View Full Version : Eastenders Spoilers Week 6 (6th - 10th Feb)

19-01-2012, 13:12
Monday 6 Feb

As Ian and Mandy continue to plan their wedding, Ian chooses his best man and Lucy continues to do what she can to come between the couple.

As the custody trial for Amy looms, Michael starts to antagonise and manipulate the situation between Roxy and Jack

Rose is unimpressed with Andrew’s choice of future wife, and makes her feelings very clear to Heather. Will Heather stand up to her future mother-in-law and which unlikely resident of Albert Square will become their wedding planner?

Tuesday 7 Feb

It’s the morning after the night before for Roxy and Jack, as they try to work out what their night together meant and what it could mean for the impending case.

Following their fight in The Vic, Mandy takes Dot’s advice and opens up to Lucy about her past. Will this be enough to convince Lucy of Mandy’s feelings towards her Dad?

Still fighting her feelings towards Ray, Kim organises a last minute date which doesn’t quite go the way she wants.

Thursday 9 Feb

It’s the morning of the custody trial, but will Roxy play dirty to get her own way?

Cora plays landlord and concocts a plan to rearrange the living arrangements for some of the residents of The Square.

Lucy’s suspicions of Mandy are heightened when she hear's Mandy’s phone getting texts from a mystery person. What will Lucy do with this information?

Friday 10 Feb

The judge has decided who will get custody of Amy, but with two of the Square’s biggest families at war will the Mitchells or the Brannings be celebrating?

Bianca is forced to face up to her situation, but receives some unexpected charity from one of Walford's most hardened residents.

With The Brannings and The Mitchells fighting over Amy, Abi and Jay get caught in the middle. But will this be enough to stop their relationship blossoming?

19-01-2012, 13:59
Will Roxy become pregnant again after her night with super sperm man Jack Branning

29-01-2012, 05:48
EastEnders flirt Kim Fox loses her temper next month as she continues to fight her feelings for newcomer Ray Dixon.

When Ray (Chucky Venn) asks Kim out in an upcoming episode, she decides to play hard to get and claims that she already has plans. Kim then quickly finds a date online and brings him along to The Vic to make Ray jealous.

Later, Kim (Tameka Empson) confronts Ray for spying on her date and tells the chef that he's not quite the catch he thinks he is. When Ray responds by making a comment about Kim being 'easy', she isn't pleased and gives him a slap.

When Kim's date also makes an inappropriate remark, she slaps him too before storming out of the pub. When will things look up for Kim's love life?

EastEnders airs these scenes on Tuesday, February 7 at 7.30pm on BBC One.

30-01-2012, 06:49
EastEnders minx Mandy Salter is left distraught next week as scheming Lucy Beale steps up her attempts to make life difficult for her.

Lucy (Hetti Bywater) has grown jealous of Mandy in recent weeks, and her frustration reaches a new level when she sees her dad Ian (Adam Woodyatt) fussing around the blonde like a puppy dog.

Deciding that she's had enough of her future stepmum, Lucy plays a nasty trick on the day of Mandy's (Nicola Stapleton) final wedding dress fitting at the Beale house.

Putting on an act, Lucy starts screaming about how she's 'seen a mouse', before 'accidentally' pouring a cup of coffee all over the wedding gown - leaving Mandy upset. Will anyone realise that Lucy has done it on purpose?

EastEnders airs these scenes on Monday, February 6 at 8pm on BBC One.

30-01-2012, 12:52
Hadnt Mandy already a dress she did come into the Vic in a wedding dress ?????

30-01-2012, 13:13
Hadnt Mandy already a dress she did come into the Vic in a wedding dress ?????

Ian has seen it, can't wear the same dress again as grooms are not allowed to see the wedding dress until bride walks down the isle :D

30-01-2012, 14:40

SCHEMING Lucy Beale is up to her old tricks – but will her actions cause Mandy to cry over spilt... coffee?

The EastEnders hellraiser is stepping up her plans to split up Mandy and dad Ian.

Fans of the BBC1 soap will see the terrible teenager, played by Hetti Bywater, screaming that she has seen a mouse in an upcoming episode.

But it is all a ploy, as she "accidentally" throws a mug of coffee over Mandy's wedding gown as a horrified dress fitter looks on.

Crafty Lucy – determined to play the wicked stepdaughter – has already tried to set Mandy up by planting pills in her bag.


(c) The Sun

31-01-2012, 01:01

Jack sets off to apply for a new passport for Amy, but he soon tells Bianca that he couldn't get one as he needed Roxy's signature - before deciding to forge the documents instead. Jack then takes Amy to play on the swings, but when he gets distracted by Michael winding him up over the impending court case, Amy has a minor accident. Although it's nothing serious, Michael is keen to see the smiles wiped off the Brannings' faces, so he tells Roxy what has happened.

After hearing what Michael has to say, Roxy visits Jack and they have a furious argument over Amy. As tempers fray, Jack makes Roxy cry by branding her an unfit mother. However, he quickly regrets his harsh words and apologises, finally feeling guilty for the pain he's caused by keeping Amy from Roxy. With the situation calming down, the pair share some wine together and one thing leads to another. Jack and Roxy then find themselves in a passionate embrace…

Meanwhile, Mandy gets emotional as she has a final fitting for her wedding dress at the Beale house. However, Lucy ruins the moment as she screams about how she's 'seen a mouse', before 'accidentally' pouring coffee all over the gown. Mandy knows that Lucy has done it on purpose, but Ian refuses to believe that Lucy would do such a thing. Later, Ian and Mandy learn that their wedding will be taking place on the same day as Heather and Andrew's - which was another stunt set up by scheming Lucy last week. Tired of Lucy's games, Mandy flies at her in the middle of the pub - shocking the punters.

