View Full Version : Where The Heart Is

21-06-2005, 02:16
Where the heart is, returns on Sunday at 8pm for another series, incase anyone watches it, and wanted to know :cool:

21-06-2005, 10:38
Yah and Tommy from coronatio street will be returning to it later in the series. I am glad I loved him in it.

21-06-2005, 11:15
yeah. I love this programme. Its like an escape into a fictional world perfect for a sunday evening. Is Denise Van Outen in this series cause it looks like her on the advert

21-06-2005, 17:48
yeha i like it as well lol the blonde boy he is a fittie xxx

22-06-2005, 10:38
oh year is his name danny or something. He really is fit!!!

22-06-2005, 18:51
He's called Joe.

23-06-2005, 09:54
yeh i remember hes called joe but is played by danny stewart

03-07-2005, 13:03

Does anybody know who sings the song featured on the adverts for the start of the new series, think it's called Other side of the world??


03-07-2005, 17:22
no sorry i cant help you there it is a nice song though

03-07-2005, 18:01

Does anybody know who sings the song featured on the adverts for the start of the new series, think it's called Other side of the world??

ThanksKT tunstall :)

15-08-2005, 20:38
I think lukes quite fit, i don't know his real name though, who does??

samantha nixon
15-08-2005, 22:36
luke is played by christian cooke and i love where the heart is i think its great

16-08-2005, 09:14
Its brill - have watched it since the days of Peggy Snow!!! Its a little bit of escapism for a sunday evening

Johnny Allen
16-08-2005, 14:32
Its brill - have watched it since the days of Peggy Snow!!! Its a little bit of escapism for a sunday evening

Yeah I love watching it on Sunday evenings with a mug of tea.

16-08-2005, 14:54
perfect sunday evening drama. Its ending soon :(.

an ideal programme to put your feet up to and enjoy. The clip for next weeks epi looks good.

Keating's babe
16-08-2005, 15:07
I love WTHI and it's nice to watch something that is not all about violence. I must admit though I'm starting to miss Tom. :wub:

16-08-2005, 16:49
I love WTHI and it's nice to watch something that is not all about violence. I must admit though I'm starting to miss Tom. :wub:I think its a shame Tom's gone, but I'm glad that the show has carried on, and is still as good as it ever was - it hasn't lost any of that magic yet.....don't know if I am looking forward to next week though, especially after the clip and having read the rags about what happens...

samantha nixon
16-08-2005, 18:44
is it the last episode this week

17-08-2005, 09:34
I'm not sure if its this week or next. Its definitely coming up though and I have a feeling it is this week..

17-08-2005, 10:03
no i'm pretty sure that this sunday (21st) is the one before the last episode, because i think i read in the radio times that last weeks was the 8th episode out of 10. If that makes any sense.

18-08-2005, 10:26
Yep, you're right, I checked. This episode on Sunday is 9/10....

samantha nixon
18-08-2005, 16:32
just to let you no georgia moffett and samantha giles are in ok magazine this week they arent in much but

23-08-2005, 17:24
Did anyone see this weeks episode - I cried when Sally died, she knew she was going to - it was awful. At least the baby was ok though. Mind you, that was the quickest pregnancy I have ever known!!!!

23-08-2005, 18:18
OMG yes i saw it, it was sooo sad, i cried :(

Next ep is gonna be worse i think with her funeral. It kinda upset me more as i had just found out one of my old friends mum died on Thurs, and my friend turns 21 in a couple of weeks, its so sad.

23-08-2005, 18:20
i love where the heart is and is upset that it is nearly finished and the death of one of the nurses (sorry i forgot her name she used to play bernice)

25-08-2005, 14:30
OMG yes i saw it, it was sooo sad, i cried :(

Next ep is gonna be worse i think with her funeral. It kinda upset me more as i had just found out one of my old friends mum died on Thurs, and my friend turns 21 in a couple of weeks, its so sad.The funeral is going to be awful - and when Nathan told Megan, that was what really started me off. That and when Billy was being ushered away from her and he just kept saying, I love you, I love you :crying:

I'm sorry to hear about your friends mum... :(

25-08-2005, 14:36
its so sad i cried when she was all floppy getting carried out of the building. Next episode going to be awful. I need to get a supply of kleenex

25-08-2005, 14:40
When she was saying to Billy, please take (youngest) out for the day, just the two of you, for me....omg I was getting so upset - he was saying, don't you go Sal etc, and I was sat here blubbing, and trying not to cause of hubby sat right next to me!!

