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17-03-2005, 18:09
I am sure all of you guys must agree with me when I say that Eastenders badly requires some good plots, stories... how many more of you think like me?

Anyway, back to topic in hand... my ideas on how Eastenders can be revived... it needs some fresh untested stories... it needs new faces and old faces need to have proper storylines... again something you all will agree on... just look at Coronation Street, it just doesnt have good stories, but it has character, weird and unorthodox, refreshing and comedic... Norris, Chesne, Les, Cilla, even the new kid has an exclusive personality... Scooter. Each character in the Street is special and sensational. Eastenders has plain ordinary characters... nothing different... nothing new... so I have been thinking hard and have come up with some ideas... hope you guys like them....

1. Eastenders requires a proper Asian family. Something on the lines of the characters in East is East (The film) - it needs a Pakistani family with proper Pakitani traditions. Not a mixed up confused not here or there like Ferrieras. They need to have there own stories... like Pakistani's have... a small family but with there own stories... maybe just copy the characters from East Is East... simple....

2. Maxwell Moon - Alfie's cousin who we saw a few years ago - should be brought in full-time as an all out an out comedy character. He should also come with his own weird family. A bit like the Battersbies but with money and connections. Bring some cheer into Albert Square.

3. Martin Fowler was good when he was bad - he is pretty boring right now - his acting skills are also being wasted... he needs to be taken away from Sonia and given his own stories... Johnny Allen takes him under his wing and grooms him to be the next one in line...

4. Pauline Fowler finds out that Arthur had an affair 20 yrs ago - and has a son - he turns on her doorstep - but he has a problem - he is in debt and needs to repay or he will go to prison - Pauline then has to decide wether to use her life savings on him or not...

5. Nick Cotton should return but this time he hasnt come back for money or any bad stuff... this time he has come back to say farewell to his Ma. He is dying and wants her to forgive him. But she cant... a test for Dot.

6. Sonia finds out that her daughter has a form of diesese and will die. She starts to fight for her health - and goes on a quest to find a cure herself. She needs a bone marrow from another child - so begs Martin for a baby - he doesnt agree - so she ends up blaming him for the girl's death...

7. Phill Mitchell becomes a changed man after his recent ordeal... he is no longer the hard nut he was... but its not all what it seems... he is on medication - to control his temper... during this change of his he gets his family back, Kathy and Ben... but then one day loses the plot and goes berserk... he is sent into a mental asylum... we then see him in the asylum adjusting to life... for a few months... similiar to when Den went to prison and we had a few months there...

Thats it for the time beings... what do u think?

17-03-2005, 18:18
1. Eastenders requires a proper Asian family. Something on the lines of the characters in East is East (The film) - it needs a Pakistani family with proper Pakitani traditions. Not a mixed up confused not here or there like Ferrieras. They need to have there own stories... like Pakistani's have... a small family but with there own stories... maybe just copy the characters from East Is East... simple....

I agree they desperately need an asian family, but not one from East is East! The sterotypes in that movie were totally untrue. I agree one with proper pakistani traditions would be good. But EE being EE would blow it out of proportion - its very easy to sterotype on what the public believes, but the reality is far removed.

18-03-2005, 09:34

There has been many asian in EE from the start but East is East is a comedy and only works with sterotypes

There has been a few irish too but they always turn out bad.. look at Ruth and Mark split up by Mark's cousin

Would love to see Phil Mitchell crack up and Pauline would not be too happy if Authur's did have a kid for Cristine Hewett... but I like your thinking