Elsewhere, Tanya is stunned to learn how Michael got his injuries, while Dot and Andrew force Rose to have a proper chat with Heather after she makes some hurtful comments about her.


Roxy wakes up on the sofa with Jack and makes a quick exit from the flat. The pair later catch up at the café, agreeing that last night was a mistake but they can't ignore it. Roxy wonders whether Jack planned the whole thing, but he insists this isn't the case and he genuinely fancied her. Derek isn't pleased to see the duo back on good terms and tells Jack that he should be focusing on winning the custody case. Jack soon proves that he's still looking after number one when he shows Derek the forged passport documents.

Later, Michael continues to interfere in the situation as he searches through Jack's desk and finds the incriminating forgeries. Michael then calls Roxy to come over to the gym, explaining that Jack is playing games with her. Roxy receives a shock as Michael shows her the forged passport application for Amy…

Meanwhile, Lucy expertly plays the victim following her clash with Mandy at The Vic. Mandy ends up receiving some advice from Dot, who tells her that joining a family is hard and she needs to start proving that she can be a good mother. Taking this on board, Mandy has a heart-to-heart with Lucy, telling her everything about her past. Mandy adds that she just wants to feel safe and wanted within her new relationship, but reveals more than expected by confessing that she's not sure whether she really loves Ian.

Elsewhere, still fighting her feelings towards Ray, Kim organises a last minute date at The Vic with a man called Sinclair. However, Sinclair proves to be a poor match when he appears rather naïve about ethnic diversity. Later, when Ray jokes about Kim being 'easy', she slaps him - followed by one for Sinclair when he makes an inappropriate comment too.

Also today, Derek uses emotional blackmail to convince Max to flog a dodgy motor at the car lot.


It's the morning of the custody trial, and scheming Michael pays a visit to Roxy to remind her that she could be bringing Amy home tonight if she uses the passport forgery evidence against Jack. However, Shirley overhears the discussion and advises that causing trouble for Jack may not be in Amy's best interests - leaving Roxy feeling conflicted. Later, as everyone arrives at the court, Jack suggests to Roxy that they could make an agreement for joint residency. But Roxy is soon left unimpressed when she gives Jack a chance to come clean about the passport and he stays silent.

As proceedings begin, Jack is stunned as Roxy's brief brings up various things against him and his family, including his unsociable working hours, the violence at the boxing gym, Penny's accident, his shooting and Billie's death from binge drinking. He tries to defend himself, but he later confronts Roxy privately over how low she has stooped. Jack threatens to use just as much dirt against Roxy, but she turns the tables on him - saying that she knows about the passport forgery and is prepared to use it to her advantage as it makes him liable for fraud…

Meanwhile, Ian isn't happy when Dot tells him that she won't be attending his wedding as she'll be at Heather and Andrew's instead. Ian tries to convince Heather and Andrew to change their date and resorts to threatening them when they refuse. However, Shirley sticks up for the pair and tells Ian to get lost. At the same time, Lucy reads one of the mystery texts on Mandy's phone and sees that it's from 'L'. Noting down the number, Lucy texts 'L' from her own phone - claiming that it's Mandy's new number. She then receives a text from 'L' which promises to see Mandy soon.

Elsewhere, Fat Boy decides to move in with Tyler so Patrick can have his place at Dot's house, while Derek issues a warning to Ray when he questions his decision to use The Vic as an office to conduct his business.


The judge has decided who will get custody of Amy, but with two of the Square's biggest families at war, will the Mitchells or the Brannings be celebrating?

Meanwhile, Bianca is struggling with finances and already owes Janine two months' rent. Janine sympathises with Bianca and writes off the two months that are owed, but asks for rent to be paid one week in advance starting from today. Realising even this will be a struggle, Bianca decides to ask Ray for some money with the claim that it's all for Morgan, but he knows she's lying and insists that he's not paying for all of her children. Bianca then begs Shirley for her job back and is pleased when she agrees.

Later, Ray shows a softer side by helping Bianca with her work at the café. As they have a heart-to-heart, Bianca misreads the signals and tries to kiss Ray - embarrassing herself. They eventually reach an understanding, reconciling with the agreement that the kids must come first.

Elsewhere, Tanya encourages Abi to stay on good terms with Jay despite the tension between the two families. Taking this on board, Abi shares a moment with Jay on the swings.

06-02-2012, 00:16
EastEnders minx Mandy Salter loses patience with Lucy Beale in tonight's episode - violently attacking her at the Queen Vic.

Mandy (Nicola Stapleton) is left fuming with Lucy (Hetti Bywater) when the schemer deliberately destroys her wedding dress this evening, but it's when she discovers another one of the teenager's stunts that she finally snaps.

As Mandy and Ian (Adam Woodyatt) arrive at the pub hoping for a quiet drink, they hear from Dot that Heather and Andrew's wedding will be on the same day as their own. This proves to be the last straw for Mandy as she realises that she's a victim of yet another of Lucy's games.

Dramatic scenes follow as Mandy flies at Lucy in front of everyone at the pub. She then has to be hauled away by Andrew (Ricky Grover) to calm down, but is Mandy finished with Lucy yet?