25-08-2005, 15:09
Ive never really liked Samantha Giles the actress who plays her, but she played the role really well. I think the worst thing was the fact she saved the babies life but sacraficed hers, and your right about her telling her hubby to make sure he takes their youngest out!

I cant deal with sad storylines, i get way to emotional, i think the funerals are always the worst part of it, it just makes me think if that ever happened to me, its a horrible though though, but you cant help thinking it. Ill be tuning in on Sunday though

25-08-2005, 15:21
I don't like the accents that Samantha Giles and oh, crikey, Billy, whats he called again, anyway, I don't like the accents that they are using and to some extent, didn't really like their characters but it was good in the way that she sacrificed herself for Rachel - all parents/grandparents would do the same, at least I know I would.

I don't do sad very well, especially with my current hormones! I cry at the drop of a hat anyway, so you can imagine what I was like on Sunday. But I shall be watching the last episode, definitely.

samantha nixon
25-08-2005, 17:02
i think it was a great episode but so sad and the funerals gonna be even sadder

25-08-2005, 21:16
Does anyone know if this is the last series, i dont think it is , but i just want to know, as i know sundays is the last episode of this series.
Im so badly gonna cry at the funeral, all soaps keep doing is killing people of, if leo from ee's death wasnt bad enough!!!!!

samantha nixon
25-08-2005, 21:18
its not the last one as in an interview with georgia she was saying about the next series

25-08-2005, 21:34
episode was sad, had to hold in the tears as was sat in living room with my mam and dad! it was sad and emotional episode

samantha nixon
25-08-2005, 21:39
i no as i was away i was watching it with my mum and dad otherwise usually if i no its gonna be sad i watch it on my own

31-08-2005, 07:36
I missed the last two episodes can anyone fill me in??

31-08-2005, 10:33
OMG :eek: can't believe you missed it Luna - Megan had the baby a little girl, Rachel. There was a power cut so they were all using candles and one of the candles set the booth's house on fire - they all got out, but sally went back in to save the baby, the firemen got the baby and sally collapsed and she died!!!!!

It was her funeral in the last episode at the beginning and then it was about a woman who wanted to adopt (I think it was adopt) but she had growth problems so they weren't sure about approving it ....... did that help??

31-08-2005, 10:44
I missed the funeral!!! I was bathing my pony lol, im gutted though i really wanted to watch that ep, i caught the last 15 mins

31-08-2005, 10:46
OMG :eek: can't believe you missed it Luna - Megan had the baby a little girl, Rachel. There was a power cut so they were all using candles and one of the candles set the booth's house on fire - they all got out, but sally went back in to save the baby, the firemen got the baby and sally collapsed and she died!!!!!

It was her funeral in the last episode at the beginning and then it was about a woman who wanted to adopt (I think it was adopt) but she had growth problems so they weren't sure about approving it ....... did that help??

Wow thats brillaint em thanks for that :bow:

cant believe i missed all that :eek:

31-08-2005, 10:56
It was so good - I'm glad the funeral was at the very beginning though, cause it gave me 45 mins to recover!!!

Crazy Gal 88
31-08-2005, 10:56
does anyone know if kim and danny stay together?

31-08-2005, 13:06
i dont know but he did say he loved her which was really cute.

Crazy Gal 88
31-08-2005, 19:39
i know!!! i was like 'Ahhhhh' her moustache did make me laugh though!!! but i felt sorry for him when she didnt say it back. i always feel sorry for people when someone says they love them and then they dont say it back!

samantha nixon
31-08-2005, 19:42
i think they stay together and i also think alice and nathan should be together rather than alice and joe

31-08-2005, 20:20
Hiya, i was just wondering if someone could help, as i really want some autographs, especially christian cookes!So i was just wondering if someone coul help me.
luv sheree

samantha nixon
01-09-2005, 12:12
well there are agents addresses you can write to as ive been looking and i cant find an actual where the heart is address as that is what i want aswell

20-09-2005, 20:55
Oh ok thanks, i'll try looking for agents addresses!

samantha nixon
23-10-2005, 15:41
georgia moffett who plays alice harding has quit wthi as she wants to go on to play more challenging roles

26-10-2005, 08:53
it is a good program when is it coming back on

01-11-2005, 20:00
Yer i want to know when its coming back on!

samantha nixon
01-11-2005, 20:28
its probably some time in may or after as it was around then last year

15-07-2006, 18:12
Its back again in Sunday at 9 oclock, must figure out how to work out my tape recorder. Also i think Shobna guliati is in this series as a new nurse.

