leo has gone?

06-07-2005, 20:04
yeah! cornetgal you get back here with the second part!

06-07-2005, 20:05
i got my rewport today and it's parents evening next mon!

06-07-2005, 20:05
i got my report today and it's parents evening next mon!

samantha nixon
07-07-2005, 08:27
this is really good

07-07-2005, 09:20
thanks for all your comments. Heres the next part.

"Demi whatevers the matter" Pauline hated to see little Demi like this.
"they found a body"
"whose body i dont understand"
"pauline. Alleshas been taken dads got to identify a body, what if its her. i couldnt cope."
"well just have to wait and see, it will al be fine in the end. its no good you being here wheres Leo, you need your family, i'll take you back come on"

"thanks Pauline"
"no problem Rosie please keep me informed i'd like to help if theres anything i can do"
"ok i'll bear it in mind.


"mum, whats happened"
Leos mum was curled up in the corner of the room, her face was badly bruised and she had cuts down her arms and hands.
"hes don this to you i'm gonna kill him"
Leo was desperate to find his dad.
"mum listen to me. you need to go to hospital do you know where dad is"

"hes got her" Leos mum told him quietly
"What mum hes got aleesha"
"yeh he did this to me when i tried to stop him"
"COme on we need to tell the millers"

Leo and his mum made there way to walford.

07-07-2005, 16:06
Omg! I sooo hate Leo's dad ... I hope Aleeshas going to be ok though.

07-07-2005, 16:20

08-07-2005, 09:02
"wheres you father he should be back by now" Rosie said
"its going to be bad news mum"
"no it wont ssssh"

There was knock on the door.
"it wasnt her"
Demi ran up to her father "where is she dad, where is she"
"i dont know but it wasnt her which means shes still out there"

The millers just sat there too much time had past. All Demi wanted now was her daughter safe and sound. There was another knock at the door.
"who on earth is that"
"Demi its Leo quick let us in"
"us Rosie if hes bought his father i'm going to kill that lad"

Leo and his mum were stood at the door. keith could not believe what he saw.
"oh my God come in and sit down i'll phone an ambulance"
Leos mum could hardly stand.

"wait, theres something i need to tell you."
"what is it mum"

08-07-2005, 13:31
Major Cliffhanger.But I think I know what it is.Please do more as soon as you can,cos this is great!

08-07-2005, 15:47
wow! MORE

samantha nixon
08-07-2005, 15:53
this is really good post more soon

08-07-2005, 17:04
thanks for the comment next part tomorrow.

08-07-2005, 17:55
wow its really good welldone

09-07-2005, 15:02
"Mum what is it" Leo desperatly wanted his daughter back "its dad hes got allesha hasnt he"
"Leo No he hasnt"
"well where is he then and wheres leesha"
"it cant be your Dad hes inthe nick"
"he got arrested for raiding the shop on high street" Before Leo could ask anymore the ambulance arrived outside.
"come with me Leo please"

Leo didnt no what to do. He couldnt show any emotion.
"i'll go" Rosie said and she helped mrs taylor into the back of the ambulance.

"come on son" keith said "thats one good thing we know its not your dad your be safe here with and well find allesha shes a miller"
"i know this sounds terrible but i wanted it to be him, so i could beat him and safe my daughter, and now hes in the nick"

There was another knock on the door. There were two more detectives.

"we have found another lead"

09-07-2005, 15:50
Hmm..wonder what it could be.

09-07-2005, 17:19
hmm i wonder if its aleesha?

09-07-2005, 17:31
I just read this all the way through. It is really good. Wonder who it is

09-07-2005, 17:35
a lead? that's for dogs innit?

(just wondering!!!!)

09-07-2005, 17:35
good anyway

10-07-2005, 15:11
i meant like a lead in the investigation.

10-07-2005, 17:56
o, thanks!

11-07-2005, 16:40
Ok mrs Miller do we have a video recorder" The officer asked politly
"Yes officer this way please"
"ok This is CCTV footage off the camara from the petrol station"
"the petrol station thats miles away"
"ssssssssh Demi let the officer speak"
"Ok Demi Leo, does this look like your baby"

Demi burst into tears. Leo put his arms round her
"yes thats her"
"Leo shes with a man who is it i want her back please i want her back"

11-07-2005, 16:43
Do More!

samantha nixon
11-07-2005, 18:06
this is really good

11-07-2005, 19:42
this is really good well done!

11-07-2005, 20:57
Demi wants aleesha back and I want to read more!Keep up the good work!

14-07-2005, 08:48
There was an old unused hut on the opposite side of walford. The police had managed to find allesha but it wasnt good news. The investigation had changed. Aleesha had been missing a week and now it was not an abduction it was a hostage. The millers and Leo all waited outside wanting her to come back they were so close.

It was a delicate matter now. It has been confirmed that the man was a greiving father, and aleesha reminded him off his dad daughter.

"oi what you playing at my granddaughter is in there get her out i'll run in my self"
"ok mr Miller you need to calm dow my officers are doing all they can. we dont know if he is armed"

demi turned her head " what you mean my daughters in there with a madman and a gun, i'm going in"
Demi ran towards the door.
"demi nooooooooooooooooo" Leo ran after her but as soon as he got to the door he froze.

The gunshot echoed around the hall.

14-07-2005, 17:00
GET RIGHT BACK NOW! and post more!

15-07-2005, 13:00
omg noooo

17-07-2005, 10:09
Omg! need more!!

17-07-2005, 11:50
Everyone ran into the hut to find demi lay unconscious on the floor. Aleesha was at the back in her abducters arms.
"Phone an ambulance my Demis dying theres blood everywhere"
"Keith what if she dies" a distraught Rosie said to her husband
"Rosie shes a fighter all us millers are. We got allesha back didnt we."

Leo stood by the door shaking. The police officer arrested the man and through him in the back of the car. Aleesha was given to Leo who hugged her really tight.
"mummys going to be Ok isnt she yes she, well be a family again i know we will"

There were sirens everywhere Demi was lifted onto a stretcher in to the back of an ambulance, which headed of towards the hospital.

17-07-2005, 19:25
Phew! I hope Demi's going to be ok. Good that they got Aleesha back... More very soon!

17-07-2005, 19:28
i hope aleesha is ok!

di marco
18-07-2005, 09:44
brill! :D just caught up. glad they got aleesha back but hope demis going to be alright! :) more soon please, cant wait

22-07-2005, 12:47
the millers waited anxiously with Leo around demis bed. She was lay unconsios looking so peaceful. The rest of the millers went to get Leo some food and he stayed not leaving Demi alone.

"nurse nurse quick" Leo shouted. The nurses came and rushed down the corridor, the rest of the millers following.
"whats happening to my daughter" Rosie screamed.
"her eyes are opening" Leo said "come on Dems open them i knw youd be ok"

Demis eyes opened she looked around. Leo had tears rolling down his cheeks.
"i thought i'd lost you"

"not yet Leo me and aleesha are sticking around a while longer so i think your stuck with us"

Leo had Aleesha in his arm and his other round Demi he knew there would be a happy ending.


22-07-2005, 14:44
aww how sweet

22-07-2005, 14:51
thanks i erally struggled on how to end it so i thought i would be nice and have a happy ending.

23-07-2005, 20:28
Aww....A happy ending at last!

26-07-2005, 21:06
That was absolutely brilliant i read it all way through

Jessie Wallace
26-07-2005, 23:30
This is really good

11-08-2005, 00:27
awww good story i like a happy ending :)

13-08-2005, 01:06
that was well good *claps*

14-08-2005, 16:00
well good