View Full Version : behind the gossip

20-06-2005, 10:43
According to Craig, gossiping isn't something he does for fun, oh no, it's a way to protect himself from hurtful people.

The galloping gossip was forced to defend his bitchy nature when Makosi challenged him about his constant snide comments.

Life can be tough for a professional gossip. "Sometimes you don't gossip because you enjoy it," Craig said with a self-pitying sigh.

"I like to gossip about people as a shield against that person," he explained. "I talk about them so they can't hurt me," he told Makosi.

Makosi thinks that Craig has got a gossip problem and reckons that his constant sniping could get him into trouble, especially as the walls, mirrors and floors of the Big Brother House have eyes and ears.

"I want you not to forget that as much as I don't know what's happening at the pool now, someone out there who's watching does," she told Craig, reminding him that viewers might judge him for his overactive gossip gland.

"I can co-habitat and live with people, but I'm not going to pretend to be everyone's best friend," Craig told her. "People in here aren't my type of people and if I don't like someone I will say."

Haven't you always, Craig?