View Full Version : Kylie from Corrie DS Interview

29-08-2011, 01:12
Coronation Street tearaway Kylie Platt has more turbulent times ahead in this week's episodes as she continues with her attempts to win back custody of Max. Having alienated Audrey and Gail with her blackmail attempt, Kylie faces a struggle to get the pair back on side in time for a visit from social services, who need to determine whether she and David can provide a stable upbringing for her son.

Following her interview with the authorities, Kylie is finally allowed to see Max on his birthday - but it seems that her journey may be only just beginning as she soon realises that winning back his trust is going to be harder than she thought…

Digital Spy recently caught up with Paula Lane, who plays Kylie, to hear her thoughts on the latest storyline twists and more.

Now that her attempts to blackmail Audrey have backfired, does Kylie regret what went on?
"I think she does regret it, because ultimately I don't think Kylie ever really had the intention of broadcasting Marc's secret to everyone - she was just pushing it as far as she could. Also, Kylie does have respect for Audrey as she knows from David that Audrey shares some similarities with her because of her background. So Kylie does regret what happened because she likes Audrey. She certainly respects her more than she does Gail."

Is David shocked when he returns home and finds out what Kylie's been up to?
"He's not shocked at all, he thinks it's hilarious, which was quite funny to film! I think David probably would have done exactly the same thing as Kylie. When he finds out about it, he wants to see the footage of Marcia himself but she's deleted it!"

The storyline with Max really picks up the pace this week. Does Kylie genuinely want him back now, or is she just going along with what David wants?
"I think Kylie does genuinely want him back now. David has really boosted her confidence as far as motherhood's concerned, and she just feels like she's able to do it now. She's got the family network there and she's got the support - not only from David but from Gail too. I think Kylie will try to be on her best behaviour and do things right for once."

Does Kylie and David's meeting with the social worker go well?
"It does! They get a bit carried away with themselves and a little bit too eager at times, but that's just because of how young they are - they're getting ahead of themselves a little bit. I think they're just excited and they really want to show that they're going to do this as a team, as a mum and a dad. Kylie is trusting David and allowing him to share that responsibility, and Gail is going to grin and bear it for David's sake!"

How do things go when Kylie visits Max on his birthday?
"It starts off not too bad - she goes in very happy and very determined that she's going to win him round. But then she realises that children are more complicated than she thought. Kylie just didn't realise how sensitive children can be, and even though Max was only 4 or 5 when this situation all started to kick off, it's really affected him quite badly. Max has spent so much time being passed from pillar to post, and I think it really shocks Kylie when she talks to the social worker and she's told that this will really take time. She realises that the past can't just be erased and everything isn't going to be perfect straight away."

Kylie also decides that she really wants to provide a stable income for Max and starts her own nail business, so would you say this week's episodes are a turning point for her?
"Definitely, and it's David who instigates it after being away on his business course. As Kylie has been sacked from the salon, David has this light-bulb idea that she could set up a business on her own. Kylie takes some time to think about it and decides it would be brilliant. She's always had a business head on her anyway, and she's always been in control. So Kylie goes ahead full-throttle! She has to plead with Audrey to give her some materials to get started, but then she goes off and Carla is her first customer - Kylie does her nails. She's really chuffed that she's managed to start a business on her own."

Whatever happens moving forward, is it important for you to keep Kylie's sharp edge?
"Yes - I don't think that can ever really leave her, even if it's just a trip of the tongue. Kylie often doesn't think before she speaks! I think she'll gradually get some more social awareness about her, because she's in the family situation now and she's got to keep the peace with people on the street. But I think it's important that she keeps an edge to her and people will always have to be a little bit wary of her, I think!"

If Kylie does get Max back full-time, will she cut down on her boozing and nights out?
"I'd like to say that she'd cut down on it, but I think she'd take advantage of full babysitting facilities at the Platts' and have the odd night out! A leopard never changes its spots, but at the same time, I'd be very disappointed in Kylie if she didn't give things a go at the start. I think her priority is Max at the minute and she will try. We did see the scene at the Bistro where Kylie promised David that she'd cut down on the nights out, but will she be true to her word? We'll just have to wait and see!"

Have you ever found it difficult to play the coldness that Kylie has had towards Max at times?
"It's been incredibly difficult. I've spoken in the past about how I love children and I could never imagine anyone doing that to a child, but since then, funnily enough I've watched programmes and documentaries about people who have been in care and things like that. It's just the pitfalls of life and some people have a really hard time of it. I think if you've not received love yourself, it's sometimes hard to express it to someone else, and that's where Kylie has really struggled - with motherhood and with responsibility. She messed up big style, and she's really lucky that she's managed to find someone who loves her and who's prepared to carry her through it."

You've been at Coronation Street for over a year now. How would you sum up your experience so far?
"As a real rollercoaster of emotions! The great thing is that you never know what the writers are going to come up with, so it's surprising for you as the actor because you don't see it coming. I'm really proud to be on Corrie for starters, and to keep getting great storylines is just amazing. As an actress, I feel like I've been pushed in the right direction and I think the character is going to do well on the street. I'm just very flattered that they like me and I can stay for a bit longer!"Here, though, Soap Scoop presents some additional bonus snippets from Paula…

Before Becky leaves, would you like Kylie to get involved with her storylines a bit more again?
"I personally would, yes. I think it's important as Kylie does have that family tie on the street and I don't think it should be forgotten. I imagine the writers will do something with that. I haven't read any scripts yet which say that, but we'll just to have to see. Kylie and Becky did have a connection when they were younger but then things became difficult between them when Becky moved out. I think something does have to be tied up there, definitely."

