View Full Version : Did the splits by accident

11-01-2012, 17:18
Ok guys, don't laugh.
I stood up earlier on and my son had very kindly left his newspaper on the floor. I stood on it, I have wooden floors, and i went down like a ton of bricks into the splits. I haven't done the splits for about 15 years and believe me it was a shock to my groin.

What I need to know is the best way to ease the pain. Heat pads? or freeze spray? Anyone know?

My groin thanks you in advance


11-01-2012, 19:37
I would apply ice pack first and try to keep the strained muscles in a stretched position, if possible. Heat too early might increase the pain but I think once the swelling has lessened, you might benefit from warmth. You will probably benefit from taking ibuprofen for pain control and rest as much as possible. I would also see a doctor as soon as possible for further advice.

Get well soon xx

11-01-2012, 20:23
rain sorry but bahhhhhahahahahahahah

11-01-2012, 21:21
Oh very sympathic Shiv! A hot bath might help. Hope you feel better Rain :rotfl::rotfl::rotfl:

12-01-2012, 13:03
LOL you're all heart aint ya Shiv?
Thanks for the advice. It's eased slightly after a ton of ibuprofen.

It's so embarrasing walking to the shop. I keep imagining people are staring at me and wondering what the hell I got up to last night.

12-01-2012, 14:14
so sorry but I can imagine it would be something I would do myself... I once went to sit down and had a chair pulled from underneath me and busted my ass.. I just told people it was rough and ready sex.. he got rough and I wasn't ready hahahahahahaha

Chloe O'brien
13-01-2012, 11:27
I'm sorry Rain but I can't help but laugh. I would go and get it checked out by the doctor in case you have damaged any ligaments,they may prescribe stronger ibrofen for you. Hope you feel better soon.

13-01-2012, 16:20
Ok guys, don't laugh.
I stood up earlier on and my son had very kindly left his newspaper on the floor. I stood on it, I have wooden floors, and i went down like a ton of bricks into the splits. I haven't done the splits for about 15 years and believe me it was a shock to my groin.

What I need to know is the best way to ease the pain. Heat pads? or freeze spray? Anyone know?

My groin thanks you in advance



ice ice baby

15-01-2012, 21:18
Just reading this thread back makes me laugh....and it hurts!!!!!!! so hush :p