15-07-2006, 19:10
Shes joining halfway through the series. Not sure what to think about that yet, as I didn't really like her in Corrie, but we shall see :D

16-07-2006, 09:47
Didn't realise that,um not sure about it either, still we shall see.
Glad that another series has been made.

16-07-2006, 09:54
I hope Shobna doesn't play the same sort of character as she did in Corrie. I was never keen on her in that. :thumbsdow

16-07-2006, 09:57
Personally i think this got rubbish when Pam Ferris left but i carried on watching because i quite liked Anna and looking back on it at that time it was still good compared to how it got after Anna had Amy, didnt think much of last series but i did watch it when i could be bothered, not sure if i should bother this time specially if that woman from Corrie plans to join later on but ill try it tonight if i remember and see what i think

16-07-2006, 10:03
I've always enjoyed WTHI, even after the sad departure of Pam Ferris. Its just a great easy to watch programme that I can sit and relax after eating a big Sunday roast and let my tea go down whilst drinking a nice glass of wine. I enjoyed the last series, and shed a tear when Sally died, even though her character hadn't been in it for very long.

But I'm really not sure about Shobna - I didn't like her in Corrie and really hope she doesn't spoil my enjoyment of this show

16-07-2006, 10:36
I've always enjoyed WTHI, even after the sad departure of Pam Ferris. Its just a great easy to watch programme that I can sit and relax after eating a big Sunday roast and let my tea go down whilst drinking a nice glass of wine. I enjoyed the last series, and shed a tear when Sally died, even though her character hadn't been in it for very long.

But I'm really not sure about Shobna - I didn't like her in Corrie and really hope she doesn't spoil my enjoyment of this show

That's how I feel about it to, a nice relaxing type of drama, plus Andy Paul is in it whom I like (used to be in the Bill) I welled up a bit when Sally died.
I agree with the comments about Shobna.

16-07-2006, 12:27
That's how I feel about it to, a nice relaxing type of drama, plus Andy Paul is in it whom I like (used to be in the Bill) I welled up a bit when Sally died.
I agree with the comments about Shobna. It will be interesting to see how his character copes this series following the loss of his wife. I shed a few tears when she died thats for sure.

16-07-2006, 12:33
Just been looking on IMBD, can you believe this has been on nearly 10 years

16-07-2006, 12:36
Scary isn't it Chris! But its never dulled with me. But then Heartbeat is now in its 15th series.

16-07-2006, 12:42
It will be interesting to see how his character copes this series following the loss of his wife. I shed a few tears when she died thats for sure.

Yeh thats why i wanna watch tonight to see how he is and how the rest of them are but i bet i forget

16-07-2006, 15:15
i love it, i rememebr watching when i was really little and im always a sucker for drama. Last series ended so well with the death of Sally and Megans Baby. I think Shobna should be ok, anyone better then that plank Denise van Outen, thank God we only have half a series to put up with her.

16-07-2006, 17:30
did i read somewhere that Georga Moffett used to be in where the heart is?? does anyone know who she used to play or what her character was like? is she still in the show?

16-07-2006, 17:58
isnt she oazis hardings daughter Alice

16-07-2006, 22:58
i love it, i rememebr watching when i was really little and im always a sucker for drama. Last series ended so well with the death of Sally and Megans Baby. I think Shobna should be ok, anyone better then that plank Denise van Outen, thank God we only have half a series to put up with her. The baby didn't die though did she? I was sure she was ok and only Sally died.

Georgina Moffett was Ozias Hardings daughter - I don't know whether shes in this series or not (I haven't watched tonights yet as I sky+'d it (was watching Silent Witness :D )

17-07-2006, 10:52
Its a new Megan, i quite liked the old one. It was so good so glad its back. The new nurse is great, she looks really familier and i think i recognise her from somewhere but i really cant think where.

