View Full Version : London riots

08-08-2011, 22:59

Unbelievable, Shocking, Upsetting, Atrocious, Sickening

Have been watching the live reports on sky news website and it is really disheartening to see all of this happening both in numerous areas of London as well as some trouble in Birmingham most upsetting was hearing the two brothers who ran the furniture store as it burned down about how it had been in their family for five generations and the building had been there since 1867 and they'd lost everything.

Latest 10:55pm
Sky producer Anton Toloui is in Ealing. Reports that restaurants smashed, bricks thrown, even charity shops attacked. Riot vans just arrived in Ealing - more scuffles.

Approx 200 youngsters on Ealing Broadway scuffling with police. Some smashed windows already


09-08-2011, 05:56
Very upsetting to watch, riots now spread to Liverpool and Bristol too. I ca't get my head around why some folk decide to loot, burn other people's property, smash cars, set fire to buildings :wall:

09-08-2011, 11:02
I don't have english channels sorted here yet but I know these are going one.. but have no clue why?? anyone want to fill me?

09-08-2011, 11:47
Shiv it all kicked off over the weekend,, Kim and I are still trying to figure out what happened,,, come over to our house we will watch tv here :-P

09-08-2011, 12:07
I don't have english channels sorted here yet but I know these are going one.. but have no clue why?? anyone want to fill me?

Father of four was killed by armed officers in Ferry Lane in Tottenham, north London, on Thursday

The man who was shot by police, sparking the wave of rioting that has hit London, died of a single gunshot wound to the chest, an inquest has heard.

Mark Duggan was killed by armed officers in Ferry Lane in Tottenham, north London, on Thursday after they stopped the minicab he was in to carry out an arrest as part of a pre-planned operation.

An inquest, which began on Tuesday morning at North London coroner's court, in High Barnet, heard that the 29-year-old father of four died of a single gunshot wound to the chest. He was pronounced dead at 6.41pm on Thursday evening.

Colin Sparrow, the deputy senior investigator for the Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC), told the brief hearing that the organisation's "complex investigation" could take four to six months.

The coroner for the northern district of Greater London, Andrew Walker, adjourned the hearing until 12 December, when a pre-inquest review will be held.

Walker told members of Duggan's family, including his fiancee, Semone Wilson: "Can I just offer my deepest sympathies to the family of Mark Duggan.

"As members of the family will know, in due course there will be an inquest touching the death of Mark Duggan and this is the first stage in that process.

"Of course, as well as offering our deepest sympathies to members of the family, I would like to reassure members of the family that we will be working closely with the IPCC throughout the process."


09-08-2011, 12:28
Nothing justifies this Criminal Behaviour.

Strange they looted Currys, JJB Sports and Carphone Warehouse but left places like Waterstones alone.

Lets hope that the Met ditch their touchy feely PC policeing and deal with these Criminal Thugs in a Robust Manner. Its only sheer luck that no-one has died yet. They have cost the country tens of million of pounds and hundereds of jobs.

09-08-2011, 12:31
I thought it was because United lost to City at weekend :p

09-08-2011, 12:46
Mr Duggan's death occurred during an operation where specialist firearms officers were attempting to carry out an arrest.

The 29-year-old, a passenger in a minicab, was shot after an apparent exchange of fire with the officers from Operation Trident, the unit which deals with gun crime in the African and Caribbean communities.

A police officer's radio was later found to have a bullet lodged in it.

The IPCC immediately announced it would investigate the incident and later said it believed that two shots had been fired by police.

It also confirmed that an illegal firearm was recovered from the scene. (BBC News)

Doubts have emerged over whether Mark Duggan, whose death at the hands of police sparked the weekend's Tottenham riots, was killed during an exchange of fire .

The Guardian understands that initial ballistics tests on a bullet, found lodged in a police radio worn by an officer during Thursday's incident, suggested it was police issue – and therefore had not been fired by Duggan.

On Saturday night 26 police officers were injured, eight requiring hospital treatment, in clashes with around 300 rioters in Tottenham that saw buildings and vehicles torched, shops looted and residents forced to flee their homes.

Police have arrested 55 people as a major investigation began into the escalation of violence, which followed a peaceful demonstration to demand "justice" for Duggan, 29, a father of four shot dead on Thursday evening after being stopped in a taxi near Tottenham Hale. The Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC) has launched an inquiry into the shooting.

(The Guardian, 8 August 2011)

I now know a little more what happened, however I fail to see why this incident should get people behaving like total idiots and become criminals, endangering lives, destroying property and livelihoods and threatening innocent people trying to do their job to earn a living.

09-08-2011, 13:02
I only hope that our parkerman on here and other London residents are safe and sound, I have family in some parts, still need to find out whether they are ok or not. :(

09-08-2011, 15:39
It is spreading around the country now, we had riots in Bristol last night. It's time they got tough with these mindless thugs and turned the water cannons on them, I doubt they would like getting soaked!! They could also get the armed forces in to help the police as they just don't have the equipment or manpower to deal with these riots.

09-08-2011, 17:26
It is spreading around the country now, we had riots in Bristol last night. It's time they got tough with these mindless thugs and turned the water cannons on them, I doubt they would like getting soaked!! They could also get the armed forces in to help the police as they just don't have the equipment or manpower to deal with these riots.