It seemed like Kylie could get on better terms with Gail after breaking down in front of her a few weeks ago, but now things have turned sour again. Are you glad that it hasn't been plain sailing for them?
"I think this is the thing - there's always going to be ups and downs, and I think that's true to life. I think Kylie is too temperamental at the minute and it'd be too much of a cliché for her to just be nice all the time, as she's got too many hang-ups and she's too disturbed for that. And it'd be no fun for the viewers if we were just playing happy families all the time!"

That scene with Gail seemed to get a big reaction from viewers, didn't it?
"I was really glad about that. It was nice that people got to see a different side to my acting and to Kylie's personality. I was really chuffed when that script came out and I got the opportunity to perform that with Helen Worth. I'm really pleased as the reaction to that was just phenomenal and it's still happening now - people are still tweeting me about that scene!"

We also saw some comedy from Kylie recently as she caused chaos at the salon…
"That was great to do - it was so much fun, especially doing the head massage with Patti Clare, who plays Mary! Corrie's great at doing comedy, so when you get a slice of that alongside all the harder stuff, it's really good and makes Kylie a really all-round part for me."

Surprisingly, Kylie and David seem to have brought out the best in each other in some ways, haven't they?
"They have, and I didn't expect it to be as good as it has been. I was really, really pleased when they put us together, but you just never know how it's going to go or how the audience is going to react. But the reaction has just been fantastic. We're a really good team, me and Jack - we work well together and it's very professional. It's great when we can both push each other really far and get the best out of each other. And I think that's what the characters do as well."

10-09-2011, 10:50
Interview in Belfast Telegraph
By Jane Hardy
Saturday Sep 10 2011

The celebrity firing the metaphorical starting gun for this autumn's RunHer at Stormont on October 9 will be none other than the hussy who lives at No 9 Coronation Street - Kylie Platt.

Or rather, the actress behind the rather wonderful slap, Yorkshire-born Paula Lane. And 25-year-old Paula says there's a real bonus in looking like Kylie at work.

She said: "When I get a new make-up girl I always say: 'Make it really messy, like yesterday's make-up, with eye gum.' Then when people see me out of character they say: 'Don't you look lovely?'"

Paula made clear that, although in the pantheon of bad girls in soaps Kylie comes near the top, there's more to her than fecklessness.

Even when Kylie sold her baby Max to sister Becky for a cool £20,000, there was a reason.

The actress explained: "I had to dig deep and work out what there was about this girl that made her resistant to maternal love. It was all because she hadn't had proper love herself."

Paula admitted to having thoroughly enjoyed playing opposite the baby actor, Harry.

She said: "He's got gorgeous big blue eyes and I did get emotional sometimes. I'd love a Harry of my own, but all in good time."

Paula is looking forward to RunHer - a female-only running event, held at Stormont, where ladies choose to take part in either a 5K or 10K race - as she is fit in both senses.

"I'm a keen runner and I take private ballet lessons, as it's something I missed out on," she said.

Although this will be Paula's first visit to Northern Ireland, she has been in the Republic before.

"I love Ireland," she said.

"Somewhere along the line, I've got some Irish blood in me - a sixth of a quarter, but it counts!"

Paula has been a Corrie fan since she was a girl growing up in Hebden Bridge.

She said: "I knew all the characters from Jack and Vera onwards.

"Coronation Street was totally famous in my household.

"And my mum Anne was thrilled when I got the part, but protective. She encourages me to keep my feet on the ground."

Paula has not let her mother down.

While not revealing her salary - she said it's "comfortable, not life-changing" - she lives a normal life.

She has bought a period property in Manchester where she will live with actor boyfriend Tom.

"It's a project and I'll be buying all those property magazines."

Paula is glad that RunHer is supporting the Cash for Kids charity as children's causes are close to her heart.

She explained: "I am an ambassador for Henshaw's charity, which supports blind children."

And what does the future hold for Paula and for Kylie?

The down-to-earth actress said: "For myself, I'd just like to stay happy and well and not get caught up in the celebrity world.

"And for Kylie, I want to keep her as bold and big as I can - I don't want her to dilute into an Emily Nugent figure."

Before all of that, Paula is heading to Las Vegas with her grandmother Margaret (73).

"Nana and I are going to Vegas - not to gamble, but on a tour, to see the Grand Canyon and everything."

So she's not totally unshowbusiness after all.


Paula was born in Yorkshire and brought up in Hebden Bridge
She trained at the Central School of Speech and Drama in London
The year after graduating in 2008, Paula made her professional debut in Heartbeat.
Since then she has had roles in medical soaps Doctors and The Royal, before joining Coronation Street on August 26, 2010.

24-01-2014, 00:40
oronation Street star Paula Lane has signed a new contract with the soap.

The actress - who plays Kylie Platt in the ITV programme - has revealed that she will remain on the show for another year.

Paula Lane as Kylie Platt.

Announcing the news on her Twitter page, Lane wrote: "So it's confirmed I'm stopping on't cobbles for another year from this summer. #bringiton"

The actress joined the soap in 2010 as the half-sister of Becky McDonald (Katherine Kelly). Her character later went on to marry David Platt (Jack P Shepherd).

Lane has discussed Kylie's recent troubles and insisted that the mum-of-two would "bounce back" in 2014.

She explained: "She is that kind of character that can pick herself up and start again. She is quite robust because of her upbringing - she has got fight left in her."

Last year, the actress told Digital Spy that she was happy on Coronation Street and had no plans to leave in the near future.

She said: "I'm an actress and I've spent three years at drama school, so of course I've got desires to do other things in the future.

"But at the moment, all of my concentration is on this job and I've got no desire to leave at present. I'm really happy with what the writers have given me, and I want to make Kylie even bigger and better. With that in mind, there's definitely no departure on the cards for me just yet!"