18-07-2006, 08:32
The new nurse is great, she looks really familier and i think i recognise her from somewhere but i really cant think where.
It's bugging me too. At first I thought that it maybe Nikki from casualty, then I thought no but she looks very like her. I don't recogniose the name on the creds either only her face.

Good episode and I thought it was funny when Samantha asked Brian if they could all move in together. I can see some very commical moments coming up:)

18-07-2006, 08:33
But then Heartbeat is now in its 15th series.

Another easy going drama which I love. Enod of series was very sad:(

18-07-2006, 14:34
Didnt think much of Sunday's episode, thought Alfie was probably the best thing in it i was totally bored but wasnt it all sweet with the party thing

18-07-2006, 14:39
I know, it was so lovelry and unrealistic. I though it was so sweet when he said to Zoe teh new nurse wilol you be my big brother.

18-07-2006, 14:42
I know, it was so lovelry and unrealistic. I though it was so sweet when he said to Zoe teh new nurse wilol you be my big brother.

Yeh that was sweet i liked the party, it was the only good thing that happened, but i didnt get why he had a panic attack :searchme:

18-07-2006, 15:10
I think it was because he found the invite that he had sent to his dad and he didnt know why it had not been sent.

18-07-2006, 15:55
I think it was because he found the invite that he had sent to his dad and he didnt know why it had not been sent.

Oh i thought he was just looking at pics of his dad i never saw him find the invite but that makes sense now

samantha nixon
18-07-2006, 16:26
the one who plays the new nurse i thought she was like kelly harrison aswell but her names andrea lowe and shes been in the bill, no angels, murder city, peak practice and some other stuff

24-07-2006, 10:54
It was all a bit silly last night. The lads at the cooking class was quite funny. I was surprised at how good Matthew Kelly was in it last night as well.

24-07-2006, 12:56
Yeah Matthew Kelly was pretty good, I saw him a few years a go in a play called "Of Mice and Men" (we had to see it with school), and he played a character quite simular to Barry and he was really good in that.
I'm liking Zoe too, it's quite good to see a young nurse within the practise and plus there will be another one soon when Kim goes.

24-07-2006, 13:59
I cant wait for DVO to go, she is so awful whoever told the woman that she can act, as she really cant. I think Matthew Kelly won awards for his role in of mice and men, however he is quite a strange looking bloke without his beard.

24-07-2006, 15:18
More Alfie :cheer: again best thing in it i may have to not watch next week if Alfie is going to be the only good thing in the series its not going to be very good.

Johnny Allen
30-07-2006, 23:31
the best thing going on at the moment is Jack Ellis a.k.a Jim Fenner and Brian Capron a.k.a Richard Hillman up against each other its like the clash of the titans.

31-07-2006, 10:07
I know, but every time i look at him i see fenner. I hope the dont shut the factory down wheres every one going to work :hmm: :hmm: I didnt think much to mark moraghan at first i thought it was the character he was playing but then i realised how much i hated him in Holby City. Loved Cady playing the stroppy teenager.

31-07-2006, 14:44
I love the way you can just sit down and watch this drama on a sunday night. I really liked the way Cady was and the way Danny talked to her. I also liked Nathan last night, he was trying to do everything his mum used to do so his dad didn't have to do it. Him with his apron on now that was funny.
Really liking Zoe too, it's good to see a bubbley young nurse working in the (quite) area.

31-07-2006, 14:57
i know i thought that was so sweet, the way he was doing all the cleaning and stuff. My mum made me laugh last night abouit the new nurse. Not only does she ride a bike she is the bike.

22-08-2006, 10:14
CAnt believe that new nurse killed the woman it was only her first week. Blimey. Also megan proposing to Luke!!!!!.

22-08-2006, 13:01
I dont think she killed her, i think she just stopped giving her the medicine which the patient wanted

samantha nixon
22-08-2006, 14:05
didnt she inject her with something as she was putting a needle away in a box

22-08-2006, 16:40
I thought that she injeccted her but i could be wrong.