Here in Germany, the water cannons would have been out on the streets on Saturday, Sunday at the latest. Problem is now, they can't be on every street in every town in UK where some morons decide it is great fun to trash their neighbourhood. :angry:

09-08-2011, 19:50
I only hope that our parkerman on here and other London residents are safe and sound, I have family in some parts, still need to find out whether they are ok or not. :(

Thanks Perdy, but I'm not a London resident. I live in sunny Clacton-on-Sea.

But it was a bit scary last night watching the live broadcast on TV as they were in Hackney, where I was born and bred and I recognised the street they were actually filming in and know it well.

09-08-2011, 21:00
My family is safe also ,managed to make contact, but I hope it all calms down again now, this kind of action has to stop!!!

09-08-2011, 21:36
Some idiots on facebook posting pictures of themselves and their loot

It is time the police stopped this crap they need the armed forces

10-08-2011, 10:11
Learning yesterday morning, that they were going to riot last night in Manchester. I made sure my 15 year old was not out. Was not to pleased about having to stay in.

If they sent water cannons into the streets. When your kid comes in wet from top to toe, you would have a good idea where they had been.
Kids are doing this for the fun of it then posting photo's on face book. Parents cannot be blind to new thing appearing in their homes, which they have not bought.

The youth of today need jobs. All they see is foreigners taking the jobs which could be theirs. The government old and new have a lot to answer to, the state of the country is down to them.

The police stand by. While these people riot, because they are scared of being took to court after, for doing their job. Their hands are tied.

Nanny state, with the criminal and kids having the upper hand.
It all boils down to lack of discipline, respect for others, The first thing a kid says to a parent, teacher,or any adult. Trying to control their behaviour. Is I am going to report you to child line or the police.

The country in crises. If these politicians, homes were under attack. They would soon fetch in new laws, that would put an end to this sort of behaviour.


10-08-2011, 10:20
layla "The youth of today need jobs. All they see is foreigners taking the jobs which could be theirs"

i think this is a very unfair, unjust statement. A lot of these job foreigners are "taking" from these youths are generally low paid jobs and youths don't want them. Also employers have a lot to answer for too as they offered lower wages to foreigners than to nationals as most national know their rights. You cannot blame youths not getting jobs on foreigners. Also a lot of skilled jobs require another language which these kid who are rioting probably haven't got..

11-08-2011, 13:51
I thought it was because United lost to City at weekend :p

Not the first time i have heard that one!! also JD sports isnt being Looted its just the city fans putting their shirts back!

All joking aside, i think that it is awful whats going on, i went to pick my cousin up from work in Birmingham on monday and the city was a mess. I was feeling proud that it hadnt hit manchester but that didnt last ong and looters and rioters had hit there as well. However facebook had launched a clean up campaign and the city had been cleared up in like an hour and a bit so thats something to be proud of, there are still people who care. The downpour of rain seems to have stopped it as well for the time being.

I see that social networking has taken a hammering as that is how a lot of the info has spread but it was also the way some arrests have been made like the lad who was filmed setting miss selfridge on fire, he has since been arrested.

I feel for those three poor innocent people that were trying to help there communities in Birmingham and were killed for their efforts.

11-08-2011, 18:24
A man arrested for looting Liam Gallagher's clothing store Pretty Green has been sentenced to eight months in prison.

The Beady Eye frontman's store, located on King's Street in central Manchester, was looted on Tuesday night during the riots across the UK. Its windows were smashed, leading to the shop having its stock stolen.

Owen Flanagan, 28, from Levenshulme, pleaded guilty to two counts of burglary. He admitted to stealing clothing worth up to £175 and two electrical items.

It is currently not known if others will also be prosecuted for theft at the store. Courts around the UK are processing the multitude of cases of arrests following the riots.

A Sony warehouse, home to PIAS distribution, which handles releases from independent record labels, was torched during the riots in London on Monday night.

Good news!

11-08-2011, 23:33
theres beeen a few that manchester mags have sent up to the crown as they believe that they havent adaquete sentences! thats good news!

Chloe O'brien
14-08-2011, 02:29
Not having a job does not justify mindless thugs going around trashing people's lively hood that they have worked years to build up. There are many problems with young people of Britain today. 1 There is no jobs for them and apprenticeships pay sweetie money. Their parents get more Tax Credit for them than they would a wage. 2) They have no role models or proper structure. If young people have been brought up in homes were parents are dependent on welfare benefits yet still manage to clothes their children to in the latest designer gear then they're not going to bother trying to get a job. The problem with this country is that everyone is sh!t scared to take some authority. They would much rather pass the blame onto someone else. The jails are over run so they can't put them in prison so why not hit them were it hurts, arrest their benefits to pay for fines. We all know if we're late with council tax bills or overdrafts then they freeze our accounts why not do that with these scumbags stop their dole money or it they're under 16 bill the parents for their darling children's antics.

There was no rioting up here in Scotland although a couple of scumbags did try to start them on facebook, but you what my nephew has four photography shops in Scotland and if any of these animals tried to loot or destroy his livelyhood like what has been happening in England I would do time for kicking f**k out of them. There is no excuse for what they have done. Animals the lot of them

14-08-2011, 15:54
i went into dawsons (the music shop) and it was literally stripped bare, all the keyboards, electrial computer stuff, woodwind, brass, its shocking.

The courts are working overtime so thats good to get the convictions

Glad they seem to be over now.