View Full Version : The Mole Truth

22-06-2005, 13:31
Kemal has told Makosi that he thinks she could be a mole, planted to cause trouble in the Big Brother House. But Makosi claims she doesn't know what he's talking about.

Since being made Unlucky Housemate 13 on the first day, Makosi has had to play games with the Housemates' minds in order to avoid eviction. Now close friend Kemal is worried that she's still not revealing her true self.

"Kemal thinks I'm a mole," she told Big Brother in the Diary Room, laughing at the suggestion. "It's kind of funny, but interesting," she added.

Although Makosi claims that paranoid Kemal has put this idea into his own head, she hasn't exactly helped alleviate his fears.

When he asked Makosi if she was different, Makosi answered "Of course!"

"I told him I'm different gravy," she said curiously. "I meant that there is no one else like Makosi but he took it to mean something else."

Makosi has also openly admitted that she does not have an eviction outfit, fuelling Kemal's suspicion that she will leave by the back door.

"I do not have an eviction outfit because I do not expect to be evicted," she told Big Brother honestly. "I have an outfit, but I do not expect to wear it for an eviction."

Makosi seems to have the winner's podium firmly in her sights...

22-06-2005, 13:33
Confident girl.