22-08-2006, 17:34
Ooops maybe she did, i think i may have missed that bit lol

11-10-2006, 23:45
SKELTHWAITE is no more.

TV series Where The Heart Is is being scrapped after a decade on screen.

Fans are in shock after producers announced that it is the end of the road for the drama.

No more will they see scenes filmed in Marsden, Slaithwaite, Meltham and other villages.

It's farewell to characters such as Anna Kirkwall, played by Lesley Dunlop.

The episode which went out on September 10 was the final one to be screened.

Programme makers are wielding the axe after viewing figures fell for the nine episodes of the last series.

An ITV spokeswoman said: "Where the Heart Is has been a very successful series for ITV1. But the decision has been taken in order to create some flexibility for new programme ideas in that 8pm Sunday night slot alongside Heartbeat, The Royal and Wild at Heart."

Early programmes featured Pam Ferris and Sarah Lancashire as district nurses.

Later, Leslie Ash and Denise Van Outen were in the cast.

Former Coronation Street star Shobna Gulati joined the series this year.

From a production base at Armitage Bridge, cast and crew made annual forays into the Colne and Holme valleys.

Producer Ian Hopkins today paid tribute to the legions of loyal fans.

He said: "I am sorry to have to announce that Where The Heart Is has been cancelled.

"I would like to thank you all for your support for the programme over the last 10 years."

The programme proved to be a money-spinner for the locations where it was filmed.

Underbank Rangers Rugby League Club at Holmfirth received hundreds of pounds a time for scenes shot there.

Lesley Dunlop came to like the area so much that she moved to Scholes, near Holmfirth.

Other big names to have appeared were Philip Middlemiss, Tony Haygarth, former Emmerdale star Samantha Giles and former Corrie star Brian Capron.

Factory scenes were shot at the UK Disposables site in Meltham and the health centre scenes were filmed in Marsden.

11-10-2006, 23:53
:eek: Nooooo.

Scrap The Royal and Heartbeat, not Where the Heart is!! What on earth are they thinking?!?! Idiots!!! :angry:

Ems is not happy about this :angry:

12-10-2006, 21:11
about time ITV axed this awful peice of drama, but I'd rather they got rid of Heartbeat and The Royale first, sunday nights on ITV are a borefest for the over 60s when Heartbeat and The Royal are on.

I was never a fan of Where The Heart Is, but it was better than them too, even so cant say id too bothered about it being axed, lets hope ITV fill the slot with a good new drama.

12-10-2006, 22:27
How about lets wish they hadn't cancelled it! It was a great piece of easy watching for a Sunday night - unlike The Royal, and Heartbeat which are both long past their sell by date. Where the Heart is still had plenty of storylines that could have been shown etc and I for one am darn upset its been cancelled like this.

12-10-2006, 22:45
Cue floods of WTHI cast moving to Heartbeat and The Royal aka Heartbeat-on-Sea.

12-10-2006, 22:59
awwwwww I enjoyed it. Sad to see it go

12-10-2006, 23:03
One thing I couldn't stand was the theme tune.

12-10-2006, 23:18
lets hope ITV fill the slot with a good new drama.
Nope they will replace it with 'glorious' reality TV shows like 'The Specs Factor', 'Mop Idol', 'Celebrity on Canvey Island' and 'I'm a Pawnbroker Get Me Out of Here'. :rolleyes:

Surely Heart-miss-a-beat deserved the chop over this show.

12-10-2006, 23:31
Nope they will replace it with 'glorious' reality TV shows like 'The Specs Factor', 'Mop Idol', 'Celebrity on Canvey Island' and 'I'm a Pawnbroker Get Me Out of Here'. :rolleyes:

Surely Heart-miss-a-beat deserved the chop over this show. Heartbeat and The Royal are good Sunday night Fodder. They have plenty of other crap they could get rid of

12-10-2006, 23:45
I went off Heartbeat once the great Nick Berry left, but that's a different subject altogether.

13-10-2006, 14:32
I cant believe they have axed it, i mean i thought it was a perfect Sunday night drama. It was the only 8 pm ITV thing programme that i would watch. I hope they find someting to replace it with.

one thing though, Where are all these ex soapstars going to get roles if WTHI has been given the chop/

13-10-2006, 14:42
Either to Heartbeat or The Royale.