View Full Version : twofaced twosome

22-06-2005, 17:30
Vanessa and Makosi have been bitching about Kemal in the bedroom. They think the pint-sized diva is not being true to himself.

Kemal's attempts to make friends with Saskia, Maxwell and Anthony could have cost him his friendship with Makosi. She and Vanessa spent a good half hour assassinating their former friend's character in the bedroom.

"I think we both know that Kemal doesn't wear heels in the outside world," Makosi said, pointedly. "He could be playing a game."

Vanessa agreed. "I asked him if he would be friends with those people in the outside world, and he said 'no'," she said, amazed that Kemal could even pretend to be friends with those sorts of people.

"I'm so disappointed with him," Makosi sighed fearing that Kemal finds her a threat. "He's trying to be a girl, I'm not trying to be a girl," she said.

Sensing that she had succeeded in winning Makosi over to her side, Vanessa launched a charm offensive, actually it was more of a charm bomb.

"When I sleep in your bed, I feel like I'm at home," she said to a smiling Makosi. "I can talk to you about anything."

"Same here," Makosi said. Bringing the conversation back to Kemal she added, "I do not want to continue a relationship with someone who I can't tell what I think of them."

Speak of the devil; at that moment Kemal joined the conversation. "What were you chatting about?" he asked innocently.

There was a long pause...

"Relationships," Makosi said without a flicker.

23-06-2005, 17:12
i think that Vanessa and Makosi should just tell Kemal what they think of him. and not talk about him behind his back,

23-06-2005, 17:15
but kemal does also say things about makosi in the diary room

23-06-2005, 17:16
in the diary room not to other house mates.

23-06-2005, 17:19
o yeah
kamal wants to be center of attention and he thinks makosi is now

23-06-2005, 17:26
makosi is a b***h.

23-06-2005, 17:27
why dont you like her

23-06-2005, 17:35
cause i just don't like way she has to be involed with nearly every conversation and the way she plays people.

23-06-2005, 17:37

23-06-2005, 17:46
why do you like her?

23-06-2005, 18:22
um... shes ok

23-06-2005, 18:40
I like makosi but i LOVE KEMAL!!!!!! he's just so fuuny :lol:

23-06-2005, 18:41
yeah his entrance was fab!!

23-06-2005, 18:43
and also when he goes, "i just don't think i can take it if im not the most fabulous one" or something like that :rotfl:

24-06-2005, 07:51
yeah "its gona be the whitney and mariash situatuion here"

24-06-2005, 07:52
thats what kamal said not me by the way